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Ep 130: The Neuroscience of Overworking and How Women Entrepreneurs Can Break Free to Scale Sustainably

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Ep 130: The Neuroscience of Overworking and How Women Entrepreneurs Can Break Free to Scale Sustain The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast with Jenna Harrison

Episode Summary

Do you find yourself overworking and stressing about your business, believing it's what’s necessary to succeed? 

This episode will show you what’s behind that impulse and how to override it so you can create simpler, more effective business growth.

In this episode, you will:

  1. Unlock the key to turning chaotic, overwhelming patterns into calm, productive actions that feel effortless and aligned.

  2. Discover the brain's hidden bias that keeps you overworking and learn how to override it to achieve simpler, more sustainable business growth.

  3. Realign your mindset and business practices to embrace ease and simplicity without sacrificing success or impact.

Unlock the path to ease and sustainable growth—hit play now to discover how simplicity can transform your business and life.

Episodes Mentioned: 

Ep# 98:Detox From Overwhelmed Hot Mess To Create More Easeful Business Growth as Women Entrepreneurs With Lauren Dito

Schedule a call with Jenna about joining the Clarity Accelerator--the same mastermind that we talk about in this episode--to dial in signature offers and strategies and a first-rate mindset. 

Sign up here to get on the waitlist for Power & Potency, the new mastermind for highly accomplished women entrepreneurs, and hear all new information as it's released: 

Find Jenna on Instagram: 

The Uncommon Way is led by business coach Jenna Harrison, who helps women entrepreneurs feel confident, find their ideal clients effortlessly and avoid overwork so they can manifest money and abundance in their business and life.

This podcast empowers female entrepreneurs to overcome imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and limiting beliefs through somatics, mindset, and spirituality, create 7-figure offers, and build an online service business with clarity and alignment.

Full Episode Transcript:

Jenna Harrison: [00:00:00] Are there times where you feel like you're just running around like a complete hot mess? It turns out the key to stepping out of that lies in one simple, but surprising shift.

You're listening to the Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast. The podcast that helps women entrepreneurs get clear on signature offers and strategies for success. That's sell themselves so you can lean back and stop the hustle. You will learn to maximize your mindset, messaging, and strategy, and step into the uncommonly successful business and life you are creating.

Here's your host, top ranked business coach and reformed over analyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison.

Welcome. Welcome back to the uncommon way. Are there times where you feel like you are just running around like a complete hot mess? It turns out the key to stepping [00:01:00] out of that lies in one simple but surprising shift. Today I'm taking you through a short but transformative journey of mindset detox and business reinvention, where chaos turns into calm, controlled, and highly productive action.

You will unlock the key to turning chaotic, overwhelming patterns into calm, productive actions that feel effortless and aligned. You'll discover the brain's hidden bias that keeps you overworking. And learn how to override it to achieve simpler, more sustainable business growth. And you'll realign your mindset and business practices to embrace ease and simplicity without sacrificing success or impact.

So imagine this, you've built a business you care about, you've poured yourself into it, yet it still feels like a grind. And you're holding on to old patterns like overworking or overcomplicating because deep down your brain thinks that they are the safest way to succeed, that you need them in order to succeed.[00:02:00]

But here's the thing, it's a trap. The reason it's so hard to let go of those behaviors is that your mind has a built in bias to favor what's already worked for you. Now imagine I'm saying worked with air quotes because it might actually be limiting your growth. But it's kept you alive until now. This bias is wired into us.

It's called the confirmation bias, and it makes it hard to step into something new, even when we know the old way isn't serving us anymore. It tells us that whatever we're currently doing, whatever currently working, is the best and the safest way. Now this was really important for our survival, but in today's time and in this business that you're running, it leads to self sabotage.

Because you end up repeating the same actions over and over, including stressing yourself out, overthinking decisions, and believing that only through sheer effort can [00:03:00] you achieve success. And then you end up working more and more. Sound familiar? But what if the exact opposite were true? What if business itself didn't have to be hard?

What if the most aligned successful businesses are actually built on simplicity? Reinvention isn't about starting from scratch. It's about realigning your business in ways that will support you, and clearing out all the mental clutter that's holding you back. You don't need to burn down everything you've built, you just need to tweak the way you're approaching it.

Too many entrepreneurs stay in this trap of hustling, even when it's draining them. And there's a little function in the brain called prediction error that we can actually chart through fMRIs. Neuroscience has shown us that before you take any action, your brain is already predicting the outcome. And when you do something that doesn't match its prediction, your brain sends out an uncomfortable buzz.

It's like an alarm going off. [00:04:00] And it pushes you to revert to other older behaviors, even if they no longer serve you. And as we know, when we first try something new in entrepreneurism, it doesn't always go exactly as we want. But that doesn't mean we should stop doing it. Maybe you have a time where you've taken a day off, and then the next day it just feels like it's All hell breaks loose, and of course you interpret that and say, well, I shouldn't do that again, right?

Look what happens when I don't work enough. But that's not actually true. It's just an interpretation. Luckily, once you're aware of it, you can override it. You can start making new decisions that are aligned with the life and business you actually want to create, not the one you've been stuck in. And the more you do it, the more evidence you'll gather that things can be simple, that you don't have to work 24 7 to see results.

In fact, you can have three day work weeks and still grow your business. Lauren, [00:05:00] one of my clients, is a perfect example of this. She started out in a place that many of us recognize, running around, trying to keep all the balls in the air, convinced that if she didn't hustle constantly, everything would fall apart.

But through working together, she learned to release that old mindset and embrace a simpler way of doing things. I no longer felt the need to make things difficult as a sign of success, she says. And the moment she started shifting her approach, she saw results. Clients came in, her processes became easier, and her business started to flow in ways she just hadn't imagined before.

You can hear her tell the story herself and learn the insight she shares in episode 98, which is called Detox from Overwhelmed Hot Mess to Create More Easeful Business Growth as Women Entrepreneurs. With Laura in detail. We are going to link to it in our show notes, so you can get to it really easily, because it's definitely worth a listen.

But this shift is available to you. Reinventing your business [00:06:00] doesn't mean starting from scratch, like I said. It just means stepping into a new way of being, where you allow things to be simpler. And trust me, that is where the magic happens. Now here's a thought experiment. What if the ways you've always done things, the ways that have felt safe and familiar, aren't actually the best ways?

What if there's a simpler path to success that's been available to you all along, but you've been too caught up in the hustle to see it? That is the invitation I'm offering today. Start by repeating this belief. Things can be simple. Things are becoming simpler for me. Even if it doesn't feel entirely true yet, just saying it begins to shift your brain.

You're no longer stuck in the old patterns. Because you're giving your mind permission to gather different evidence and explore a new way of being. And once you do, once you actually lean into it and start changing your behaviors and changing your [00:07:00] business, the results will speak for themselves. You'll find that, yes, you can work less and still make more money.

You can simplify your processes and still create incredible value for your clients. And best of all, you will feel lighter and more powerful and more in control of your business and your life. So, what if success doesn't have to be complicated? What if you just need to start believing things can be simple and then allow yourself to step into that truth?

That is the shift that I would love to help you make. And if you want to step into it faster, better, and more easily, then come join me in the Clarity Accelerator. Well, you'll have my personal support as well as the support of a select group of women entrepreneurs like Lauren who get it and are working towards the same thing.

Together, we'll create a business that's not just successful, but elegantly simple, amplifying your [00:08:00] most valuable superpowers and fully aligned with the life that you want to live. See you next time.

Thanks for joining us here at the uncommon way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, including the clarity first strategy for growing and scaling your business, visit the uncommon way. com. See you next time.