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3 Ways to Describe Your Business (You Need All 3!)

Do you feel tongue-tied when people ask what you do? If you had to, could you describe your business in one sentence?! 


Knowing EXACTLY how to describe your business is so important, and I’m going to give you a few different ways to do it!   


Think of this like clothing shopping … 


You walk into a fun boutique, and you're trying on an outfit. It’s SO cute! But, deep down, you know you're not going to wear it too often…


That’s what I see with so many business descriptions. They are a little forced and make people wonder, “Where exactly are they going with this?” 


I recommend people have a 3 different business descriptions. 


1) The Everyday Description


The first is the one you need to think of as your “everyday outfit.” It's something that's so YOU. 


You're comfortable in it and you can take it with you anywhere! You can remember this description so well it just rolls off your tongue. You can say it to anybody, and you feel good saying it. 


An example of this for my business is, “I help women get really clear on exactly which business to start and exactly what steps to take to make money quickly.” 


It’s short and sweet! Nobody, no matter what, would have a problem understanding it. It is the perfect description to have in your pocket that you can whip out. 


2) The Wow Description


But, sometimes you want to make people go WOW! That’s when you come up with a statement that’s a bit more descriptive with more impact. 


These types of descriptions can serve different people. A great example is somebody you have nurtured on your list, and you know they’re an ideal customer. You really want to drive it home about the value you can bring to them. This is an example of a “dressier” description.  


An example for me would be, “I’m a business coach that helps women get really clear on exactly what business they should start and then exactly the smartest and fastest way to actually make money, so they never have to worry about what they're doing.” 


(I am adding an additional qualifier from the very beginning by stating, “I'm a business coach.”) 


For this description, I added some “accessories.” But, it's still in the client language. It’s still something that an actual client would say. This type of description is so important when you're marketing online.  


3) The One-Word Description


Last, but not least, the third description is the opposite of dressing it up—this is when you strip it down. 


It’s the one foundational piece that is so versatile you can put it everywhere. It is the foundation of all your other outfits. It's so subtle, they may not even notice it. They wouldn't even realize you've worn this before…or that you wore it the day before! 


This is your one-word description.  


The one-word description is extremely important. Not necessarily for them to know, but it's so important for YOU to know. 


It’s a question of selling them what they want versus giving them what they need. With this last, one-word description, it’s really the thing they need that they may not even realize. 


For instance, in my business, that one thing is “peace.” I'm giving people peace of mind, so they don't have to worry. I alluded to that in the fancier description. I said they'll never have to worry about what they're doing.  


Knowing that I’m being REALLY clear on that, even if I'm not saying it to everybody out loud, helps me put that into so much language. (If you start to pay attention, you’ll see it!) 


Because I know that’s really what is needed. Right? Especially for my customers. That’s really what's needed when you're growing a business. You just need peace of mind… 


So, spend some good time thinking about what that ONE thing is that really describes your business and what you're selling - that core nugget. 


Again, you’ll want an everyday description that rolls off your tongue without a problem. It feels very comfortable for you!  


After you’ve determined this, then think about that fancier description where you're really splashing out and making people say WOW! 


And finally the one-word description that highlights what you’re REALLY selling.


Here’s to crafting and showcasing your stunning “wardrobe,”



P.S. Get my FREE guide “Idea to I Did It!” and learn the daily actions that will transform your idea into an actual, thriving business (including how to get away from that nasty to-do list!). Includes a sample schedule and checklist! Get it here.