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Ep# 112: The Psychology of Manifesting Simple Business Success Through Reinvention for Women Entrepreneurs (Stage 2)

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Ep# 112: The Psychology of Manifesting Simple Business Success Through Reinvention for Women Entrep The Uncommon Way Business & Life Coaching Podcast with Jenna Harrison

Episode Summary

What if just understanding the psychology behind manifesting a simple yet successful business is the key that helps you finally unlock your ability to create it? 

High-achieving women entrepreneurs often face internal barriers that make business success feel harder than it needs to be. Learn how shifting one key aspect of your internal world can lead to a more sustainable and abundant business.

In this episode you will: 

  1. Identify which of 6 common mental blocks are holding you back from a simpler, more easeful business and how to reverse that line of thinking

  2. Learn the 10 second daily practice that lets you receive abundantly and naturally without that icky feeling of “ugh too much make it go away!”

  3. Unlearn a toxic misunderstanding that you might have picked up in the manifestation space that can actually keep you from the abundance that wants to flow your way.

Tune in now to break free from the everyday hustle and start creating a business that aligns with ease and abundance—your success might just be a mindset shift away!

Episodes Mentioned: 

Episode 35.  Reinventing Who You Are with Lindy Schmid 

Episode 111. The Psychology of Manifesting Simple Business Success Through Reinvention for Women Entrepreneurs 

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The Uncommon Way is led by business coach Jenna Harrison, who helps women entrepreneurs feel confident, find their ideal clients effortlessly and avoid overwork so they can manifest money and abundance in their business and life.

This podcast empowers female entrepreneurs to overcome imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and limiting beliefs through somatics, mindset, and spirituality, create 7-figure offers, and build an online coaching business with clarity and alignment.

Episode Transcription

Jenna Harrison: [00:00:00] What if just understanding the psychology behind manifesting a simple yet successful business is the key that helps you finally unlock your ability to create it?

You're listening to the Uncommon Way business and life coaching podcast. The podcast that helps women entrepreneurs get clear on signature offers and strategies that sell themselves so you can lean back and stop the hustle. You will learn to maximize your mindset, messaging, and strategy, and step into the uncommonly successful business and life you are creating. Here's your host, top ranked business coach and reformed over analyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison.

Welcome, welcome back to The Uncommon Way. Today, I'm bringing you part two of a [00:01:00] four part series dedicated to helping you understand and adopt the psychology behind manifesting simple business success through business reinvention. You want a business where you lean back more and hustle less. You want to leverage alignment and the value you provide to the people who want it most rather than leveraging hustle and overwork.

The problem is that a lot of things can get in the way of that, but the good news is that if you really understand the mental stages that you absolutely must move through in order to accomplish this type of business, you'll have a roadmap for what you need to work on next. And that way you'll not only create the results faster, but you'll also stay positive and focused rather than spinning in confusion or blame or needlessly wasting time that could be better spent living an amazing life.[00:02:00]

So in this episode, you will identify which of the six common mental blocks are holding you back from a simpler, more easeful business and how to reverse that line of thinking. You'll learn the 10 second daily practice that lets you receive abundantly and naturally without that icky feeling of, ugh, too much, make it go away.

And you will unlearn a toxic misunderstanding that you might have picked up in the manifestation space that can actually keep you from the abundance that wants to flow your way. But first, how are you? If you're in the states, I hope you had a lovely Labor Day and you're feeling refreshed for a more focused September and fall.

Actually, if you're in the northern hemisphere, I hope you're feeling ready for a more focused September. I am really nervous. Feeling that way myself, we've had [00:03:00] kind of a lot of chaotic energy here in the summer and I just, I'm looking forward to a really like a much calmer space in September, and I'm really excited today in particular.

Because my puppy Skye arrives tomorrow, and we've been waiting for her for, gosh, a month and a half now, and we've missed her terribly. She's actually on her way to the plane right now, and so I hope, I hate to think of her being scared, but hopefully it's all worth it, because we'll be together soon. And on the very same day, it turns out we are receiving the things that we ship to ourselves from the U.

S. So, I will finally have more than three t shirts, and my son will get all his toys, and yeah, all the goodness. It's just all happening on the same day. But enough about me, let's get down to business, shall we? Our [00:04:00] last episode was about the first stage in the psychology of manifesting a simple business, which is really about opening yourself to the belief that a new way of doing things can be even more successful for you than the way you have been doing things.

And if you aren't open to that, you'll never let yourself go there. You might say you want it. You might say you're trying to do it, but you'll never really do it. Think about it. If deep down you think that the way you created past successes in life is the best way to also create your future successes, then it would seem really scary and dangerous to try anything different.

Now, that is not a simple stage to move through by any means. I have very successful clients who are overworking and they keep butting up against that very logical seeming thought that there's just no way they could make more by working less. And so they keep [00:05:00] working more full transparency, but if you can open yourself to it, and I gave you some tips in the last episode for how to do so, then you're one step closer to a totally uncommon way of living and working.

And hopefully through your efforts, you can make it more common, which is what we want. Because when women are earning money and living with more fulfillment and joy and relaxation, the world changes. They show up differently and can make more powerful decisions and create a ripple effect that positively impacts their family, their friends, their communities, both physical and online.

So then what is the next stage? You've got to be wondering. The second stage is the psychology of letting things come easily. Things like money, support and accolades without breaking your back. And unless you were raised in very special circumstances, This [00:06:00] will probably not come easy for you. Throughout our lives, we absorb lots of negative and unhelpful interpretations of how it is that things come to us and how exactly we create results.

You might have heard money doesn't grow on trees. You have to work hard to get ahead. Idle hands are the devil's workshop. And consciously, you might think, I don't really believe that. But do you realize that in almost every movie you watch, you're absorbing that story? And as people you know relay stories to you, they're doing it through that very lens.

Because we're all raised in the same soup, right? And it's amplified for women because there's a concurrent story that Good women work so hard and are so selfless and they always put themselves last so that everyone in the family or the community can feel good. Just imagine a family reunion where one woman is jumping up to serve [00:07:00] everybody and another woman is sitting at the table with the men, letting herself be served by that woman.

Okay. Which of these women is the good woman and which is the not so good woman? You feel me, right? So it's going to take active work to rewrite that for yourself. This is a very necessary reinvention where you throw out the past and you reinvent as something new. Not so that you can be the self centered asshole that lets everyone cater to you, but so that you can take up the task.

Like, have a balanced view of what's actually going on. And it all starts with awareness of what your story even is. I call it the fishbowl. It's that clear glass that keeps you confined unwittingly, but from your point of view, you can't even see it. So I've got [00:08:00] six ways that I see this play out for women.

Six different variations of fishbowl, if you will, which I will share in a second. But you might be noticing an objection pop up in your mind right away. And I want to address it. That says, so what I just sit back and do nothing and just let all this money come rolling in. And I just want to invite you to be careful about black and white thinking.

It's very, very common and natural, but we want to catch ourselves in it whenever we can. And so what we'll do is If something is going against what we typically think, then we'll jump clear to the other side, like to another extreme. And that's how we don't have to fully examine that point of view. And that's not what we want to do here.

We just want to kind of try the, this new way of thinking on if this does seem new to you. Maybe you've also heard it [00:09:00] many, many times and you just want more help integrating it. And so you're listening to things like this again and again. Both are good, but in both spaces, you just want to kind of be open and curious and see how this really lands for you after a day or two after listening to it.

Now you might also be saying, but Jenna, having a business really is hard. Me thinking happy thoughts won't make it easier or make me richer. It's hard to find clients. It's hard to get them to see the value of what I'm offering. It's hard to get everything done in a day. But for all of these, hard is an interpretation.

If I were speaking to a woman in a sweatshop from the industrial revolution, she might not think that what you're doing is so hard. Not to diminish that it genuinely feels hard. That's [00:10:00] absolutely your experience. I just use that example to show you that interpretations change based on perspective. It's not a set fact that this is hard, that having your business is hard, that having your business while you've got X, Y, and Z going on in your life is hard.

But the circumstances that are leading to your interpretation of hard, guess what? They often stem from the way that you're thinking. Maybe the fact is that you aren't prioritizing. Right. And that's why it's impossible to get everything done in a day, or you haven't yet created the way to find clients differently.

And so that's why finding clients is hard. But when you're thinking that things are just hard period, it's going to be challenging for you to see this and find solutions. So this is the first way that I see women blocking themselves from ease. It's that they have a thought error about [00:11:00] what is causing the problem.

The hard part. And there is a podcast that we're going to link to in the show notes. It was episode 35 with a client of mine named Lindy. And she came to me because she said everything in her business just felt like dumpster fire. She was always putting out dumpster fires, but it turns out when we started to dig into this a little deeper, she also had a belief that.

That her zone of genius was really kind of being down in the weeds, you know, being able to roll up her sleeves and, you know, get down and dirty. And that actually she felt like maybe she didn't have what it takes to be the kind of visionary big picture thinker that would be required of her, right? That would be her CEO role if she weren't so busy doing all of these little things.

This is what we want to watch out for, that we think we're overworking because of X, [00:12:00] but really it's because of Y. Hey! If you want true clarity about your secret sauce, your people, your best way of doing business and how you talk about your offer, then I invite you to join us in the Clarity Accelerator.

I'll teach you to connect all the dots, the dots that have always been there for you so that you can show up like you were born for exactly this. Come join us and supercharge every other tool or tactic you'll ever learn from Facebook ads to manifestation. Just go to the uncommon way. com slash schedule and set up a time to talk.

I can't wait to be your coach, but for you, there might be something else going on. Um, maybe you've believed that women are at a disadvantage. So to get ahead, you've got to work twice as hard as any man. And this is the second block that I see because while that might be true and we're not going to argue that in this podcast, entrepreneurship is [00:13:00] different unless you're looking for venture capital and maybe you will find yourself up against some of the same prejudices.

But with independent service businesses, you make the rules now. Just because you have a past pattern of creating success through working hard, doesn't mean that you need to keep doing it. So go back and listen to episode 111, which was the first part of this series, so that you can work through that. The third block is that you really shouldn't receive.

I tell a story about how my mom came to visit me when I was in Greece. At one point with my son. And when she arrived, she was going to get some water. And I said, Oh, there's water in the fridge. And she said to me, Oh, I don't want to drink your good water. And in that instant, when I realized that even though she had been flying for 24 hours and she had done so much, and You know, out [00:14:00] of her way and was coming to help me at this time, and yet she didn't want to take my good water.

She wasn't able to receive that because it just, it felt wrong for her. And she'd rather drink water from the tap that came from a cistern and had this really funky smell. Right in that instant, I realized, Oh, this is where I get it. Now I see this line of thinking. So you find it uncomfortable to receive, right?

That you should be able to do it without receiving it this way. And in fact, you're probably more worthy if you are suffering like, Oh, look at how hard she's working. Now she deserves success in her business. And you've got to divorce yourself from this line of thinking. It is holding you back because if you have a human brain, you probably also have a [00:15:00] small voice telling you that you'll never be quite good enough.

So it keeps you in this loop and in this mode of striving, but never arriving. Some of this is fueled by a rather toxic thought, personal opinion here, that is especially pervasive in manifestation and coaching circles. And this reasoning says that you just have to give selflessly and not think about getting anything in return.

And this is how you will finally receive abundance. As if money or the universe were judging you on how good and worthy you are. I vehemently disagree with this. Because if that's true, why are arms dealers so wealthy? Why is Putin so dang wealthy? Money does not flow to the good. Unfortunately, but the good can learn to create money and receive [00:16:00] money.

And when money is wielded by the good, I believe it is especially powerful. The fourth block I see is when women create a false dichotomy between ethics and money. So for most of the women I work with, our integrity is of highest priority for us. And then somehow letting things come easily gets conflated with being unethical or immoral.

Maybe it's a sign of immoral sales tactics if I'm doing too well, or maybe I'm selling something that holds little value or I'm selling it in a way that's manipulative or charging too much for it. Somehow it's just not quite right to make money in this way. If you make money easily, there must be something dirty about it.

Again, these are things that we don't just go saying as if they're fact, but they kind of, if you feel [00:17:00] into it on a deep level, there's like a little pang of resonance of truth to it. The fifth block is that it's just unfair for it to come easily. It's not necessarily immoral, but it's unfair. And the women that I work with also tend to be highly empathetic.

And sometimes we can start thinking, Hey, you know, is it really fair? I've had certain privileges. And now on top of all that, I'm not going to have to work as hard as other people, or as hard as my parents did, or as hard as my partner is currently working. That just seems, it just seems wrong. And I just want to say to you, heart to heart, is it tragic that our great grandmothers and beyond worked so hard?

Yes. And that other women of other races or ethnicities also worked even harder? Yes. And that so [00:18:00] many women still do? Yes, yes, yes. But if that's true, then do things differently. Find a wiser way to create. In the world to create a beautiful life and do it in all the right ways that feel in integrity in ways that all these other women past and present would be so proud of and then with all your extra time and money, go make things better in the world.

Which, it has been shown again and again that women do. Because dimming your light helps nobody. And finally, the sixth block that I see is avoidance. This can show up if you're Thinking secretly, deep down, that maybe if you worked less, you would feel honor bound to spend more time with your children and you really don't want to.

Or that then you'd be responsible for your [00:19:00] extended family and you really don't want to be. Or that it would create rifts with your family members and you don't want that. You don't want to lose your friends. The bottom line is that these thought errors are costing you tons of money, tons of time of your precious life, your emotional well being, your energy levels, the experiences you could be living into, and being a role model to those around you.

I really can't think of one good thing that comes from you overworking and under earning. I can't. So let's get tactical about how to start reversing these patterns. It really comes down to normalizing the feeling of receiving and amplifying or expanding that feeling. Because no matter what secretly or consciously driving your overwork, if you've [00:20:00] been doing it for a while, your body is used to it.

It is used to operating that way. So what I'm saying is that it will feel normal, and when you start to take your foot off the gas, when you start to do things differently, there will be little subconscious alarm bells that'll sound. Like, have you ever noticed on vacation that you just get an urge to touch base with your team or check in on how your social media accounts are doing?

You don't really want to be overworking on vacay, but you're feeling kind of this. Low grade agitation, and you know that if you, if you just do this thing, then it'll feel better. Like, then you can enjoy your piña colada. Well, that's exactly what I'm talking about. It is your biology at play, and you can literally feel it happening in your body.

It's like needing a hit. Of some sort. And so you've got to practice the feeling of not needing that. You've got to practice the feeling of [00:21:00] receiving easily and abundantly. And it's really just takes 10 seconds, 15 seconds. It's like the 10 second daily practice that will completely change your life. And that way, when you actually do receive, you don't have that like, Resistance to it and kind of that, that icky feeling of like, oh, it's just, it's too much.

Make it go away. Like the accolades just, it just feels wrong, right? Or the success or the money or the support, like everyone doing everything for me. It just feels wrong. But if you. Take a moment of either a past memory when you were feeling when you were really just receiving, or you're imagining you could imagine something into the future, or you're in that moment right now.

Just pause and let it go. Imagine like holding it in [00:22:00] your body and also expanding that feeling outward or like dialing up that feeling there. That's a different way to think of it, but you want to intensify it and start making this a new baseline for yourself. Start making it a new normal so that it feels comfortable and normal in your body, and you won't have kind of the knee jerk reaction to subvert that, right?

Or to change that and to move back to anything different. It'll start to feel comfortable for you. The more and more normal it feels, the more you can accept it, then the easier it will be to create change in your life. Okay, let's talk about the energetics of letting it be easy. It comes down to this. You are already worthy of being paid abundantly just for your zone of genius.

And when you believe that it's valuable, full stop, and that it's okay and safe to receive an energy exchange for [00:23:00] that, you will. And your targeted precise actions that you take in your business are actually a manifestation of your belief, whereas you're hustling overworking actions are a manifestation of the exact opposite, your scarcity and your disbelief.

There's absolutely no reason that you need to feel bad for receiving. Or anything that you need to do to be worthy of receiving. Think of this like a water hose. There's this water hose coming towards you of abundance. It's just very available in the universe as is so much possibility and potential.

It's just there for you. There's plenty of it in the world. It's flowing towards you. And then what we do is we take our fingers and we pinch this hose. Um, we stem the flow of abundance, but the truth [00:24:00] is it can be your new normal. You can get paid abundantly, even though it's easeful. I just got back from an Island called Foreman Tara, where I was meeting up with this dear friend of mine that I hadn't seen in over a decade.

And we were having, oh my gosh, the most scrumptious meals. And We were sitting and these meals were not cheap. They were very expensive on this kind of small exclusive island. And we were sitting there at one point and I had wanted to invite her to a meal for her birthday. And in that moment, right? While this is all happening and I'm ordering the check, I just, I was struck remembering an earlier time in our lives where she was taking me to Portugal.

Long story, I was living in Spain, this was before the EU, and I needed to travel to another country in order to renew my tourist visa. And so, she had a [00:25:00] car, and she was driving me there, even though we did not have, like, even, I don't know, a passetta, almost, between the two of us. But she went out of her way for me, and we were so broke, both of us, that we bought an entire bag of white bread.

And then we made tuna fish, and we layered the bread, you know, to make sandwiches, and we just filled up this bag with tuna fish sandwiches, and she had a daughter, so the daughter came along with us as well, and the three of us just ate these tuna fish sandwiches on this, like, multi day trip to Portugal.

Because we didn't want to pay for restaurant food. And now here we are, fast forward a couple decades or more anyway, and we're eating just at this amazing restaurant. And it struck me about, you know, what we are able to manifest in one life. [00:26:00] And both of us were unable to acquire wealth when we were younger.

And then both of us had to hit a point where we decided that we deserved it and it was okay. And so now she is a very successful business owner. I'm a successful business owner and we get to take these really fun, luscious trips that are filled with so much celebration and joy. We don't have to work to the bone in order to create that.

All right. In this episode, you learned about the second psychological stage of creating simple success in your business through reinvention. That second stage is the psychology of letting things come easy. So you learned about the top six mental blocks to easeful business, and how much thought errors and mental attitudes can [00:27:00] prolong our passage into and beyond this stage.

But you also learned how critical it is to pass through this stage. If you want to create a more uncommon way of living, or you have a business that lets you lean back more and hustle less. And on top of the mindset primer, I gave you the tactical step of feeling into this sensation that is. Um, new and something that we often reject and actually dialing it up or expanding it so that you can normalize it for yourself and welcome it more and more into your life.

And I shared the energetic perspective that abundance really is like a hose and we are the ones that tend to pinch it, but that is completely up to us. We don't have to do that. As always, it was such a pleasure. I look forward to meeting up again next week, and we're going to dive into the third stage that you will need to understand in order to [00:28:00] create an elegantly simple business.

Thanks for joining us here at the Uncommon Way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, Including the clarity first strategy for growing and scaling your business. Visit the uncommon way. com. See you next time.