Let’s get your business dialed in.

This is where you make it happen.

Imagine you’ve turned your zone of genius into a smart, aligned, successful business that grows even though you’re working less. You’re no longer stressed out. No wondering if you’ve missed something.

You know what you’re doing. What you provide, who you sell it to, and how you sell it … it just works.

(Without hustle, overwhelm, or being so damn hard on yourself.)

You feel like it’s possible, but it also feels so far away because you haven’t experienced it yet.

It IS possible. It’s absolutely, totally doable. You just need to realign some pieces of your business so it can do what it’s meant to do.

I'll help you:

  • Clarify your unique genius and turn it into compelling, no-brainer offers and messaging that attracts the clients you’re really here to work with.

  • Build an effective business strategy tailored to your genius so it supports your life—not the other way around.

  • Develop a military-grade mindset and strengthen your emotional mastery to handle challenges with calm, lead with confidence, and play to win rather than playing not to lose.

  • Accelerate your growth with strategic insights that help you trust your intuition, make smarter decisions, and uncover high-leverage opportunities.

  • Thrive on just three focused (and guilt-free!) days a week—if that's your goal—by working smarter, not harder.

And, of course, run an impactful, purpose-centered business that creates wealth and autonomy but also lets you have a life. 

I’ve helped women get focused and grounded after years of running around trying to keep all the balls in the air

... claim their genius and share their perspective unapologetically rather than playing it safe

develop 6-figure businesses (even from scratch) and grow 7-figure businesses

… reinvent themselves so significantly that the effects ripple into every corner of their life

… and ultimately, create what’s right for them.

But maybe you’re feeling anesthetized by all the different coaching advice out there. How will this be life-changingly different?


Business coach for female entrepreneurs Jenna Harrison at her home in Spain

As a business & mindset coach who is also a reformed over-analyzer, the system I’ve developed is unique in several ways...  


… We prioritize your clarity and your own uncommon way above all else. Clarity drives everything—messaging, strategic planning, even manifestation—and there’s always something yet to be discovered to reach your next level. And I won’t push you into one specific way of doing things, because whenever you’re not on your own path you’re underperforming, period. 

… We keep it simple. For over seven years, I’ve refined a simple, proven 3-part framework that works for service-based businesses of all kinds. It has helped women across four continents build profitable, purpose-driven businesses—without sacrificing their lives to stress and burnout.

… We like balance. You’ll learn to execute in a highly skilled and disciplined way, but also lean into your intuition. You’ll calm your nervous system, but also leverage neuroscience to increase your mental toughness. The result? You evolve into the CEO your business needs.

… We test and verify everything. My clients come from all different service industries, so we’ve tested this system in different environments. Plus,I’ve done it too!I’ve run several businesses myself - as a freelance jewelry CAD designer, a travel blogger, and a performance coach - and worked for over 10 years in online marketing and communications for both small businesses and large corporations (including my job as the corporate editor for one of the country’s largest fashion companies, overseeing more than 30 brands).             

Is this feeling like exactly what you want?

Case Study - Carly

Here’s a specific example of how this combination approach is so different than anything else out there…


Carly had invested in courses and a mastermind, but it still felt like her business hadn’t quite clicked. She knew she was a fantastic coach, so what was up? We soon found out the problem: she wasn’t taking advantage of her unique genius, so she wasn’t speaking to or serving the clients that were the best fit (and would jump at the chance to work with her!). Now 5-figure months are the new normal.

“Clarity gives you that confidence — you KNOW you’re connecting with them.
Which changes how you show up everywhere else!”

The road I traveled as I struggled with overworking and overcomplicating was long and bendy (way, way too long). I’d like to help you get where you’re going faster and more easily.

That’s why I created the Clarity Accelerator.

It’s designed to get you working smarter and more intentionally. You’ll refine your unique genius into compelling, irresistible offers that attract the right clients. You’ll craft powerful messaging and sales strategies while expanding your vision of what's possible for your growth.

This unique and powerful approach will take you from “getting by pretty well” to “this seems WAY too good to be true” if you let yourself do the work.

The Clarity Accelerator is THE place for entrepreneurs who want to:

  • create a profitable business without sacrificing their life to stress and burnout

  • turn their zone of genius into desirable offers that attract the right clients

  • lead with clarity, confidence and emotional mastery for sustainable growth

  • work smarter, not harder, and thrive on their own terms

This semi-private coaching program has a very specific aim: RESULTS DONE RIGHT.

And together we’ll be working through the three-phase approach that’s key to accomplishing it.

I’ll be with you each step of the way to make sure you:

+ Get clear on exactly how to connect the dots of your life and transform that purpose and perspective into something that sets you apart

+ Communicate the value you bring powerfully and effectively

+ Design your personal roadmap, giving you peace of mind about what to prioritize, in what order

+ Develop the resilience techniques and mindset to effectively manage the challenges and discomforts of being an entrepreneur and thought leader.

+ Unwind the years of conditioning and cortisol addiction that make it so hard to shut. the. damn. laptop!

These tools and benefits will all continue to serve you for the rest of your life.

Is this the kind of business you want to create? There will never be a better time than right now.



This free pre-program individual 1:1 intensive will lay the groundwork of assessing where you are, what’s really getting in your way, and what makes the most sense for you. It’s a deep process where I listen to what you say, and also point out what you’re not saying. This will bring you the kinds of transformative ah-has that change the direction of your life.


What are the exact steps for connecting the dots between your unique genius, your best-fit people, your no-brainer offers and how you communicate their value? And how do you use that information to tweak your current business so that you see better results without overwork? Finally, how do you rewire your brain and body to guilt-free 3-day workweeks where you trust your intuition and feel safe to release your grip a bit? Turns out there’s a process for that!


You’ll gain access to the close-knit group of my amazing clients, and we’ll have weekly semi-private coaching sessions to help you implement and integrate your discoveries. Through the incredible power of social learning, you’ll watch your beliefs shifting and sense of possibilities growing organically. There’s nothing like having a strong group of driven, committed women who have your back to inspire you and propel you forward.


You’ll get personalized help to apply the cumulative three-phase CA process, a call with a professional copywriter to help you dial in your language, and even an optional Human Design reading to assist with energetic alignment!  You’re welcome to use these calls for support with literally anything going on in your business.

Schedule your free Clarity & Results Roadmap Session:

Case Study- Karima

“Fun story- I got fired from my first job after college and tried to start my own biz but didn't know what to do. I was totally waiting for that perfect rags to riches story to unfold, but it didn't happen. I got a job waiting tables, then another 9-5. Fast forward a few months and I'm about to go into full time biz. My advice? GET A COACH.

I spent so much time and money doing alllll the wrong things (ie: like days on my website that wasn't even getting me clients, or spending time on instagram when I didn't even get one lead from Instagram) and I made all my money back (x4 or 5) the first 3 months of working with Jenna. Learn from my mistakes!”

You can finally create the entrepreneurial experience you dreamed about when you first decided to take the leap, even if you’ve been thinking you need to wait until you get “there” to really live like this, or it makes you feel nervous to think about actually working less, or you’re afraid it wouldn’t “stick.” If you’ve read this far, chances are you realize it’s possible.

There’s no reason to waste another day holding back on a life that’s entirely possible for you….

Shall we get down to business? Click below to schedule now.

A voice inside might be telling you it would be kind of wrong to have a life that good.

You’ve tied your identity up in being a hard worker your entire life, and definitely don’t want to turn into someone who’s lazy, entitled, or has lost her fire. Aren’t things good enough as they are?

But when you stop letting those doubts get in the way of your knowingness, amazing things happen.

And you know you’ll never be satisfied without a successful business AND an equally successful life. No suppressing your intuition and joy, or frying your health in the process. You want it all.

Once you have a well-oiled machine with clients that love working with you, you’ll wish you had dialed this all in years ago.

Some people spend their lives talking about what they wish they could do, but never actually do it.

You’re different.

Let’s get to work.

Case study - Rachel

Rachel had a successful business but she was working all the time. Her clients low-balled her or asked her to do work beyond the agreed scope, and she had nagging imposter syndrome. The problem was that she wasn’t clear on her superpowers and ideal clients, and therefore couldn’t define her signature offers effectively. In her frustration, it was tough to maintain boundaries. But within three months, she was bringing in ideal clients, describing her services differently, and charging more for less time-consuming work.

Here’s what she had to say:

I realize just how far I've come in this journey. Now I know precisely what I offer. I believe in it, I know I'll deliver it, I give all the shits. But I also feel really good and aligned with my own integrity.

I used to think “those people can have it, and I can’t.” Now I KNOW it’s possible for anyone.


  • Business coaches are professionals who help individuals or teams improve their performance; achieve their goals more quickly, easily or satisfactorily; and enhance their overall effectiveness.

    Business coaches, mentors, and consultants serve distinct roles with some overlap in certain aspects, and sometimes one person can shift between these different roles. Here are the key differences between business coaches, mentors, and consultants:

    Business Coaches

    Relationship & approach to problem-solving:

    Coaches typically work in a collaborative and non-directive manner. They help clients explore their goals, challenges, and potential solutions. They ask questions, challenge assumptions, and encourage self-discovery and empowerment to help clients generate their own solutions.


    Business coaches work on a broad range of personal and professional development areas, including entrepreneurial mindset, business strategy and direction, leadership skills, communication, branding, and overall performance improvement.


    Relationship & approach to problem-solving:

    Mentors provide guidance and advice based on their own experiences. The mentor-mentee relationship is often more personal and involves the transfer of knowledge, wisdom, and lessons learned from the mentor's career or industry.


    Mentors typically focus on career development and share insights related to navigating the mentee's profession or path. The relationship may extend beyond professional matters to include personal development and is more directive, with the mentor providing insights and recommendations.


    Relationship & approach to problem-solving:

    Consultants are hired for their specialized expertise.The consultant-client relationship is often project-focused and results-oriented. Consultants take a problem-solving approach by analyzing issues, providing expert recommendations, and sometimes implementing solutions.


    Consultants are hired for specific projects or issues. They provide expertise in a particular area, such as strategy, operations, or technology, and their involvement is often temporary and project-specific.

    True to our name, at The Uncommon Way you’ll have all three; the coach, the mentor and the consultant.

    Jenna leads by example with her own Uncommon Way of life and business. She enables and guides you to your own decisions and wisdom for a holistic life and business, but also provides tactical knowledge, gives straight advice and will tell you her honest opinion if asked.

  • Jenna believes that every human benefits from coaching, and she would never be without a coach (or multiple coaches) herself.

    On the other hand, she believes that nobody needs a coach because the universe is always conspiring to get you where you need to go. We just want coaches because we know they will help us get where we’re going faster, better, and far more easily and enjoyably.

    You are ready for a coach if you are:

    -- Hungry to make big changes in your business and life

    -- Open to new ways of thinking and doing

    -- Self-aware and interested in further personal development

    -- WIlling to stay committed even when it feels difficult or uncomfortable

    -- Ready to take full responsibility for your results

  • The cost of business coaching can vary widely based on factors such as the coach's experience, expertise, and the specific services offered. Business coaching fees can range from a few hundred dollars per session to several thousand dollars for a package or series of sessions, and rates are influenced by the coach's reputation, track record, personal outlook and demand for services.

    It's important to note that business coaching is an investment in professional and personal development, and the return on investment is meant to be lifelong and highly significant in terms of improved performance, leadership skills, and business outcomes.

    As for deducting business coaching expenses, tax laws and regulations can vary by country and region. Business expenses incurred for the purpose of maintaining or improving professional skills are typically tax deductible. However, it's crucial to consult with a tax professional or accountant who is familiar with the specific tax laws in your jurisdiction to determine eligibility and any limitations.

  • YES. A skilled business coach will help you reach your goals faster, better and easier. They’ll help you avoid pitfalls and unnecessary detours and think bigger than you likely would on your own.

    Some people define “worth it” by a direct monetary ROI in the very short term. If this is something that concerns you, please set up a call to speak with Jenna directly so she can assess where you are currently and what might be required to reach your goals.

  • Your results and the time needed to achieve your results will vary based on many factors, including but not limited to your background, experience, mindset, passion, business acumen and work ethic, which is why we do not guarantee financial success. All business entails financial risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action.

    You can read client success stories and watch clients being interviewed about their experiences via our Success Stories page. You can also hear clients talk more in depth about their experiences and results on our podcast. At this time we only interview clients on our podcast.

    Stated and implied results are from specific students and are not necessarily typical. We are using these as examples of what is possible when you commit, engage fully in the work and in the coaching, and take consistent action.

  • Jenna works mostly with women, and mastermind experiences are women-only. Jenna will work with men privately on a case-by-case basis.

    She works with entrepreneurs in every stage of business.

  • All of our programs offer a combination of optional group and private calls in order to give our clients the best of both worlds. Private calls give you extended time to create deeper clarity and apply what you’re learning to your specific business, and many people say this gives them added assurance that they’ve really dialed in all of the concepts. The group experience helps you normalize the experience of growth, learn from others and avoid pitfalls, see common issues from an objective point of view, and surround yourself with a tight-knit group of driven female entrepreneurs who can both challenge and inspire you.

  • One client described this as, “Come on in, pull up a floor cushion, have some tea, and let’s figure out what’s next.” Another said, “This is definitely a red pill or blue pill experience … you’ve changed my life.”

    Jenna is kind but direct. Her coaching and recommendations are often unexpected, but deeply effective. Her approach marries the “left brain” and “right brain” approaches to business building, and coaches comprehensively on strategy, mindset, energetics and nervous system regulation to help women increase their capacity to create more value and receive more revenue.

    She has a knack for seeing a person’s unique gifts and, by extension, their business’ potential. She also has extensive knowledge of the human brain, what holds women back from playing big in business and life, and how to reinvent ourselves. Together, those specialities help you accelerate your business’ growth and your own transformation.

  • By maintaining a boutique coaching practice, Jenna is able to thoroughly know each client and their business.

    Throughout nearly a decade of coaching, while working directly with clients from 5 continents, varied industries, all stages of business and all walks of life, Jenna has learned to adapt her coaching to what each person requires in that moment, even if the client isn’t sure what they need.

  • We start with a discovery call, which you can schedule HERE, where Jenna will get to know you and your business, help you create clarity on your way forward regardless of whether you end up working together, and assess whether or not you will be able to get the most from her programs.

    This is NOT a high-pressure “sales call.” It’s a candid conversation about next steps. If you are not invited to work with Jenna at this time, she will suggest a different coach or program that fits your needs so that you are taken care of and perhaps can work with Jenna in the future..

    Because all programs offer a private call component, availability is extremely limited.

    Upon receiving an offer of coaching, you will be able to review our terms and conditions (contract) before making payment (deposit or full payment). You will also receive some pre-work and, once full payment is made, access to all intellectual property and call recordings. Prior to your start date, you’ll receive all necessary links and information to set you up for success during the months ahead.