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Ep #9: What We Get Wrong When We’re Unclear

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9: What We Get Wrong When We’re Unclear The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast with Jenna Harrison

Can you imagine how differently you would feel and act if you believed that you had all the clarity you need to get the results you want in your business? When you take that leadership stance in your brain, you’ll be amazed at what happens when it comes to clarity.

There is a huge misunderstanding that happens every time we’re unclear about something, but perspective is powerful. With the one small perspective shift that I’m sharing with you this week, you can unlock so many of the benefits already available to you and develop more clarity than you realize you have.

This week, I’m giving you something short and sweet that packs a punch. Discover what we get wrong when we’re unclear, the reason a change in perspective can be so powerful, and a practical example to help you get clear on this. I’m showing you how to stop striving and start arriving, and how to use one specific sentence to obtain the clarity you desire.

If you know you have a ceiling holding you back, but don’t know what it is or how to bust through it, I can help you, my friend. You don’t have to stay in the land of “what ifs” any longer. I am opening up a spot for a 1:1 private client and I would love for us to get to know each other. If you are ready to follow the nudge, click here to schedule a call with me, I can’t wait to talk to you.

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • What a thought error is and how it might show up in your life (even if you don’t realize it’s an error!)

  • How to start believing that you have all the clarity you need within.

  • The reason it feels frustratingly elusive when your brain doesn’t offer the clarity you crave.

  • How realization always comes before results.

  • One simple perspective shift that can change everything for you.

Listen to the Full Episode:

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9: What We Get Wrong When We’re Unclear The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast with Jenna Harrison

Featured on the Show:

  • Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!

  • Click here to sign up for my newsletter and find out how the Connect The Dots Method has helped clients in all stages of their business.

  • If you would like help getting clear on what you are offering and how to talk about it, you have to join us in The Clarity Accelerator. It’s 60 of the best-spent days you’ll ever have, and you’ll get my eyes on your business and your messaging helping you dial all this in. There’s a spot available for September, so click here to schedule a call with me as soon as possible to learn more.

Full Episode Transcript:

There's a huge misunderstanding that happens every time we're unclear. And I want to clear that up, once and for all, today. Because there are so many benefits available to us when we just make this one small perspective shift, that I'm about to share with you.

You're listening to The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast, the only podcast that helps you unlock your next level in business and life, by prioritizing your clarity and your own Uncommon Way. You will learn to maximize your mindset, mission, messaging, and strategy in order to create a true legacy. Here's your host, top ranked business coach and reformed overanalyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison.

Hey you, welcome back to The Uncommon Way, I am just coming back myself from my own mastermind. And, there's just no substitute for getting out of your own head, getting a different perspective, changing up your environment. And really being surrounded by high-level thinking, and a bunch of other women that are ambitious and absolutely making amazing things happen.

It's kind of like when you brush your teeth with your left hand rather than your right, if you're right-handed, obviously, just that act alone can inspire new thoughts and new ways of thinking. And, perspective is actually a topic for today.

So, this was leading into something but first, I really want to say thank you to a listener. So, this is a review from Geraldine Mock. And she says, “Hey, Jenna, I've been catching up on your podcasts the last couple of days. As a new coach, I find your content really helpful and thought provoking for me. Clarity is needed at every step of the way, indeed. And thanks for reminding me that I need to craft my messaging in a way that connects with my people and meet them where they are. Would love to hear more about building a business without having to rely on social media.”

So, I love that because I've been asking for your topics, for your feedback on what's working, what's not working, so that we, as founding members of this podcast, can create something really different and special. So, I can absolutely see why that would be interesting to someone starting out, to just hear about even the possibility of having a business that doesn't rely on social media. So, thank you, Geraldine Mock, I will absolutely do an upcoming episode talking just about that.

But today, what I want to talk about, is what we get wrong when we are unclear. Because usually, how we feel is that there's this stuckness and we can't do anything about it. At least that's how I felt when I was in my two decades lacking clarity. And then, when I was building my business, as well. So, there was a lot of beating myself up, a lot of ugh, why isn't this working? And I hear this over and over again from my clients, so I know it's not just me.

And really, what's going on in these moments, is a thought error. So, a thought error is just when you're thinking something, and that thought is not actually producing the results you want. And it's not necessarily even accurate. So, it's a just something that your brain comes up with. It's just a sentence in your brain to describe your perception. And it feels so real in the moment, but it's not.

Now, you might be saying, Jenna, no, I really am unclear about this thing. And I just want you to know, I am not dismissing your experience at all, that is 100% what's going on for you. But what's driving that situation is the way you're thinking. So, I'll go into more detail, of course, but here's the bluff.

That's a military term, it means the bottom-line up front; you can choose clarity, it is available to you. That's right. Clarity is a choice. So, you think that clarity is something outside you or it's not available to you right now. Maybe it's something that you need, in order to inspire you or to make things clear. We think, oh, if I give it time, right, the time is outside of me, if I give it time, that is what will get me clear.

Or, if I try this other thing, right, then that will force everything to click. Right, maybe that's the funnel, or this new hashtag strategy, or the copywriter. But those things are all outside of you, so they never work.

I have so many friends that are ad experts and copywriters and they just love my clients. My clients make great testimonials for them. Because when other people come to them, they're expecting miracles and they don't really have the underlying clarity, so the copywriter’s like, I got nothing. Right? How do you expect me to know your people better than you, and who those people actually are?

But when my clients are able to come with something really meaty, and then you turn that into a Facebook® ad, or then you work with a copywriter, right, magic can happen, and it makes such great testimonials for them. And it all starts with a sentence: My clarity is within. And, it's just like changing your perspective.

It's changing your perspective from, I can't get clear, to, my clarity is within, my clarity is here. And perspective can be so powerful. Like today, I was dropping my son off for his last day of preschool; sniff. And I noticed that it gave me just this instant clarity about what really matters. All of a sudden, I was so focused on every moment, every step, every smile from his teachers, every sweet little look, all the things that he's learned to do; we go straight to wash his hands.

And just thinking back to this first day there, and comparing it to now, it made every moment so special. But just a couple days ago, I didn't have that perspective right then. I was thinking about how much I needed to do today, how long he'd been stalling to get into the car, how rushed for time I was; dammit, why can't he just, you know, move forward?

So, it was the exact same motions that I was going through, but with totally different awareness. It's like a remembering, right? It's like realizing what was there, and you just weren't quite seeing it in that way. But when your brain is not offering up this clarity within, it can feel so frustratingly elusive, right? Like this big tangle of thoughts and ideas. And, you just want someone who can take all the confusion and like transmute it into something.

There's, I think we have this concept of coal turning into a diamond. Like, here's the coal and if we just apply the pressure, right, then we're going to somehow untangle all these chemical bonds, and it's going to coalesce into this beautiful, clear crystalline structure, where all the light can flow through. And I'm telling you, that transmutation doesn't happen until you first open the door to knowingness. Realizations always come before results.

So, this is what we get wrong. We think clearer, just means a lack of confusion. But really clear is a state of being. So, clarity is the emanating of that state of clear. The being state of clarity is what allows the mental state of clarity. It's crazy. I know. But it's a chicken and the egg thing. Luckily, like I said, All it takes is that shift in perspective.

Here's a practical example. When I get into that space of confusion, because I do, right, this is what brains do. My brain steps back into confusion, back into thinking the answer is something I need outside of me. But when I finally catch that happening, I remind myself; Oh, no, I absolutely know what to do. Right?

Or, oh, no, I absolutely know who my people are. Or, oh, no, I know how to solve this. And it's like the voice in your head with the most conviction wins. It is amazing. It silences all the other voices. They're like; Oh, we do? This is something that I learned from my coach, Stacey Boehman. And it was one of those truth bombs, that I was like; I've got to try this out. And it worked.

So, when you take that leadership stance in your brain, you'd be amazed what can happen, especially with clarity. So often, the brain is like; alright, she's really doing it, right. She's really hiring the coach, she's really going to sit down now in this podcast interview, I might as well offer up the truth, right, I might as well make this available to her now. Because an even stronger driver would be her falling flat on the face, right? I don't want that.

What the brain really wants is just for you not to take the step in the first place, not to step into the light, right? It wants you to stay in that comfort zone of, exactly what is working and what's not working in that moment for you. But when you raise the stakes, when you start acting as if, there's amazing shifts that can happen.

These thought errors, this misguided perspective is why so many new businesses fail. It's that energy of; this isn't working. I don't know what to do. I don't know what they want. This is too hard. It's all driven by the primitive brain that wants you to stay exactly where you are, and live no more and no less than your current life.

And that keeps us from seeing the solutions available to us, the opportunities available to us, to figuring it out, to getting the support, to creating momentum from that place. Just imagine how differently you'd be feeling and acting if you believed; my clarity is right here. I know exactly who I am. I know who my people are. I know what they want. I know what they're dying to hear. I know why I'm the best person to help them. I may not see it in this instance.

But it's a heartbeat away, it's just going to click, because that is exactly what happens. Right? It'll be when you're in the shower then, or when you're taking your dog for a walk, I swear, that's where I get my inspiration. Once the door is open, the light starts to trickle through. Sometimes, it happens like you've opened the floodgates. And other times, it's that little drip, and then the next one, and the next one that lets you know, it's happening, it's working.

The more you experience this in your body, the more willing you are to start making these declarations in your mind, to start believing it always has been there. And that all that's going on right now, is that your brain is obscuring the truth. If you really believed that, if, instead of talking right now, I had given you some pill, and then when you take that pill, you just are in my brain, you absolutely believe the things that I believe.

How much differently do you show up? What risks are you willing to take? What courage and resources do you suddenly find within? How committed are you to doing what it takes? How worthy do you feel of being in the room of taking up space of being visible? Of hiring the right support, of surrounding yourself with the best people, of taking a fucking break for once?

You're not spending all that mental energy, like trying to push the rock up the hill, you're already at the top of the hill. It all changes, when you change. And that's when the results start happening, and faster than makes any logical sense. Because clarity doesn't live in the land of logic. It lives in the knowingness, the tapping in, the insight. That is when you stop striving and start arriving. And that's available to you as soon as you're open to receiving it.

Alright, my friends, I wanted to give you something short that packed a punch. But with this little seed planted in your brain, let's just see what happens. And remember, on a certain level, you know who you are. And every day you're stepping further into what you're here to create.

Hey, if you enjoyed today’s show, you do not want to miss next week’s. Seriously. Follow the show wherever you listen to your podcast so you don’t miss an episode. And would you please, leave a super quick rating and review about this episode?

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Thanks for joining us here at The Uncommon Way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, including the Clarity for Strategy for Growing and Scaling Your Business, visit See you next time.

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