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Ep #8: How to Surpass What Your Brain Thinks Is Possible

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8: How to Surpass What Your Brain Thinks Is Possible The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast with Jenna Harrison

Do you ever feel like you need to see the evidence before you can truly believe in something? Do you ever think things like “When I start making more money, then I’ll know I can start investing in my business.” Or “When people engage with my social media, then I’ll know my content resonates?” Well, what would you say if I told you that kind of thinking just perpetuates more of the same results you’re already creating?

When we think about what’s possible, we have a bias toward what’s happened in the past and we use this to determine our future results and possibilities. This is how we’ve been taught, and how our brain naturally works. We think that evidence creates belief, but the truth is that it is the other way around: belief creates evidence. And understanding this simple fact is the key to making a change and creating the results you desire in your life and business.

We can’t just sit back and wait for evidence to build itself, we have to get out there and build it for ourselves. So this week, I’m helping you transform your relationship with possibility and showing you how to use it to start creating results you can only dream of. I’m showing you how to really ground in to see how to open yourself to the truth of what’s possible, and sharing two simple but effective practices you can do right now to change your beliefs and transform your life.

If you know you have a ceiling holding you back, but don’t know what it is or how to bust through it, I can help you, my friend. You don’t have to stay in the land of “what ifs” any longer. I am opening up a spot for a 1:1 private client and I would love for us to get to know each other. If you are ready to follow the nudge, click here to schedule a call with me, I can’t wait to talk to you.

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Why affirmations by themselves don’t work to create manifestation.

  • A very common fear among new coaches that’s completely baseless.

  • How to use this work to create what you want in life.

  • Why you shouldn’t look for the vanity metrics in business and what you should be looking for instead.

  • Two simple but transformative practices to build belief for something you don’t think is believable (They’re WAY more effective than ladder beliefs.).

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8: How to Surpass What Your Brain Thinks Is Possible The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast with Jenna Harrison

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A lot of you, as coaches, know about ladder beliefs. You can start stepping into your belief by saying, “Maybe, someday, I'll believe it's possible that I could X,” and you can baby step your way closer, and closer, and closer over time, until you're at your full belief.

That's not what we're going to talk about today. We're going to talk about the very hard work, but very simple work, that I have my clients do, over and over and over again, to completely change their lives.

You're listening to The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast, the only podcast that helps you unlock your next level in business and life, by prioritizing your clarity and your own Uncommon Way. You will learn to maximize your mindset, mission, messaging, and strategy in order to create a true legacy. Here's your host, top ranked business coach and reformed overanalyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison.

Hey, friends, welcome back to The Uncommon Way. I just got home from a morning walk with my puppy, Sky. We were just kind of meandering along the streams, looking up at the beautiful oak trees here, in Pennsylvania. I noticed this difference in the weather, this shift in that the really hot days of summer broke, and now we have this little bit of coolness in the air. And, there's not a cloud in the sky.

Just those changes in conditions, help this feeling of being completely limitless. You know what I'm talking about, right? You've been there. And so, I just knew that I had to come back and hop on the mic. We're doing this very extemporaneously, but I have a very ambitious goal; I want to transform your relationship with possibility.

Today, we're going to do that through talking about the mechanics of what creates our results. Also, really grounding into how we can open ourselves to the truth of what's possible. And from there, create new results. And I'm going to give you two key practices, they're very, very simple. But just doing these two things will absolutely transform your life. Before we get there, I did want to thank a podcast reviewer.

Okay, this is from NeighborLover, “I really enjoy this podcast! Jenna's voice is very pleasant to listen to (Thank you) and she speaks with relaxed authority. The way she combines mindset with tactics is quite effective because she DOESN’T GIVE TOO MANY TACTICS all at once. She gives just enough for them to feel doable. Jenna speaks about experience, potential pitfalls, and mindset shifts, and THEN sprinkles in enough tactics to make the podcast feel very valuable. I can't wait to listen to more.” Well, thank you, NeighborLover, for that review.

I think it really highlights how much we can do from these reviews, from this conversation that we have in the review section. Because I know from working with clients, that my clients like a combination of tactics and mindset. Do they like that in podcast form? I don't know. I've never done a podcast before. But apparently, according to NeighborLover, that's really helpful.

And what is also helpful, is not having too many of the tactics. So, this is the kind of feedback that I would love to encourage you to think about and leave. It doesn't have to be a glowing review, although thank you to everyone who has had such positive things to say. It can really be, maybe you listened to the Klucharev interview on nonconformity, and you came up with some unanswered questions. And, you'd really like those answered in a follow up interview.

Or, maybe you want to tell me what you do like, and something that you want to hear more of. Maybe there's a topic that you want to hear about. I want to hear about all of this. And, the best way to do that is in the review section. Because we together, you as founding members and I, we're creating this from the ground up.

Since we're talking about possibility and potential today, there's no better way to create the possibility and potential of this podcast, and specifically of this podcast’s ability to transform your life, than to join with me in creating what it's going to be. So, please do communicate with me that way. If you've already left a review, you can leave another review. That's the beauty of it. You just keep the conversation going there, so that I can really make sure this is exactly what you need.

All right. Moving on. Where do you think possibility comes from? Possibility really comes from your state of mind. And, this is so difficult for us to really wrap our brains around on a practical level. It's something that most of us, as coaches and personal development seekers, can do intellectually. But when we bring it into the practical level, it's very difficult. Our brains are really wired to look at everything we learned in the past, and then make assumptions about what will happen in the future.

But the truth is, we don't know. Right? None of us could have predicted, well actually, a lot of us predicted the pandemic, that was a terrible example. But in our day-to-day life, we weren't going around thinking about this pandemic and what that could mean for us. We will often think about, when we think about what's possible, we just naturally have a bias towards what has happened in the past, right?

If we've earned this much, we can probably earn incrementally more. If we've worked in this type of industry, and the normal, you know, career trajectory is X, then that's probably where we'll end up. But in truth, we determine our results and our possibilities. And mechanically, we know this is true, because we know that what we're thinking about influences our feelings, right?

And then from there, our feelings really drive our actions. And our actions produce different results. We have to be careful with each one of those steps though. Because, for instance, this is why affirmations by themselves don't work to create manifestation. So, you can have a thought like; I could sign a client today. And that can be so exciting for you, it generates this feeling of excitement. And then, you go forward from there, and you just show up in with this excited state of mind. You're speaking to your people from the heart. You are open to new opportunities and possibilities. You're just kind of scanning, maybe your social media feed, or you're listening to conversations, and you're just out there to serve. And, it just feels so exciting. This might lead to results that include a client being signed, and probably a lot more.

But what if you have been saying that to yourself, because someone told you, you should for thirty days? For thirty days, you have been saying, “I could sign a client today,” and you haven't signed a client. Let's say sixty days. Let's say ninety days. How does that thought actually make you feel in reality?

You might feel disappointed. And then, all of the actions you take are fueled by that sense of disappointment. But it can lead to even darker emotions, maybe that leads to disgust. You're just disgusted with yourself for not being able to figure this out, already. I mean, come on, it's been ninety days. You are just so fueled with this sense of; maybe they don't like me, right? Maybe this isn't even possible? You start to generate some anger; maybe this whole coaching industry is just a giant Ponzi scheme.

All of those emotions are fueling your actions, which may end up then being Netflix®, that may be your action for the day. Or, it could just be you going through the motions and doing the things, and really thinking about what you think your clients need to hear in order to get that client. What's the lowest common denominator client that you can speak to? And really tap into their pain, because that's what the marketing gurus have told you to do. Enough that you can, like, persuade them through urgency or whatever to sign with you. It's completely different.

That is why you really need to be careful about the affirmations you say, or the things that you think you need to think. And why, for coaches that understand this, so much of our coaching time with our clients is really helping them find the thoughts that actually work for them, and feel believable at the same time.

Now, those of you that have been listening to all of these episodes, might have heard my episode on energetics, and how I wasn't actually taking any action to bring in the clients that came to me through Google®.

I would just remind you that I had taken action in the past, I had developed this relationship with my future clients, by way of really getting to know these people. Understanding them and suspending the way I thought they should think. And then, turning that into messaging that I tested, and made sure actually resonated with them. So, there was that.

But also, in your A line, in your action line, you can put things like holding the belief, right? So, just because you say you think something doesn't mean you believe it. When I had created this messaging that I knew worked with people, I knew resonated with people, it helped me establish the belief that people would find that and would click with it, and would be motivated to get on a call with me.

So, this is an example of, no matter how much coaching you've done, even if you teach people about this every day, my own brain was able to hold the belief because I had created this past evidence. However, there are times in your life where you don't want to rely on past evidence. Why? Because we know how much we have a filter, as we look out of the world.

And so, let me give you an example of this. I had a client who had a belief that only coaches that helped people make money, such as business coaches, those were the only ones that would actually make money themselves. Those were the only people that could actually have a successful business, where people that were helping others make money.

Now, what she wanted to do was not help people make money. And so, she was in this cycle of thinking her business was never going to work. So, I asked her to put out a post in a really large Facebook® group of entrepreneurs, that we both belong to, asking if people could share their recommendations about coaches that inspired them, that were very successful, and that we're not specifically teaching people how to make money.

Because I knew, that I see so many of these people out there. To me, there was no question about whether this is possible. I mean, people make a million dollars teaching knitting online. Of course, they could do the deep transformative work that this client of mine was going to be doing with her clients.

So, my client put out a post. And honestly, it took a while to get to the point of the question, the question was a little further down. I think maybe people were scrolling. They didn't read the whole thing. But she only got a couple of responses back. And some of those responses were; what exactly are you looking for? And she used that as evidence to further her belief that; see? It's true. People can't even name successful coaches that don't help people make money.

Now, I know a lot of new coaches think this, it's a very, very normal fear, in the beginning. I don't tend to attract people like this anymore, because I'm no longer marketing to; hey, if the reason you haven't been making money is because you haven't had these clarity pieces, right? You haven't known yourself and your true secret sauce, and you haven't known what your people are really wanting, and then how to speak about that to them.

I used to say, “This is why you haven't been making money, and I can help you make money.” And so, I was attracting people that really only invested if they were going to make money. If they thought they were going to make money directly, that was why it was worth it to them to invest.

And so, they tended to believe that other people held that same worldview, and would also only invest if they had some sort of guaranteed financial return. Right. So, even though I believe that passionately, I don't talk about it.

I'm willing to sacrifice that part of my messaging, in order to draw in the clients that really deeply want the clarity work, and are also able to sell services that don't just help people get money. Okay, I thought that was important to share. So, you could see it from that perspective.

But back to the story. I knew something had to be going on here. And so, I went into the exact same Facebook group, I created like a one-line question, very simple. I put it out there; we got over 200 comments with suggestions for coaches that we should check out.

I just had to laugh. To my client, I said, “Be careful what you ask for,” because now she had over 200 websites she had to go through and look at, in order to build belief for herself. But here's what this story is illustrating for us. And I want you to just pause what you're doing right now, and really tune in to what I'm about to say.

We think that evidence creates belief, but actually, belief creates evidence. What do I mean by that? My client thought that she had been seeing this in the world, right? She had just looked around and noticed, as if she were, you know, watching the news or something. These are the facts reported, that you don't make money unless you're teaching people how to make money.

And, she had all this evidence to prove it because she had never seen it. And, her brain was helping her build more evidence by focusing on all the other entrepreneurs who were complaining about not being able to make money, if you're not helping people make money.

So, this was just compounding her evidence. And it was just, you know, reinforcing this belief. So, her point of view is; I can't change this belief, because look at all this evidence. I would be delusional to change this belief.

But here's the thing, when you're able to change your belief, and this is a bit of a mind bender, right? How can you believe new things? But once you're able to do it, the evidence in your life changes. Because the part of your brain that has been scanning all of the information for you, starts bringing you the information that supports that belief.

So, the way I think of this is, if we had a really, really talented executive assistant, I call her Miss Peterkins in my mind, and she is one of these people that pretty much can run the company, without the CEO. She's really the person behind the scenes that is making things happen. And, she's been with this company for ever, right? She knows the ins and outs, and she knows that her very visionary boss, or she believes that sometimes her visionary boss goes off on tangents.

So, she will sit there taking notes diligently, as the boss says, “I've got this gut feeling. This is the direction we're going now. This is really what I want to create in my life. Let's go do this completely new thing.” She sits there nodding her head, and then she goes back to her office and she does exactly what she has been doing that has kept the company successful. It takes effort to really convince Miss Peterkins that you're serious. That you are going to create new results. That you do want new possibilities in your life.

And yet, that work can be done, right? That actually can happen. And it's amazing, because once you get her on your side, she is so capable that it just flows, it becomes so much easier. All of a sudden, like I said, she's the one bringing the evidence to you that you didn't even realize you were asking for.

You're looking through your feed, and all of a sudden, this article pops out to you. And it's this article, that this respected publication, like Forbes™ has put out, that's talking about all of these coaches that don't help people make money, and yet they are killing it in business.

That only happened because your beliefs were strong enough to transfer those instructions to the part of your brain that is scanning for this information. And that evidence then helps you create more evidence, and more evidence, and more evidence.

But here's the thing, guys, we can't just sit back and wait for this to happen, which is what so many of us do. When I sign the clients, then I'll start believing this as possible, right? Or, when I sign the clients, then I'll start believing I'm worthy of investing in myself. Or, when people start saying nice things about me, then I'll know that my coaching is helpful. Or, when they start engaging with my social media, then I'll know that this content resonates.

Again, like I've said, I have had so many clients come through that have never liked or commented on my social media. But it was motivating enough for them to feel a shift, an internal shift, that was strong enough that they knew they needed more. And, they were coming to work with me. That is the kind of results, when you're in business, that you need to be looking for, not the vanity metrics.

So, you might be thinking; okay, Jenna. But how do we actually establish these new beliefs, when we really don't believe it's possible? A lot of you, as coaches, know about ladder beliefs. You can start stepping into your belief by saying, “Maybe, someday, I'll believe it's possible that I could X,” and you can baby step your way closer, and closer, and closer over time, until you're at your full belief.

That's not what we're going to talk about today. We're going to talk about the very hard work, but very simple work, that I have my clients do, over and over and over again, to completely change their lives. It starts like this.

And, it may not surprise you to know that one of these is work that you do within, and one of these is work that you do without, outside of yourself. Because that is how we roll here at The Uncommon Way. There's always our internal work, and then the feedback that we need from the universe around us.

So, the first thing that you need to do, is the internal work. Whatever it is that you aren't quite believing yet, you have to do the work of assisting your brain in believing that, by sitting down with a journal, or a voice recorder, or just going on a walk with your dog, and thinking about all the ways that the complete opposite is true.

Here's an example: You have identified a belief that you know is not helpful, it's not driving the helpful thoughts. It's not driving the helpful feelings, or the helpful actions, and it's not creating the results that you want. And this thought is; I gotta be honest, I really don't believe I could sign a client today.

First of all, congratulate yourself, hallelujah for that awareness. You didn't keep going on autopilot, forcing it. And, just trying to muscle through with this programming that's not even working for you. But where might it be true? If it were true, what would I be seeing right now? Or, what would be an indicator? And it doesn't have to be from without, but anything you can think about here, journal it down.

Well, the truth is… Of course, my brain hasn't been focusing on this because there's a natural negativity bias. And on top of that, we have this confirmation bias, that wants to confirm that we already know what we know. But if I go back and look at the facts, I have actually been building my email list. More and more people have been coming on to my list and sticking around for something.

Or, you know, the truth is, I do get people DMing me more, and asking me for advice in ways that didn't used to happen. Or, there was that person who said she wanted to work with me and just wasn't going to do it now. And, that hasn't actually happened before. And you know, what else? Now that I remember it, there a lot of people out there that say that you need a certain number of no’s, before you get to your first yes; I have been getting some no’s. I have been acquiring some no’s.

Hmm. I guess that I don't really believe that I would never get a client. If I sit down with myself, I mean, someday I'll get a client. I don't know if I'm going to have a six-figure business. But there's probably going to be one person out there in the world.

Oh, you know what? That's a really good way of thinking about it. There are how many, you know, billions of people in the world? There's got to be one person that wants this help. I know I would have given anything.

Okay, that's a good way of… Yeah, let's talk about that. I would have given anything for this work. Why wouldn't people want this work? Yeah.

And what's naturally going to happen, is your brain then is going to start problem solving for you. Where else could I try to get in front of my people? Have I just not found my right people? Is there something, some reason that maybe I've been projecting a certain thing into my messaging, and I'm not calling in my right people? Is it that my own disbelief, has been leading me to speak to the kind of person that I feel like I need to convince, rather than the person that is hungry for it, and wants it right now?

This is the beauty of doing this work. And we think it's impossible, we think; I know the truth. The truth is, I'm not signing clients. The truth is, I'm not going to sign a client today, because I've gone ninety days, and I haven't signed a client.

But you don't know, my friend, you don't know. And your lens is filtering your idea of what's possible for you. Now from there, remember, we want to work with the brain; we want to understand Miss Peterkins and how she works. And really facilitate this for her, so that the belief can sink in. So, then I would suggest you go out and you find external proof.

You can't expect this to just come to you; you need to go look for it. You need to do this work. You need to start asking in Facebook groups; who are people that kind of had a dry run and went for a few months, and then signed a client? You know people are going to respond to that, because it happens to all of us.

But it would be helpful if you can get more detail on it. Maybe someone will be willing to hop on the phone. You want to step in to the excitement that they felt when things just kind of came together. When they realized something, and they'll share what it was maybe that they realized, that then created this shift for them.

You can go out and search for how people are looking for this exact thing. Again, you could do this in a Facebook group, just asking people to share examples. Or, you could go Google it, you can get really creative. I'm not going to give you all the ways you could do this. This is part of the fun, right? This is your detective work.

I used to have a belief that my marriage would erode if my business got too successful. And of course, I didn't realize that right away, but once we identified it, this is the exact work that I did. I started finding proof of very successful women and their relationships that had stood the test of that transformation, of one partner.

I've got good news for you. Sometimes, this can happen in an instant. This is helpful if you have a really trusted relationship with your coach, because you can borrow their belief. So, I've had so many times where I've presented something that I just thought was a fact, it's just the way it is, to my coach. And my coach has said, “No, that's not how it is at all. It actually works this way. Here, let me show you how it's true.”

That alone has been a shift for me. That alone has created a shift. Sometimes it doesn't work like that, we have more entrenched beliefs, that's okay. This is exciting because when you have an entrenched belief like that, and you are able to transform it, you understand the power that you have for everything, going forward.

You understand that you basically have to break your brain, you have to break everything that it thought it knew. And you have to create the possibility from within. you step into the driver's seat, there are no limitations. What you're capable of is so much more than you realize. And it's what you've always known is possible.

You aren't here listening to this because you think you are going to have a life of mediocrity. You're here because you know that there's a power within that hasn't been tapped into. You know that it's possible for you to create results, like no one around you would believe. That you, yourself, wouldn't believe.

And what we're doing here, is we're just stepping into the possibility. We start out with something very small, a belief that we want to change that doesn't have too many teeth in it, right? It's not going to completely effect our identity, our sense of identity. It's not going to completely challenge our worldview. It's very accessible. It's some small belief.

Then, we start to tackle bigger beliefs, more entrenched beliefs, until we get to the point where we're like; what the fuck do I want to create in life? All right, let's go do it. That sounds amazing. Would people really pay that much for coaching? Could I really make that much in a year? Could I really have this kind of impact?

That all depends on you; no one but you. I'll leave you with that today, my friends. Any questions or thoughts about this episode, please let me know in the reviews. And, I look forward to being with you again next week. And just remember, on a certain level, you know who you are, and what you are capable of. And every day, you're stepping further into what you're here to create.

If you know that you have some sort of ceiling that is holding you back, but you just don't know what it is or how to bust through it, and you're dying to see what's on the other side, I can help you with that, my friend. You do not have to stay in the land of what if’s, any longer. I've come up against my own limitations, and then broken my brain about what is actually possible, over and over.

You can listen to Episode 6 for some of my story, but I've surprised the hell out of myself repeatedly. And I've helped my clients do it, too. This goes way beyond business coaching. Repeatedly, my clients have said things like; you are so much more than just a business coach. You're better than my therapist. I've been in therapy for twenty years, and I've never gotten the kind of transformation that I have with you.

And it's interesting, because I, myself, have been doing EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) lately, with my own therapist. And I'm like; huh, I've been doing some of this kind of stuff with my clients. I just didn't know what it was called. I just intuitively knew that that's what was needed to get us our results in some situations.

Sometimes we need to go deep, and we need to support your nervous system as we do. This is just what I do, I quantum leap the healing and evolution of my clients. But what does it actually look like to move beyond that cap or ceiling, and reimagine everything? I'm talking, a 22-year-old straight out of college and all unsure, who now runs a wildly successful business with massive impact. And, oh yes, just also happens to bring in multiple six figures, because that is a natural byproduct of centering yourself and then removing the ways that you hold yourself back.

Or, another woman, who had been chained to a job with this codependent boss, who greatly underutilized her talents, who then quit that job of over twenty years, and started earning just as much with just a few freelance clients. But taking back so much more time for herself, and exponentially increasing her joy in the process.

Or, another, who sold consumables through the internet, hiding behind a screen, but had a calling to share everything she'd learned with other women. She just didn't know what that could look like. And when she described it to me, I said, without missing a beat, “Oh, you're going to turn your company into a spiritual lifestyle brand.” It was instant clarity for her; scary as hell, but instant knowing. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.

Or, me, who sat in confusion for two decades only to now become the flippin’ queen of clarity. Are you kidding me? The me, of only seven years ago, would have laughed out loud with that one. Anything is possible, my friends. And, the residual effects become almost more exciting than even a goal that we start out with.

Transforming your body, because you're no longer of suppressing all of your disappointment with food. Or, ditching the loser boyfriend because your own amazing worth becomes so glaringly obvious that the partnership is now laughable. Or, moving cities or even countries, because when you untether your mind, you also untether your spirit.

If this type of complete makeover is calling to you, if you know this is your next work, I've got an invitation. I'm opening a spot for one private client. Typically, I constrain my private coaching to graduates of the Clarity Accelerator. But when I get a ping, I listen. My business is heavily guided by this knowingness. And this one is telling me to open up the spot, maybe for you.

Here's what we'll do together over six months: We will cut out the years of confusion, frustration, unproductive stuckness, and huge investments, that I have made, in order to figure out exactly what this process entails. So, that I can do it on repeat. We'll cut all of that out for you and just focus on these four simple things.

Number one, we are going to do a full inventory of where you are mentally. How do you think about your reality now? What are those beliefs and supposed in circumstances, that you've never even questioned? You think you just are the way you are? Think again.

Next, we'll question everything. Because you have to be willing to burn everything to the ground, in order to create what's even more extraordinary. I've loved watching Judd Apatow’s new documentary on HBO® about the comedian George Carlin. Because at the height of each point in his career, he would reinvent himself and step more fully into his own truth, leaving his current fans behind and willing to leave his current fans behind. But each time he just got more and more successful.

Third, we're going to construct your new identity, on purpose this time. How does she think? How does she see the world? What is she willing to receive that you aren't? And, where's the disconnect right now? What's really holding you back? What aren't you willing to feel, to get to the other side?

This is where many people stumble. They spend all their mental energy hanging out in the past, and let that past drive their actions. So, they end up creating the same results over and over. We are not; we're going to create from your future. And if you worry that you won't be able to, because you can't really even envision it, or you don't quite know what you want, don't worry. When you sign up for this work, when you commit with full seriousness, the universe conspires to get you focused.

And lastly, we're going to build it. We are going to create. We are going to take this beautiful vision out of the abstract and turn it into concrete reality. This will not be a comfortable process. Most of the world holds themselves back from greatness, because they don't want to do the scary things.

Now, you'll have a different perspective by this point. You're going to think about reality and possibilities from a much different place by the time we get here. But that will not let you escape discomfort. It won't help you escape your human brain, that’s saying, “Nuh-uh, that’s too much. Changed my mind. Things are really pretty good, right here in the status quo.”

This is for you if you are a seven or six-figure earner, or perhaps near six figures. And I am happy to coach on business topics, because I don't think you can separate business and life. Entrepreneurship is the number one personal development journey. But the focus will be on transforming you, so that your world can mirror your transformation.

The right candidate has already accomplished some pretty amazing things in life. You have a history of challenging yourself. You know you're 100% capable. And, you know it's time to take it to the next level.

This level, these ideas you've been toying with, they feel a little different this time, don't they? And you're right, they are. Otherwise, you would have already done the damn thing. Come on, we know who we're dealing with. But your life has brought you here specifically, so that you can be challenged with the exact situations and decisions you're being challenged by.

It's not easy. But on the other side is the accomplishment; the sense of rightness, the arrival, the relief, the wealth, the joy, the connections, the peace of mind, the impact that you were born for.

It's simple to apply; you just head to my website or to the link in the description, schedule a call, and we'll get to know each other. I will be able to pinpoint, right then in there, the main things that have been keeping you stuck. And you will know, by the end of our call, if this is for you or not.

I really get excited about these conversations, regardless of whether someone's coming to me for coaching, or I'm applying to work with a coach, because they are always so clarifying. They always produce ah-ha’s.

And oh, by the way, if you're feeling a little bit nervous about the idea of a complete makeover, just know that you are always in control. You get to keep what you want to keep about your life, and up-level what you want to improve.

This is a serious multiple five-figure investment, where we're going to spend six months shattering your own glass ceiling, so that you can step fully into the potential of who you're really meant to be, at this point in your life. Once this spot is gone, it's gone.

Again, you'll find a link right here in this episode description, so you can follow the nudge and book your call right away.

Hey, if you enjoyed today's show, you do not want to miss next week's, seriously. Follow the show wherever you listen to your podcasts, so you don't miss an episode. And, what do you please leave a super quick rating and review about this episode? It's how you'll let me know what you liked and what you're still curious about, so I can create the most valuable content for you going forward. As well as, how you'll help other highly driven but slightly uncertain entrepreneurs find this show and get the tools they need. Thank you so much.

Thanks for joining us here at The Uncommon Way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, including the Clarity for Strategy for Growing and Scaling Your Business, visit See you next time.

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