4 Ways To Shift Into An Abundance Mindset

Does it feel like there are not enough available ideal clients? 

OR that there's just never enough money…? 

I promise, there are plenty…and I'm going to share 4 things you can do to shift into more positive thinking (aka an “abundance mindset”). (Because, this shift will increase the revenue in your business!) 


Scarcity Mindset 


The feelings I mentioned above stem from something called “scarcity mentality.” This means you feel something is scarce when actually…it’s VERY abundant!! 


Here are a few symptoms of Scarcity Mindset: 


  1. Deep down you’re worried somebody else could steal your clients or a client will say no to you and you will never find another client like him/her (like, that was the BEST client!)  

  2. You feel you're striving but never arriving.  

  3. You play “what-ifs” in your head all the time.  


Those are all symptoms of scarcity mentality… BUT, if that's you, don't worry! Here are 4 things PROVEN to make a difference in how you think.  




I want to give you two examples of how to tell a different story.  


AIR. Right now on planet Earth, air is a limited resource. We only have the amount that currently exists, but no one's running around freaking out because there's not enough air! It's the same with money. There is a limited amount of money on the planet, BUT it continues to grow just like the trees produce more air.  


RELATIONSHIPS. When I was single, my girlfriends and I would always talk about how there are never enough good men, and it was such a shame because there are all these GREAT women out there! There are accomplished women who are so kind-hearted and loyal…if only there were good men! 


The crazy thing is, when I met my husband, I discovered he and all of his friends were saying EXACTLY the same thing…but the opposite! They were saying, “Oh man, there are no good girls anymore!” So, neither statements were true! There are plenty of good men, there are plenty of good women … we just weren't connecting or allowing ourselves to connect with this other story. 


If you're in a coaching, web design, or social media management niche, these markets are growing at an astonishing rate. More and more people are starting to understand it, want it, value it, and pay for it, so there is plenty to go around when it comes to clients and money for these services. 


You've got nothing to worry about … but it all starts with telling a different story! 




You need to gather different evidence, and YOU need to be the one to gather it. Our brains take in tons of data daily, but we would not be able to function if our brain couldn’t process some of that out and only give us the bits it thinks we want to know. 


When you start this practice of looking for evidence that you're wrong, your brain’s not naturally going to bring those stories to light. You must start seeking it because you could tell yourself a new story all you want, but if you don't truly believe it, it's not going to gel. Seeing is believing! 


Don’t only go to your friends for information. We tend to surround ourselves with people who are similar and have similar beliefs. Go somewhere where you can have an objective viewpoint, like a Facebook group or similar platform, and submit a question asking people, “Hey, could you share some stories with me of instances where it turns out there were many more clients out there than you first realized?” (Or, whatever it is you're trying to build evidence around!) 




Language is SO important! 


It reinforces our beliefs which affect our thoughts, and our thoughts affect our actions. This changes our perception, and our brains literally physically change over time! 


The great thing is when you start using the right language supported by the right evidence supported by telling yourself the right stories… it becomes EASIER to think positively! Your brain becomes rewired! 


Once your brain knows you want to see positive results or positive evidence, it starts to filter everything for you, and you don't have to work as hard at being positive. It comes naturally and that really helps your business! 


Here are 2 examples of changing your language: 


“There's more where that came from.” 


You can say this whenever you're making an expenditure and you feel like you may not get that money back. It can also work with clients! Say a client says “No” to you on a sales call. No biggie! There's more where that came from! 


“My clients are out there looking for me. I just need to reach them.” 


I wrote a post a long time ago revolving around the idea that ‘the thing you're looking for is looking for you.’ This goes back to that belief system! 




You have to let old beliefs go. To do that, you need to ask yourself, “How has this been serving me?  What is in it for me? What am I gaining by doing this? By holding onto this belief? By being this way?” 


So many of us think, “There’s no way I WANT to be like this.There's no way I want to feel anxious about money or clients.” 


But, there's always some reason why we're doing it.   


For example, let's say you were always nervous about money, felt like you were on the edge of the ledge, and about to go broke. How would that benefit you? One way is you may be careful with your bank account, so you notice every expenditure you're making. That's helping you keep a tight rein on where your money's going and could help you retain money. Another way is you may work extra hard because you feel like you're always on the brink. 


Understanding why the belief was there in the first place, how it helped you, and thinking about what is in store for you, if you change your beliefs? What do you stand to gain?  


This is where I want to talk to you about how shifting your mindset into something more positive increases your business revenue. Let me give you 3 examples: 


You will stick with it. 

If you feel there are no clients out there and you hit a road bump, you may think you should close up shop because this obviously isn't working. BUT, if you believe there are tons of clients and you hit a road bump, you'll most likely think, “I might need to work on my messaging” or “I need to do something different because I KNOW there are tons of clients out there. I'm just not getting them.” So, you'll keep going!  

That is how you'll start increasing your revenue. You'll be so certain in that belief that you'll start trying different things.  


It lets you see opportunities.  

Things you didn't even notice before start coming in front of you. You start thinking, “Because there are so many clients out there, I could try that! They may really resonate with that.” You wouldn't have necessarily tried those new things if you thought they weren't there waiting for you. It can make it SO worth it. 


People are happier to be around you. 

This increases sales, engagement, and partnership opportunities!  

Having a positive, abundant mindset helps strengthen these 3 areas which will change your behavior, and in turn, change the results you bring for yourself! I deeply want to see you be able to take the leap, launch that business, and be successful in the business of your dreams. I absolutely know it's possible! 


Here’s to the abundancy mindset that will drive you to the next level,




P.S. If you’d like my support in helping you and your business grow so much more quickly and easily than if you were to do it on your own, including understanding the ways you might be resisting growth, go ahead and schedule a FREE call with me. Together we’ll map out a personalized roadmap that will help you build the right business for YOU.


From 0 Clients to Full Group Program (in 2 months!)


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