9 Signs You’re an Abstract Thinker (+so what?)
“Ugh, I’m just not sure which idea is the right one. I want it to make sense, but I also want it to mean something, you know? I guess I’m kinda stuck in research mode. Well, to be honest sometimes I start moving forward, but then usually I get caught up with an even better idea….” her voice trails off.
“Out of curiosity, do you consider yourself an abstract thinker?” I ask.
, I can’t tell you how often the answer to that question is either “no” or “What’s that?” (Just like it was with this client.)
Whether they’re talking about what business to start,
how to pivot or grow their business,
their next career path, or
what they (in general) want to do with their life…
I tend to meet a LOT of abstract thinkers in my work! (Even if they don’t realize it.)
It’s probably because I’m an abstract thinker, too. For two looong decades I struggled with clarity and with understanding how to both manage and make the most of the way my brain works.
And even though some people come to me for exactly that reason (they found me through one of my multiple blog posts on the subject)...
The majority of abstract thinkers have no idea that they are.
Which means they also don’t understand that it’s influencing HOW you are.
Because the way you think affects:
-- how you tend to make decisions and store information
-- what you prefer to focus on
-- your propensity to create meaning and also your reliance on that meaning
-- and so much more.
So if you’re unsure about whether you’re an abstract thinker, you are NOT alone.
And luckily I created this fun blog post to help you figure it out:
9 Signs You’re an Abstract Thinker
After you read it, I’d love to know … yes or no? 🤣
And although I’m totally being nosy, I’m not only being nosy! Your answer will help determine whether or not I share more tools with you in the future to help you get the most out of your gifts (yes, gifts).
With love (a very abstract concept),