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Ep# 110: Fail-safe Strategies for Supercharging Your Business Growth While Still Having a Life

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Ep# 110: Fail-safe Strategies for Supercharging Your Business Growth While Still Having a Life The Uncommon Way Business & Life Coaching Podcast with Jenna Harrison

Episode Summary

What if the secrets to supercharging your business growth will actually promote greater personal well-being, too?

In a world where hustle culture is glorified, many entrepreneurs feel that they must do more to achieve more. This episode challenges that notion by revealing powerful alternatives to help high-performing women entrepreneurs regain their lives and see better business results while leaning back and letting your business thrive rather than doing more.

In this episode you will: 

  1. Learn exactly what to do in which order--including the critical first step that most people miss--to give you more time to enjoy the life you’re about to build. 

  2. See what surprising revelations the latest discoveries in neuroscience reveal about your unchecked decision-making.

  3. Cultivate actionable strategies to identify and focus on the highest-leverage opportunities in your business, ensuring every effort counts toward your growth and well-being.

Don’t spend another day making your business more difficult than it has to be -- press play now  to start working wiser and living better.

Episodes mentioned:

Episode 2 -- 

Episode 22 -- 

Episode 108 –

Schedule a call with Jenna about joining the Clarity Accelerator to dial in signature offers and strategies and a first-rate mindset. 

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The Uncommon Way is led by business coach Jenna Harrison, who helps women entrepreneurs feel confident, find their ideal clients effortlessly and avoid overwork so they can manifest money and abundance in their business and life.

This podcast empowers female entrepreneurs to overcome imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and limiting beliefs through somatics, mindset, and spirituality, create 7-figure offers, and build an online coaching business with clarity and alignment.

Episode Transcription

Jenna Harrison: [00:00:00] What if you are this close to the next level of growth that you want to see in your business? And the way you'll get there is the very thing that lets you actually have a life.

You're listening to the Uncommon Way business and life coaching podcast, the podcast that helps women entrepreneurs get clear on signature offers and strategies that sell themselves so you can lean back and stop the hustle. You will learn to maximize your mindset, messaging, and strategy. And step into the uncommonly successful business and life you are creating.

Here's your host, top ranked business coach and reformed over analyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison.

Welcome, welcome back to the uncommon way. Today we are talking about what it actually takes [00:01:00] to lean back more and hustle less while still blowing your own mind with better business results. Which sounds nice, but if you're like I was and most of my clients are, you're a little skeptical. Because you have to do more to make more, right?

More content, more showing up, more networking, more, more, more. It turns out that there's a path to business growth that isn't all about doing. And, it's also the very thing that frees you up to actually have a life. In this episode, I'll be breaking that down, and of course, sharing a tactical tip, a mindset tip, and an energetics tip, if you're into that, so that you can really wrap your mind around all this and the key concepts and philosophy that those of us practice who are creating in an uncommon way.

In this episode, you will learn exactly what to do in which order, [00:02:00] including the critical first step that most people miss. You'll discover what the latest discoveries in neuroscience prove about the effectiveness of your decision making if left unchecked, and you'll be able to quiet the noise and zero in on the highest leverage opportunities for your business.

So, how are you doing today? It is mid August in the time of this recording, which is full tourist season here in Mallorca. The population of Mallorca is about 1 million, but in summer it jumps to 20 million. No, do not. I repeat, do not visit in August. And you probably don't want to move here and be settling in right in August either, as I'm finding out.

Case in point, we got a note from my son's school that said, come try on the new school uniform so you know what size your child [00:03:00] wears. Come in Um, during the month of August on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 to 12. So on Monday we went there at 10 o'clock and there was no one there. There was a janitor working and he said, yeah, they're, they're all on vacation.

So apparently vacation just goes through August 15th and we should have known that when they said August, they didn't actually mean the whole month of August. Cause you know, vacation. And then we went instead to a supermarket that we were told we had to go to buy our new house cleaner, because apparently they have the best house cleaning products of any other market.

It was like this kind of, you know, very crowded street. And with all of this tourist traffic where we just couldn't see the like. in. And so we missed it. And because there are all these one way [00:04:00] streets, we had to go clear around. This trip took us hours and we also have these issues at the house specifically with condensation because when it gets hot, of course, and we're trying to cool things down.

So our fridge, it's basically crying. Overflowing with water, but everyone's on vacation , and so we can't get anyone to fix it. We have towels on the floor, and I share this with you, not to moan and groan about my problems of privilege, but to say how grateful I am to have a business where I can be absent for a while and grateful to have a mindset that assures me it's totally okay.

My business results. aren't correlated with the time I'm putting in, but with the value that I put out. And that tees us up well for today's episode, where I would like to begin with mindset. [00:05:00] The way to supercharge business growth, while also supercharging your personal well being, Is by working wiser, not harder, and that requires getting very clear about certain key aspects of your business and also tapping into your intuition and trusting that guidance more frequently.

I will get very tactical about that in a minute, but if you don't make this your first step, adopting the mindset that wiser is more effective than harder, then you'll never really change. Despite all your productivity hacks and timers, you've got to believe that it's more beneficial to change than to remain the same.

So for now, you can just try on this idea like you are trying on a new outfit to see how it feels. Now, that perspective, it might feel a little weird because it's not what you've been taught. You've been taught that you [00:06:00] need to make things happen for yourself with good old elbow grease, acting like a logical adult.

Logic has built such a great brand for itself. To be fair, the logic making centers of the brain are literally a feat of nature. They are amazing, and I know they've gotten you far. We use them a lot in the Clarity Accelerator, because we choose a really balanced approach to business. But. They are not the only amazing part of your brain, and they are fallible.

We're not robots. We carry around a ton of thought errors, baggage that you've picked up through how you were raised, the society you move in, and the meaning you've made from life experiences. And that stuff can lead you astray. When it comes to your business, it can seem very logical to double your work in order to double your revenue or [00:07:00] target this market, because.

Maybe they're more likely to pay or to not even start a business in the first place because too many other businesses fail. The latest discoveries in neuroscience are showing us that as humans, we have competing systems that are all vying to win within our brain. You've heard of survival of the fittest.

Well, this is survival of the fittest idea. Unfortunately, the voice with the most conviction usually wins. If you haven't learned the skills of managing your mind and seeing what's going on and tapping into a deeper, more steady kind of knowing. So when one voice in your brain says that in order to double your business, you need to do twice as much, there might be another part that says, But I don't want to do twice as much.

Well, if the action voice is more convincing, you're going to do twice as much and you'll [00:08:00] develop a rationale that sounds logical and convincing to explain your behavior. I had a client that wouldn't let herself take vacation because she was convinced she needed to work harder, but it was only because of market conditions, you know.

And hell, I was this very person too. I remember once I had a trip planned with a friend and we were going to, I think Glacier National Park and it was so beautiful. It was going to be so relaxing. We were going to do wonderful hiking, but then they unfortunately had a large forest fire there. And so, We had to cancel our trip.

And do you know what? I was so relieved. I was so relieved because I told myself that I just needed to reach six figures and then I could relax. And I couldn't really, it was just going to create more stress for me to go on this trip than it would have been to just keep doing the work [00:09:00] and like stay with my perfect, you know, um, what is this word that we love?

A consistency schedule. Yes. But what if the resistance voice is louder for you, the one saying you don't want to work harder? Well, then you won't work harder and you might even self sabotage by putting arbitrary caps on your growth because that seems like the logical way to ensure you won't get caught in the trap of working harder.

I had a client who had spent years under earning because deep down she was afraid of sabotaging her health and relationships if she were to grow her business. Little did she know that if done right, your health, relationships, and fulfillment all grow as your business grows. So you really want to get away from the Chicken Littles and Eeyores and Mr.

Spucks that are running around in your mind that will masquerade as logic. [00:10:00] Don't expect to supercharge your business if you're taking action from the part of you that's in scarcity or hustle or comparisonitis or trying to get the gold star, because those always color your results. And if you'd like more on how that's actually true, check out episode 22 on the model and how your thoughts affect your life.

But by the same token, methods and actions taken from your wiser self act like a superconductor between you and your ideal clients, even though they might not seem directly logical. Just recently, we had somebody in the Clarity Accelerator who was moved to create a post about something that was In no way directly related to her clients, typical pain points and that specific post brought her a new client.

And there's another member who stayed with a corporate client, even though it wasn't really a perfect fit, but she kept getting an undeniable hit to continue. [00:11:00] And then months later, turns out she has an opportunity to leverage this into something very lucrative for her company. The moral here is that consciously, we rarely have access to perfect information.

You know, each time I talk with a prospective client, they tell me that when they think forward about the future, they want more space and free time to just have some coffee in the morning, to be outdoors, to travel, to spend time with friends and loved ones, where you're not just thinking about all the things you have to do.

You want a simpler, calmer, more authentic life, but we keep getting pulled back into these habits of do, do, do, overthink, overthink, overthink. And your brain always has great logic for this. Maybe you just need to hit that revenue goal. And then you'll make different choices, or then you'll act differently, or maybe [00:12:00] your clients just really need you now and you can't let them down.

But if you don't course correct, you're going to wake up with a seven or eight figure business using the exact same excuses. The circumstances that we are in don't change our thought patterns. The only thing that can do that Is us. You change your thought patterns, period, and then you start showing up differently and making different choices and creating different results.

To be clear, I am not trashing hard work. I'm not afraid of hard work, but where we run into problems is when a hard becomes the ongoing status quo. When you become so dependent on your logic that your intuition atrophies. The old mindset of, I need to work hard to get ahead and I can't believe anything until it has finally materialized in front of me.[00:13:00]

That's like saying, let's perpetuate a messed up legacy just because that's the way it's always been done. No, you owe it to yourself and we owe it to the women who came before us and those who will come after us to find a different way, an uncommon way. And you might be thinking, okay, Jenna, all this sounds very flowery and wonderful, but how do you actually do it?

How do you tap into this supposedly wiser part of you and cut out all the noise? So you're only focused on the things that truly matter. Well, let's talk tactics. Tactically, to be real, you are going to need to practice hearing your intuition, because it is a muscle that you build, and that everyone can build, and that will take repetition to build.

But I want to give you something you can act on immediately. It is the keys to the universe, as far as I'm [00:14:00] concerned. Are you ready? What if all of your ineffective overwork and overstressing and overthinking stems from the fact that we're all taught to make decisions incorrectly? Look, I struggled with starting this business for two decades.

I had some other businesses during that time. In fact, I was just talking about that period of my life in episode 108, if you want to go back and listen, but those businesses felt like placeholders. They weren't something that had me saying, yes, this is what I'm here to do, or this is what I really care about.

And I want to devote to. So I told myself, if I could only get clear on what kind of business to start, then watch out world. But I finally realized something, and this applies to anything in your business where you're feeling unclear or undecided or unaligned. When I was trying to choose a type of business, it was as if I were looking for the perfect [00:15:00] leaf on a tree.

I would pull this leaf over here. And compare it to that leaf over there and think, well, maybe I should have a jewelry making business, or maybe I should make artisanal soap. And I would go leaf by leaf, which will take forever. And that's really how we're taught to make decisions. We're taught to take two decisions and list out the pros and cons and then compare and contrast.

And that works really effectively when you have two decisions and just a few pros and cons. But if you're like me and my clients, you can come up with all sorts of decisions and probably hundreds of pros and cons. And when you're trying to analyze all of that, It just sends your brain into gridlock. Our brains are not designed for that type of computing.

So what if instead looking for that perfect leaf in that way by going [00:16:00] leaf by leaf by leaf, instead you just started at the base of the tree and then as the tree started to branch off into branches, you continued on with the. thickest branch. And then when that split, again, you continued with the thickest branch, and you just followed that forward until you found your perfect leaf.

It would be a much simpler and more straightforward way of finding your way there. So then the next question is, how do you find what the base of that tree is for you? I give a few different ways of arriving at this in episode two. It's called the decision tree. But today I want to tell you about my connect the dots method, because it is what worked for me, and it's what most of my clients end up using.

And it's based on the idea that in hindsight, you can always connect the dots. Even though they didn't really make sense at the time, you can now see that this thing led you to this [00:17:00] thing, led you to this thing, and that it all brought you right here to exactly where you are. And I started to think, if that's true, then the dots are there right now in front of me.

It's just that I don't have the lens to see them like I would in hindsight. But what if I could, what if I could identify what those dots are? And I started thinking about memories in my life that had had kind of the that just kind of stuck in my brain. A lot of them had a, you know, kind of an emotional charge, but a lot of them weren't huge life events.

They were just little things that were stuck there. It turns out that our brains create meaning and then they latch on to certain experiences because we're trying to figure things out. And you know that you can Live through an experience with another person, maybe when you were [00:18:00] younger, for instance, they may remember that, but you've completely forgotten it.

Meanwhile, you might remember something else and they would completely forget that. So what is it about those things that stick with us? Like why did that exact thing stick with us? And I really believe that all of us are so unique and different, and we are wired differently, we've had different experiences, we've grown up in different ways.

And if you want to believe this, you maybe came to this earth with a specific purpose as well. And all of this comes together to help your brain focus on your life events in very distinct and unique ways. And if you start to pay attention to why that thing really mattered to you, why it was there, right, why it meant something to you, then you'll start to see that that thing that happened when you were [00:19:00] seven has a lot in common with what happened when you were 17.

And you can see that actually kind of the umbrella theme of those two events is X. As you do this throughout your life, what you'll notice is that if you keep whittling down, you arrive at about three to five, what I call meta themes. These are the core currents moving through your life that your brain is fascinated by and keeps going back to again and again.

And to really zero in on the trunk of your tree, you need to ask yourself to make a powerful decision about right now, what is the one that feels the most charged for you? And what's the one that, heaven forbid, if you were on your deathbed three years from now, you'd be able to think back and say, at least I threw my hat in the ring.

For this, [00:20:00] for making this kind of change in the world, or bringing more of this. And then you just keep connecting the dots through the other key decisions of your business. Because this is a killer decision making hack. Whenever you reach a decision point, you just ask yourself, Which direction is more likely to bring me closer to that, to fulfill that in my life and in the world?

And so often, you immediately know the answer. You don't always like the answer because sometimes it's the thing that feels more difficult. Often means that you show up in a bigger way, but you know what the correct answer is. That main meta theme of yours really brings to light your secret sauce, the special way that you think about things and move through the world, the experiences you've [00:21:00] gathered, and the way that you work through problems and find solutions.

Your brain has spent its entire life trying to better understand that theme. And then from there, you want to ask yourself, who are the best people to bring that vision to fruition? Because your ideal clients, they want that vision too, deep down. So now you're no longer looking at an infinite possibility of niches.

You are looking at just the ones closest to you that are best aligned for you. And then from there, after really getting to know those people. You will understand, well, basically they will tell you their ideal offer because you understand them in a way that's different than other people do and what they really need and want.

You're able to really tailor a very, very unique [00:22:00] standout offer that's unlike anything else out there. And then that dot leads you to the next one, which is your messaging. And then that one leads you to your most effective strategies. In the Clarity Accelerator, we group these lines of effort into three different parts, which I believe is really all that's needed for any successful service business.

And those are know yourself, know your people, and then marry those two by tying it all up in how you communicate about what you're offering. So we typically spend a couple of months doing that. And then the rest of the six month is applying it to your specific business. Maybe we're creating your pinned posts on Instagram, or we're evaluating how you felt about these people that responded to your messaging and deciding if you want to tweak it, or if you want to highlight or amplify a certain portion of it, or we're tightening up [00:23:00] your sales process.

And this is the difference between a course where you receive information and then you're on your own versus a boutique coaching container where you can ask anything, anytime and receive answers from a coach who knows you and your business and your mastermind sisters who also know you and your business and have amazing insights.

I think both of these kinds of containers are great for different things. You just need to decide. which kind you want and are willing to invest in for your next specific goals. But I digress. The connect the dots method is a surefire way for creating an aligned business where each piece stacks on the one supporting it.

And now you know how to do it from your secret sauce all the way through to your people, your offer, your messaging, and your most effective strategies. If you do this, If you are willing to make some powerful decisions [00:24:00] and realign some key pieces of your business, you will be set up for success. Creating this clarity is the path to supercharging your business growth and your personal well being.

This is how you stop hopping from initiative to initiative, overdoing it, and losing momentum by scattering your efforts and barking up the wrong tree, and instead settle into a calmer, more leaned back energy where you are laser focused, and your efforts produce more impact and value, and of course, generate more wealth.

Listen, everybody needs more clarity. I need more clarity. Because it's as if we think we're swimming in an ocean of possibilities, but really we're in a fishbowl in the ocean. And that fishbowl is the limitations of our mind. It's impossible to be outside of our mind. Even a surgeon can't do [00:25:00] surgery on herself.

And that's why it's so helpful to have a coach or other people to help you see what sometimes you're just too close to see. I have a client who is a very successful business coach. But, she's known that she needs to tweak some things in her offer to both be more aligned and to give her the lifestyle that she would really like to move into now.

And so, as we were working through this, and we all hear what is coming out of her Connect the Dots work, it has become very apparent to many of us what her secret sauce is. But, it has been challenging for her to really believe that that is Anything worth selling, that people can't do that on their own, that they would think that that is something they'd want to pay a coach for, it is just so much a part of how she lives and breathes, that for her it's like saying, Hey, you want me to [00:26:00] teach you to breathe air?

Everybody could breathe air, but it's just not true. It's just that you're too close to see it yourself. For all of us, the next breakthrough is right around the corner. And whether you realize it or not, you are undecided about something in your business, or you've decided, but you're not really taking action on it.

And you don't quite know why, or you're taking action, but it's not as effective as you'd like it to be. And you really need to get clear on why. But if you begin this work and you commit to making changes and then sitting in stillness to evaluate how that lands for you, you will move into alignment. And of course, if you want to accelerate that alignment, then join us in the Clarity Accelerator.

But the thing to remember here is that alignment is clarity. And clarity is alignment. [00:27:00] And those things ignite your manifestation abilities too. So let's talk energetic for those of you who are interested. You and your business are a match for your ideal clients. When you and your business are in alignment, when your offers and strategies are centered around the meeting point of your secret sauce and the deep needs and desires of your most aligned clients, if you're here to bring widgets to the world, then you are here to connect with the people who need your widgets.

What you want wants you to, they might not consciously know they need a widget. Maybe they do. But when they get pulled into your orbit, they are like, Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, because it's such a fit and it facilitates growth for both of you. It's an energetic match. So imagine how confused they are when instead of selling [00:28:00] widgets, you're selling gizmos.

Although, they probably won't reach a point of confusion because they may never even hear about your gizmos. And if they do, their eyes will kind of glaze over because deep down what they really need, and their higher self knows they really need, is a widget. Now obviously when I say widget, what I really mean is Is your signature offer or offers the way that you package up your secret sauce and offer that value to the world?

And calling in is what you do through your signature strategies, the methods that best facilitate you and your people coming together and creating that meeting of minds and souls. The final product of dialed in offers and messaging is a thing of beauty. It's like flow and art. But you know what's almost even more important?

It's all the belief and clarity work that went into [00:29:00] creating the offer. Because each time you contemplate tweaking your offer in a certain way, or talking about it in a certain way, there's an immediate gut check of, Ooh, do I really believe that? Can I really promise that? Will people really buy that? And then you have to work through why or why not.

And that is what opens you energetically. and allows abundance. You finally create such certainty that the universe is like, Oh, good, clear direction. That's what I've been waiting for. Okay, here you go. Cause otherwise it's kind of like if you're dating someone and you have one hand where you're beckoning them closer, but then with the other one, you're telling them stay back.

And the universe is like, wait, I'm confused. What exactly do you want? This is the way to truly create flow in your business. Where there are no blocks or [00:30:00] impediments and no unclear message. Where clients come to you and they're already wanting to work with you. That's the experience I have with people who find me through Google or through this podcast.

But if you're not in alignment, it's always going to be an uphill battle in some way. Often, the universe is actually trying to help you gain the clarity that you still need. You're like, Oh, God damn it. Why isn't this working? Why do you hate me? And the universe is like, I'm trying to help you, woman. Take off the satin eye pillow, will you

Because the you that the universe is trying to help is your higher self, not the human who has limited vision and wants to stay in old ways of being. So, that's the good news. If there's an area of your business that feels a little sticky, or especially troublesome right now, congratulations. The universe is [00:31:00] giving you an opportunity to increase your clarity, your wisdom, and step into greater alignment and receptivity.

All right, my friends, if you enjoyed today's episodes, but you're thinking, well, I, I just feel anxious when I try to take my foot off the gas. It's like, it's like, I don't know how to slow down. Then I have got so many episodes that you will love both about the mind patterns and the nervous system patterns that us high achievers accumulate over time.

So scroll back within the last five or so episodes and just choose one that you can check out. But today you got up close and personal with the connect the dots method and all of the philosophy that ties into it. So I've given you a roadmap for creating your next aligned shifts in your business, the highest growth opportunities.

And please don't forget that in order for that to really land, you've [00:32:00] got to start with the mindset piece where you open yourself to the idea that you'll get farther by working wiser than you will by working harder. This is how you will supercharge your results. Why leaning back more so you can have a full and delicious life that includes your business and so much more.

Thanks for joining us here at the uncommon way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business in life, including the clarity first strategy for growing and scaling your business, visit the uncommon way. com. See you next time.