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Ep# 100: 100 Episodes: How I Went From Laying Low To Playing Big (BTS of Personal and Business Changes Over 2 Years)

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Ep# 100: 100 Episodes: How I Went From Laying Low To Playing Big (BTS of Personal and Business Chang The Uncommon Way Business & Life Coaching Podcast with Jenna Harrison

Episode Summary

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you completely reinvented your business and personal life, aligning them with your deepest values and aspiratios?

In this special 100th episode, our host pulls back the curtain to share the transformative journey that both she and her business have undergone during the time of this podcast.

If you're looking to overcome the fear of being disliked, take bold actions before seeing results, and build your capacity for change without burning out, this episode is for you.

In this episode, you will:

  1. Learn how to prioritize authenticity and alignment over the fear of being disliked.

  2. Discover effective strategies for taking methodical risks and bold actions before seeing results. 

  3. Understand how regulating your nervous system can vastly increase your capacity and resilience during times of change.

Ready to accelerate your journey and reinvent your business and life?

Listen to this episode now and start creating the uncommonly successful life you deserve.

To kickstart your own reinvention in real time with Jenna, join the free upcoming Reinvention Experience workshop at 

Episodes Mentioned

6: How Entrepreneurship Made Me Woo & Expanded My Mindset 

42. Time and Money: When to Dial It Back As Women Entrepreneurs

99. Unmissable Lessons Learned From 100 Episodes for Podcast Success and Growth for Women Entrepreneurs

The Uncommon Way is led by business coach Jenna Harrison, who helps women entrepreneurs feel confident, find their ideal clients effortlessly and avoid overwork so they can manifest money and abundance in their business and life.

This podcast empowers female entrepreneurs to overcome imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and limiting beliefs through somatics, mindset, and spirituality, create 7-figure offers, and build an online coaching business with clarity and alignment.

Episode Transcription

Today, I'm getting down and dirty on what has been going on behind the scenes at The Uncommon Way and with me personally over the last 100 episodes and what I've learned, so you can accelerate your own journey in both of those areas.

You're listening to the Uncommon Way business and life coaching podcast. The podcast that helps women entrepreneurs get clear on signature offers and strategies that sell themselves. So you can lean back and stop the hustle. You will learn to maximize your mindset, messaging and strategy and step into the uncommonly successful business and life you are creating.

Here's your host. Top ranked business coach and reformed over analyzer turned Queen of Clarity, Jenna Harrison.

Hey, welcome back to The [00:01:00] Uncommon Way. Welcome, welcome. Phew! 100 episodes. 100 weekly episodes. I'm really proud of that accomplishment, and really, really grateful that you're here to celebrate with me. So, thank you so much. so much. I've learned a lot over these last two years, and last week I shared my top lessons learned about the how to's of podcasting.

But today, I thought I'd pull back the curtain a little and share how much my business and I have changed, up close and personal. In this episode, you will learn how to go from prioritizing not wanting to be disliked To wanting to be authentic and aligned and true. And how to move methodically and boldly and take risks before the results show up in your life.

Plus the shifts that can help you lean back more and [00:02:00] hustle less, while at the same time vastly increasing capacity during times of change and preparation in business. It has been a full on reinvention and business revamp over here, and I think it's important for you to see that I believe in what I say, and so I'm always actively engaged in this myself.

Nobody's done with evolution, ever. And I also know that we humans learn really well through stories. It creates these lightbulb moments that help you jump ahead and skip so many steps. Plus, of course, it gives you that reassurance that you're not the only one and the expectation management so you can prepare yourself more and beat yourself up less.

So I want to be real about all of it. But this is just one episode and these things I've just talked about are the why behind why it's [00:03:00] so important to be in a strong community where women are open with each other. But also, the expectations of what can be achieved are really high. So if you're not in a group like that, you are costing yourself, costing yourself time and angst and energy recreating the wheel.

So if there's one big takeaway from this episode that I would share with you, it's to find that place for yourself. All right, quick update before we get started. Is something sounding different to you? I can't wait to go back and listen to this episode and see if it sounds different. But, typically when I record, I am surrounded by a huge walk in closet with clothes that, frankly, I've had since junior high or high school.

I mean, not all of them, obviously. But I'm kind of a hoarder with certain types of things that I find special, right? That I really enjoyed from certain times, that I find is made really well, or looks really unique. [00:04:00] And so, I've accumulated some clothes. And now I'm sitting in a bear closet. So we may be getting some echo, we'll see.

But the movers came a couple days ago to take our things to Spain. It's actually happening, they're on the way. Of course they won't arrive there for a few months because they're going on the slow boat and we'll get there before they do. But this feels like the real launch. But also, there's nothing like the cost of moving things across the ocean.

Combined with your own reinvention, where you know, like, even a style reinvention, you know what you're stepping into and just how you are, to make it really easy, actually, to part with a lot of the old things that have just been taking up space. So if this episode sounds a little tinny, I'm kind of proud of that.

It's a big milestone for [00:05:00] me. Okay, if I were going to look back on that time and kind of summarize it in terms of a book title, if we were creating a movie or writing a book title, what would I say about me then? And the way I'd sum it up is daring to live my uncommon way in my living room. And I'm going to give you about five or so examples of how that showed up in the business and five examples of what was going on with me personally.

Okay. The main point here, and this is true with any reinvention, is that it was all working. It's a winning strategy, and that's why it's so hard to see these patterns that are not serving you to get to the next level. And once you do see them, it's so hard to change them because, like I said, they're working for you really well.

But when you can rethink those, and when you can choose intentionally who you want to be rather [00:06:00] than how you've been conditioned to be, or We are in the habit of being. Really amazing possibilities open up for you. And I knew that what I wanted to move into was woman going big in all ways, but to get from A to B, I really had to shed some old beliefs and I had to build my brain, build my mind around new ones so that I could start to embody it and now just be the person who I kind of take for granted right now.

So here were some things going on on the business side. I was selling clarity and nothing but clarity. And that was attracting mostly new entrepreneurs or pre entrepreneurs, and even though I could see that clarity was so essential for all levels of business, that wasn't the primary thing that other entrepreneurs were looking for at this point in their journey.

Now, in January of that year, I had launched the kind of culmination of all of the [00:07:00] years that I'd been coaching, everything that I had learned with one to one clients. And I had put it into a group format, a mastermind that I was in love with called the Clarity Accelerator. And it was selling like hotcakes.

That is the power of a strong offer that you love that's really unique in the industry. And so every month I had been setting a goal, and every month I had been hitting that goal for six months straight. Anyway, this is July of 2022. I probably should have mentioned that, but that's when the podcast launched.

Now what was unique about this, if, if you've been around here for a while, you know this, but in terms of my uncommon way, I wasn't doing business the way other people were doing business. I wasn't buying into any of the have to's about being on social media or doing tons of networking. At that point, I was on Google, but I was doing most of my [00:08:00] work energetically, which means.

And if you're just tuning in, this may seem pretty crazy to listen to, but I have a whole episode on it called How Entrepreneurship Made Me Woo. And so I was actually attracting people through my website and the quantity and the quality of people, the type of people, would change over time based on what I was believing about myself and believing about the business and believing about what was possible.

I know, it sounds crazy. And I was seeing my clients get new results as they were really zoning in on their clarity, believing in what they had to offer, zoning in on exactly who their people were. I was seeing how it was transforming their business, but I really thought that the only way to help them accomplish that was through the one to one time with me.

So even though it was a mastermind program, I was spending a lot of one to one time with my clients. And frankly, it was a lot. It was all me at that point in time in [00:09:00] my business. I had a VA in India who was able to help me with a few things. But most of my time in the business was filled with my direct input.

And there was no way for me to step away from the business. Things would just come to a halt if I wasn't there keeping it all going. Which is a natural stage, but by then I think I'd been in business for five or six years. So again, it was serving me well because I had a lot of belief in the results that I could help clients get, in the clarity I could help them achieve, and that was coming through in my selling, but it wasn't going to get me where I needed to go and wanted to go, which is helping more than 10 or 20 people.

And more specifically for what I love is having the space to create really great concepts and teachings to help people absorb faster and create results in better [00:10:00] ways. So that's what I mean about living my own uncommon way in my living room because no one was really there to see it happening. No one was.

Hearing about me. I was very much a best kept secret. I was not on social media. I did not have a podcast. I wasn't out and about in the world. It was more like, if you happen to be on Google, looking in this specific way for a business coach for women, then you would potentially stumble upon my page. I remember I went to a large conference of coaches.

Things had just opened up after COVID and I was thinking, I am going to take this place by storm. And yet when I was there, it was the strangest energy because have you had those experiences where it feels like everything you're saying to people is just passing in one ear out the other and you're not really seen?

I remember I won an award and then later people were like, [00:11:00] Oh, were you up there? It's just one of those situations and I thought, okay, what's going on here? What is this here to teach me? And what I came up with was, of course, they don't know you because you haven't made yourself known. I believe the universe was just showing me in that moment exactly how I was creating that situation, not just in that conference, but globally.

But again, in terms of how this is serving you at one point, but not at another. Even though I could say, oh, my schedule was pretty full and I was putting so much into my clients, I liked it. I liked having that control. I liked not worrying about a client not getting the results without me. I liked being able to course correct right away, rather than having to put my brain to how I could describe it better, for instance, for a large group of people.

But it was only through doing the work of comparing [00:12:00] how this version of me was thinking versus how that version of me would be thinking, that I was able to even see these discrepancies and see that future me just wouldn't think in that way. Not that she'd become a bad person or didn't care about people anymore, none of that.

I would never intentionally create that version of myself, no. I knew I still had to be a person who cared deeply. I just had to be a person who was working wiser, not harder. I knew that I'd be a person who deeply believed that my clients were creating fantastic results and really, what they needed was a beautifully laid out process so that they could really understand the uncommon way and apply it for themselves.

And I knew that if she were going to be leading a larger community, she would have to believe in the power of community. And understand that not all of the wisdom comes necessarily from her, it comes from more brains, the [00:13:00] brain trust applying these principles and iterating and developing more group wisdom.

But of course, then when you start thinking about changing things and putting yourself out there, the objections come up. So for me, at that time, I really had a fear of misleading people. I was afraid that I would say something wrong on the podcast and that would somehow lead people astray because once again, I wouldn't be talking to you one to one individually so that if you started, you know, you misapplied the work or the misunderstood me in some way, I couldn't be like, whoa, whoa, whoa.

And what that really boiled down to when I unpacked it was that age old fear. of not being light and wanting to be liked. So, of course, if I led someone astray, I wouldn't be liked. If I shared exactly what I was learning myself about Wu concepts, then [00:14:00] all of my very logical left brained college intellectual classmates would mock me, of course.

None of them are spiritual. No, no, no. I was worried about the way I talked sounding too braggy about accomplishments. That's a big one of mine. And that really goes back to my elementary school days. If you've listened to that podcast with me being really tall, standing out, also being wealthy relatively to the other military kids and really acing it in all of my classes.

And so I really did double time. I would shrink my body literally to try and, and fit in and not be better than anybody else. And really just be one of the gang. She's just one of the girls. Another thing I did was I was serious and introspective and heartfelt. That proved, right, that I'm not braggy.

Because if I let my other side show, which is [00:15:00] the side of me that loves pretty clothes and loves to vacation in nice hotels and do other things, then that would all, that would corrupt everything. And I'd be shunned. I remember once writing an email and I mentioned something about, after years, finding this pair of boots that I'd been looking for, this style of boots that I'd been looking for years, and somebody unsubscribed.

Now I promise I am not always in my email system, like, obsessing over unsubscribes. And of course I don't want people to stick around if it's no longer their thing. But, I happened to see that one. And I was just, I right away felt that ping that she unsubscribed because I talked about the boots. And I really didn't know after hiding away for so long, if I'd be able to create the consistency and to show up week after week with, you know, full length podcast [00:16:00] content.

But I'd say I was apprehensive, but very determined because there was this other thing going on for me. I call it the whip. And the whip was just this imagery of somebody standing behind me, whipping me to keep going, keep going. And I described it once as a panic. And it was this feeling that all the balls were going to drop and terrible things were going to happen if I just couldn't do more.

And that feeling of panic, I would try and alleviate that through doing more. And when I really started doing the work on this, I looked around and I noticed that the other people in the group had a lot more on their plates. Not trying to shame myself, but just if I looked at it, they were doing social media, they were doing other things in their business.

Maybe they had even more clients than I did, maybe they had more children than I did. And when I stopped and looked at my business, which was really so simple, [00:17:00] uh, Oh, and I didn't have team members, right? And so, it really was simple. And yet, I was spending a lot of time. A lot of time. Now, I now know, having been diagnosed with ADHD, that a lot of this is the way my brain processes and that it is slow to create, to kind of sequence things out and, and create a cohesive argument or piece of argument.

But at the time, all I knew was that the whip, this whip was very real, and it was actually present inside of me, so I could never get away with it, and I did not want to live my life that way. I did not want to continue like that, and I would justify it like, oh, it's just because of this going on right now, or it's just because of that going on, and yet there was always something going on.

And I wouldn't really catch myself in these periods of panic for days sometimes. [00:18:00] And then finally, I would wake up and say, Oh, you need a good night's sleep, right? You need to just take a break and get away from it. And then of course, when I did, that's when I could really just be on a walk and come up with some great thing and come home and write it all down, and it would just come out perfectly.

Or that's when I could see the solution to that problem that I needed. No training about the nervous system or that, that level of training about the brain to understand what's going on. And I certainly wasn't catching myself in it as it was happening really. And on a personal note, I still felt dependent on my husband financially.

Now, that was my thoughts more than anything else because I had a solid six figure business by this point. But for many of us that are in that six figure range and or have very quickly accelerated growth, it's really natural to be in the space of, is this a fluke? Is this [00:19:00] gonna go away? Can I count on this?

And the truth is a lot of us spend our entire lives in that place really devoid of trust. and constantly spinning and often overworking in order to try and fill that hole within us, which is that deep uncertainty. Oh, I'm painting a bleak picture here. And I think what is also really important to point out is that this is not like some story where I was hit rock bottom, and now I'm at the top of the mountain.

Because the truth is, girl, if you knew how far I had come by that point from where I used to be, you would see me here as like this, I don't know. I'm not coming up with analogies, so I'm not going to try right now. What I'm saying to you is that this point that I'm describing, it still had a lot of legacy issues from my past, but I really had come so far in terms of Choosing to [00:20:00] design the business that I wanted, really being true to my secret sauce and what I wanted to bring to the world, and knowing my clients very well, choosing them specifically who they were going to be, creating a business where I wasn't required to jump through hoops.

I could just create really powerful messaging, effective messaging, and talk to people and they would sign up from this one page because my solution was so directly addressing what they needed help with. And I really didn't have to work that much. It wasn't that the business required it. It was that I couldn't get it out of me.

I didn't know how. I also want to say that now, as I shift into where I see myself now in relation to that, I am not there, quote unquote, by any shape or form. I've definitely come further. But evolution is ongoing, and I probably won't be able to fully articulate [00:21:00] how much evolution is ahead of me still until we're a year or two out, and then I'm looking back, maybe we're on episode 200, and I'm looking back on episode 100.

So, July of 2022. That is me beginning with the podcast, and as I talked about in the last episode, true to form with my overdoing things, I'm creating these podcast episodes that are then requiring a lot of input for me. Now, it's funny because when I had a coach at that time who was really a big proponent of me starting this podcast, and she had said to me, How long does it take you, typically, each week to create your newsletter that you send out to your list?

And I told her it's about four hours. And she said, Honey, you could be putting those four hours into a podcast, and you could then repurpose it in so many different ways. That would be so much more. Bang for [00:22:00] your buck in terms of your time, but I was spending even more than four hours on the podcast. And then, of course, I was coordinating with a podcast team and there were just other variables that I hadn't expected.

Then I brought on, very soon after I launched the podcast, a social media team. To help me repurpose the podcast, so right away my business got more complicated and I really needed to get a handle on these patterns that I knew were not going to serve me. And as I do, I didn't try and tackle one thing at a time.

I really went all in. Whenever I see, whenever I finally gain that beautiful clarity and awareness, then I am all in to make the moves. And when it comes to mindset, making the moves is really unwinding this patterning. So like I said, I joined that group of people that were just specifically trying to detox these tendencies in themselves.[00:23:00]

And in there, I learned that a lot of people were finding EMDR very effective, and so I started doing EMDR. I still am to this day. I love it. I dove in to every podcast. I started doing a lot of healing work, unpacking, a lot of constant vigilance of my mind, getting curious, seeing what was really driving me, starting to see how a lot of this was inherited A conditioned, wasn't really me, wasn't my higher self driving me to perform better, better.

My higher self already believed I was good. I was gold. It was very much the conditioned part of my brain that was in a fear state. Like I mentioned earlier, I knew that my ways of thinking about the business had to transform, and also the business had to transform. But I knew that it started with me. So, my friend, if you're excited by this talk of stepping into new next levels and next versions of yourself, [00:24:00] you have got to join me for the first live event that I've held in years.

Come on, it's gonna be so fun and I can't wait to talk to you face to face. It's a workshop, we're calling it the Reinvention Experience, where we're kick starting your reinvention together. What will you walk away with? Awareness. Clarity. activation and the opening of a portal, you're going to be like, holy shit, is this what's next for me?

Now do not come if you want to stay where you are, because you will be changed. When a group of women come together with this kind of intention, doing this kind of work, the energy is really high. Always transferable, so you will be infected. I know you've heard lots of theory and stories about other people's reinvention on this podcast, but it's different when you're doing it in real time with me there.

No wondering if you've gone as far as you could because you're so in your head [00:25:00] and it's really hard to step outside of it. And definitely no putting off the real work for another day, because your brain is conveniently keeping you too busy to get to it. This is the moment where you decide to heed the call and explore what's ready to awaken within you.

I mean, it's probably already awakened, which is why you're here. So let's say what's ready to emerge. So let's go. Head to TheUncommonWay. com forward slash reinvention dash experience. And sign up now for more details. That link is in the show notes. See you there. My 50th birthday was approaching. That was another thing I used to hide was my age.

Again, thinking about people not liking me or thinking less of me. That was something else that was really healing for me to just own. But that milestone, it had me thinking a lot and evaluating. Who [00:26:00] I wanted to be next, and how I wanted to show up, what it would be like to not always be the messy, bun mom running around, but to actually come into a bit more elegance and glamour more frequently throughout the week.

I got lots of coaching on these topics. I started taking bold action, so my sixth podcast episode was the one I mentioned about how entrepreneurship made me woo. It is not something that I wanted to create. And yet, I knew that I had to. Because until then, I had shared some of these concepts with clients, behind closed doors.

I'd started tentatively putting it out to my email list. But again, those are all people that have come into my world. And somehow, a podcast, a digital asset that would live forever, just felt like a permanent record. And it was a stretch for me. [00:27:00] To stand up and declare it, but I knew that I couldn't keep talking about living your uncommon way if I was hiding out about so many things.

I just started playing with the idea, what would it be like to believe that I could be fully myself, and that people would be really accepting of that, and that even if they weren't, I totally had my back. And I could like me, even if they didn't like me. What would it be like to prioritize being aligned and true, rather than prioritizing not being disliked?

And that gave me the opportunity, each time it felt like a stretch or a struggle, to just know this was another opportunity for me to prioritize being aligned and true, and didn't I love the woman I was creating? And also, didn't she love me for having done those things? I [00:28:00] hired a coach who was very up and out, just so that I could absorb her thoughts, even the ones that she isn't teaching, but she's just saying offhandedly.

I think those are so often the most valuable. To just be around someone and see the decisions they make, how they think, how they talk, and to pick up so much perspective in that way. And then over time, I saw how As I was doing this more and more for myself, I could look around at my peers and see how much they needed my coaching.

In this area, of course, but also with this overall business alignment and clarity. It didn't matter if they were making more than me or less than me. If they wanted to feel this kind of alignment and certainty and calm and confidence in what they were doing, they needed this. And that really opened my eyes to how much bigger the world was that I could help [00:29:00] rather than the subset that I had been helping.

Now I think it's great to niche when you're starting out, but I have another podcast episode where it's like how you know you've outgrown your business. And this was really me, like, bumping up against the edges of that version of me. Like, realizing that I needed to take up more space. And I saw that so many of their patterns were the things that I had been working through.

But they just seemed to think it was the way things have to be. And so I dove in studying everything I could about the brain. I just recently was doing a certification on somatics and body based nervous system coaching, and I was applying it. I was making myself my first student. And I was seeing how I was able to start regulating my nervous system, and what a huge difference that made in terms of my capacity.

How much I was able to hold, how much I was [00:30:00] able to do without freaking out, how much longer I was able to sustain periods of really great creativity and insight, how things were able to roll off my back more. And so instead of firing and triggering, triggering the old neurons, which were the panic and the overwork, I started realizing that I had so much of this from the military training.

So much of the truths about Mindset and resiliency and mental toughness. All of that could now be applied here as well. And so with all of this acknowledgement and belief, I think it's no surprise that over the last two years, I've attracted so many clients that are further along in their businesses, all the way through seven figures.

And it's helped me see how needed this work is at every level, but also how capable I am of coaching people. Any woman entrepreneur because we all have the same kind of issues that come up for us. And [00:31:00] that's what really brought me to the point of being ready to go big and to be very seen all of this together.

And that's why last fall I hired my COO Natalie. I upgraded my contractors all around. We have also another va. I just have full support in my life. Because I know I'm gearing up for massive exposure. After I land in Spain in July, we're going to start running Facebook ads, I'm going to start a podcast tour.

There's a lot coming up that's really exciting, but the good news is that the business is streamlined, because my need to work is streamlined. So I made sure that I took time to About a year to really integrate the concepts I was talking about and to live them. Where I was not working at nights, I was working my 33 hour work week.

I did a podcast on that [00:32:00] a while ago. And then knowing that when I did start ramping up with the new branding we'd been doing, onboarding new people, of course, I didn't fully see the pivot that the business was going to take and I didn't know we were moving to Spain, but that too is indicative of my reinvention.

But I was able to take on, maybe you'd call it this crunch period, in a way where I don't feel afraid of it. I don't feel afraid of, oh, I'm moving towards burnout again, I can't trust myself. I feel that I'm truly building capacity, that it's temporary, and that I'm not driven by the same demons. I'm very much being pulled towards rather than driven away from.

I think. Let's, let's touch base in two years, and we'll get my perspective on it then. But it feels very qualitatively different to me these last six months or so that have been more hectic because of everything I've done before this. And obviously it's showing through in [00:33:00] my work now because I just can't shut up about it and it's all I talk about lately.

Do I still notice myself curbing what I say to not offend people? Yeah, sometimes. Do I people please? Yeah, sometimes. Do I have a fear of misleading you all? Not so much. And I guess I should highlight this for anyone else that does have this fear. I actually brought this to one of my mentors, Brooke Castillo, to get coached on specifically because obviously she's had a podcast for so long and I wondered how she feels about those kind of regrets.

Her response really was, you give everything you've got, your full truth, and if at some point you change your mind, you apologize and say you changed your mind. It's so simple, right? Basically, you are always giving the most up to date learning that you have, and you're only ever able to speak from the most you have at that moment.[00:34:00]

I know. It was one of those things where it's like the facepalm where you're like, Oh, yes, I suppose I could apologize. Or I could say I changed my mind. I do very much feel that I am a CEO running a business. I have a completely different way of thinking about business. You should check out the business cleanse podcast that we did recently and you'll really get an insight into how I'm thinking about business.

And it's no longer. My energy specifically, it still is a little bit, but where we're going, everything we're putting into place now is so that it's not my energy specifically running the business. The business is becoming its own entity that then takes care of all of us on this team, and hopefully all of you as well.

But that has required. Taking bold action before the results are here. I don't have the seven figure business yet, but I'm making seven figure [00:35:00] moves. And I see this at every level of business when entrepreneurs are wanting the next step, but they're afraid to make the investment that's needed to get to the next step.

So I've probably waited too many years to hire the help that I have now. So I get it. But as you start up leveling your self concept, which I talked about earlier, when I was able to see myself coaching different types of people, when I was able to see myself growing the impact, when I was able to see myself making bold moves about really speaking my truth and being completely uninhibited about who I am and all the different facets of who I am, that was me already seeing myself as a CEO.

of a coaching company that does touch many people and therefore bring in much higher revenue than I do now. And then in order to create what I want to create, I needed to put the pieces in place to do so. [00:36:00] But the mind came first and that's why I love to say that revelations come before results. You have to have the epiphanies of I can do this.

I am doing this. I should have been done, did this, already years ago. I am so ready. Typically you need that before you allow yourself to really go to the next level. I no longer feel that this business is fragile, that it's a fluke, that it might evaporate. I very much know that it's here to stay. We're consistently bringing in a quarter of a million dollars a year, and that is in its baby stage right now.

And that's from when I was hiding out in my living room. So watch out, world. When I start taking the initiative to go out in front of people and put myself in their path and say, Hey. Pay attention to this that we're doing over here, because this shit's gold. You'll hear me talk next week on the podcast with [00:37:00] Gabby, who was the creative director that's helped us rebrand, about all the things that came up for me about changing the photographs on the site and how different they are and why they're so different.

So I'll save that for that episode. But again, it really comes down to just striking away the, the, that fear of being too braggy and instead choosing to live my best life. Okay, my friend, in this episode, you've learned the how to of going from prioritizing not being disliked to prioritizing your own alignment or truth.

I've told you about the most effective tools I've found for laying down that whip, what it's like to take methodical action and risk https: otter. ai

So, yes, rest actually allows us to work more. For those of you who are still in the, I need to work more, I know that's [00:38:00] maybe one of the ways I can get through to you. But the truth is, you don't need to work more, because the value you're creating doesn't come from the number of hours you put in. And I know that when you are in that regulated state, able to tap into that zone of genius of yours, and you have the clarity of knowing where you're going and what you're really about, and when you can start whittling away all the extraneous stuff.

And then you will be capable of more than you can even imagine right now. I certainly, two years ago, would have been overjoyed knowing that I was moving to Spain with the business that I have now. And the clients that I have now, of course, I love you all. But even though you'll be creating big results, you will be able to lean back more, hustle less, and really just walk your path.

Your Uncommon Way, and create what you're here to create in the world, in the way that fills you up to, and allows you the full and balanced [00:39:00] life that you know you're here for. Okay, that's it my friend. Remember, you know who you are, and each day you're stepping further into what you're here to create.

Thanks for joining us here at the Uncommon Way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business in life, including the Clarity First strategy for growing and scaling your business, visit theuncommonway. com. See you next time.