Hi. I’m Jenna, and I help highly driven women like you create the business that will be your legacy.

Maybe you have a voice inside saying that what you’re trying to do is bigger than just “create any old offer that sells.” That voice will get totally validated once you actually have the profitable business that’s the total expression of you.

If you're feeling overwhelmed because it still hasn't happened for you despite your insane desire (and countless hours spent with books, podcasts and worksheets), it's time for a different approach so you can enjoy the satisfaction that's waiting for you.


I had it all.

(Or at least that’s what everyone kept telling me…)

When I was in my 20s things were looking pretty darn good on paper. I went to a good school, worked myself up to a sexy title at a top fashion company, and bought properties in Miami and Manhattan.

But wow was I miserable! I felt like my soul was being sucked out of me by the ugly fluorescent office lights … and it didn’t matter that I was “lucky” enough to have a window to gaze out of longingly for 9+ hours a day.

Because I desperately wanted to be out there … traveling the world and living each day to the fullest … rather than stuck in here.

You know what made it extra hard? I had already tasted freedom. After college I turned my back on the rat race and ran off to Spain to work on a nudist beach (long story … but predictably my parents were absolutely convinced I’d committed career suicide).

Plus I’d done other things that seemed pretty brave, like traveling solo, moving to NYC without a job or place to live, and turning down a scholarship to a top MBA program to study jewelry design instead.

"I wish I could do that," people said. "You can," I replied. And that's how I first began helping friends and colleagues get more comfortable with risk while showing them how to plan out their steps.

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Before long, people were radically changing their lives. One started a high-end house painting business in an area where nobody else was doing it, another traded in a high-paying tech job for a sabbatical year in Portugal with his wife and kids, and yet another quit her job and left her rent-stabilized apartment in the West Village in order to teach English in Korea.

“You’ve always inspired me to be braver,” she said.

But when I decided to “get a real job,” I completely lost that sense of adventure and excitement. And it seemed like whenever I confessed my misery, people told me I was crazy and asked how I could possibly want more when I had such a good life. They just didn’t get it.

So I doubled down on my yoga and mindfulness trainings, trying like crazy to find contentment and satisfaction and stop being so ungrateful.

But it didn’t work. That voice wouldn’t go away: “There’s more to life than this.” Every day, she’d repeat it in my ear.

There was just one problem. Ok, actually there were several...

I really didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life, so I was always questioning my ideas and then getting excited about something new (for a little while).

And even though I tried to launch a few businesses, I always let them flounder when I ran into roadblocks.

I had never even heard of a business coach, and back then hardly anyone was working from their laptops.

So I suffered. For years.

Until one seemingly ordinary day when everything changed.  I was driving to work when a man on a podcast started talking about how much he loved what he did, and how each day felt filled with meaning.

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As a girl, that is what I’d envisioned for my life, not this. And there was an ocean of distance between the two.  

Somehow that one little interview became my absolute last straw. Things were going to change, and I swore that I would never feel ashamed of listening to my calling.

I used all my spare time and vacation days searching for clues about how to make that change happen, learning from top performers … and academics … and wise men tucked away in ashrams in India ...and even wiser bartenders in hole-in-the-wall bodegas!

AND - even though previously I had always tried to go it alone - I finally reached out for help to coaches that could challenge me and hold me accountable.  

That’s when things started to change...

...I took the leap and negotiated a telecommuting arrangement with my company, despite the fact that management was totally against the idea and I had a tough job overseeing content for more than 30 brands.

Naturally, I immediately ran off to Morocco. I’ll never forget the rush of sitting in a tiled interior courtyard, mint tea by my side, as I discussed branding with our chairman - who probably thought I was still in his same city.

...Then I launched a travel blog and worked at it until I got to the point where other people were paying for my dream of traveling the world.


...And finally, fate dealt me a timely card: I fell in love with and married a soldier.

Because of my husband’s role, I was receiving extensive training in things like leadership, resiliency, personality psychology, group dynamics, public speaking, military theory… and I LOVED it! So I asked to attend even more workshops and even some of my husband’s trainings, and eventually ended up achieving my first graduate-level certificate, in leader development, from the U.S. Army War College.

I also had the opportunity to apply all of that studying and personal coaching I’d been doing as part of the command team of both a battalion-level and brigade-level headquarters. I left behind my high heels and suits and “got my boots muddied,” as they say in the Army. Over five years, I had the privilege of helping over 1500 soldiers and family members.

My role was to coach the leaders and volunteers of those units in order to increase things like resiliency and morale. It wasn’t easy, because when military units need to get something accomplished it’s like goal setting on hyper-drive. You’re under a huge amount of stress and time limitations, and you constantly need to keep motivated, otherwise it could cost you your life, or the lives of those you protect.


Together we did some really great things. Our higher headquarters ended up rolling out our initiatives throughout the region and we were awarded for our lower crime rates and higher retention. I became known as someone that liked to shake up the status quo and lead people to surpass expectations.

And ultimately, this is what performance coaching is all about: challenging you to not just achieve your dreams but to go beyond what you might‘ve thought possible.

It all came about because we got clear on exactly what we were striving for and why it was important, organized a plan with failsafes, and developed the discipline and motivation to play the long game.

When you find the marriage of something you’re passionate about and the joy of knowing you’re making a difference in people’s lives, it’s a feeling unlike any other. It’s no surprise that I left my day job behind and launched my own business as a performance coach.

Now I’ve coached people across four continents and from all walks of life, but they all have something in common: results. Each and every one has been able to put aside their indecision, misgivings or overwhelm in favor of decisive, methodical action.

The really interesting thing is that almost all of my clients came to me with the same dream I once had. They wanted to be their own boss so they could have more choices about how to spend their precious time in AND out of work.

I wanted them to succeed, so naturally I started sharing every business tactic and strategy that had worked for me, or that I had learned from some of the best coaches in the industry - multi-7-figure earners with specialties in sales, copy, and critical business tactics like launch sequences and ad strategies.

The results were incredible. The winning combination of performance mindset AND business strategies was helping people succeed even if they’d tried and failed before.

Looking back, it took me decades, a small fortune, and some painful hard knocks to compile the tools from multiple disciplines that now make up my (rather unorthodox) system to launching and growing a business.

Because in the end, that’s what I discovered.


There’s a SYSTEM to getting what you want….

You don’t have to waste precious years struggling and then backsliding, or sitting on the sidelines wondering what life would be like if only you could make it happen.

You can have an outrageously happy and fulfilling life well before retirement age, one where YOU get to call the shots.

My job is to get you there...faster, better, easier.

Want to see for yourself? Book a free call with me so we can talk about the best strategy for YOU.

I’ve grown more since we started working together than I have in 15 years of therapy.
— Anna