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Ep #20: Business Sufficiency

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Business Sufficiency The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast with Jenna Harrison

Episode Summary

Jenna shares the concept of Business Sufficiency and explains why you already have everything you need to achieve the results you want in your life and business.

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Show Notes

Did you know that you have the freedom to create whatever you want, and you already have everything you need to do this? If you want to step into a completely non-traditional way of doing business, where you’re not just chasing dollars but doing the work you’re here to do, you have to believe that you already have everything you need. So today, I’m introducing you to an advanced concept to help you with this: Business Sufficiency.

We’ve all heard of scarcity and abundance, but what we don’t spend much time talking about is the land in the middle - sufficiency - the place where you have exactly what you need to create the results you want in your life and business. This concept has made a huge difference in my life, and I’m showing you how the same is possible for you this week.

Join me this week and discover why business sufficiency will move you a huge step closer to the uncommon business you’ve been dreaming about, and help you create satisfaction way beyond money, and prosperity without the hustle. Find out why reprogramming your brain around business sufficiency will be so fruitful for you, and how it can allow you to keep going beyond what your immediate circumstances might dictate.

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • How to challenge yourself to work smarter, not harder.

  • Some of the thoughts that aren’t available to you when you are in scarcity.

  • How to get into the energy of sufficiency and develop the belief that you have what you need.

  • The importance of getting clear on your insufficiency and your remedy for it.

  • Some things to start to think through to help you with business sufficiency.

  • What can happen when you truly believe that you have enough.

  • How to cultivate business sufficiency whenever you need to.

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Business Sufficiency The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast with Jenna Harrison

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Full Episode Transcript:

If you want to step into a completely nontraditional way of doing business where you're not just chasing dollars, but actually doing the work you're here to do, creating satisfaction way beyond money, tapping into your secret sauce, but also creating prosperity because you're able to call in amazing clients without hustle then you're going to have to believe that you don't need to hustle. That's right. If you don't believe that, you will keep hustling.

So today, I'm introducing you to an advanced concept that I teach inside the Clarity Accelerator, Business Sufficiency. It will move you a big step closer to that uncommon business that you've been dreaming about.

You're listening to The Uncommon Way business and life coaching podcast, the only podcast that helps you unlock your next level in business and life by prioritizing your clarity and your own uncommon way. You will learn to maximize your mindset, mission, messaging, and strategy in order to create a true legacy. Here's your host, top ranked business coach and reformed over analyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison.

Hey, welcome back to The Uncommon Way. Thank you for being here with me to celebrate episode 20. I'm choosing to celebrate that as a big milestone because why not? So at the time of this recording, we're heading into Thanksgiving week, and my son Dylan is off for the first time because he's now in kindergarten, and they take breaks. I've got to say time and resources are feeling a little scarce right now.

I had to laugh because I've already planned the topic for this week. Then here's life just providing the perfect illustration, again. So of course, I've got to catch that old, tired pattern and get back into sufficiency. So I'm using the word sufficiency, but I could also be saying enoughness. When I mean enoughness, it's not how I used to think about it, and how maybe you're thinking about it. As in this is good enough.

I remember when I was working in corporate, and I felt like I definitely didn't want to be there. But I was getting big time into yoga at the same time, and I interpreted this concept of being in the now to mean that I shouldn't want anything more. That I should just be grateful and content with everything I had and maintain the status quo. If I didn't want that I was ungrateful and unspiritual now that I think about it.

So in this situation, I would be asking myself questions like why am I stressing? I should be grateful that Dylan’s healthy and we're together. I mean if he's healthy, what do I have to complain about? I would have said you know what? Instead of focusing on what I don't have, childcare, I should be looking forward to the time I get to spend with him. Maybe I'll just cancel all my calls and then beat myself up for feeling cranky in any way.

But no, that is not what I'm talking about here when I talk about sufficiency. Instead, what I'm suggesting is that we have the freedom to create whatever we want. That, in fact, we have everything we need already to do this. I have what I need to create the result I want. I want to help you with this concept and give you some examples of how it applies to business because it's made a huge difference in my business, in life, and in my clients. It's really allowed us to keep going beyond what immediate circumstances might dictate.

So last week in the podcast on achieving your goals through choosing uncommon actions, I threw out an example of one of those uncommon actions being maybe you want to do the work to believe that your business has everything it needs right in this moment to reach your immediate goal. Now some of you might be like what is that? What is she even talking about? Clearly, my audience is stale. Clearly Facebook ads aren't working like they used to, etc.

I see this type of energy come up in all different stages of business. So, for instance, people do finally have the clarity and they're like okay, ready to go. But wait, I didn't sign a client today. So what am I going to do to reach this goal? Am I going to expand to a different platform? I obviously need to do something more to achieve this. Then you'll see it again oh in just about every other stage of business. I have several multiple six figure and seven figure clients that also default automatically to the doing, the hustle.

Notice, you all know my clients want to bring in clients without feeling hustle-y. But the minute they don't have the exact result they want, so many of them, and of course, I've been there too. Our brain goes into how do I have to hustle to achieve this? Of course, their brain’s not saying the word hustle because they would reject that, but maybe it says, oh, I need to cross promote. Right? Something like that. But it's some form of doing more, which is a practiced thought pattern. Your brain’s used to thinking that way.

So it problem solves by thinking that way. It ends up creating the same issues over and over, but hey, it's kept you alive. So it must be working. That pattern is what we need to undermine. Because really, it's just all made up by our brain. If you want to bring on clients without hustle, you first need to believe that you don't need to hustle. I'll say that again. If you want to bring on clients without hustle, it starts with you believing that you don't need to hustle. Hence the concept of business efficiency.

Now, what is sufficiency? We've all heard of scarcity. We've all heard of abundance, but what we don't spend a lot of time talking about is that land in the middle. That is the place where you have exactly what you need. Just spend a minute, think back over your life, even times that seemed kind of dire where in the end, you had what you needed. You had the roof over your head. You had just enough money come in. You've been able to keep going, or you've been able to make something happen. Once you decided that you really wanted to make it happen, you found a way.

So we've seen that with all sorts of personal experiences. Sometimes on sales calls, I'll talk to people who are just a hell yes. They want in so badly. They say I just don't have the money. The first thing I recommend to them is to really just light a candle, whatever, close their eyes, take some deep breaths, and get into this energy of sufficiency first. Before they try and think of anything, really ground into the belief that they've had what they needed, that they're infinitely resourceful, and that it makes sense that there would be an answer for them. Then let your brain get creative.

You know someone might say I do have this heirloom piece of jewelry, and it's gaudy, and hideous, and I would never wear it. I really think my great grandma would love for me to use it to invest in myself. But I never would have thought to ask, do you have gaudy, hideous heirloom jewelry you might want to sell to us for this purpose? Or they may say you know what? Just the other day there was someone talking about this grant for women entrepreneurs. It didn't really register at the moment, but I guess I could apply for that.

Those thoughts aren't available to you when you are in full scarcity. You need to elevate yourself to at least sufficiency to start finding those answers. The same thing is true for business.

This is exactly what we learned to create and cultivate in the Clarity Accelerator through a process called the sufficiency formula. Because insufficiency or scarcity is the single biggest driver of overwork. It leads to lost sales. It leads to brain drama and sleepless nights. It leads to a very negative spiral of this isn't working. It really undermines your ability to step forward as a powerful CEO and a powerful creator of your future. It takes you away from what you should be focusing on and instead scatters your thoughts and energy, learning all sorts of new skills.

Instead of becoming really, really good at one or two things, you're half-assing 10 of them. It fucks with your messaging. It leads you to argue with your audience, lecture them, maybe become inconsistent, or to bring on unaligned clients. When you're thinking I can't control this, you show up as less in control, less confident. Then your audience doesn't feel confident investing with you. It stalls your growth.

All of this is perfectly understandable, right? We understand that our brain is wired to perceive problems, and that we're conditioned to solve those problems by doing more. But it's a brain tick, a counterproductive brain tick, again, that stalls your growth. If you aren't clear on these patterns within yourself, and you're not clear on where your insufficiencies are and your remedy for them, you keep spinning your wheels.

So here's what you can start to think through. What if my business already has everything I need to reach my next immediate goal? How might that be true? Just play with it. Right? It's just a thought exercise. Maybe you'll start thinking hm I do have 500 followers on Instagram, right? It is possible that just three of those could become clients. Or I do have these people in my orbit that have indicated they want to work with me at some point. I could check in with them.

Keep going through every aspect of your business. Find those little gaps in belief where it feels emotionally charged and you know you have to do some work to clean that up. Right? How do I have enough expertise right now to help my next client? So you're not running off to get more certifications or researching more or holding off on talking at all because you're not qualified enough.

How is my audience of fully resourceful and capable of paying for this? I mean, the lifetime value is unquantifiable. So this is a no brainer. They're resourceful enough to get what they need from your offer with your support. How am I already receiving plenty of guidance from my audience about what they need to hear? What do I know that they need to hear next? How am I already receiving enough guidance from my higher self when I just get still and listen?

I think of business sufficiency in four main categories, and we break this down further, but these are the main ones. Yourself, right? You are enough. Your clients, they are enough. Your business activities, they are enough. Energetics, this is enough. How are those combined more than enough?

Because here's what happens when they are my friends, when you're fully in that knowingness. Not la-la fantasy, but true believability. You and your brain are clear. You and your brain are united about this. Any new skills you're learning are for the future business. I'll say it again. Any new skills you're learning or for your future business. You're learning to deliver amazing webinars, or you're learning the skill of Facebook ads without neediness and pressure, right? Because your current business activities are already enough.

I have a client who says Instagram is my laboratory. Right? She's just there to play. So of course you accelerate your results when you have that attitude. With that knowingness, there's no need to overwork and hustle. You can get very strategic about the actions you are taking. Your messaging is cleaner so you draw in clients that are inspired by the possibilities rather than motivated by scarcity or shame or whatever else.

They're thinking this is what's possible for me. I just have to decide. You become very good at the activities you've chosen, whether that's cold emailing or social media or Facebook ads. Your mind is freed up for ideas that are high income producing for you and wildly valuable for your clients and audience. Your clients start getting better results. Because, of course, you're thinking proactively. You're planning, you're visioning. You get creative ideas for how to connect better with your audience, quality over quantity. Hey, you enjoy life more.

I've been in such a dark place about my business in the past before beginning this work, but that is a choice. It doesn't have to be your reality. It changes your business in about a million gazillion other ways, which is a technical term, by the way. A million gazillion. Basically you vibrate higher, and so does what you see reflected.

Are you feeling this? Do you see why I'm saying that just this piece, just reprogramming your brain around business efficiency would be so fruitful for you. Your future self looks back and says oh, I remember what that period was about, that three months or whatever. That's when I was really learning the skill of how to cultivate business efficiency whenever I need to. I'm so grateful because it has changed everything about my business and life since. I create with so much more power now.

I'm so glad I didn't give into my amygdala when it was shouting at me you're gonna die homeless on the streets. Don't take your foot off the gas. Get out there and hustle. Instead I focused on honing this skill. Maybe it was doing the dangling carrot approach, which I've definitely fallen victim to right? Which is if you just learn this one new tactic or you just do this one thing, you'll never have to work at things like this and feel discomfort again. It is not true, my friends. You will feel discomfort because you have a human brain and an inner visionary, and they're pulling you in opposite directions.

Which is why in the Clarity Accelerator, there are no dangling carrot. We don't focus on shiny objects. We focus on business fundamentals. These fundamentals can be applied however makes sense for you and your audience. What problem are you solving really, and for whom? How do they think about it, and the solution? How can I create effective messaging that's fundamentally the same whether I'm standing in line at Starbucks or running Facebook ads?

When I was running ads, I would get these pop up messages from Facebook telling me your ad is performing better than whatever it was, 75% of other ads. Obviously, it's the same with my website. My website performs better than oh god, what would it be? 99.9% of websites for this search term.

It's not the application. It's the messaging, the deep stuff that a lot of people want to skip because it's triggering to get clear when you feel so uncertain. I know who I am and who I'm not. I know who my people are, and I definitely know who they aren't. I know how to create messaging that lands, as do my clients. These are business fundamentals. Your business suffers without them, whether you're a solo coach or a fortune 500 company because all of those points evolve.

So this is work we can't be complacent about. It's the backbone of everything. I know you know this because you're here listening. If you're nodding your head, then get moving on this now. You just need to decide, right. This is the best time to join us in the Clarity Accelerator. Right now, you'll still get one to one calls with me as part of that program. That will be eliminated soon because my clients are doing so well with the way everything is explained and structured. I keep honing this, and my clients are just running with it.

So you'll get the proven connect the dots process that you can't find anywhere else, and you'll get this efficiency formula that you can't find anywhere else and more. The tools you need to know yourself, know your people, and speak to how those two connect. Plus, this is just an exciting time for this work.

Holidays and the new year are naturally when you reflect and set intentions. When you can get those goals and put those wheels in motion with clarity, it amplifies the results for the year. The universe is like got it. Finally. Well thought out clean instructions. Thank you.

Even if you're like you know what? New Year's is just an arbitrary date, and I don't even do the resolutions thing. This is a natural cycle that our bodies have been evolving in for millennia. This is our return towards the sun and warmth and productivity and fertility. It's the ideal almost magical time to get your brain on board with this. I am so excited for the people starting right now. They're gonna be like what is happening. I know how these things work.

Okay, my friends, you have everything you need right now to get to that next level of what you want. You're swimming in enoughness. Now it's time to get really smart and strategic with it, to challenge yourself to work smarter, not harder. This is the uncommon work. This is the hard work that most people don't do. They drive themselves into the ground instead, or they just put their dreams aside. But you are meant for something different. Luckily, you're fully capable of creating it. Remember, on a certain level, you know who you are. Each day you're stepping further into what you're here to create. I'll talk to you next week.

Thanks for joining us here at The Uncommon Way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business in life, including the clarity first strategy for growing and scaling your business. Visit See you next time.

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