Ep #42: Time and Money: When to Dial It Back

Episode Summary

Jenna digs into the balance of time and money when deciding to reduce the earnings of your business. She offers examples of when, and when not, to dial back.

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Show Notes

Sometimes earning less can actually bring more into your life. However, our subconscious biases can prevent us from choosing business paths like this. When faced with this type of business decision, it is essential to find choice neutrality in order to act with clarity.

Making money and building your business does not need to be hard. It is all about identifying your personal needs, business goals, revenue streams, and creating systems that work for you. By identifying our biases, we can ensure that our business planning comes from an authentic place.

This week, I take a close look at the nuances of your business finances. I discuss moments in my life when I chose to make less money as a strategy to make room for something else. I remind you that your time is temporary, and your long-term value is very different from short-term value. You can have the space, time, and energy to build a company that earns any amount of income you desire with strategy, skill-building, and alignment.


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • ●       What the Time vs. Money equation is and how to use it.

    ●       How to tap into the cerebral cortex.

    ●       How to know when to dial back your business.

    ●       How to identify skills that allow you to work less and make more.

    ●       What creates money.

    ●       The benefit of working with a coach to identify time use.


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Full Episode Transcript:

Are you feeling a tension between, on the one hand really wanting to dial up your business and lean in and go after those big numbers that you know deep down you have the potential of creating? And on the other, this longing that is telling you to just slow down the pace, dial it back?

Maybe because you want to create more intentionality around all the many different aspects of your life. Maybe right now you're at a decision point where you're really thinking through your next immediate goal, or you're really wanting to vision into the future of exactly what kind of business do I even want to create? If so, this episode is for you.

You're listening to The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast, the only podcast that helps you unlock your next level in business and life by prioritizing your clarity and your own Uncommon Way. You will learn to maximize your mindset, mission, messaging, and strategy in order to create a true legacy. Here's your host, top-ranked business coach, and reformed over-analyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison.

Hello, everyone, welcome back to The Uncommon Way. I’m so happy to be here with you, and have you here with me. I've got to tell you, I mentioned on an earlier episode that I have been working with a pleasure and sex coach. And it has been so fun, in kind of a self-deprecating way. Because it just amazes me how you can do all the work and then you transfer something to a new area of your life, and it's like that all goes out the window.

I remember I was talking with her about a plan going forward. And afterwards I had sent her an email, and I realized everything in it was about my actions and none of it had to do with my thoughts or my feelings or how I was being in that moment. I realized it afterwards, and then that was the exact coaching she gave me.

If you are feeling that as well, in any aspect, maybe you are a coach and now you're just in your business, all up in your action line or thinking that you are kind of taking a couple steps backwards, I just want to say I'm here with you.

It's amazing to see our brains and how quickly they can kind of go back into all of the training that we've received our whole lives, that are actually counter to what we know to be true now on a more intellectual level. So, just today, we had a Clarity Collective call. And one of the clients there was talking about how we were talking about receiving; that was the workshop we were doing; being able to receive.

She was saying how sometimes someone will come up to her, or a specific person, and say, “I'm so proud of you.” And yet, depending on the state she is in, she may receive that completely differently. Right? She may think that that person’s saying that just as a pick-me-up, or it's just sort of a platitude. Whereas, when she's really dropped in, in a different state, she just receives that so fully and knows that it's coming from complete love. Same person, same exact words, totally different experience.

So, that kind of ties into what we're talking about today. We're going to be talking about how to make decisions about your financial goals that actually serve you. And when I say you, I mean the total person; you and your business, and not just financial goals. But how you want to be in your business. And sometimes that is going to mean choosing to earn less than you could on purpose. How to really dial back your business on purpose.

That might mean working less, it might mean setting a lower goal, it could mean a lot of things. But it's really the opposite of what we are also programmed to do, which is go-go-go, bigger, bigger, higher, higher, faster, faster. Which, of course, I love on so many levels. But sometimes it's just not serving us in that moment. So, we will be talking about the time versus money equation.

We'll be reframing several of the most pervasive and unhelpful stories that cloud decision making around this topic. And I'm also going to share how I, and my clients too, really best move through grounded decisions in this realm and in every realm. We'll be talking about when to dial back your business, when you don't want to set a goal of dialing back your business, and then what ends up happening afterwards.

Now, this is a topic that I am very, very comfortable discussing with my clients. So, it makes me different, I know, than some business coaches. Because this business game is not all about the money. I know for so many of us, if it were just about the money, we would have stayed in corporate. And starting a business, it was really about something else.

Yes, yes, we know that there's the potential to earn even more than in corporate. But really, we knew that we would be creating something, our expression in the world, and achieving a lifestyle that we could really only dream about in corporate.

Throughout the course of my business, I have personally chosen to earn less, before, on purpose so I've definitely walked that talk. I'll tell you more about that later. I've counseled certain clients to earn less. I've really seen how that has played out for them, and when it works, and doesn't work.

So, before we go into it, just to clarify, I love money. I think it is a great for goal setting. It's a great reflection of your business acumen, your beliefs, your ability to receive. And it's really, really important for women to have more of it, and to feel comfortable earning more of it.

But it's not everything. It's a part of the whole. And I think it's also important, before we really move into the meat of this episode, is can we just reduce the charge around these topics a little bit? Let's take a deep breath here, and strategic pauses like these are critical. We've got to recognize how charged these topics are, money and time. Ooph, right?

They trigger all of our scarcity, which feels like panic in the body. And remember, a part of your brain believes that your survival is in jeopardy when you think about not having enough money or not having enough time. That is not truth. Right? But that's what it can feel like.

So, when you're thinking about your business and not earning enough, or will I earn enough? And how exhausting will it be to get there? And also, is that really the life I want to live? What does that mean about me? Would I be a better person if I did it another way? Am I self-sabotaging through this decision? And how will this affect my loved ones, now and down the road?

When you're thinking all of that, and you start to feel that nervous system activation, just remind yourself that you're reacting to deeply patterned stories, not reality. Most of us are not in the dire circumstances that our brain and body think in that moment. So, deep breath, right?

We want to think through these things with the part of our brains that have access to our highest reasoning and creativity. That's our cerebral cortex, of course. And our cerebral cortex gets accessed through calm, calculating, sufficient, grounded energy, right? We want to be there as we clean out all the gunk and stories that are getting in the way of our best decisions.

You've got to weed out your unconscious biases in order to make clean decisions. And you'll want to stay there, in order to get to a place of choice neutrality. So, I've talked about that on the podcast episode called, “Should I Say Yes or Should I Say No?” That is an episode on intuition, it talks more about this process. So, you're getting to choice neutrality. And then from there, you're diving deeper into your intuitive knowing or your guidance from your higher self, whatever you prefer to call it.

I think it's also really helpful to remember that these do not have to be lifelong decisions. You are the CEO of your life. Your decisions, therefore, span the time that you desire. We're always evolving, so you can build safety by saying, “I will reconsider this on such-and-such a date.” And just grounding into whatever you do or don't do, you'll be okay. Right? You're either winning or learning, so your past will always serve you if you let it.

Yeah, you know, the truth is, you might earn a little less money when you didn't need to earn less money, or it may take a little longer when it didn't need to have taken longer, but you'll live. We're okay.

Okay, let's talk about when to choose on purpose to dial back your business, maybe not to earn more. That might be if you're pivoting your business. Not always, but it is possible that as you change your niche or you change your offer or you change something, there will be a lag in momentum before you catch up to where you were. Or you'll plateau rather than grow.

Now again, I've had clients that have shifted their niches or completely changed their business, and because it has been so aligned for them, they have actually earned more rather than less. But as I talked about, in the is your business outgrown podcast, you always, if you are pivoting, you want to pivot from a place of, ‘I'm willing to do this, even though this is so right for me. That I'll do it, even if…’ as opposed to, ‘I'm pivoting so that I can make more.’

You might want to dial back when you know that that is your growth edge. Right? Maybe you are so conditioned with the hustle, and your own worthiness is so tied to how much you're earning or how hard you're working, that you realize this is becoming a problem for you.

And that was my story. At one point, I specifically decided to go off of social and just stop earning for a while, so I thought. That's not exactly what happened. But to kind of just continue with the clients that I had, maybe some referral business, and really focus on other parts of my life at the moment. And I figured out for myself, at least, that I didn't just want to theorize about detaching my sense of worthiness from this, I actually wanted to experience it.

I had experienced not earning money in the past, when I first got married and we were living overseas. And because, of course, my husband is a soldier and could work overseas, but I couldn't. And that felt wildly uncomfortable. But the whole time I was there, I really had just so much negative self-talk about what that meant about me to not be contributing my share or carrying my own weight or to be dependent on my spouse.

And so, even though I was experiencing that in my head, it wasn't the outcome of detachment that I wanted. I got to a point later, where I realized that I wanted to experience that again, and really dive in to unpacking all of that in the moment. So, not something that I would recommend to everyone necessarily, but something that you need to be okay with, decisions like these, as you're walking your own uncommon way.

If this is resonating, like you're feeling a little prick of, ‘maybe that's me,’ you might want to listen to the uncommon goals podcast that I did. Sometimes it talks about how what you know you really need to do to get to your next level does not look like a typical, logical business goal or a smart goal, in any way, shape, or form.

Again, you may choose not to grow when you're prioritizing a new thing in your business. Like, you are preparing to scale or you are really building out your team. I have a client right now, thinking through all of this.

We're just taking some time to really think into how beneficial it can actually be for her to give herself that mental space to build these new skills. And to create a business that can support her. A business that can support not just her but so many more clients, and set her up for the lifestyle that she wants in the future.

Usually when you're here, it looks more like keep doing what works, as you're building in these new things. But even though that's what we see from the outside, so often, to us it feels like we're dialing back; that is how we talk about it. If you look at all of your language, it's because you're not going after that next bigger goal, that means you're not doing anything at all. Which is not the case usually. It really means you're maintaining this foundation of stability, of what works, as you're layering on something new.

Another moment when this might be the right choice for you, is when you have something outside of business that you're prioritizing. Like, I choose to end my workday at three o'clock to be with my son. I have clients who have another business that they own, and that, combined with their lifestyle, just means that they're very comfortable having a pace that isn't there full out, let-me-just-knock-this-out-of-the-park pace. Right? And they're doing that on purpose, for the long game.

I have another client who doesn't want to work above a certain number of hours, and others who, I mean, life just gets in the way. I have a client right now who is expecting and just had a really, really terrible case of morning sickness. And when life happens, you want to get really clear on what are you making it mean about you?

What are you making it mean about business? Are you loving yourself into the decision? Or are you believing that you're a person who can't have personal events and a business; it has to be either/or? Are you making it mean that your business only happens and revenue only comes in when you are doing it and when you are making it happen?

That has certainly not been the case for me. Usually, when I'm on vacation is when I get the biggest influx of clients. But the really critical thing to understand when you're making this kind of decision, is that it is temporary. Right? So, the amount of time that you work does not determine the amount you can earn over time. Because time is not what creates money.

I know that's a brain teaser. Time does not create money. Effort does not create money. Your brain creates money through the value it creates the creativity you can access, the savvy that you can wield. Through its openness to receiving and receiving with ease, through your energetic alignment.

It may be that you're dialing back to, for instance, a fewer number of hours worked per week. But do not make the mistake of making that mean that that decision has anything to do with your long-term earning potential. That decision may have an effect on your short-term earning potential. Because you have the current brain that you have at this moment, that only knows how to create money in this way.

And so, when you're curtailing those efforts, or that routine that you've established, you may see different results. But over time, what you're learning to do is you're learning to create the value, even with the time constraint.

So, this is one of the biggest conversations I have with my clients, right? They perceive that they're making big lifestyle choices for the rest of their lives. They'll say, “I don't want to earn more than a six-figure business because I don't want to work that much. And that's just reflecting their deep belief that anything over six figures requires an inordinate amount of work. And then that skews all of their decisions.

They decide not to shoot for seven figures because they don't want to exhaust themselves. But that's like saying, “I don't want a latte because I don't like dairy.” Okay, so get a dairy-free latte. That's the problem. The only reason that curtailing your hours might equal less income right now, or curtailing your effort or whatever you're deciding to curtail, the reason that it might mean that right now, is because you haven't yet figured out or built the skills to support you earning more, while doing less.

And so, in entrepreneurship there usually is a time - money trade off, especially in the first years when you're figuring that out. And there are pros and cons with working more during that period, and working less during that period.

So, working more can be really amazing, right? It builds your capacity, and really helps you see what you're capable of. It helps you develop the discipline so that you can actually start focusing in and directing your brain.

It helps you build skills in a shorter period of time because you are doing more, and through repetition you're able to condense the time it takes you to do those things. It helps you manage your mind around the thoughts that, “This is hard. I can't do this. This is overwhelming. This is interfering with my life.” Because there's always the circumstance of what exactly is going on in your life, as if we were newspaper reporters taking an account, or maybe police officers taking an account of the facts.

But then, there are all the thoughts that your mind piles on top of that, that actually makes your experience so much worse. And when we can learn to write when we are experiencing it and we're really feeling it, that's when we can gain awareness and expose what was there and start doing the work to untangle all of those little ties that will only hold us back in the future.

But working less can be amazing, also. That can help you develop presence and prioritizing. It can create beautiful memories, obviously, with your family or with your travels, or it can help you celebrate on a new level. I think that's also an overlooked reason why some of us may choose to dial back our business temporarily. So often, we can do it unconsciously after we've reached a new level, we can plateau there, and we haven't quite adjusted to this new person.

So, why not do it intentionally? Why not celebrate periods of rest in our business, a seasonality in our business? And really thinking through like what are the effects of grounding into this new level? How will it serve me in the future?

If you've read Gay Hendricks book The Big Leap, he's a huge proponent of religious grounding. Taking that moment, or even longer than a moment, to really ground in to the pleasure and the expansiveness so that we can increase our muscle for receiving more.

So now, let's talk about when we wouldn't want to dial back. And everything I'm about to talk about is why I really recommend talking your decisions through, and your goals, until you become very adept at tuning into your own intuition with a very clean mind. You really want to talk it over with someone who is familiar with the ways that you tend to hold yourself back. Or that maybe entrepreneurs hold themselves back.

So, that could be a coach, a friend, mentor, a partner. Someone who can keep their personal biases out of it as much as possible, and really help you see your brain in a really objective light.

Because we're all living as if we're in the ocean of possibilities. And we can look around and we can see all of these potentials for ourselves. But what's really happening is that we are in a fishbowl, inside the ocean. So, it seems like we have all of these different choices we could make, but because of the way our beliefs are constructed, those things actually frame our decisions and our ideas.

If you believe that earning twice as much means working twice as hard, and you're already feeling at your limit, it might sound logical, and it might feel really right to you. Your ears might be really perking up right now, with the podcast, with everything I just said in the last section. You might have been like, “Yeah, that's a great reason to dial it back. That's a great reason to dial it back.”

But that little perk of excitement, it doesn't mean that it's the optimal path for you. Maybe doubling your rates would be the simplest solution, right? And that would help counteract this bias that you have that says that the only way you earn more is to work more. That's just one example, there are many ways.

But if someone has this core belief that you've got to work double as hard to earn double as much money, then you're not even going to consider the simple solution of doubling your rates. And when you're already feeling like you're at your limit, that just seems impossible. And so, your brain looks for any out that it can find. Any great logical reason not to go forward and lean into your business.

What I also see people doing is really reacting to an emotion of some sort, and they don't recognize it in the moment. I can only recognize this in others because I've done it myself. So, this happens to me all the time. I remember once I was really anxious to build out my group program, and so I wanted to move straight into that.

But that decision was based on me reacting to the feeling that I didn't like that my business was taking so long to build out and to scale. It wasn't because that was actually the right decision at the time. The right decision at the time was, which thankfully I got coached on, was actually to start building out my ideas about how this group program would go, and to practice group coaching, and to practice building this process before.

Again, not the right decision for everyone. You don't just want to plug-and-play someone else's. But for me, at that moment, that was the right thing. And when I was able to really get quiet and grounded into myself and listen to my higher self or my future self talking to me about this, I could see that so clearly.

I remember I had a client also, that had had a history of burnout in the past. And so, everything that we ever talked through was always couched in this idea that she might burn out again. The fear of that created so many decisions for her that were unconscious. And even with a smaller amount of work time, she would start to feel these feelings of overwhelm and of it being too much and believing that she didn't have the capacity to handle that.

When really, when you're in flow, the fact that you're doing something, it's not a problem. Those are the times where you could just work for 12 hours. Maybe not everyone works for 12 hours, but we've all experienced periods of flow, where you don't even realize the time has passed. And usually that's because you're doing something that you believe is not taxing to you.

I often like to think, “Okay, I have these 10 hours in a day. How do I want to fill them? Is it really more exhausting for me to sit at my desk than it is to sit in front of the TV watching Netflix,” for instance? No, if I weren't doing this right now, I'd be doing something else. And so, I'm choosing to do this. And I'm choosing not to focus on the fact that I've previously, in this day, already done six hours or eight hours of this. It doesn't matter.

I still can be in this moment thinking, “Oh, well, I might as well be here as anywhere else. Right? This is a great thing to do with my time.” And that's not just about slapping the happy sticker on it and ignoring your real feelings. It's about creating that emotional maturity and detachment, to not buy into the stories of yours, and to just look at and say, “Is that really true?”

Because so much of what we're doing or not doing comes from avoidance, avoiding the work of managing your brain, right? Avoiding maybe being visible; you don't want to be visible. Or you don't really want clients. Or maybe even not wanting to earn that much. Maybe there's stories there about what it means to be someone who earns that much. Maybe that makes you a bad mom. Or maybe you're just avoiding your capacity and greatness.

Thinking of yourself in that way, in the way that your inner visionary wants to see you, is actually threatening to a part of you. So naturally, a lot of time my clients are exactly the opposite. They default into doing, doing, doing, rather than into not doing; but not always. And sometimes we go back and forth. I know I do.

So okay, you've made the decision, you're actually dialing back your business, let's talk about what happens then. There are really two possibilities: One is that you earn less than you could have, but you gain in wisdom, in memories, in life satisfaction, if you're doing the work. If you're doing the work to really be mindful and really enjoy it. If you're doing the work to, for instance, if you were doing this because of a growth edge of yours, if you're really mining that experience for everything.

Just imagine how differently I am in my business now, versus a time when every little fluctuation in income, I took it as a direct report of my worth. And all the drama and ups and downs of that, and how that affected my ability to go forward. I can so clearly remember. Yeah, it was spring, and I was walking along the stream near my house on a beautiful spring day, which already feels like too good, in a sense.

And I remember I hadn't brought in any money, and I wasn't doing anything about it. I wasn't going on to social, I wasn't hustling up the clients. I'm being supported by a man. And I remember slowly walking along that stream in the sun, and thinking, “Even though, I am still such a worthy and valuable human.” I can be worthy and valuable, even as all of these things are happening that a certain part of my brain tells me I should feel guilty about.

As I was able to detach and detangle, now I get to just show up from a completely different place. My business has gone back to being the expression, the plaything, the give, the game, that I want it to be. Rather than the reflection of my worth, as a woman, or as a person.

These are the priceless changes in your life that you take a few months to work through. And again, it doesn't always have to be when you've stepped outside your business. But it can be you are the CEO and get to make these decisions. And these are the gifts that just keep giving. This is why, for all of you coaches out there, really putting a value on your work is very, very difficult and intangible.

And whatever number you have in your head, that's just your number, it doesn't really mean anything. Because even a 1% shift, over the course of your client’s lifetime, could mean a world of difference, and could ripple into so many areas of their life.

But let's talk about something else that can happen. You can end up earning more. Now, sometimes that's because some people can't stick to their goal of working less, it brings up too much stuff. I've been there, too. Are you noticing a common theme here? It's that I have been through every single one of these scenarios. And so, I can talk about them.

So, this is sort of a negative result. Because you decide to dial your business back, you feel so much overwhelming shame because of it, that then you double-down and you create even bigger results. But they're really driven from a place that is not sustainable for you, and not the way you want to be living.

And those are the things that lead to so much burnout and dissatisfaction and detachment from the Self. You are not in a place where you're picking up on signs and really stepping into your alignment, when you're in that headspace.

But sometimes, when we're working less, and you continue to dial it back, or again, whatever that means to you, you end up earning more. You end up releasing your attachment, and that so often can just amplify our receiving. You're releasing all the pressure, and so you just show up differently.

You have the space to really access creativity, and downloads. The kinds of things where people say, “Oh my gosh, that is so brilliant! How did you think of that?” You have the space to think strategically. I can't stress what a moneymaker that is. You're thinking about the levers that really will drive your business forward. You're developing the practice, over time, of working smarter, not harder.

When you're giving yourself that constraint and you start seeing what you can let go of, a lot of times those are tasks in your business. But a lot of times, they are thoughts that don't serve you. For instance, that this needs to be perfect, that this needs to be A+ work rather than B- work. And you start to follow your intuitive guidance, really getting into flow. And those are where the synergies come along that make no logical sense whatsoever.

And then, your problem is that you'll have to do the work of how can this be happening? This is too good. But the big takeaway is that working less does not mean earning less. Definitely true in the long run, sometimes true in the short run.

So, to sum this all up, this is always the umbrella process where your cleanest, most ideal, maybe even divinely guided solution, it's you clear out the interference from your biases, so that you have that true self-knowledge. And you move into choice neutrality, right? How could this be great? How could the other thing also be great?

And then you employ your practice for accessing your intuition, or your highest wisdom, the guidance. And then once you have your decision, you do the beautiful dance between unattachment and desire, while at the same time opening to receiving. Because aligned decisions create your best results, period, always. Even if they don't at first look the way you expect it. Alignment is the assignment.

And that is how you develop the habit of having your own back, or you start trusting yourself. You start trusting your decisions, other people start trusting your decisions. Also, your intuition speaks louder to you because it knows you're listening. And finally, you move forward in true power without mental gunk, right?

You become this badass, unstoppable force, walking your own uncommon path and making some unexpected or uncommon decisions that others can't always understand right away. And that's okay. They don't need to, it's your decision.

The world changes when we have more women stepping into this, stepping into power, into confidence, into self-trust. Which is why it is just such a gift to me, right? It's such a gift to help women transition into that and support you all. Not just with business strategies, you know I love that. Or life coaching, and you know I love breaking down limiting beliefs. But also helping you tune into your energetic alignment, where your soul is wanting to go.

Business strategies plus the mental game plus the energetics, in my experience, you need all three for the business that supports your best life. So many times, when that wasn't available to me, I'd be in a program that was either all about strategy and tactics, or all about mindset, or all about woo.

And I felt like, but what about this other thing? I would want to bring that up in coaching. Oh, but what about this? And I knew that it would make no sense to talk about that in that context. I'd always be like, “Oh, I feel like there's this other thing, though. I feel like there's something else.” And if you're tuning into this podcast, it's probably because you feel drawn to that total picture, and the whole selves too.

And I love having you here. I'm also really delighted with the delicious thought of where we'll be able to go, with how far we can take this, when we work together even more closely. And you have full access to the entire Clarity Accelerator process. The same one which each of the clients that I've interviewed on this podcast has used to transform their own business, and reach their new heights professionally and personally. And we'd love to welcome you in there, too.

I always get excited when I think about the very next person that's going to be joining us. I do believe I have a superpower of attracting the best people. And I know a lot of you have told me, after listening to people on the podcast, they just sound so fun. Or this person sounds amazing. And I agree. It is great to be in a room like that. With those women where anything goes, no subject is off the table. And we can talk about it and support each other on all of those topics.

All right, my friends, that is it for today. Such a pleasure, as always.

And remember, deep down, you know who you are. And, each day, you're stepping further into what you are here to create.

Hey, if you're a coach who wants true clarity about your secret sauce, your people, your best way of doing business, and how you talk about your offer, then I invite you to join us in the Clarity Accelerator. I'll teach you to connect all the dots, the dots that have always been there for you so that you can show up like you were born for exactly this. Come join us and supercharge every other tool or tactic you'll ever learn, from Facebook ads to manifestation. Just go to TheUncommonWay.com/schedule and set up a time to talk. I can't wait to be your coach.

Thanks for joining us here at The Uncommon Way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, including the Clarity First Strategy for growing and scaling your business, visit TheUncommonWay.com. See you next time.

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