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Ep #19: Achieve Your Goals: Choosing Uncommon Actions

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Achieve Your Goals: Choosing Uncommon Actions The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast with Jenna Harrison

Episode Summary

Jenna gives you a new way to think about the actions you’re taking in your business.

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Show Notes

As entrepreneurs, we can do a lot of spinning. We spin in action, we spin wondering why our actions fell flat, and we spin as we scheme about the next actions we need to take. We try our best to do all the things we need to do to be successful, and it feels like we all just do, do, do. But what if there’s a different way? What if there’s a whole category of things you could do that you’re not even thinking about?

When we think about doing something or taking in our business, we think about actions like adding in another webinar or posting more frequently on social media. But I encourage clients to think outside of the box in terms of actions, and this week, I’m giving you a new way to think about actions, and helping you categorize your actions so you can start using them to create the results you want.

In this episode, I’m sharing the difference between traditional, common actions and non-traditional, uncommon actions. I’m diving deeper into the concept of non-traditional actions so you can see how they are amplifying everything you’re doing, and why when you do this, you will never think about actions in the same way again.

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Why relying on common actions is holding you back.

  • The reason we are so often not receiving the results we want.

  • Why you don’t have to always feel 100% inspired to take action.

  • The importance of letting yourself rest and enjoy where you are.

  • How common actions are actually the by-product of the real work.

  • Some questions to ask yourself to change your actions.

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Achieve Your Goals: Choosing Uncommon Actions The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast with Jenna Harrison

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Full Episode Transcript:

You know that thing you're working on accomplishing? The one where you're trying your best to do all the things you need to do, in order to be successful? What if there's a whole category of things you could do that you're not even thinking about? What if those are like, supercharged actions? For every ounce of effort you put in, you get exponential results. You'd be down for trying them out, right? All right, then stick around. I've got some ideas for you.

You're listening to The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast, the only podcast that helps you unlock your next level in business and life, by prioritizing your clarity and your own Uncommon Way. You will learn to maximize your mindset, mission, messaging, and strategy in order to create a true legacy. Here's your host, top ranked business coach and reformed overanalyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison.

Hey, welcome back to The Uncommon Way. I am recording this right before my husband and I head out for a long weekend; we decided to do this about 24 hours ago. I love, so much, that with entrepreneurship, I can make it happen. I can reschedule some things, and we can just go.

So, we are actually looking for a retirement place. I know that sounds funny. But my husband is in the military, they retire very early. He'll, of course, continue to do work, but he'll retire from the military. And we, after years of being told where to live, when to move, get to choose. Now, that sounds wonderful.

Except we've lived in so many places, and we've really liked a lot of them. So, how in the world do you narrow it down? Anyway, we have no choice; it's coming up in about a year and a half. So, we decided that we'd start looking around at some different cities, maybe that we hadn't visited in a while, or we've never visited before. And, we want to be on the east so that we can fly to Europe more quickly.

We plan to spend, in the beginning, about half the year there and then potentially build up. So, we want to have easy access. I and my husband are both warm weather people. So, we'd like to be somewhere like, south of DC. And we're going to North Carolina, this weekend. We're going to the Raleigh Durham area, Research Triangle.

By the way, if you have any strong opinions about great cities to move to in that area, please let me know. Because we have a limited amount of weekends that we can rely on my sweet mom to watch my son, while we go gallivanting off. But anyway, it is going to be really fun to just get away and see someplace new.

We met over our love of travel. And anytime we can do it again, we're both down for it. I've got to tell you, apart from that, I'm also feeling a little extra excited recording this episode. Because I got some feedback, about somebody that listened to the interview that I did with my client, Ale. And said that that already helped them clarify a big decision that they needed to make, just listening to it.

Whenever I create content, I've seen this through everything that's happened for me with Google and blogging, but when I create content, I believe in the bottom of my heart that it's meant for somebody; it's going to reach someone. And of course, I don't know who, but I also don't know when. I think things live on forever.

I've had people that are scrolling back through content, on all different platforms or by website, and they found something that they said really resonated with them. And so, as I've been creating these podcast episodes, I have that in my mind, right? Like, this episode, I don't know when it's going to land for someone, I don't know who it's going to be. But there will be that connection.

It’s just really neat when it happens so quickly, right? When I can put something out and right away someone's like, that's exactly what I needed to hear. So, I encourage you to also let me know what you want to hear. Or, if something did land for you, so that I can create more things like that in the podcast reviews.

That is such a perfect way to let me know and really get what you need out of this. Okay, let's move on. As entrepreneurs, we can do a lot of spinning, right? We spin in action, we are spinning wondering why our actions fell flat, or spinning as we scheme about the next actions we need to take. And in this episode, I want to help you categorize your actions into two categories.

We've got our traditional, or common actions. And then, our non-traditional, or uncommon actions. I'll show you why relying on common actions is holding you back. And we'll deep dive into this concept of non-traditional actions, so that you can see how they'll amplify everything else you're doing. So much so, that you'll never think about actions in the same way again.

So, our first line of thinking when there's some gap, right? There's some gap between what we have and what we want to create. We start thinking; okay, what do I need to do? And in order to create different, you need to do differently or be differently; something has to be different.

But let's break it down a little. What is “do” exactly? What do we mean when we say “do”? Usually, especially for entrepreneurship, we think about actions like, okay, I'll add in another webinar, or I'll write a post more frequently on social media. I do encourage my clients to think out of the box ideas when it comes to these kinds of actions, right?

Because who says we have to do what everyone else is doing? So, even with the common traditional actions, there can be uncommon ways of doing them. But there's another type of action that I want to focus on today, that isn't usually considered at all, and I'd argue is far more important.

So, the last episode was a podcast on uncommon goals. And one of the things I asked you to do there, is to get clear on where your growth is for the next period. In this episode, I want to ask; what if your real growth isn't about stretching into higher revenue through, like I said, increasing your visibility with webinars or whatever? What if your real growth lies somewhere else? What if there is plenty of room for you to bring on more clients just doing exactly what you're already doing?

Sometimes I'll talk to someone and they're like, “Well, I need to do this thing. I need to add something in.” And I'll say, “Okay, well, how many people are on your list?” They'll say, “About 300. That isn't working, people aren't buying from my list.”

Okay, so maybe we just need to keep doing what we're doing, and enhance how we're doing it. There are 300 people, you're looking for one client. But in order to lean into that, you really have to believe that there's plenty of room already, right?

Even just through social media, there is plenty of room to call in that one next client. Even through, some of you are blogging, right, even through that, there's room to call in your one next client. And really, if I just work on that belief, I will show up in a different way. And that will create my result.

We'll go into these a little more further on. But, you know, another idea is, what if it's just increasing your capacity to receive? And finally dealing with that nagging feeling that this just feels too easy, or too good. Right? What if you finally tackled that over the next six months, or whatever the period is?

What if it's practicing, not thinking this one thought? That one thought that always send you spiraling into a pattern of unhelpful behaviors? Which, and then, shows up in your output and results. Like, what if this is where I'm learning not to default to that thought? How would that change things for you? Sometimes when I broach the subject with new clients who aren't used to the work, they say, “So, what? I just sit around and my business results are just magically supposed to happen?”

No, friends, this is work. This is work. This is far harder, in many ways, than busy actions that we take. Than keeping a buffer between our conscious brain and what you're really feeling, because you're so busy with stuff. And thankfully, you don't have time to feel. And since it's harder, few people really do it.

If this were more common, the world would be a very different place; we'd be much calmer, kinder, less self-sabotaging; if we were working on ourselves. So, just stretch your brain with me here. This doesn't have to be what you adopt. But just for the next, I don't know, half hour that we're on this podcast, just start playing with: What if those are actually the best, most productive things I could do for my business?

I can't tell you how many of my clients have finally given themselves some time off. They've taken a vacation or something; maybe you felt this too. And then they just come back supercharged. And that proves that their growth, their true growth, is in giving themselves a chance to rest. Because what would they be capable of if they were always in that state? What kind of thought leadership, what kind of contribution would they be bringing to the world?

And when you're at that level, you can't help but attract interest. You know, what if you take today off, and then within a day or two, you whip out this really inspired newsletter? You just sit down and just comes right out. Versus spending a week writing and rewriting, forcing yourself to push through, but your brain’s feeling like molasses and you just can't seem to formulate your ideas.

I mean, I don't have any personal experience with that myself. Of course, a friend told me about it; just kidding. This was the story of my life for the first years of my business. But what if the “do” of the ‘what do I do to call in my next client’, what if that action you need to take is, work on myself?

There are some people that spend too much time working on themselves, and they aren't taking any action. That is not who I'm speaking to, right now. I'm speaking to y’all that are always trying to do-do-do, even if it's coming from desperation, and sometimes even if it's not really stretching you.

So, let's open up to the idea of uncommon actions or non-traditional actions, They’re actions, just like any traditional action you might be used to. I said, in the “Goals” podcast, the only purpose of a goal is what's that goal going to do for you? Right? When you look back on this period in your life, how can you say, “That's the time when I was learning to X”?

Right now, pick a random year of your life. Let's just take the pandemic, because we can think of that quickly. In hindsight, what were you really learning or accomplishing in your life or doing then? Like, “That's the time when I was learning to be more truthful in relationships,” Or, “That's the time when I was learning that there was a completely different way of working than I'd ever imagined. That everyone would be fine if we telecommuted.”

“That's the time when I was learning to really be with my fear of the future.” Or, “That's the time when we were changing cities. We decided to make this change. And then, I was really getting to know this new city during that time.” You can do the same thing with this period, now in your life. Like, what is it really about?

Think that through, for a second, for yourself, about the pandemic. I'll give you a second. Okay, now continue that connection with your highest knowing, when you ask: What is this next period in my life really about? What am I needing to learn on behalf of my future self? That's far more valuable and important than the actual result I'm shooting for, right?

How will I be able to look back and say, “That's when I was learning to do X, when I was really improving my copywriting. And I was doing it then, in order to bring in X number of clients. But I had no idea then, that that skill was really what was going to allow me to bring in millions of dollars of revenue. That's what it was really about in that moment.”

Okay, I'm just gonna run, quickly, through some ideas. This list is not complete, obviously. Stretch your brain to see what you really need. And as I'm reading these, just feel in your body for a little hit of acknowledgment, of knowledge, of recognition; like, yeah, I do need to work on that.

One is, I've mentioned before, increasing the capacity to receive; I have a whole podcast on that. So often, the reason that we're not receiving our results, is because of all the stories we have around what it will mean if we do actually accomplish that thing.

And/or it's just so unfamiliar to us, it feels so scary. Maybe this is a time when you really work on your decision making. You really learn to just make a decision, and then feel it in your body. Go with your intuition; trust it, move forward, learn from it, evaluate. You're just practicing making a lot of decisions and firing up that muscle; that self-knowing muscle.

Maybe, this is a time when you're really clearing old baggage and conditioning. Maybe, you're building a new belief, like, “I am the right coach for my clients,” or, “I don't need to do anything more.” Maybe, you're working on the belief that more time doesn't create my results; I do. I do, through my brain and thinking up ideas, I create results.

Maybe, you're growing your self-concept, right? You're starting to see yourself as that business owner, or as that coach, rather than whatever it is you used to do. Maybe, you're practicing noticing what it is that you really want, and then giving it to yourself first. Right? What is that thing? Is it you want more downtime? You want more recognition? How can you give it to yourself first?

Maybe, you're breaking bad habits. As many of you know, I've been breaking the bad habit of overworking. Maybe, you're breaking a bad habit of an unhelpful thought ,or an unhelpful way of thinking, right? You're catching that and you're redirecting it. Even if you can do this with just one unhelpful thought, it could be the most important thing that you'll do for your business, right now.

For me, one thought that seemed completely innocent, was, “I'll just do this first. I'll just do this first,” and then, I would get involved with something; time would “run away” with me; I would let time run. I would then, not have accomplished what I wanted to accomplish.

So, just working on catching that one thought, if I had spent three months doing that and that was my primary focus, that would have paid off so much, in the long run for my business. In fact, it did, because I got it. That's what I ended up doing.

Recently, with a client, we caught a really unhelpful thought of hers. She didn't even realize that she was disqualifying her audience. Her thought was, “I don't think they want to work with me.” So, she was going in to kind of give a presentation, but she'd already decided these weren't actually the people that were going to buy.

So, what did she create? She created these people; they didn't buy, no one bought. And we realized, that if we could just work on that thought, like really believing that, actually, someone here either wants to buy or know someone that wants to buy; like, this is working. And, she wasn't disqualifying anyone, that that could have a massive impact.

Or, sometimes the underlying thought is, “I don't think they know they need this. I have to show them how much they need this.” Well, why would you sell to those people who don't want it? Who don't want you? This is the work we do in phase two of the Clarity Accelerator; “Know Your People”.

You have to get very, very clear on who you're actually speaking to. When I say your people, it's not just the broad or even the specific niche, right? There's so much variation and nuance within that group. Within the niche of, I don't know, physicians that want to be more present for their kids.

There's a huge variation of what, we in the marketing world call “psychographics”. What is that psychological makeup that brings you the best clients? Speak to them. Maybe, your work is about leaning into the work that you are teaching, specifically. So, if you are, I don't know, teaching time management, how can you, yourself, better manage your time?

Maybe, it's tuning in and really listening to yourself, your higher self, and seeking internal guidance, right? You tend to just kind of go fast, go furious, and you don't really do those check-ins. What if you started doing those check-ins throughout the day? How would that change things for you?

Maybe, it's practicing rest and enjoyment. I had a client, she was reflecting on this, because she knew this was her work. Right? And she was saying, It's hard to believe that that is the challenge.” I think of challenge, the word “challenge”, is something that doesn't let you enjoy life. But now actually, my challenge is to enjoy life.

And, it's hard. We say, “I haven't reached X goal, how can I enjoy life yet? I’ll enjoy life when X.” But really learning to do the work, of letting yourself rest and enjoy where you are, that’s work. And these are all things, all the things that I just mentioned, tend to be very supported energetically.

First, it behooves humankind that you work on these kinds of things. That you then radiate that out, for the benefit of everyone. And also, you're a higher vibe, and so you attract different things into your life. You, in your highest vibe state, it makes sense that the universe would want to connect people with you. Would know that you'd be able to help other people take that step closer.

Because when you start to do these things, you really show up differently. We've talked about this in the past. I mean, just think about it. A person who gets really inspired and shares on Instagram®, that's a completely different energy than someone who's thinking, “I need to put out this many content pieces, in order to trip the algorithm, and get this many clients.”

What's really going on there, is that that form of communication is just what you do; it's just a reflection of who you are. You felt, you are a person who's inspired. From that inspired feeling you decide to share with people. And, they receive it from that place.

It's so different than, “I need to put out three pieces of content a week, even though I don't really feel like doing it.” Now, I’m not saying that we always have to feel 100% inspired in order to take action. What I'm saying, is that your traditional actions can be a reflection of who you are.

Another thing, is that your nervous system’s relaxed, right? Your mental state is in a different place, so you have access to all sorts of thoughts and creative solutions, that you normally wouldn't. And you move into this expectation of, how could it not work? It has to. So many people need this. This is so exciting. This is so good, I'm almost tingling.

Really, your identity is shifting in that process. Who are you? You are a person that leads with your ideas. So, the big punch line of all of this, we all, is what we think of as those common actions, the webinars, whatever, they're actually just the byproduct of the real work; they're the result.

For those of you that are LCS coaches, or you're familiar with the model, try taking the webinar, or whatever action, out of your A-line, out of your action line, and put it into the result line. The webinar is the result of what? What do you have to be thinking and feeling, for the natural result of that to be, “Oh, my gosh, this is so good. I must call these people together. Let's just do a live training,” as an example.

I'm not a big webinar person; there are infinite ways to grow a business that don't involve webinars. I'm just using that as an example because it's something we tend to think about. The results that come from the thoughts you put into the webinar, are reflection of who you are, and the work you've done on yourself.

It's just occurring to me, about this podcast for instance, I put off having a podcast for years. And really, this podcast was just a reflection of the work I'd done on myself. Of me believing that I did have the time in my schedule for one. That I would just hire this out and get support; that I could be supported like this. And also, that my ideas were ready to go.

I think I used to have this thought that I might be changing my ideas in the future about what I wanted to talk about. And therefore, I didn't want to have anything out there, that I then look back on and think, “Oh, what was I thinking? How was I leading people down the wrong path?” I don't know, this was, now that I'm remembering, this was a big fear of mine. Right?

And so, the work I've done on myself, of believing that everything I have right now is meant for someone right now. And that it's okay for me, in the future to say, “Hey, you know what? I used to think of it this way. Now, I think of it this way.” That that all was perfectly okay; perfectly okay.

This podcast, then, was a reflection of that. This podcast has never been about, “I need to create more clients. I'm going to do it this way.” It was very much about, “I've got all of this great stuff. We're doing all this great stuff over here. And, I need to let other people know. I need to let them know about this other way of doing business.”

So, before we sign off, here is what I suggest you ask yourself: How would I show up, if I truly believed that everyone needs to hear this? Would it be, “Hey, we all need to get together for a big webinar,” or would it be something else? And then, what action? What uncommon action am I going to take, in order to grow into that belief?

All right, my friends, that is it for today. Remember, on a certain level, you know who you are. And, each day you're just stepping into what you're here to create.

Hey, if you’re a coach who wants true clarity about your secret sauce, your people, your best way of doing business, and how you talk about your offer, then I invite you to join us in the Clarity Accelerator. I’ll teach you to connect all the dots. The dots that have always been there for you. So, that you can show up like you were born for exactly this.

Come join us and supercharge every other tool or tactic you’ll ever learn, from Facebook ads to manifestation. Just go to and set up a time to talk. I can’t wait to be your coach!

Thanks for joining us here at The Uncommon Way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, including the Clarity First Strategy for growing and scaling your business, visit See you next time.

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