Should You or Shouldn't You??

A few weeks ago I told you how I was beginning a new year-long certification program because continual professional and personal development is one of my core values.

But I didn’t share the whole story.

I didn’t tell you that aligning to that value means I had to overcome the many reasons my brain serves up NOT to!!!

-- I don’t have time!
-- Shouldn’t I be doing something else with my time?!
-- Shouldn’t I be doing something else with my money?!
-- Maybe I already know enough about that!
-- Maybe I should do it next year, instead!

(If you’re human like me, your brain probably likes to speak in exclamatory phrases, too.)

So, getting honest.... When I look back, maybe I’ll see some inconvenient consequences from this decision.

It’s totally possible that I’ll have posted less, or earned less, or missed out on family or me time.

But then again, maybe not. (Or maybe yes, but it won’t even be that big of a deal.)

That’s the thing about doubts: they’re always imaginary.

We can’t truly know the outcome until we’ve lived it.

Doubts try to trick you into thinking you’re just being reasonable and level-headed, even though they come from a totally different part of the brain.

(Want to know if something is a doubt or just a rational analysis? Pay attention to how your body responds to the thought.)

But here’s a clue about a doubt’s REAL agenda: If you listened to it, you’d be exactly where you started. ALWAYS.

Acting on your own best decisions even though you’re human and have doubts is what living an uncommon life is all about.

Because in order to call your own shots, you have to get clear on what truly matters to you and then outmaneuver anything (including yourself!) that keeps you from doing it.

It’s about overriding your autopilot in favor of your pilot ✈️

Here’s to your next step,


P.S. Ready to feel totally decisive and on track? The doors to Uplevel Your Life will open soon, so watch this space!

P.P.S. Can’t wait? I’ve got one spot open for private coaching on Thursdays at 11:30am Eastern. You can apply here. n do the thing that made you uncomfortable.




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