Ep# 97: Spring Cleanse: The Ultimate Framework for Cleaning Up Your Business to Make Way for Massive Growth and Expansion

Episode Summary

Are you ready to detox your business and unlock your next level of growth?

In today's economic climate, it's crucial to find effective strategies to thrive despite market challenges.

This episode dives into practical steps to declutter your business, ensuring it’s primed for success no matter the circumstances.

In this episode, you will:

  1. Discover a step-by-step process to identify and eliminate clutter in your business operations.

  2. Learn how small changes can lead to significant improvements in your business outcomes.

  3. Gain insights into optimizing your offers and systems for better efficiency and profitability.

Listen now to transform your business and position it for sustainable growth and success.

Want to detox your reactivity and unlock your full potential in business?

Listen to the full episode now and download the free Somatics in Your Pocket tool at theuncommonway.com/reactivity-cleanse.

Schedule a call with Jenna about joining the Clarity Accelerator to dial in signature offers and strategies and a first-rate mindset. 


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Episodes mentioned 

#94 Spring Cleanse: 7 Day Guided Thought Cleanse to Detox Your Mindset & Encourage Growth for A Successful Business

#95 Spring Cleanse: Eliminate Reactivity in Your Business to Manifest Steady Growth and Abundance

#96 Tough Economy? What The Best Strategy for Business Growth During Challenges Really Is, and How Managing Pre-Traumatic Stress Will Set You Free

 #16 Business Minimalism and Why We Overwork as Women Entrepreneurs

The Uncommon Way is led by business coach Jenna Harrison, who helps women entrepreneurs feel confident, find their ideal clients effortlessly and avoid overwork so they can manifest money and abundance in their business and life. This podcast empowers female entrepreneurs to overcome imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and limiting beliefs through somatics, mindset, and spirituality, create 7-figure offers, and build an online coaching business with clarity and alignment.

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Full Episode Transcript:

[00:00:00] If you are anywhere near the online space, you've probably heard people letting you know that times are tough. Buyers aren't buying right now. So we're going to talk strategy, mindset, and yes, even energetics to help your business thrive and so that you know how to navigate any tough times in the future. You're listening to the Uncommon Way business and life coaching podcast. The podcast that helps women entrepreneurs get clear on signature offers and strategies that sell themselves so you can lean back and stop the hustle. You will learn to maximize your mindset, messaging, and strategy, and step into the uncommonly successful business and life you are creating. Here's your host, top ranked business coach and reformed over analyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna [00:01:00] Harrison. Welcome. Welcome to part three of this cleanse to prime you for better business results. Today, we're going to get down and dirty to get your business house in order. So for all of you who love to geek out on the tactical aspects of entrepreneurship like I do, you are going to love this episode. Now this cleanse process that we're doing is what you will want to do whenever you're ever you want to make room for your business to grow. The same way we might do a juice cleanse before we're going to train for a big hike, or we clean out our closet before we revamp our wardrobe. Same principles apply here. Regarding business, we have thoughts, patterns, processes, offers, all sorts of things that we might want to shed or detox so that we really step into something new and next level. Now here at The Uncommon Way, we believe that [00:02:00] our mindset is the key driver of our results and that cleaning up our thoughts is the domino that really unlocks that leveling up process in so many ways in our business. That's why part one of this cleanse delivered in episode 94, which we're going to list here in the show notes, but episode 94 was a third. Thought Detox. And you definitely need to listen to that if you haven't already. And then in episode 95, we talked about how to detox reactivity, which is what you need in order to actually reap the rewards of this work that we're doing here, right? So that when you have that growth spurt that's waiting for you, you can remain steady and unflappable in it through ups and downs, so that you really create that momentum. and generate those results. That is what I want for you, rather than backtracking or ping ponging off right or left [00:03:00] because we're making emotional decisions. And then in episode 96, I gave you a real world example of how this shows up. A lot of people right now are feeling worried about the economy, and that is leading them to make these reactive decisions that don't really serve them. So now here we are in episode 97, and it is time to think through the nuts and bolts of your business. In this episode, you will get a step by step process for evaluating areas of clutter in your business that are at risk. best not fully serving you for where you want to go, and at worst, totally impeding your growth. You'll really understand how small changes now can have big ramifications later, so you can better evaluate what needs to go versus what you absolutely want to keep, versus what maybe just needs a slight little tweak or revamp or upgrade. And you'll [00:04:00] also get to see any resistance that pops up for those kind of changes, which is going to be brilliant because it will illuminate what got you here in the first place, what's driving the decisions that have created your current results, and what you're going to need to release to move into your next stage of growth or offer or do. business most effectively. Now there is a lot to unpack in a thorough business assessment. So in this episode, we won't be able to dive into all the pieces, but don't worry. We do have an amazing resource that we've created and it is available by going to theuncommonway. com Now, I don't know if I have told you all of this, but my new COO, Natalie, whom I brought on in November, I know I've referenced her before, but I don't know if I've actually told you about her. [00:05:00] But she is a genius. She has helped multiple companies like mine grow to seven figures. And she is a coach, so understands coaching businesses and also is an expert when it comes to organizational leadership. And in working with her and, of course, starting to think about scaling my business and reaching out, speaking with other friends of mine and mentors, I realized I have absorbed quite a bit in the last few months that really needs to be shared. But for this free resource that we are giving away, Natalie actually created it. I'd say I contributed to maybe 10 percent of this. 10 or 15%. And I am sharing this with you because if you want to get your hands on a document created by somebody who knows this like the back of her hand and has helped multiple service companies, then run don't walk to go [00:06:00] get this. What it's going to help you do is think through all of the different aspects of your business very methodically. For your process of self evaluation. Now, here at The Uncommon Way, we conceptualize our business in terms of its processes, which will be different than how many of you might natively think about the different areas of your business or might be different than how you've been taught to think about the different areas of your business or the ways that you will frequently see a business. Described and broken down and categorized if you just Google it, you don't need to take notes on any of this. It's all in the PDF and it's very clear and visually very easy on the eyes. So really just listen now and absorb what I'm saying. In a process focused business, there are three key categories. And this is the same roadmap that we recommend using as you declutter your business. So it starts with growth, [00:07:00] then moves into production, and finally stabilization. And these three things fulfill the two goals of your business, to make a profit, and to fulfill the vision or the mission. So the growth category is all about attracting clients and generating revenue, aka sales. In production, you're delivering your service and improving on your service. And then in stabilization, you're building a team, you're scaling and systematizing and lining up legal compliance. But you might be wondering, what does this all look like in real life? Well, again, we go into this a little further in the free resource. For each of those categories and subcategories, we're giving you five or six problem areas that tend to crop up and are huge growth killers. For instance, let's say it's time for you to start bringing on a team, but you've got an idea that hiring someone costs [00:08:00] you money rather than making you money, so you hold off for a year or two. That is a perspective that you will want to detox sooner rather than later. Because your business growth is compounding each year. And so each year that you're holding off on creating the revenue that is possible for you that year is a setback for the year after that, and the year after that, and the year after that. Or let's say every time you try to bring on more clients, you get really overworked and things start falling through the cracks and client satisfaction declines. And so maybe you're tempted to wind that back and move to fewer clients again. What that means is that you haven't systematized your business and automated processes in a way that can support you and can support more clients coming on with you. Now as I'm giving these two examples, it's perfectly okay if you're noticing resistance to any of that. If you're like, uh, an employee, but what if it's just money down the [00:09:00] drain? Anytime you can notice your resistance, it's actually a good thing because it's an opportunity to see your fishbowl. Now, what do I mean by that? We all think that we are swimming in an ocean of possibilities, but actually we're in a fishbowl inside the ocean, and that fishbowl is the way that we think naturally, and it prohibits us from even considering possibilities that aren't in line with our way of thinking. So back to that employee example, if I'm thinking that money is scarce and I never quite have enough, and I want to keep as much of it for myself as I can, And that any time it leaves me, it's a net drag. You're never going to consider the possibility that actually, maybe that's money working on your behalf like an employee for you, as Rich Dad would have said in the Rich Dad, Poor Dad book, and that perhaps it would actually bring you more money [00:10:00] and a much better quality of life if you would invest in support in order to grow your business. So I recommend that when you do notice any resistance, you be like, huh, interesting. Why? Why am I feeling this feeling in my body right now? Well, because I don't want to cut into my profit and earn less. And then we get to see, oh, okay, I get it. The main driver here is my fear that I don't have enough, that I'm earning less, And then now you get to question that, just even playing with it, trying it on. If you have a coach, they're the ones that are going to help you do this and identify these thoughts. But for right now, if you take my advice, when you feel this resistance, you'll be able to say, okay, I see what this is creating for me. So I now have zero support, no team members. But what if that's actually creating less money for me? Less revenue? I [00:11:00] And you have an opportunity to say, this is something that I would like to release or detox because it hasn't been serving me and where I'm going, I will need some help and I want the revenue that comes from it. And the longer I keep putting it off for another day, the more drastically it affects the lifetime earning value in my business. And since what got me here won't get me there. I need to start releasing that and moving into a new way of thinking and being. Again, this is not only mindset. This could also be an offer that you have, for instance, it could be putting processes or automations in your business. So, again, it is ridiculously valuable to have a cheat sheet for all of that which we're offering you because being aware and avoiding those kind of pitfalls, seeing them up front, seeing things that you might not have considered before, will help you increase your revenue [00:12:00] potentially by hundreds of thousands of dollars. and reduce your drama exponentially too. And as you're thinking through these different categories, you might notice that there's something there that isn't even necessarily costing your business dramatically, but it's just not contributing to the quality of the business that you want to have. So if you are really looking to be able to lean back more. in your business that requires working smarter, not harder. And you might start to notice that this runs against you having extra little tasks, extra little offers, extra things that just create clutter in your business. And now it's time to really remove that and clean things up. Yes, so that you can grow, but just so that you can enjoy moving through the day. and feel lighter and cleaner. I have an episode called [00:13:00] Business Minimalism. If you're interested in this subject, it's episode 16. We'll highlight it below. And it's all about why we overwork. And it's hopefully very inspiring to move into a different way of doing business, which is entirely possible for you. But between you and me right now, I feel inspired to highlight one area from each of the three categories I mentioned earlier. So from growth, from production, from stabilization. And specifically, I want to talk about your offers I want to talk about how you're iterating and improving on that offer, and then how you're systematizing and automating in your business. Offers are one of my very favorite things to talk about because they reveal so much in terms of how well aligned your business is. This is really the most critical part of your business. It's the thing that you [00:14:00] have to nail. Like you could love Apple. You could love everything about its philosophy and about the ads it puts out. But if they don't have something that you want to buy, you are not going to buy from them. You're going to sit there applauding them from the sidelines. You need a strong offer. But by the same token, if you have a strong offer that appeals to a particular group of people, and you want to poke your eyes out every time you have to talk about that topic, and every time you have to help these people with that subject, that's not doing you any favors either. And you definitely are not going to sell with as much passion and conviction as you could. When I have somebody come to me and tell me that they have this offer because they thought that's what would sell really well in the market or that's what so and so told them to do and that would be a good offer or because [00:15:00] that's what people came to them and said they wanted and so they figured, that'll make me some money, when I see that, I know that they are deeply abdicating their power because a woman who is in her power believes that she gets to offer whatever she wants. She knows that her superpowers, that her secret sauce is liquid gold for the right people. She knows she's creating value in the world. She knows that she will be paid for that value. And when she creates an offer that delivers that value to the people who actually want it and need it, she knows that it's a no brainer talking about it. True power is not compromising. And sometimes the offers, or even the people you were working with before, might not be aligned anymore. Maybe they were at one point, but you've evolved, and now they no longer do. And when [00:16:00] you're in full abundance about your ability to create and receive, then there's rarely a good reason to hold back on moving towards alignment. I believe that your offers should connect the dots. You should be able to look back over your life and say, I get it. I get how this all led up to here and why this is the perfect thing for me to be offering. that fully expresses where I am and who I am. We move very organically through our offer creation process at The Uncommon Way. We start with getting really clear on what we're really about and what we're really here to do, knowing that that theme that's moving us will also be deeply resonant with our right people, and therefore we can use that in our messaging later on to create subconscious resonance. The people that come to me want business coaching, yes, but they are deeply attracted to the [00:17:00] uncommon way. They don't want cookie cutter. They don't want to be doing it like everyone else. They don't want to learn from somebody who just wants to push them into a template process. If they don't want to be on Instagram, they don't want to have to be on Instagram. If they don't want to sell digital courses, they don't want to have to sell digital courses. If they don't want to be a coach, they don't want to have to be a coach. They want their thing. But all of that resonance happens by me knowing my thing, and being able to speak to it in my copy and in my offers. And when you know what you're about, It's then very easy for you to move into who are the right people that also want to create that thing in the world. There was a point in time where I completely shuttered my lucrative business coaching practice. It was right when COVID was first hitting and I felt deeply moved to help people with clarity. People of [00:18:00] all sorts of backgrounds and aspirations. But what I realized really quickly is that if I were walking my talk, then I really needed to deeply consider who the best people were and the women who were most likely to be able to go and live these uncommon lives of their choosing were actually entrepreneurs. Not only were they going to have more than two weeks of vacation a year, And they weren't going to have their income capped by whatever the norm in their profession was. And they weren't going to have a boss telling them what to do all the time. But they'd already self selected and shown interest in a different way of being by choosing to pursue entrepreneurship. So from there, I was able to deeply honor my need to move into something different. I no longer just wanted to talk about sales during COVID. I wanted to ground more deeply into meaning and alignment, which is what I [00:19:00] did. But I didn't have to spend too long on that decision because I had this framework. And after knowing exactly who the next iteration of my people were going to be, I was able to talk to them, understand them, create a killer offer for them. It is called the Clarity Accelerator, and it's where we move through these pieces that I'm talking about with so much more in terms of what is needed comprehensively to really create your military grade mindset, your calm nervous system so that you can become that unflammable CEO and some energetic attunement for those who are down. And that's all wrapped up with the most beautiful community of women. And when I talk to people, they say that's exactly what they've been looking for. And or they've never seen anything like this on the market before. That's exactly what you want to create for yourself. You [00:20:00] want what you are really about. The events and the themes that have been showing up throughout your life that bring you to this thing. That you want to help create more of in the world. You want that to dot, to connect you then to your people, to then connect to your offer and then be able to connect to your messaging where you're just basically talking about all of the things that I just mentioned. You're talking about the why, you're talking about what it means for them hey, if you want true clarity about your secret sauce, your people, your best way of doing business, and how you talk about your offer, then I invite you to join us in the Clarity Accelerator. I'll teach you to connect all the dots, the dots that have always been there for you, so that you can show up like you were born for exactly this. Come join us and supercharge every other tool or tactic you'll ever [00:21:00] learn. Clarity From Facebook ads to manifestation, just go to theuncommonway. com slash schedule and set up a time to talk. I can't wait to be your coach. To really give kind of a cool headed evaluation of your offers and then pair that with a deeply warm and heart led evaluation of your offers or gut led intuition of your offers, but just ask yourself, if heaven forbid, three years from now, I'm on my deathbed, am I in the right arena? Am I throwing my hat into the right ring? Is this what I want to be contributing to? Are these my aligned people? Is there any scarcity showing up in my thoughts about them? Any have tos? Any compromises? Or are they a full bodied yes? Is this offer the best I can do? Is it exactly what they [00:22:00] want? Is it different than anything else out there? How can I take it even further? How can I make it even more compelling and luscious and irresistible? And will I allow myself to do so? Will I allow myself to move into that type of alignment where it's not just a full body yes for your clients, every day is a full body yes for you? All right, let's talk about iterating and improving upon your offer. Look. I believe that you are doing great things for your clients. I bet they love you. But chances are, their results pale in comparison to the results that your clients will be getting a couple years from now. And why is that? And how can we expedite that to help people get even better results sooner? How are [00:23:00] you screening for people? How are you onboarding people? How are you setting their expectations? How are you moving them through the flow of their time with you? How is the information you're delivering moving them towards the result they want? Now hopefully, part of how that information is being delivered and moving them towards the result is that you have actually paid attention to the people you've been working with to see where are their stuck points. What could you add in or take away that would smooth that rough patch? And will you prioritize then actually watching as the next client moves through that phase, to evaluate whether the changes you made worked or not. And then humble yourself to change it again if you need to. To get honest feedback. To constantly be in a learner's mindset. Now this doesn't necessarily [00:24:00] mean if you, for instance, have an information product of some sort that you're constantly redoing your curriculum. I challenge you to think through what's the simplest and most effective way that you can help someone through that one specific area. I had a client years ago who was an acupuncturist, and her issue with her clients was that they would come in, feel amazing, and then not come back for a while, until things got bad enough that they ended up on her table again. And while she was tempted to think that's just kind of the nature of the business, What she knew deep down was that she was always kind of nudging them back towards baseline, but she was never really helping them sustain that level of health or get the kind of results that were possible. But it's only really through cool headed objectivity that you can kind of analyze the different touch points as a client comes into your practice. And start to try some different things and what she found [00:25:00] was that just by changing her conversation the very first time she met with somebody. And perfecting how she talked about what was available to them, really painting a beautiful picture of where they could go and exactly what was required for them to get there. Just that conversation alone was able to start changing her client's results so dramatically that they were starting to refer all of their colleagues. They were actually athletes, and they would start referring all of their team members to her. What if there's just one small tweak in this detox process that you are here signing up for with your time and listening to? One small tweak that could have a huge, huge impact on your business. Speaking of small tweaks, let's talk about systematizing and processes. It's It's The strength of [00:26:00] your systems and processes are directly related to your experience of your operational tempo. Now you can be in a high op tempo. There's a lot of stuff going on in your business. You can be in a high op tempo and feel easeful. And you can be in a low op tempo and feel totally stressed and overwhelmed. The differences are just two things, your mindset and your processes. I have a client that you'll hear from next week. And I was so excited to bring her on because I think her journey really exemplifies all three stages of this business cleanse that I've been talking about. She has done so much detoxing with her mindset and her reactivity, but also cleaning up her processes. She is an interior designer and there are so many different moving parts in her business. There are contractors [00:27:00] she's working with, there is furniture and fixtures that she's ordering, she's maintaining good relationships with everyone involved. There are lots of moving parts. But imagine the difference in a business where you are recreating each of those steps every time with every new client. Shall we meet on Wednesday? Oh no, I can't meet on Wednesday. Okay, how about Thursday? I mean, it's these little tiny things that will just eat away, not just at your calendar, but at your cognitive load of the things that you can keep going in your head. She's also the mom of two small children, so you can only imagine. But think about the difference when a new client comes on And she says, great, and basically pushes a button and the series of emails go out. She just has to customize this [00:28:00] template that's already done for her every week to tell them what's been moving forward in the business. Invoicing is done automatically. And I see this at all different stages. You don't need to have a bustling interior design practice in order to need these kind of things. Even early on in your business, it's so worthwhile to think through. And honestly, it gives me a thrill every time I do something that I know is going to save me doing it again and again in the future. I have such a different feeling doing that, whatever it is, content piece that I'm creating or email that I'm writing or training that I'm doing. It's one of the beautiful things about podcasts, as content creation vehicles, they can live for so long. I was talking to someone just the other day who said, I have been listening to all [00:29:00] of your podcasts starting from episode number one. But whenever we're feeling like a hot mess in our business, and there's too many loose threads, and we're dropping all sorts of balls. It means that we haven't taken a pause and a deep breath and thought about how we can automate this or streamline this so that the next time it takes even less time and the time after that it takes even less time. Time is such a valuable resource in your business and every time you choose to sacrifice it, and we very often do, we very often choose to hang on to money and sacrifice our time. That's not the best use of our resources. I challenge you to just think through one area of your business that you find yourself repeating over and over again, that you could create a template for, or create a zap for, or create a living piece of [00:30:00] content that can be repurposed and reused. So often what is really going on deep down Beneath all the layers of all the things you're juggling when you're in this stage is that you haven't fully owned your own magic, your own liquid gold. If you did, you would no longer be spending it on the things that you're spending it on right now. In the free resource I've been talking about that says, if you don't see yourself the CEO and creationary of your business as the most important asset, then you need to detox the following immediately. Bullet, bullet, bullet. I love it so much. What would change if you believed you were the most important asset? What would change if you really believed what you do is liquid gold? Not [00:31:00] liquid gold ish until somebody really needs something from you and then they're more important and you're willing to humble yourself or deprioritize yourself, I should say. No, no, no, no. But truly understanding what a gift your time and focus really is. All right, you have got your wheels spinning now. It's time to pull your best resources to really lean on your highest level thinking, your most poignant intuitive downloads, and just plain old desire, and start decluttering, detoxing your business, and getting ready to receive what is available to you right around the corner. If this is the kind of work that you know that you need to do, and you love doing, I would love to see you inside the Clarity Accelerator or our [00:32:00] new mastermind for highly accomplished women entrepreneurs, power, and potency. All right, I will see you back here next week. Remember, you know who you are, and each day you are stepping further into what you're here to create. Thanks for joining us here at The Uncommon Way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, including the Clarity First strategy for growing and scaling your business, visit theuncommonway. com. See you next time.

Ep# 98:Detox From Overwhelmed Hot Mess To Create More Easeful Business Growth as Women Entrepreneurs With Lauren Dito


Ep# 96: Tough Economy? What The Best Strategy for Business Growth During Challenges Really Is, and How Managing Pre-Traumatic Stress Will Set You Free