Special End-of-Year Offer

This season, prioritize the gift that most impacts your future (stepping into your potential).

Bonus VIP Day

Join me for a transformational session where you’ll learn a game-changing method for overhauling your business and mind that I’ve only shared with a handful of private clients.

After settling in with a cup of tea or coffee, we’ll spend the first half of our 2.5 hour session with me teaching you everything you need to know about the topic you’ve chosen. After a break, we’ll roll up our sleeves and apply everything to you and your specific business so you can hit the ground running.

Choose from one of the following:

1) Reinvention: What got you here won’t get you there, and if you want your business to grow to the next level, you need to become a different version of yourself. <— Everyone says that, but how do you actually do it? Here’s how: you get clear on the confines of your current mindset; you burn it all to the ground, and then you strategically recreate yourself (intentionally this time, rather than absorbing so many things that don’t serve you). This is the method that has helped my clients reinvent themselves and show up completely differently in their business and life.

2) Quantum Leap: It’s a term that’s thrown around a lot to describe a burst of massive growth that seemingly doesn’t make sense. But there’s actually a very left-brain method for charting exactly what was going on beforehand, and you can use the strategy to create your own quantum leap. We’ll get clear on what’s next for you and exactly how to collapse the timeline to create it.

3) SEO Magic: Want to get found by highly motivated buyers 24-7 as you sleep? I’ll share exactly what I’ve done to land on the first page of Google for highly coveted keywords (first with my travel blog, and then with this website). We’ll be talking about tactical SEO how-tos, but also the other really important stuff :-) This is not a Google Ads training; we’re talking pure organic search.

This $2600 value is your included bonus when you decide to join us in the Clarity Accelerator or as a private client and make your deposit before December 15, 2023. 

The Clarity Accelerator at Your OWN Pace

Normally we kick off your time in the Clarity Accelerator with an intense, structured 2-month burst designed to completely realign your business and create the clarity and suite of offers, messaging and strategy to propel you forward in the months ahead. 

Recently I’ve spoken with two people who want to join the CA and want to create that alignment and clarity in their business, but won’t have the space to lean in fully for a few months. But in the meantime, they’d love coaching support to manage current issues they’re facing in their business and mindset.

If you too would like comprehensive business support sooner rather than later, the Clarity Accelerator now has a more flexible format that will allow us to meet you exactly where you are.  

Offer terms: Offer valid until 11:59 ET on December 15, 2023. Offer contingent upon being accepted for enrollment in the Clarity Accelerator or as a private client. You must book a discovery call at https://www.theuncommonway.com/schedule to be considered for enrollment unless otherwise agreed in writing. Offer contingent upon deposit payment ($2500) and acceptance of Terms and Conditions. New clients must begin coaching in the Clarity Accelerator or begin private coaching by February 28. For existing clients, re-enrollment must commence immediately following the conclusion of your current program unless otherwise agreed in writing. Terms subject to change until your first payment is made. Limited availability.