Determined to find out just how good it can get?

Welcome to Power & Potency

There’s a future version of you who is even more powerful, more fulfilled and creating an even bigger ripple in the world….

And she’s doing it hand-in-hand with entrepreneur sisters who are like-minded equals.

Because let’s call it like it is: You’re great at business, and you know what you need to work on next (at least 90% of the time!).

But there are very few women entrepreneurs who are producing at this level, let alone joining together with these kinds of values and focus. 

Even if some of them are making as much as you, or more than you, many are still living in old patterns of hustle, scarcity and have-tos.

And sure, all high performers can cycle through that. (We’re human!) But it seems like much of the world doesn't even realize they're in it. Many stay there, compromising values or health or pleasure.

But you are not willing to compromise. 

And that can feel so. damn. lonely. 

There must be more women like you! You can’t be the only badass doing this work! You need your people!

Women who are working to optimize their life WHILE scaling their business to new heights, who could help reinforce that it’s all possible and it’s safe to feel this good.

And to brainstorm best practices for growth and delicious living…. (Spoiler: They exist!)

Because you know from experience that it not only feels amazing to have strong women in your corner who can inspire and mentor and challenge you, but that the hive brain always accelerates growth unlike anything else. 

And growth and expansion is just your thing! You live for this stuff and your evolution will never be “done.” (Sometimes that keeps you from feeling like you’re truly ready or good enough yet, but you’ve been working to shake that off.)

Welcome to Power & Potency.

This is not your typical mastermind. It is an extremely elevated experience of partnership, and a call to the extraordinary.

It’s a sanctuary for accomplished women who want to blow their own minds with what’s possible, surrounded by like-minded women who encourage you to keep stretching, question what’s possible, and embrace ease and joy in your business and life. 

We’re creating a new 1%, where wealth is expected but optimal satisfaction and pleasure is the true measurement.

The Power & Potency mastermind combines a focus on smart business strategies with deep, transformative mindset and energy work.

How much power, joy, wealth, love, health, impact, success and support can we call to us now, unabashedly?

And can we wield our superpowers at mastery level? (Like a sorceress, leaning back and cooly flicking your wrist.)

Really. How good can this get??

Power & Potency is for you if:

  • You have a seven-figure business OR are on a clear path to one.

  • You value your life outside of business and have taken strides towards wellness, joy, and pleasure.

  • You manage your emotions and reactions with finesse, bouncing back from setbacks with resilience.

  • You’re ok leaning into your intuition, even if the guidance seems counter-logical

In Power & Potency, you will benefit from:

  • Exclusive Retreats: Join us for two retreats at global destinations for in-person experiences and Soul Care™ that will ignite your expansion.

  • Curated Community & Sisterhood: Engage with a select, intimate group of accomplished entrepreneurs who understand your journey, normalize the outrageous, and support each others’ transformation. Geek out with them on everything from business tactics to mindset and even woo.

  • Expert Guidance and Tools: Work with top-tier guides and experts who will help you clear blocks and stretch beyond your current superpower limits through spiritual, mindset and somatic (body-based) practices so you can maximize your impact, scale your business, and create a life of abundance, ease and joy.  

Timeframe: October 2024 - April 2024

Investment: $20,000 USD

Enrollment opens: July 2024

If you’re compelled to know how good your life can get, then Power & Potency is your new home. Together we’ll harness your power, amplify your potency, and create the life that’s calling to you.

Click the link below to get first access, exclusive bonuses and all the details as soon as they’re released.

Not Quite Ready?

No worries! If you recognize the need for more growth before stepping into this mastermind, our Clarity Accelerator program is where you want to be. Dial in signature offers and strategies, cultivate your military-grade mindset and resilience, and dip your toes into the power of energetics and your intuition to prepare yourself for the unparalleled experience of Power & Potency.