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Ep #38: Getting to the Root Issue in Your Business

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Getting to the Root Issue in Your Business The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast with Jenna Harrison

Episode Summary

Jenna explains what an ungrounded business is, why it is a problem, and how to establish if this is something that is showing up for you.

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Show Notes

If your sales aren’t what you want, or something feels off or uncertain in your business, your business may be ungrounded or outgrown. And as long as that root issue isn’t addressed, it is unlikely that your business will grow as quickly, or flourish as magnificently as it could. But what exactly is an ungrounded or outgrown business and how do you know if it applies to you?

Every single client that comes to me falls into the category of an ungrounded business, or an outgrown business, so over the next two weeks, I’m diving deeper into what these look like, the differences between the two, and what you can do about it if you have either of them showing up for you.

Tune in this week to discover why things may feel a little shaky or wobbly in your business, and what is really going on at the root level to create this experience for you. Discover the problem with having an ungrounded business, how this can prevent you from achieving the success you desire, and what it really takes to create the change you want.

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Some of the ways uncertainty affects the way you show up in business.

  • The cornerstone of any successful service-based business.

  • Why it is impossible to sell with conviction if you don’t have clarity.

  • How clarity is at the center of everything in your business.

  • What it means to play small and what to do about it if it is showing up for you.

  • The difference between a grounded and ungrounded business.

  • Why so many people avoid this clarity work.

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Getting to the Root Issue in Your Business The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast with Jenna Harrison

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Full Episode Transcript:

If your sales aren't what you want them to be, or there's something that feels off or uncertain, then it's possible that your business is either ungrounded or outgrown. As long as that root issue isn't addressed, it's unlikely that your business will be able to grow as quickly or flourish as magnificently as it could. And the effects you're feeling now might continue to amplify over time. So, let's clean up the source of what's really going on and set you up for success.

You're listening to The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast, the only podcast that helps you unlock your next level in business and life by prioritizing your clarity and your own Uncommon Way. You will learn to maximize your mindset, mission, messaging, and strategy in order to create a true legacy. Here's your host, top-ranked business coach, and reformed over-analyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison.

Welcome back to The Uncommon Way. I have got a lot to cover today, so I'm going to just dive in. In this episode and then next, I'll be talking about two different types of businesses, the ungrounded business, and the outgrown business.

I want to highlight these two because I see them frequently. But they aren't industry-wide terms where you'd be able to say, “Oh, yes, that's exactly my problem. That's what I need to work on.” So, I'm going to show you what these look like and what to do about it if you have a little of this showing up for you. Because, for sure, every client that comes to me falls into one of these two categories. And like I said, I see this over and over just moving around in the entrepreneur space.

There are some of you that wouldn't really describe your business as having a problem. You might think, “Oh, I'm just getting better at…” fill in the blank; my copy, my selling, my Instagram strategy, whatever. For me, it was creating an ads funnel with a tiny offer, tripwire, and all that stuff. “If I could just learn that one piece, I'll have all this money rushing in, I'll have all this ease in my life, and I'll ride off into the sunset.”

So, if you're in the camp of thinking your business doesn't really have that big of a problem that you need to address now and clean up now, I just want to say, maybe it doesn't. Maybe you're just here listening to this, because you want a little weekly dose of inspiration, or some tips and tricks, or some good coaching questions to self-coach on.

Maybe everything's on track for you. And if so, I'm super happy for you, and I am totally here for you. Keep tuning in, you are a very, very welcome part of this community. You know, we're all women who care about doing things in our own way, expanding ourselves and what we think is possible, and creating really unique lives of our own choosing. Right? You are still my people.

But if your sales aren't what you want them to be, or there's something that feels kind of shaky about your business. Maybe there's an uncertain gray area where you can tell that your belief or your clarity is a little wobbly, then I encourage you to really tune in to what I'm about to say. Because today we're talking about what's going on at the root level. What is likely, really, creating this experience for you.

The experience might show up as not creating as many sales as you want. Or it could be showing up as you being completely overworked. Or just feeling like you've lost motivation for working in your business. Or you feel yourself playing small. But the root of all of these is the same. And we'll get to the root by describing these two different types of businesses.

Today, we'll talk about the ungrounded business. And next week, I'll describe the outgrown business. We'll identify the clarity gaps that happen within them so that you can decide if this is or is not you. And then, we'll talk about what it takes to create change. So, let's get those roots nice and healthy and firmly planted so you can grow something gorgeous and abundant.

I was talking to a friend and colleague of mine the other day about how I've been bringing in more six- and seven-figure clients to the Clarity Accelerator, and how I've been actively tweaking aspects of my messaging because I'm finding that those people are a great fit. And since she actually fits the profile for that type of entrepreneur, she offered to let me bounce some things off of her and use her as market research.

Which, little interjection here, this is why I only join group programs. Having other business-minded women who are happy to help you strategize your business or give you a hand up is so priceless. So, I don't work with one-to-one coaches that don't also offer some sort of group interaction.

And I still keep in touch with mastermind sisters from programs I did years ago. They're still helping me grow. So, it's like I get to benefit from the support and the coaching while I'm in the program, but I get the lifelong earning potential from all that knowledge I pick up, those skills I refine when I'm there, and I have this lifelong network too. The value of a group always goes way beyond that value that you get in that moment.

So anyway, in the past, I had heard her say, “I feel like I'm not 100% clear on X.” I think it was who her people are exactly, but it might have been the results her client gets. Anyway, I asked her, “If you know you're not clear, why aren't you looking for help to get clear?”

I know that she has several coaches, but they're all for different things like making money or becoming more visible or processing your feelings and cleaning up your mind. All of those are great and super important, we work on all of them in the Clarity Accelerator.

But to me, it was quite obvious that she won't be able to capitalize fully on other investments if she doesn't resolve this. Because when you're uncertain, you're tentative. The way you talk about your business is tentative. The actions you take are tentative. The way you move through the world is tentative.

Or some people overcompensate, they go the other way. But that's just a reaction to the feeling of tentative. So, go back and listen to my episode on overselling if you're getting a little nudge that this might be you. It's called the “Uncommon Sales Advice: How to Sell More by Trying Less”.

But when you're in this energy, with this feeling of tentative, it's like you're running a race, but you're not clear on the route. So yeah, you might be running, you might be burning calories, but you're logging lots of extra miles running around in circles. Maybe you slow down your pace while you're trying to decide the best route to take, and you lose ground that way.

Back to my story, my friend was like, “I never really thought about getting help with clarity. I think it's because I wouldn't identify as being unclear, you know? Maybe a little wishy-washy around this particular topic, but I think of myself as a very decisive person in general. I know what I want. I know what my preferences are, like when it comes to politics or where we live.”

Little interjection here, we're almost always the least decisive and assured when it comes to our business or something like our romantic life, because those areas are so highly vulnerable to us, so tied up with our self-worth. I mean, it was definitely that way with me. I considered myself very confident and bold, until I started my own business.

So, my friend was trying to wrap her head around all of this, and she asked, “Well, what's going on in the businesses of the people that tend to come to you?” And I said, “It basically comes down to two things. Their business is either ungrounded or outgrown.” She was like, “Well, what does that look like? How does that feel?”

Which is about when I realized that I needed to do an episode on this topic, of course. So, here is a grounded business in a nutshell: You're clear on what you're doing and why, who you're doing it for, and why you actually believe those things deep down. And you know exactly what you're working on growing at that moment. And why, when those pieces are dialed in, you feel a sense of groundedness, like this resilience is confidence.

I call it “knowingness”, that's my capsule word for everything. And just to clarify quickly, because my friend asked this, she said, “So, is it about calmer energy? Do you transmit excitement when you're talking about your programs, and then you switch to calm, grounded, energy when you go into the sales call?”

But your emotions are separate from your energy, right? I can feel the emotion of excitement when I'm creating these podcasts or when I'm on a sales call, but that doesn't take away from the energy of my groundedness. And remember that energy of groundedness comes from knowing what you're doing and why, and actually believing in it.

No, no, no, no. I can hear some of you saying, “Okay, I’m there. I believe that what I'm doing is meaningful work, that's why I'm doing it. So, I'm good.” But not necessarily. Let's break this down piece-by-piece just to make sure. Okay?

The cornerstone of any successful service business is that you offer some sort of solution to people. So, you need to be really clear on what problem you're solving and what solution you're bringing and for whom, with some degree of specificity.

If you're telling me your people are small or medium businesses, I'm going to be thinking there's lots of room for you to grow into a clearer understanding of what you really do for your clients. And once you're clear and can speak to that, your ideal clients will feel so at home, so seen and so safe, that it will make sense to move forward with you.

Beyond having made a decision about our work, our people, or our offer, for most of us at least, probably everyone listening to this podcast, we actually have to believe in what we're selling in order to sell, right?. We have to believe that those people exist and want our solution. And that our solution is a great, great fit for those people.

For many of us when we're starting out, we basically are our solution. So, you're really needing to believe that you are a great fit for your people. Remember, if you're not clear on that, you can't expect them to be clear on that. But once you are, you're much more likely to be able to communicate that in a way which helps your clients believe it too, so that they want to pay you, they feel that truth and connection.

And that's it, really just a few things: You knowing what problem and why, who your people are and are not, with specificity. And why you or your solutions are right for them.

I mean, are we living in the greatest age ever or what? Your ability to do work that's deeply meaningful, and to create wealth that upsets generational paradigms just comes down to that, pretty much. And when those are dialed in, you don't have all the ambiguity or shakiness, right? You feel grounded.

It's a difference between when you're all wound up, versus how you feel after a good yoga class or a good workout session. Have you ever gone to a restaurant, sat at a high-top table, and one of the chair legs is shorter, so you're unstable and rocking back and forth? Or worse. Okay, this is the worst. When you can feel that one of them is loose and you're not sure, but you might just fall flat on your butt at any minute. It's very disconcerting, right? Not good. It's hard to concentrate on the conversation.

Definitely not a good thing to try and build a business upon. You're telling your client, “Hey, come sit on my lap, I got you.” And they're like, “Um, I'll pass.” My friend, you deserve a chair that's rock solid, handmade, beautiful wood, one-of-a-kind, unlike any other chair out there. Right? You need to be like, “This is my throne. This is where I reside. I was born for this, groomed for this. This is what I do.”

You want to be the woman who knows what she's about. Still feels secure when people don't text that day, or maybe even break up and decide to go their own way. She still knows her value and the kinds of people who appreciate that value. That creates such resilience for you and your business.

When you can commit to and hold those powerful decisions that are made from your greatest power and vision, rather than from scarcity or reactivity, then synchronicity start materializing. Because when you're unsure, the universe is giving you opportunities to become sure. And often, those opportunities are not fun to live through.

You'll make a decision to sell to X kind of person, and then maybe you get flooded with discovery call bookings from the old kind of person, for instance. Go back and listen to my episode with Ale Garnica about “The Power of Decisions”. You'll hear about the synchronicities that started happening in her business when she dropped into belief and alignment.

She had been resisting a decision about an offer for a specific type of person. And as soon as she made the offer, a client dropped in to receive it, and more. Her stories are always really fun. I actually have two episodes with her.

So, back to my friend. As I started talking through all of this with her, she really opened up to me. She was saying, “I do wish that I were booked out. And honestly, I keep going back and forth on the result my clients truly want. Like, what am I really selling them? And then that sends me into a bit of disbelief that I'm the expert and I know what my people need. Because if I knew, then they, in turn, could really nail exactly what they need.”

All of these clarity gaps finally started coming up, the ones that were obviously affecting her business, because how can you sell with conviction, when in the back of your mind, you're thinking, “Can I really do this? Am I really the expert? Am I the right one for this job?”

She went on to tell me how it had been affecting her, the pressure she'd been feeling, because it seemed like she was doing things all wrong even when she had been trying so hard. Why didn't she have a waitlist by now? And how all of that drove her to hustle even harder and then feel even worse.

So, I asked her, “All right, so before we talked, if you weren't thinking it was clarity, what was your interpretation of what was going on with you? What was your interpretation of why I'm able to bring in cold traffic off of Google, and enroll $25K clients into my VIP mindset coaching?” And she said, “Oh, I just thought I wasn't good at overcoming objections yet, whereas you had more confidence with selling.”

See how the mind works? It zeroes in on ‘I just need to learn to overcome price objections.’ But since I, Jenna, spend so much time thinking about clarity, I see it totally differently. I see someone having problems with price objections. And I think that's kind of natural, if you're unclear, because then how can your people be clear? They'll naturally have reservations as they should, right? There's a disconnect, and they pick up on that.

So y'all, if there are any of you out there who have been thinking, “I need someone to help me with selling confidence. The whole problem in my business is that I don't know how to overcome objections,” then we should definitely talk.

Because it's true, I sell with confidence, as do a lot of my clients. I absolutely believe that my $25K offer is a no-brainer for my clients, and not just as a one-off, but to continue paying me $25K for the long haul. I think that we co-create beautiful things together that just wouldn't be the same if she found a different coach, or I found a different client.

But all of that's the very end result of everything I've been talking about. I didn't come out of college talking that way. I built that belief, piece by piece. All the clarity and belief work and worthiness work, allowing myself to receive, scary decision making and even scarier sticking to my decisions, I built all of that.

That's important, because in my experience, very few of us heart-centered women are born with a strong, let's call it a strong sales gene. Where we can just go sell anything to anyone and feel no qualms about it, not question the integrity or the product, or will this really help the person.

Most of us are very heavily grounded, there's that word again, or grounded by our sense of integrity, and we don't want to do anything unethical. But this is the work that lets us create the safety to ask for and claim something, that on some level, we feel wrong for or not entitled to. And we sell it to the right people so that it's an energetic match.

This is how clarity is at the heart of everything. I mentioned overworked, earlier in the show. Well, I was talking to someone the other day who was really exhausted and burnt out in her business. She was working weekends and evenings, but she absolutely didn't believe in the value she was offering her clients. And so, she was way undercharging, and then taking on tons of clients.

But if you don't get to the root of what's going on, if you focus on time management, for instance, you won't be making meaningful change. And you see the showing up all over the place. I have a coach who is brilliant and amazing, but during her latest launch, she abruptly dropped her price by a third. She probably had some thought that the action would bring her a better outcome.

But you know what would really bring a better outcome? Building up her beliefs so she can charge what she wants to charge and attract the clients that want to pay for her support. This goes for any way that you might be playing small. Playing small just means that your fears carry more weight for you than the possible positive outcome.

So, however that’s showing up for you look for the deeper reason. Don't go to the doctor asking for aspirin for your headaches when the true issue is that your teeth are out of alignment, and so what you really need is an orthodontist.

It reminds me of another client of mine, Carrie. I have a podcast with her, too. When we met, she was helping people clean out their closets, charging $65/hour, and was frustrated because she wasn't making ends meet. She thought she just needed someone to help her drum up more business.

But she didn't need that. She needed me to help her get clear on her true value so she could create this one-of-a-kind offer that really landed with her and brought her so much more joy than cleaning out closets, and it's something no one else offers. And then she could start selling it to her exact ideal clients for $6,000, who were overjoyed. One even asked if she could pay her more.

I'm remembering my client, Carly, whose clients were coming in sporadically. She wanted to improve her messaging to bring in more clients. She was targeting a group of people that deep down felt pretty tiring to work with. But she told herself those people still needed her, and they were the most likely to pay. That's not a grounded place from which to build your business.

You don't have the super strong roots from which your tree can just spring towards the heavens, right? Because instead of having knowingness and conviction, you're tentative. A sales call books in and in the back of your mind, you're like, “Ugh, I hope they postpone. Ugh, another one of these clients, here we go.”

But when we got down to the people she really wanted to work with, and she shifted her messaging to call them in, because that group was in such perfect alignment for her she sold out her first group program.

Or, like my client Kat. When we first started working together, she was signing clients for $10K projects, and doing visual notetaking for social-good organizations. That was comfortable work, she had a multiple six-figure business, and she really enjoyed it. She was really good at it. But she had started doing far more complex work with some of her clients, and that work absolutely thrilled her. So, she wanted to reposition herself as a strategist, not a visual artist.

We went back through her “why”, we shored up her beliefs, and now she's not really taking on clients for less than $100K. She has already enrolled a couple of them, and we're still getting her website together. But she told me last time we talked, “This transformation feels totally within reach. It's like I'm at mile 16 of the marathon and I've hit a great stride. I'm calmer at work, and there's less ego. I just want to help these people and use my gifts and talents.”

Kat, Carrie, and Carly, they have great stories, right? More clients, scaling, premium offers, and all the glittery things. But I'm convinced that those are just byproducts. Whereas the biggest benefits, the truly priceless benefits, are the ways you get to experience yourself.

It's hard to describe just how empowering groundedness can be, especially when you don't quite realize how off things are actually feeling. But just think about a time in your life when you were truly tapped in. Maybe it was a big decision to change majors, or right when you became a mom, or you'd made it through a health crisis.

But it's like the world stills, priorities reorient, and you're doing what needs to be done in complete trust of yourself and the universe to have your back. Right? The noise just silences.

Now, for some of you getting to this place of alignment will be like a chiropractic adjustment, you just need a couple little tweaks. For others, the foundation work is a bit more extensive. Either is fine, because you're building a business for life, and this is so worth it.

This friend I've been talking about, she falls into the camp of the chiropractic adjustment. I'll show you what I mean. Remember before, when I laid out the components of a grounded business, I kept saying “and why”. So, you know what you're doing and why. I said that for a reason.

The reason is that in my experience, knowing your “why” drives so many decisions that you'll need to make in your business. And it enables so many of the other beliefs and clarity pieces to just fall into place, just click into place.

Your “why” guide you to the work you do and to your ideal people, and then they guide you to your offer. And then your messaging ties everything up with a pretty bow. You're just connecting the dots. The same way you can look at something in hindsight and see how all those dots connected so perfectly, that's what your grounded business should be like.

And your “why” is really that key strategic piece that gets the ball rolling. Like when you're building a Zen tower of rocks, this is the stone that all the other stones of your business will rest upon. For some people, their “why” comes from their vision for the future, or values, or it's about the personal development work they themselves did or that they are still doing, or your Human Design sun gate or vocation gate. There are so many ways to think about this.

I also teach my clients to connect to their purpose by looking back over the course of your life and really teasing out the themes that have been showing up for you again and again. Because I think we spend our lives paying attention to and then invariably becoming experts on certain things, and then we're compelled to dedicate our lives to that in some way. But what matters here is that you are grounded in your “why”, in the deeper meaning of your business or your work in the world.

I have a client who has a service business that she thought was a pretty basic service. There was really no “why”, other than doing work she liked and contributing to household expenses. That was her “why”. It was challenging for her to see how going deeper would actually serve her.

The part of what was happening was ,she was, again, undercharging, and therefore overworking because of the thought, “This is just a basic service.” So, in her mind, she was always competing on price with other providers. We were several weeks in before she went, “Oh, I get it now. I hadn't seen how this would all connect through the people I chose to work with and bring in, and then my sales and my offer to them. And then, all the way into my social media messaging. But it all connects.”

Because truthfully, she longed to be a renowned designer, and create designs for her clients that were really above and beyond. So, that showed us that her aligned clients, they don't want basic either, they want magnificent. And once you start speaking to those people and creating offers for those people, everyone's on the same page and super psyched to be working together.

She's working with clients who appreciate her, and she has the space to create the kinds of design she wants and give the kind of service she wants. And of course, to create raving fans.

When I asked my friend about her “why”, she said she dreams of helping more women of color get into top leadership positions in their companies, because that will change the world. But the person that she had been describing, talking to, the one who had the price objection, that person was a young woman fairly new in her career.

Now, think about the logic flow here. If you're focused on women getting into top leadership positions, knowing that then they'll turn around and offer mentorship and better opportunities for the junior women of color in their organizations. Then it makes sense to focus on the women who are within reach of those positions. The ones who can actually carry out that vision. At least when you're working one-to-one and you have limited availability, right?

You want to make the biggest impact possible with each client. And those women, and this is the beauty of alignment with your clients once you get clear on this stuff, they are just as interested as you in that vision. And it's accessible enough to them and attractive enough to them to make it happen, that they're happy to pay someone to help them.

Versus when you're kind of thinking your mission is to help create this new paradigm, but you're not really sure. And so, you're attracting women who are also unsure about investing, and also about whether they have what it takes to get an ROI on the coaching and to step into these places of power. Then, your business is unaligned. There's no grounding, and you feel like you're on a wobbly barstool.

So, I could work with you on sales techniques all day, but if you don't have the underlying belief, you won't show up as an energetic match for your right clients. And you sure as hell won't be able to sell to those clients because you'll kind of crumble under the weight of your own disbelief. Maybe you'll get all tongue-tied or brain foggy or self-sabotaging right in the middle of the call.

But you see how, with a simple chiropractic adjustment, then the energy can flow. It just all makes sense and things can click into place. If you keep following that logic, if you're intent on really stepping into your power here and creating those big changes, then you're looking for clients that have the best chance of creating that vision with you, like we've said.

So, instead of thinking about, “How can I convince them through this price objection, these women that probably aren't even my people?” You're like, “Hmm, how do I vet this woman in front of me to make sure she's as committed to this vision as I am? Knowing that I can't work with everyone, who are the 10 or 20, or however many women, that will make the most of this?”

Only after they've demonstrated that to you, then you make an invitation to work with them. And by then they've likely worked through a lot of objections in their own mind. Because they've talked themselves through how much they want this and why and what they are willing to do to make it happen.

And if you're thinking, “But I wouldn't know how to call in those people.” The clients that want magnificent rather than basic, or the women executives. There are ways, my friends. This is why you want to spend some focus on getting to know your chosen people and then creating the conscious and unconscious resonance in your messaging that calls them in. That is what we do in the Clarity Accelerator.

So, this work, it changes everything. And yet, it's amazing how little attention people give to these core basics, these core pillars of their businesses. And to me, it's amazing just how willing they are to tolerate ambiguity, uncertainty, low self-worth, and just kind of keep winging it. Because you can wing it and still grow a large business, but you're spending longer getting where you need to go, with more drama and less pleasure.

I see a lot of circular thinking where we tell ourselves, “Well, I can't feel confident and clear and secure until I'm seeing X revenue, or a waitlist in my business.” When the truth is, those thoughts stick around. They probably aren't going to go away until you work through them. And as I've said before, results follow revelations.

You probably won't create the waitlist until you've realized that “Oh duh, of course, I should have a wait-list. This is a no-brainer for my people.” Most of the time, we don't even realize we're trying to shortcut around this stuff or postpone figuring it out. Your brain is just trying to avoid some emotion like frustration, disappointment, or embarrassment.

So, maybe, if deep down you aren't sure that you can help your people get results, then instead of doing that work, your brain will tell you, “You just need a new certification. And then you'll have what you need to help people. I'll just water down my messaging, so I won't feel guilty selling something I can't deliver.” You basically, then, are putting the burden on your clients to decide how you can really help them.

Or it just feels easier to hide out learning some new tactic. Maybe it's Facebook ads, sales scripts, or your sales page copy. And then later, you tell yourself those things don't really work for you, when actually they work fine. It's just that you're tripping over that part of the sales script because you don't really believe it. Or in the Facebook ads copy or the sales page copy when it says, “Here's where you insert your clients pain points. Here's where you insert the result they really want,” you don't really know what to put there.

And I get it, nobody wants to bring their insecurities into the light of day. It feels much better to occupy ourselves with busy work and then get the dopamine hit of feeling productive. Or maybe, you just don't want the discomfort of seeking out ideal clients and having a conversation so that you can understand them on a deep level.

It's much more comfortable to take a course on Instagram hashtag strategy and then hide behind your computer pumping out content, hoping that maybe someone will fall into your lap saying, “I need to work with you. Here's my credit card.”

I've had a couple of people say to me lately, “I'm so ready to take action Jenna. I've done this kind of value stuff and getting to know myself stuff, and this feels like a step back. I want to get out there and let things be messy.” And I am all about your action, woman.

Yes, as an entrepreneur, you’ve got to be a little scrappy. Things will be messy at times, yeah. But be scrappy with your tactics. Be a little sloppy with your copy. But do not be sloppy with the core pillars of your business. Because that shit leads to a lot of wasted time and energy and a lot of sleepless nights.

I've spoken to many women who come back to me later and said, “Okay, now I need help. Because I've been posting for a year and it's not really working. It's driving me crazy. I should be further along by now. I think maybe I should change my niche.” So, I am all about your action if you're running the race with a trail map. Otherwise, I think it's worth it for you to pump the brakes and get yourself oriented.

Listen, your future self, who has this aligned, grounded business that she totally loves and believes in, she will never say, “Ugh, why did I take a couple of months to get this all dialed in?” A thing she never said.

Which brings us to, maybe, a deeper reason, my friend, why a lot of us avoid this clarity work. And it's that on a certain level, it feels safer not to have this all dialed in. We resist how powerful we really are. We resist that potential. Like Marianne Williamson wrote, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we're powerful beyond measure. It's our light, and not our darkness that most frightens us.”

It makes sense, right, that any smart brain that was terrified of that would do its best to subtly dissuade you from uncovering your gifts and bringing them to light. Yes, confusion, busyness, etc. Those can all be brilliant tools for playing it safe. But once you're onto your brain, helpful though it's trying to be, you can redirect.

It's like a mentor of mine, Brooke Castillo, says, “Your brain can try everything it wants to get you to pick up that cookie, but you're the only one who can decide to lift up your hand and grab the cookie.” So, your brain can tell you anything it wants about why not to do this work for yourself right now. But only you can make the decision about whether to fall in line with that opinion.

So, if you've been thinking, “Working with Jenna sounds nice. But doing a bunch of flowery get-to-know-yourself work in the Clarity Accelerator, it's just not a priority right now in my business.” Know that, this is not that. This is the brutally hard work of actually claiming your genius. And the hard work of building all the thoughts and beliefs to support scary decisions, and your ability to commit to them.

And then, from that grounded place, actually taking action on and manifesting the biggest vision you have for yourself. Without that clarity and conviction, you won't take the same level of action and lean in. Like my client, Lindy, said on her podcast episode, she had been playing not to lose, rather than playing to win.

And this world wins. This world becomes an amazing, exhilarating place when women start owning their genius and playing to win. You ready to step into that? What you should be asking yourself is:

Am I committed? Not just interested, not just thinking about, but really committed to creating an experience for myself where I feel deeply grounded in my business? I'm bringing on aligned clients who really jive with the meaningful work I'm doing. And I know exactly what I'm really working on improving in my business and why. Not from scarcity, but from pure desire and potential. So, that I can know what it feels like to lean in and gain traction in mastering this area. So, that I can start getting the ROI from all my other investments. So, that I can blow my own mind.

If your answer is yes, “I am committed to this for myself and my business,” you need to be in the Clarity Accelerator, there is no better place for you. Because that's where I can help you make the powerful decision that your business needs, and the sooner the better.

Over eight weeks, we work through the three necessary parts of an aligned and grounded service business. Which is: Know yourself. Know your people. And then, speak to how those both connect with each other. Then we'll continue on for another month, or as many months as you'd like after that, as you integrate and implement all of your new insights and decisions.

Okay, my sisters, that is it for today. I was spitting some fire; I hope it landed where it needed to and you're feeling kind of pumped. I am so excited to see what you do and what you grow into. And remember, deep down, you know who you are. And each day, you're stepping further into what you are here to create.

Hey, if you're a coach who wants true clarity about your secret sauce, your people, your best way of doing business, and how you talk about your offer, then I invite you to join us in the Clarity Accelerator. I'll teach you to connect all the dots, the dots that have always been there for you so that you can show up like you were born for exactly this.

Come join us and supercharge every other tool or tactic you'll ever learn, from Facebook ads to manifestation. Just go to and set up a time to talk. I can't wait to be your coach.

Thanks for joining us here at The Uncommon Way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, including the Clarity First strategy for growing and scaling your business, visit See you next time.

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