How To Train Your Brain To Dream Bigger (4 Mistakes You're Making With Your Visualizations)

"Ohh … you’ve gotta be kidding me!" I heard my husband groan into his phone, and immediately felt my body stiffen.

Remember how two weeks ago we found out we needed to move across the country in just a matter of weeks? And I was using visualizations to help quiet my nerves?

Well that feels like an eternity ago.

Since then, the Army has had us in a yes-no-start-stop loop. Yes we’re moving; no we’re not. We’re moving now; nope, we’ll have to wait. Put the house on the market and line up the car shipments, motorhome rental, and furniture movers … nope, wait! Don’t do that after all.

So I’ve really had to double down the "leaning into my inner visionary" technique that I shared with you! (It’s here on the blog if you want a refresher.)

And I realized …

This is actually where a lot of people pull back rather than lean in.

Now that there’s an obstacle or two and the brain is doom-and-glooming, "It might not happen!"...

They tell themselves:

… I don’t want to jinx it
… I don’t want to get my hopes up
… I’d rather tell myself I don’t really want it that much anyway.

But you do want it, don’t you?

And by giving your brain mixed signals, it won’t go hunting for the solutions and inspiration you need.

Or it might get you to put off signals that undermine what you want.

Worst of all, you’re actually training your brain NOT to dream big ... because you start, but then stop. 

I’m so passionate about this that I’ll be hopping on Facebook live later today (12:30p ET) to share "How to Train Your Brain to Dream Bigger (4 Mistakes You’re Making with Your Visualizations)."

Click here to get a reminder.

Mistake #1 is this … that you stop your visualizations because you might jinx them (I’ll tell you where that thought is coming from).

Then I’ll also share:

  • How your once-a-day morning visualization practice might be backfiring

  • Why you’re not really "feeling it"

  • The big mindset reality that has left a few of my clients slapping their heads and saying, "So THAT’s why they haven’t really been working for me!"

Here’s to really believing in our dreams,



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