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Ep #5: Knowing Your People 101

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5: Knowing Your People 101 The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast with Jenna Harrison

How clear are you on what you offer to your clients? How well do you really know your people? So many entrepreneurs struggle to get clients or fully connect with them, and it holds them back in their businesses. But if you want to build a better connection and get that stop-the-scroll reaction from the content you provide, you need to know your people.

If you are early on in your business and can’t wait for things to finally click, you’re wanting to attract clients that are more aligned, or you simply want to create more impactful thought leadership that lands for your audience, you’re in the right place. In this episode, I’m showing you how to better connect with those amazing clients of yours.

Join me this week and learn how to step out of your frustration and limiting beliefs in your business and become the woman who confidently puts out content that really lands with your people. I’m sharing five key mindset shifts you’ll need to adopt to reap the benefits of this work and some tips to help you get comfortable with selling your customers what they want and giving them what they need.

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • The number one problem I see across the board with new and established entrepreneurs.

  • What leads to years of low or no sales and crickets on social media.

  • How so many of your business woes will change when you do this work.

  • The importance of prioritizing deeply knowing your people.

  • A thought I frequently have when I’m wanting to hit a goal.

  • The difference between messaging and copy.

  • Why connection is a two-way street.

  • How to sell out your services and work with clients you love.

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5: Knowing Your People 101 The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast with Jenna Harrison

Featured on the Show:

  • Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!

  • Click here to sign up for my newsletter and find out how the Connect The Dots Method has helped clients in all stages of their business.

  • If you would like help getting clear on what you are offering and how to talk about it, you have to join us in The Clarity Accelerator. It’s 60 of the best-spent days you’ll ever have, and you’ll get my eyes on your business and your messaging helping you dial all this in. There’s a spot available for September, so click here to schedule a call with me as soon as possible to learn more.

Full Episode Transcript:

If you're early on in your business, and you can't wait for things to finally click. Or, your words are connecting with people, and you know it, because when someone hops on a discovery call with you, they still remember that thing you wrote. And they say, “That, that was speaking right to me.” Or, if you're further along, but you want to call in clients that are better aligned, or you just want to create more impactful thought leadership that really lands for your people, for your audience. Here's what you have to do: You have to prioritize deeply knowing your people, and how they think and how they talk.

You're listening to The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast, the only podcast that helps you unlock your next level in business and life, by prioritizing your clarity and your own Uncommon Way. You will learn to maximize your mindset, mission, messaging, and strategy in order to create a true legacy. Here's your host, top ranked business coach and reformed over analyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison.

Hey, I'm recording this on the first week after the podcast went live. It is so exciting to see this baby alive and out there. Thank you, everyone, for leaving reviews and downloading episodes and all the things. Now by the way, I am getting over a cold, so I might sound a little different.

Okay, here are just a few of the stats from this past week: We had over 100 downloads in the first three days alone. We had 11 five-star ratings, and we jumped up over 40 points on Apple's competitive business entrepreneurship listing. Now those would probably make big podcasters cry into their soup. But I am thrilled. Thank you for making that possible.

And thank you to those who have left reviews. Here is one from Doodly5; Hi Doodly5. They say, “Ok. This podcast is worth the time! I see why Jenna is called the queen of clarity! Just listening to her has helped me have MULTIPLE breakthroughs about my business! Through actionable advice and grounded tips, YOU are empowered to be your best, clearest self! Thank you Jenna for your wisdom and for sharing it with all of us!”

Aww, thank you, Doodly5. Thanks for taking the time to do that. I'm so glad you're finding it helpful. And, I know all of us are busy, right? Maybe you listen to this as you're working out or driving. And you tell yourself, “Yeah, I am definitely going to help Jenna out and leave a review. But the fact that you actually turn that into action is just; thank you so much.

It's kind of like smiling at a stranger, it's this little thing you do that takes less than a minute, and you're on with your day. But it ends up being so impactful to the person on the receiving end. And your reviews do have a huge impact. Just like with Amazon products or local business listings, reviews are the primary drivers of podcast success, and downloads too, obviously. But there's a short window when the algorithm favors new podcasts. So, I am grateful for your help.

As a founding listener of this podcast, someone ahead of the curve naturally, I am grateful to you for creating the momentum that will get this podcast in front of that woman who is struggling with a decision, or tempted to give up on that inner nudge to do something a little differently. Or, they're going crazy because they can't figure out what will resonate with their audience, which is today's topic, of course. So, let's get this podcast in their hands now rather than later.

A quick reminder that this is the last day within our two-week launch window. So, this is the day to leave a review. And also, the last day to enter to win one of the great prizes we're giving away. You'll find that link in the show notes. And if you're listening to this after August 13th, I'm still asking you to please leave a review, they still matter.

And now, let's talk about how to better connect with those amazing clients of yours. Because the number one problem that I see across the board with entrepreneurs, I'd say at least 80 to 85% of new entrepreneurs, but a lot of more established ones too, is that you don't put the time and attention into really listening to and then speaking directly to your people. Not the people you were serving two years ago, but the people in front of you now.

So many of your business woes will disappear once you change that. It’s like igniter fluid for your business. And you'll just feel better too, more grounded, and confident, for sure. Because you won't be wondering if this is all landing, you'll know. And you won't have that icky feeling of resenting your audience, which we all get at one time or another. But since connection is a two-way street, you'll feel the warm fuzzies in a way you might not right now.

So, do this quick exercise with me. Think about how it feels in your body when you're thinking: How do I interest people in my services? Feel that. Okay, now compare that to how it feels when you're really so interested in them. When you're fascinated, curious, enthralled, feel that. Yeah, that feels way better.

I remember I heard Brooke Castillo say, “You need to learn to fall in love with your potential clients,” it's true. The same level of interest you have from learning about yourself from that BuzzFeed® personality quiz or your psychoanalyst unraveling your childhood trauma, you need that same level of interest for your people. And personally, I'm honored to get to help my people, even the ones that will never buy from me.

I've overheard Christian parents saying things like, “God gave me one of his children to raise as my own. And, I'm honored to be given that trust.” I'm not Christian, but that's how I feel about my clients and my audience. Each part of the work, of knowing my people, is to me like a spiritual practice. From that place of service or curiosity, you can so much more easily stay in the energy little bring in more clients.

And it is possible to connect with your future clients much more quickly than many of you realize. It's not better or worse than any other way. But it can absolutely happen in a flash. This is how I made 90,000 last year from Google® alone, with zero nurturing other than what people read on my website, and what we talked about on a single call. Even if they were interviewing a bunch of other top business coaches. And the same phenomena happens sometimes, with random Facebook® posts that I or my clients put out, too.

But that kind of stuff, the scroll reaction, doesn't happen by accident. First, you need clarity on your zone of genius, so you know exactly what you're offering. And then, you've got to know your people well enough that you can describe it to them in a way that lands. You've got to get really intimate with your people.

I just said intimate, and it reminded me of when Ben and I were first dating, and I thought, “I might want my home base to be in Panama.” Right? So, I drag him down there with me; we're house hunting. And in typical style, I choose like, an island off an island off the main island, in Bocas del Toro. Because otherwise it just be too on the beaten track, you know.

So, we're staying in this tree house in the jungle. This was not glamping by the way. And we walk in, and the bathroom door is nothing more than a few rows of beads hanging down; very 70’s. And Ben turns to me and he just sighs, he's like, “Okay, well, we're gonna get to know each other really well, on this trip.” I just lost it.

So yeah, you don't want to get that intimate with your people, not bead curtain intimate. But yes, intimate enough that they're probably telling you things they haven't actually expressed to anyone before. And intimate enough that when you overhear them talking, you're like; yep, that's one of them right there.

To do that, you need to have old-school, analog, person-to-person conversations with the kind of person that you'd like to work with. You need to ask them good questions, that go way beyond surface level. You need to analyze and contemplate the information that you gather. And, you need to verify that it's useful for calling in more of the people you want to work with.

Now, you might be thinking, “But Jenna, I used to be my person, I know exactly what she's going through. But for some reason, people aren't responding.” Listen, even if you're helping people with a transformation, you yourself went through just a few months ago, there is a world of difference between how you see the world and the language you have to describe your experience, and your client’s perspective.

And it's your job, literally your j-o-b, to speak to your audience in the way that they understand, not the way you understand it. Or worse, the way you want them to understand it. Let's say you're using coach language like; I help women increase their self-worth, so they can feel empowered to make transformative decisions.

But what they're saying, is they want to get brave enough to tell their loser boyfriend to take a hike. They might think that what you're saying sounds nice. They may even think, “Oh, maybe someday I should do something like that.” But they're not going to be all, “Oh, let me whip out my credit card, because I need that exact thing, right now.”

That's an oversimplification, but it paints the picture of the huge disconnect between what so many people are selling, and what most people decide to buy. Don't let yourself get discouraged, right now. I can honestly hear some of those internal groans all the way here in my walk-in closet, in Pennsylvania, where I'm recording this.

“But Jenna, it's not about being brave. It's about her low self-worth. If I help her with her self-worth that solves everything.” Don't worry, I'm not asking you to say anything you don't believe. Believe me, there's plenty of room for nuance in your messaging. I'll give you some examples of that in a minute.

I am all about depth and integrity and not dumbing anything down. But I stand beside my primary point which is, that we fall into the trap of using our language rather than our client's language. She doesn't think it's about self-worth. Otherwise, she would have said that. She's an adult with a fully functioning vocabulary.

The link with self-worth is what you get to show her, once you are her coach. And sometimes you might want to do it very strategically in your content. But we'll save all that for future episodes. For now, we're focused on their perspective. This disconnect is what leads to years of no or low sales, or crickets on social media, which I don't personally care about. Because I've had tons of clients that have followed me but never even clicked like. But I know a lot of you do.

And then when you're getting the results you don't like, you're making it mean something about you. And maybe you start ping-ponging among different offers, or niches, or throwing spaghetti at the wall, and wondering whether or not to just give up on this whole crazy idea anyway.

Which reminds me of my client, Crystal; she came to me for clarity, because she wanted to switch and start doing a different kind of coaching. She was a health coach. And when I asked her why, she told me she was so sick of dragging people along to the result, that they said they wanted. Maybe some of you can relate to this. But that set little alarm bells off in my head, because I know not everyone is like that.

So, I asked her how she was marketing, what was her messaging like? And she said that she would say things like; have you really been struggling with all different kinds of diets, but nothing seems to work? And you wish you just had something that was easy, that you could actually do? Something like that. Well, that is a tried and trusted messaging for weight loss. But it's also what's used on commercials for diet pills, and for TV dinners.

Those are marketed to people that want the quickest, easiest solution. So Crystal was bringing in all of these people that were in struggle, would probably continue to struggle, for reasons other than the scope of this podcast, and she was calling in the ones who just wanted the quick, easy fix.

So, I asked her; if she could work with anyone, what would they be like? And she said, well, honestly, it would be women like her. You know, career women that are used to going after what they want. And, they tend to get it. Right? When they put their mind to something, they accomplish it. But those people, she told me, would never actually buy from her because they could do it on their own.

I suggested that she go out and just talk to some of those people, right? Find a few of them and just have a conversation with them. And there's a set of strategic questions I give my clients, so they can draw out the answers and the language they need. Because what I knew, is that she had an underlying belief that she couldn't create a business around what she wanted.

You know, we talk about money scarcity, or time scarcity. But there's client scarcity, too. And, I see it a lot. So, it turns out that after she spoke with women, she did actually find women like this, we noticed something very interesting in the client language. And it was this; those women never talked about struggle. What they said instead was, that it hadn't been a priority.

They had had families, kids, they were focusing on their careers, and they'd put on some extra weight. And until now, it just hadn't been a priority to get it off. But now it was, and they wanted someone to just help them get it done; faster, easier, better.

So, when she started speaking to those kinds of people, using that language, she immediately booked out her group program with clients she loved. Can you believe that she was almost about to give up on what she loved? All because she had some limiting beliefs about what was even possible, and didn't know how to gather and analyze client language.

This is the kind of thing that drives me crazy. And, I want to help you step out of that frustrated, throw your hands in the air, version of Crystal and step into the after version. I want to see you become the woman who confidently puts out content, knowing it's what your people care about and desperately want help with. Or, has conversations with people, or goes on TikTok®, whatever; it doesn't have to be social media, the medium does not matter. I just want you to feel that peace of mind.

One of the thoughts I frequently have, that I want to share with you, when I'm wanting to hit a certain monthly goal, or maybe there's a potential client and I'm not sure if she's going to come through, and insecurity starts to surface. I say, “Jenna, they want this so much more than you want it. To me, it's another client. To them, it's changing their life.”

I know that because I've talked to so many of them about it. Not because I've decided that's how they should feel about it, and I'm trying to convince them of that. Sense the difference there? So then, I can just relax. I don't have to go chasing after anything, or stressing about ‘will they, won't they.’

And once you feel that sense of clarity, you can focus on much higher value things in your business, than ‘what do I talk about today?’ You're focused on getting in front of your people. You're focused on figuring out how to move your people along the buyer’s journey and into a yes. Or, how to help them get the best results, once they've said yes.

I know some of you right now, are like; but I'm just not a good writer, it's so hard. This isn't about how you write. Don't confuse messaging with copy; there's a difference. I do teach some copywriting in the Clarity Accelerator, I’m happy to talk about it here. If you want that, just let me know in the reviews.

But messaging is different than copy. You could be standing in line at the coffee shop and deliver great messaging to the person next to you, and never write a word. Messaging is what reflects your understanding of your client psychology; their way of seeing the world and moving through the world.

And since your clients are the most important part of your business, this is where a large percentage of your time should go, especially in the beginning. You need to be like a detective. That's why, in my three-part Clarity Formula, part one is know yourself, and part two is know your people; they have equal weight. And they're both the precursors to the final part, which is talk about how you and your people connect.

Okay, here are some key mindset shifts you'll need to adopt, in order to reap the benefits of this work. If you aren't in a place where you can pause this and take notes, make sure you check the time on this episode, so you can come back to this point.

All right, number one, I've got five of them, by the way. Number one, you can form a business around whatever you want to form a business around. If you're convinced that those people would never buy, then you're not going to open yourself up to testing and getting to know that audience.

Number two, your people are telling you what they want. There really is no mystery about this. You just have to ask the right questions to get the key answers, and actively listen to what they say.

Number three, you aren't exactly the same person you used to be. You perceive the problem and solution differently, and your language is different now.

Number four, okay, this one's for my entrepreneurs who have been in business for a few years. Markets grow increasingly sophisticated over time; you can't rest on the messaging that used to work for you.

And number five, you will always end up helping your clients with much more than they expect. But you've got to become comfortable selling them what they want. I’m going to repeat that: You have to become comfortable selling them what they want. As long as you say it with integrity, of course.

So, let's break those down. Number one, you can form a business around whatever you want. I have a feeling I'll get some strongly worded feedback on this one. But I've seen the limiting belief in action too many times to not address it. People get so convinced that a certain type of client doesn't exist or would never buy, that they force themselves into something that's not a fit.

Now, it's true. Sometimes you do need to make some adjustments to where in the buyer’s journey or people are, etc. I mean, yeah, you can't sell a Mercedes® to homeless people. But you can still sell Mercedes to people who will then feel like they found home.

Number two, your people are telling you what they want. And they're telling you how to sell it to them, too. So many people, especially people that have a habit of confusion, stay in the energy of ‘I don't know.’ And worse, “I can't figure this out. I just don't know why I'm not connecting with them. I don't know what they want.” I can certainly empathize; I have been there.

But that is very disempowering. Trying to create content and lead from that place, will not bring you the results you want. I went before you; I can attest. But when you shift into; how can I ask a better question? What do I already know for sure? And what's left for me to figure out? That is a very different energy.

Number three, you aren't exactly the same person you used to be. I gave more detail on this earlier, with that example of self-worth in relationships. This is especially true if you've gone through a coach certification or done years of personal development work.

Now, you can, of course, choose to market to people who are anywhere along that spectrum, of whatever started you on this journey up until where you are today. Those are all valid options. But the closer they are to where you are today, the less help people will need from you.

The transformation you're offering will not be as great. They may or may not still value it highly, you'll have to test that. But for sure, the people that are right where you are now, spoiler, they're probably not going to pay money to get where they already are.

So, figuring out this nuance, the question of; where is that sweet spot, between who will pay me for help and who am I actually interested in speaking to, is really part one type work. It's ‘know yourself’ work. You need to make that decision, especially if you're just starting out.

Some of you might have picked up on the fact that I market to entrepreneurs at different stages in their journey. But I've also been in marketing for years. And I'm very clear on the psychographic undercurrents that tie people together. That's why I can have a group call with very new entrepreneurs and seven figure business owners, and we can all derive benefit from the call. We're talking about a lot of common themes, just at different levels.

Speaking of which, let's talk to those entrepreneurs that are further along. Number four is markets grow increasingly sophisticated over time. This is something that my first coach, Luisa Zhou; I love you. This is something that she taught me. You can't just keep reusing the messaging you used years ago.

This is a product of more and more people entering the market. Which means, more and more people serving that market, talking to that market, more information available and shared among the people in that market. But also, it's a product of our consciousness as humans. It is evolving rapidly.

Do you ever watch 80’s movies, and you are just shocked at what people used to say? That's easy to spot, but it's happening at a more subtle level all around us every day. There's no way I could have spoken about some of the things I do now, even just five years ago.

Like nowadays, most of my clients that come to me with confusion or indecision, they already know that their own brains are getting in the way of their clarity. So, I can end this podcast each week by saying, “On a certain level, you know who you are.” And my people will be like, “Yes, she's right. It's so true.”

That's languaging I evolved into, through carefully paying attention to my people. And the thing is, it's not just your people that evolve, you evolve too. You're called to serve a slightly different person. Or, you do your own belief work or personal development work and your audience changes. The truth is, you can see a lot of your own evolution reflected in the clients that are coming to you.

I remember being so surprised when I was starting out, because I saw a Facebook post with someone asking; why is it that clients always say they don't have the money? And I was like, that's not how mine object. Mine say, they don't have the time or now's not the right time.

We were each attracting the people that reflected our own issues. So, I always say, clarity is an evolution, it's never done. I never stop doing the work in the Clarity Accelerator. That's why I offer a lifetime access. Because I know my clients will use it. I get to my next level, and it's time to start again.

Likewise, with my clients. I'll help them with their messaging in the bootcamp, that's the Clarity Accelerator main program. But six months later as a private client, and then, for as long as we work together, they're learning more about themselves, and their precise work and secret sauce, and practicing owning that and stepping into it more fully. And they're updating that in their messaging, along the way.

Number five, you've got to become comfortable selling them what they want, with integrity, of course. Here's how you can massage your messaging to speak to your people but still be in integrity. I still have people who tell me they need help because they're just not finding their clients.

Now, I know that their clients are everywhere. I even believe that the universe will facilitate their connection with their clients for them. But that's another topic. But I need to address their concern, otherwise they won't believe that working with me will help resolve their issue. So, my place of integrity is to say that, “Yes, I'll help you call in your clients.”

I'm going to the end result of what they want, clients. And if someone presses me, “Yeah, but are you going to show me how to utilize Nextdoor to get in front of my clients?” I'm not going to mislead them. I'll say, “I'm going to show you how to create such effective messaging that you can put it out anywhere.” And depending on what other cues I picked up from them, I might explain the mindset shift of believing that your clients are everywhere.

But if I get someone that stands their ground and says,” I really want someone who's going to show me to use Nextdoor.” Then I will say, “Here's a coach that I recommend you speak with.” Because the last thing you want, is to bring in a client that isn't hungry for the magic that you're offering. And, it might be that a year from now they come back to you. They're now at a point where they get what you were saying, and they're way better client because of it.

Here's another example. When I hired a parenting coach, I thought I just wanted someone to give me a personalized guide for dealing with my son's issues. Later, in the post-sale coaching, I learned that my thinking and behavior was more of a problem than Dylan's was. But if my coach hadn't been willing to meet me where I was, I probably wouldn't have hired her. I just would have thought; Oh, she thinks it's all about me. But she's never met my son.

My coach addressed that in her messaging, which, by the way, was just a conversation; it wasn't a fancy sales page. She said things like, “I know, for me, I just wished someone would give me a personalized playbook for dealing with my son.” And I lit up because that's exactly what I think.

Well, she did definitely personalize things for me. And, we did talk about how to deal with my son. His behavior changed in many ways. And, my experience certainly changed. And, I wrote her a glowing testimonial. But it didn't happen in the way I expected when I was on that discovery call.

So, I'll give you some quick tips about how to become comfortable with this whole idea of selling them what they want and giving them what they need in case you're feeling resistance right now.

First, you have to clean up your judgment. If you're judging the person who wants to get skinny, or the one who thinks her business will suddenly transform if she just uses a new app, or the mom who wants to change her child's behavior so she can feel better, clean that up.

It often involves healing your own judgement of yourself in the past, maybe you used to be like that. There's some reason that you feel so strongly about this. Or, there's a reason you don't feel in integrity; figure that out and heal it.

Because otherwise, you're inadvertently telling people that they are wrong and not good enough. Who wants to work with someone like that? They don't know what they don't know, period. They're doing the best they can with what they have.

And, you're so excited to help accelerate their journey because you know what awaits them. Only after you've cleaned all this up, can you make some strategic decisions about how you'll choose to speak, about what they want.

Where are you going to use direct client language? Where will you massage it? Where will you speak to their humanity? Where will you speak to their higher self? Once you incorporate these mindset shifts, and you lean in fully to this work and apply this work, you are going to have a very different business.

Your clients will feel conscious resonance. Conscious, like what I told you about when I hired my parenting coach; how is she in my head? That's exactly what I think. But they'll also feel subconscious resonance. There's a form of subconscious resonance that happens when you bring forth your mission or your purpose into your messaging. That's not what I'm talking about in this episode.

What I mean is, they'll feel safe. What you're saying feels familiar, and they feel seen. And ultimately, priming them with that sense of safety, is what will help them get not just the results they so desperately want, but the totality of the transformation available to them with your help. The brain allows change when it feels safe to do so.

So, for instance, I tend to drop some big words here and there, contrary to marketing best practices. But the women who work with me are comfortable with that. They're used to it in their own lives, and they feel a little safer investing with me because of it.

Those who aren't comfortable with it, don't stick around, even though they probably don't have any conscious judgment about it. Kind of like swearing. It's important for me to swear publicly because it's likely going to come out on some coaching call, and when I'm in the middle of the coaching space, I don't want to be putting my energy into thinking about what I should or shouldn't say. But for some people, swearing is a no-go.

This kind of self-selection is a beautiful thing. Resonance is a beautiful thing. It means less work and fewer upsets for everyone involved. Your business will get easier in other ways with this work, too. You don't tire yourself out deliberating what to even write about or pivoting your business. You make decisions more quickly and decisively. And you move more quickly.

There's a training I have, in module five, it's the Understanding Your People, and I show clients how to create a social media post in about 60 seconds, just by plugging and playing this information that people give you. And the combinations are endless because your people are constantly feeding you new bits of data.

But you know what I love? Keening into the language and mindset, it helps me tap back into the emotional space of where my clients are. Honestly, sometimes it's hard to get my brain back to how it used to be. Now, sometimes there are events that trigger those old emotions, like right now, with launching this podcast, I'm feeling some of them. And, I love that level of connection and empathy that it's gifted me. But sometimes it's a little harder to get there.

And you know, what else gets you back there? Having a heartfelt conversation with somebody who's struggling, who is right smack-dab in the middle of that pain or frustration, or however they experience it. And, they're really searching for a way out. That brings me right back, every single time.

Now, we've covered a lot of mindset and key concepts here today, so even though I usually like to share both mindset and tactics on each episode, we're actually splitting this one into two. In a coming episode, I'll be sharing the five-step process I recommend for nailing your messaging. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please pop them into a review, so I can make sure to address them.

And now to recap: Messaging is not copy. But it's why a lot of new entrepreneurs struggle to get clients, and why a lot of other entrepreneurs aren't calling in the right clients, or aren't maximizing their thought leadership.

It's your job to speak to your audience in the way they understand, not the way you want them to understand it. Luckily, your people are telling you exactly what they want, and how to sell it to them. You just have to listen and ask the right questions to get the answers.

And then, you've got to become comfortable selling them what they want, what they’ve told you. The way you do that is; you clean up your judgment, you heal your own past, you fall in love with your client’s journey, and you'll get clear on what you will and won't say out of integrity.

Remember, you can form a business around whatever you want. But even once you're up and running, this work doesn't end. You evolve, and markets evolve too. There's not an entrepreneur out there who should ever stop doing this clarity work. And if you're starting out, begin this work sooner rather than later. It's not something you can afford to put off.

If you'd like help getting clear on what you're offering and how to talk about it, join us in the Clarity Accelerator. It's 60 of the best spent days you'll ever have. You'll get my eyes on your business and your messaging, helping you dial this in. I walk you through everything step-by-step. Everyone says they love the structure.

There's a new module each week, with a mindset training that relates directly to what will likely be coming up for you. I only bring a few people through each month, so this is not the kind of place where you can get lost. And, you don't have to move at anyone else's pace either. I make sure to stagger all of the start dates.

You and I will have one-to-one calls, and I'll know everything about your business. Plus, we have weekly group calls and workshops where you get to learn from peers who are at different stages of the journey. Yes, but it's always very relevant because everyone here is solely focused on clarity. You've never been in a room like this before.

It took me five years to perfect this system and the way of delivering it, to help my clients as quickly as possible. If you suspect this might be exactly what you've been needing, get on a call with me as soon as possible through the link in the show notes. At the time of this recording. There's a spot available for September, but it won't be available long.

Okay, my friend. That is it for today.

And remember, on a certain level you know who you are. And, every day you're stepping further into what you are here to create.

Hey, to celebrate the launch of the show, I'm going to be giving away three really great prizes; a pair of AirPods Pro™, a six-month subscription to Audible®, and a $50 Gift Card™. I'll be giving these away to some lucky listeners who follow, rate, review, and share the show.

Here's why your help is essential. I need to know what resonated with you and what you're still curious about. So, I can create the most high-value content for you. I don't want to create what other people want. I want to create what you want. So, I need to hear from you.

And also, this work changes lives; it sure as hell changed mine. I am on a mission to get these episodes into the hands of everyone who needs it. Since this isn't your first rodeo, and you've listened to a podcast or two before, you know that follows, rates, reviews, and shares are how this new baby podcast will get seen and bumped up in search results. Thank you for spreading the word!

To learn more about the podcast and how to enter to win the AirPods, the Audible subscription, or the gift card, just visit I’ll be announcing the winners on the show, in an upcoming episode.

Thanks for joining us here at The Uncommon Way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, including the Clarity for Strategy for Growing and Scaling Your Business, visit See you next time.

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