The Uncommon Way (Copy)

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Ep #7: 5 Steps to Nail Your Messaging

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7: 5 Steps to Nail Your Messaging The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast with Jenna Harrison

Do you ever wonder if your words are even landing with your people? Do you wish you knew how to use your words to call in your ideal clients? It doesn’t have to be the big mystery and pain point you might be experiencing it as. Why? Because people will tell you everything you need to know.

You might think you need the cool-girl copy, snappy language, and to present yourself as someone they want to hang out with. Or you might feel like you need persuasion copy to put the urgency on your client to buy. But the truth is you don’t need any of those things. All you have to do to nail your messaging is follow the five simple steps I’m outlining for you this week.

In this episode, I’m sharing the big secret that conversion copywriters understand and charge a fortune for and showing you how to use it to grow your business in a grounded, aligned way. I’m showing you why no amount of marketing or fun copy can make up for a lack of good messaging, and the 5 steps to nailing your messaging.

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • How to become an expert on your people.

  • What to actually do in order to create effective messaging.

  • The stage that 80-85% of new entrepreneurs skip in their businesses, the reason they do so and why it’s a problem.

  • Where true resonance begins and why it’s what sells.

  • Some examples of where you might be letting your limiting beliefs get in the way of your future.

  • Why your people will resonate if you have great messaging.

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7: 5 Steps to Nail Your Messaging The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast with Jenna Harrison

Featured on the Show:

  • Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!

  • Click here to sign up for my newsletter and find out how the Connect The Dots Method has helped clients in all stages of their business.

  • If you would like help getting clear on what you are offering and how to talk about it, you have to join us in The Clarity Accelerator. It’s 60 of the best-spent days you’ll ever have, and you’ll get my eyes on your business and your messaging helping you dial all this in. There’s a spot available for September, so click here to schedule a call with me as soon as possible to learn more.

  • Ep #5: Knowing Your People 101

Full Episode Transcript:

Do you wonder if your words are even landing with your people? Do you wish you knew how to use your words to call in ideal clients? Well, I have got some good news. At its core, this really isn't rocket science. It doesn't have to be the big mystery and pain point that you might be experiencing it as.

Why? Because people will tell you everything you need to know. This is the big secret that conversion copywriters understand and charge a fortune for. But I'm taking everything I learned from my communications career in fashion. And everything I've learned in my years of online business and coaching entrepreneurs, just like you, through these very steps.

I'm distilling it all down in this episode. All you have to do, to really nail your messaging, is follow the five simple steps that I'm about to outline for you.

You're listening to The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast, the only podcast that helps you unlock your next level in business and life, by prioritizing your clarity and your own Uncommon Way. You will learn to maximize your mindset, mission, messaging, and strategy in order to create a true legacy. Here's your host, top ranked business coach and reformed over analyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison.

Hey, welcome back to The Uncommon Way. As I'm recording this, I'm getting ready to head to a business mastermind in Florida. I am so excited about it. Being around other like-minded people is just so invigorating, right? You always come back with this transformed energy.

And this is the reason actually, that I started the Clarity Collective, long before I launched a group program. What was happening was I was speaking to my clients individually, one to one, and I couldn't get this thought out of my head.

I kept thinking, “If only so and so could talk to so and so. Either, she'd see she's not the only one going through that thing. Or, she would understand how much further she'd come, because now so and so is going through that thing that she went through.

Or, maybe she needs to talk to so and so, because so and so solved it this way, or so and so went through the exact same thing, and now can give her perspective that feels so different than just when your coach is telling you something.”

So, I just put the offer out there. I was like; Hey, everyone. Would you like to start meeting for group calls, as well? No obligation, no pressure. But I think it would be really good for all of you. I think it'd be a lot of fun. And, it'd be no extra charge. What do you think? And a lot of them were like; hell, yes.

That was the beginning of the Clarity Collective. It wasn't, you know, some fancy launch of a group program. It was something that happened really organically. And I know that's because I've always gotten so much out of groups, as well. I mean, there are people that I'm still in touch with from my very first mastermind, that I consider...

Well, one in particular I'm thinking of, she is just a rock for me. I always rely on her. I know, I could ask her anything and vice versa. And it's just, they're really priceless places. So, I know that I have more of that coming to me, with this new group of people that I'm about to meet, and more to learn from all of them. And, it will be so great to bring that energy back to you all.

Okay, before we dive in, thank you so much for everything you all did to help me promote this podcast, and get the word out. I'm going to be sharing the names of the three winners, yeay, of our giveaway a little later in the episode. I'm so grateful. I know that if it weren't for you all, there are people that I wouldn't be reaching right now.

They'd be sitting there feeling like something should be different, but not really having anyone in the business space that would stand up for them, and their desire to approach their business from this clear and knowing place. Like, we just hit number 16 in Singapore, for the crowded business entrepreneurship category. How cool is that?

It never would have happened without a listener or listeners in Singapore, downloading every episode, leaving some reviews, maybe sharing it with their friends. This is how it happens. And because of it, we get to reach new people and say, “Hey, you're not crazy.” Basically, this is a completely valid, and actually very smart way, to start your business or to grow your business or to deepen your business.

So, speaking of reviews, I want to highlight goofyfoot35, who wrote, “So many people talk about how important purpose and your ‘why’ is, but they don’t tell you how to actually identify it … let alone how to use it in your business to attract the right clients (rather than just sitting in a document somewhere).” Thank you, goofyfoot35. I love that. And, you're so right.

This is a very much about making your purpose and your mission active, throughout every single part of your business. That is what we're talking about. We're not just creating mission statements for the hell of it around here. We're making that knowledge applicable with every decision and every action in your business.

Which is why, one week, we'll be talking about the role of energy and entrepreneurship. And then next, we're talking tactics or neuroscience, or what does data actually show us? I mean, that is our human experience, right? That play between the divine the idea around the abstract, however you want to think about it, and the material.

So today, we're talking about the material. Let's get on with some tactics, specifically, market research. Not the kind that you might have learned in business school, where you estimate the size of your market and get consumer feedback on price points, etc., etc. Yuck, no. Instead, we're talking conversion copywriting market research. Which, if we get really simple about it, is nothing more than having conversations; piece of cake, right?

This is where you talk to real humans about their hopes and dreams. And you listen, as actively or even more so, than you do when you're coaching. So, that you can become an expert on your people, which allows you to fulfill the second step of a successful business: Know your people.

If you haven't listened to Episode Five, Knowing Your People 101, that is going to be a great complement to this episode. It's the mindset primer for everything I'm about to say. So, you can find that at

But in this episode, we'll talk about what to actually do, in order to create effective messaging. Because you think that what you need is what I call, ‘cool girl’ copy, right? Where you throw in all these funny little asides, and have really snappy language, and present yourself as the cool girl that they want to hang out with. Or, you think you need lots of persuasion copy. But usually, if you believe that, it's because you are motivated by persuasion copy. You don't hit by until there's a countdown timer attached to it.

But no, you don't need those things. Just like you don't need flashy Instagram® shots or a fancy website. Now, I do teach copywriting, inside the Clarity Accelerator, because thinking through it aids with clarity, for yourself and your audience. And, we're just not taught to write for effective online copy in school or at work. So, if you want me to talk about copy here, in a future episode, let me know in the review section, I'm happy to do it.

But please know that nice copywriting is not a requirement for a successful business. No amount of marketing can make up for a lack of good messaging. No amount of fun copy can make up for a lack of good messaging. But if you have great messaging, your people will still resonate with you. They don't care about the writing style. They care about, can you help them?

So today, we're talking about something much deeper than coffee, much deeper than marketing. We're talking about messaging. I am on a mission to end ungrounded, unaligned work in the world, as you know.

But also ungrounded performative messaging, the kind where you're saying things that you think your people need to hear or want to hear, and probably sounding just like everyone else does. Rather than directly responding to what your specific people have told you they need, and showing them how your secret sauce is the way to the results they want.

Full disclosure. This market research sometimes trips up new entrepreneurs in my programs. They'll go full speed ahead through the introspective Know Yourself work, unraveling years of confusion. And then when we get to step two, Know Your People, they find really important dust bunnies under their sofas that they need to clean out, or conveniently get distracted on social media and oops, where did the time go?

If people get tripped up and spin their wheels for a few weeks, it's usually either at this stage or when they're trying to bring on their first clients. But fingers crossed, that won't be your experience at all. Hopefully you're like I was, where you've been longing for clarity for so long, that once someone shows you the exact way out of uncertainty, you'll do whatever. Even if it feels uncomfortable, at first.

So, I like to say this is the stage that 80 to 85% of new entrepreneurs skip. And, why is that? Well, A; it may be because they don't know how to do it, right? We just don't know, what we don't know. Or, it could be perceived lack of know-how. “I don't know how to have deep conversations with people and ask them really targeted questions, even though I'm a coach.”

But yes, you do. And, you don't have to be a coach. If you're listening to this, it means you're an insightful person who cares about people. You know how to have deep conversations; you just have to create the conditions where you feel safe enough to have that kind of a conversation.

Sometimes people are in desperation, that's why they don't do this market research. Because they think: I'll just take anyone. I can’t afford to limit myself. Why would I create targeted language, when it's so hard to get any clients at all? I need to leave myself open.

Or, there's a perceived powerlessness: I am completely incapable of finding a human like this. Okay, maybe I got my medical degree, but I can't do this. I promise you, you can. You can find three humans who are experiencing the problems you want to help solve, and talk to them like a human.

Or, sometimes there's a limiting belief: If I were to try to have a conversation with someone, they’d think I was trying to sell them something. And, I refuse to be salesy, ick. There's nothing worse than trying to offer someone premium value that's going to change their life, right?” Seriously, though, you don't know what they'll think.

Usually, again, it's a projection. Especially if you are a person who looks for everyone's ulterior motives. Or, if you're a person that actually hopes you can sell them something. But you know what? You can tell them, “I'm not going to try to sell you anything.” And then, you can maintain the integrity of that promise, you are in the driver's seat.

Most of the time, though, it's really about discomfort. It's so much more comfortable to keep everyone at arm's length, and hide behind the computer screen: I don't need to talk to humans, I'll just put out an anonymous survey. Or, lurk in Facebook® groups watching how people talk. Even though they're writing publicly and are obviously editing what they say.

And all of that is so telling, my friend. Because those things I just mentioned, all of them, are you making this about you, rather than making it about them. But that is not sustainable. When we move into phase two, Know Your People, the focus shifts away from you, and towards greater service for your people.

Because otherwise, here's what happens. You just post tips each day on social media. And once in a while, you get brave enough to say you're a coach, or even that they can book a call, and wonder why nobody books in. Or, you do what I did, you blog for a year. I really liked to hide out. And you offer advice in Facebook groups, and tag on that awkward “call me maybe. Please”, at the end.

I liken this to wanting to start a catering business. So, each day, you put out something you baked, in front of your house, with a sign that says “free food”. But nobody knows why they might want that food, or that they could pay you to cater their event this weekend, or why you're even putting free food out.

And actually, only a few people even drive by your house. But they're pretty distracted with their own lives, and they don't really notice the free food. So, you keep thinking the food is the problem, thinking people obviously don't want to pay for cookies. Or, thinking you're the problem; you're obviously not cut out to be a caterer because you're a horrible baker.

I've worked with clients, like me, that did this for a year or two, and by the time we joined forces, they so desperately wanted to throw in the towel, but luckily didn't. Instead, they doubled down, hired a coach and turned things around. So, if you find yourself in that loop, it's okay. Plenty of successful businesses have started there.

Now, you know what to look out for. And when you recognize it, you can gently reorient yourself. Hopefully with the help of your coach, and get yourself focused on knowing your people, using the five steps to nailing client language that I'm about to teach you.

This is what I share with my clients, and it's also what I practice myself continually. This work never ends. What I teach you isn't just for the ‘now’ of your business, it's for the life of your business.

Alright, if this is the first time you're listening, then the preamble to everything I'm going to share right now, is to know yourself. First, you know yourself, then you know your people. And finally, you speak to how the two connect. It's that simple.

Because you start with know yourself, since you don't want to live your life just being what everyone else wants you to be, do you? That's what we've been doing most of our lives anyway, as women. No, you want to lead with you, then connect the dots to your people, then find out what they want. And finally, create the solution to solve the problem. So, knowing yourself is where true resonance begins. And remember, resonance is what sells.

Okay, ready to better know your people, so you can create messaging that lands? Here are the five steps, based on what's been working for me and my clients, throughout my five years of coaching entrepreneurs. Plus, my prior career in communications and marketing for fashion companies.

Number one, suspend disbelief. Number two, ask better questions and actively listen. Number three, organize your information. Number four, contemplate what you've learned. And five, verify what you've understood by echoing it back to them. All right, let's go through each of those.

Number one, suspend disbelief. It's impossible to get to know your people if you don't believe they exist. You've got to put your disbelief aside. Episode 5 has more on this topic, but in a nutshell: If you're assuming those people won't pay, or those people wouldn't want help, or it would be too difficult to sell to those people, you might be letting limiting beliefs get in the way of your future, of your true work in the world.

I'll never forget, towards the end of my corporate time, I was corporate editor for a fashion house that owned over thirty brands. I was in charge of overseeing the language and voice used for all of their customer facing communication. So, everything from ads to websites, to the little hang tags, that hang off clothes when you buy them in the store. Yeah, someone has to write that stuff, right?

So, some of the brands were big enough that they hired outside agencies, but most were done in house. We bought this one brand that used to be well-recognized years ago, it was an old golf brand, but it wasn't around much anymore, and we wanted to resurrect it.

At first, the C-level people were thinking they'd sell it to places like Macy's™. But they ended up bringing on this very young but super visionary guide to run the brand. And, he saw a completely different future. He wanted independent retail stores and imagined this becoming like a total hipster baby. My bosses were doubtful, but the strength of his conviction won them over. And it ended up being the most fun I'd had in this position.

I took over all the E-com (E-commerce) copy, all the little blurbs about each article of clothing. I decided on this approach where we'd reference little New York insider things; really, only if you lived in New York or had spent time there, would you really get it. Because the allure of the brand is that it was an insider’s thing. It was a best-kept secret.

Anyway, I became totally attached to this little brand; rooting for it, believing in it. Even as the C-suite people were like, “Wouldn’t we actually be more profitable if we just sold this stuff in Kohl's®?

So, I'll never forget the day that that fateful picture came out. It was when Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were still married, and someone snapped this picture of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie on set. She was leaning back against the railing of a bridge. I don't know if you remember this, if it's burned into your memory, but she was leaning back against the railing of a bridge and he was kind of leaning into her with one hand on that railing.

You could just see he was totally into her. And, what is he wearing? What is the logo facing the camera, in what will become the most talked about image of the year, especially when he ends up leaving Jennifer Aniston and going off with Angelina Jolie? You guessed it, our brand on Brad Pitt.

Of course, our sales took off after that. All because this one person held the vision of this brand becoming totally coveted. Something that hip, ‘in’ people would love, that people would resonate with. And so, it was. So friends, don't sell yourselves short. Think about this lesson that I learned and that I'm sharing with you: Don't sell to Macy's when you've got something so unique that you can sell to whoever you want.

You owe it to yourself to at least talk to some people and gather the data. Also, in Episode 5, I told the story of Crystal who was ready to walk away from what she was passionate about, health coaching. All because she hadn't opened her mind to the idea that the kinds of clients she really wanted to work with, would actually want to work with her too.

But that's not Crystal’s fault; you can't see, what you can't see. It takes someone else to point it out to you. And just a word to the wise, if you have a strong disbelief, you've got to be a little suspicious of the data that you gather in the beginning. You've got to try a little harder to find those people. Because chances are you'll unintentionally gather evidence for what you already believe. You'll gather evidence for the fact that nobody wants the service, right? Or, no one wants it from you.

I'm going to be talking more about how we do that to ourselves. next week. This is one of the many times that having a coach can totally help you get where you're going faster, better and easier. You'd be so in your world thinking, “Well, this is just the way it is.” But your coach is going to say, “Nope, that's absolutely not the way it is.” You need someone who can lend you their objectivity.

All right, number two, ask better questions and actively listen. Because once you've pinpointed who you'd like to work with, you want to find some of these people and have a really good heart-to-heart with them. People will open up to you in ways you'd never expect, if you ask them deep questions privately, in a non-judgmental way.

What you're looking for is three humans that you'd actually want to work with. Simple, right? Because you don't want to use the language of people that aren't your people. If they don't think that the thing you help people with is a primary concern in their lives, or people that you wouldn't want to work with, don't use their language.

The language on my site doesn't come from people that think the key to their business is to learn to sell better. No, my people are like; I would do anything for clarity, then I could finally lean in. Then, I wouldn't feel like an imposter on my sales calls. Then, my marketing wouldn't be all over the place. Then, I'd finally have that thing, that I'd resigned myself to maybe never figuring out, purpose. God, I just need someone to help me get clear and focused.

Those are my people. Now, you might be wondering, how do I find these three people? It's a good question, and the answer is; get creative. Don't overcomplicate this. Put up some posts on social media, or send a note to a bunch of your friends asking if they know anyone that matches this description. Meet people at the supermarket.

I've watched my clients get so creative with this. All you really need to do is open yourself to the belief that your clients are everywhere. And stop letting your own worries, about what people will think of you and how people will be suspicious, create that very reality for you.

I don't think there's anything weird about asking to learn more about an issue, from people that are experiencing it. In fact, I'm the first to raise my hand in groups, whenever I see a post like this, from someone who's describing my situation. I'm like, “Yeah, I'll help you out.” And because of this, I've never had a problem getting people on the phone with me in the times that I've asked.

I have five or even ten templates for this in the Clarity Accelerator, so that people can just pick a post that feels aligned and go. But basically, all you have to do is say, “Hey, is this you? Or, do you know someone like this?” And then you describe them. You let them know exactly what to expect; we'll talk for 30 minutes. And then, you tell them why you're asking in the first place.

It's very simple. Basically, exactly how you'd speak to a real human face-to-face. Because these are real humans. You trying to sound all professional or like something you're not, will only create distance between you and them. You need to be yourself and do what feels comfortable for you, in integrity for you.

If you feel like you need to promise people that you won't try to sell them anything, do it. If you need to tell them that you're doing research for an article, then do it. But then of course, stay in integrity and actually write the article. If you don't know anyone directly that you can interview, then in the beginning, start with your best guess language to describe what your person is going through.

Sometimes you'll see that the language you were using, was not calling in the right type of person. Like when Crystal kept calling in people who had been struggling with their weight forever and had tried all sorts of things, but nothing worked. It wasn't her person. And when you get that aha, oh, it's not my person. Then you can get creative about what would be something they'd say?

When you do find someone you'd like to help, great. Use that person's language to call in your next person. And then, you're next. Until you get to the glorious moment of knowing that what you write, is speaking directly to and calling to the kind of person you want to help.

Sometimes nobody will volunteer to talk to you. It's okay. It's not about you, it could be as simple as the time of day of your post. Or, you might need a little more to motivate your people.

Some people are motivated by altruism, and they're willing to give up some time when they feel it's going to help the greater good. Others are motivated by self-interest, and you'll need to offer something of value.

Figuring this out is a good thing. All it means, is that in your future messaging, you'll always remember to speak to the greater good, or you'll know how busy your people are and you won't bother suggesting things without some high value return. Either way, you'll have so much more, you guessed it, clarity.

Now, I'll give you a little tip, I see a lot of new entrepreneurs run into this issue. They'll tell me, “I found this person who I'd like to help, but they don't want to pay for coaching. Do I have to throw all this language out?” Obviously, if you can find someone that would want to pay for coaching, use their language. But in the meantime, recognize that your own beliefs have likely attracted that person.

When this happens, it's often happening to the people that think it's easier to sell a low-priced course rather than coaching. And then, they're attracting people with a similar belief. So, I recommend that you keep the language, but you really spend some time contemplating what the willing-to-invest version of that person would say.

Same goes for when people say, “Jenna, I want to help an earlier version of me, but I never would have paid this much.” It doesn't matter. You can create a composite avatar, or the person shares some similar traits with you, but has different ideas about investing.

Lord knows when I was thinking about what business to start, I never would have paid five figures for a one-to-one coach. But people in that situation used to pay me that all the time; cold traffic, too. So, go back to number one on this list; suspend disbelief.

Now, do definitely spend some thought getting strategic with the questions you're going to ask. Each one needs to have a purpose, usually to aid you with understanding how they think and see the world, and their problem and their solution. Don't be afraid to get deep. In fact, push past your comfort zone to get deep.

Be willing to ask things like; but what are you really afraid of? So what, so what if that happens? What would that mean? A great framework is the five why's: When someone answers a question, they'll tend to give you the most acceptable answer, first.

You'll ask why they'd consider working with a health coach. And they'll say they want to feel healthier. But if you keep asking, it turns out they're going to a reunion in a few months, and really want to fit into their skinny jeans. Or, you'll ask why they're interested in paying down their debt. And they'll say, for more spending money. But if you keep exploring it, it turns out they're deathly afraid that they're going to ruin their child's life, and give them the same scrimping paycheck-to-paycheck existence, that they themselves grew up with.

Listen carefully, as they answer you, to their exact words and their way of expressing themselves. But also; to the tone of voice, to the emotion under the words, to what they're not saying, to limiting beliefs, to where they're leaking their power. Record the sessions, so that you can be fully engaged with them at the moment, and then you can relisten.

And don't be afraid to use these kinds of appointments to help you flush out the answers, to any part of your business that you're wondering about. I'll give you an example. One of the questions I recommend my clients ask is; what’s something, where if you just knew how to do that one thing, you'd be so much closer to getting what you want.

If they're stuck for an answer, I tell this story. Let's say you're a man that really wants to be in a relationship. If you talk to that person, they may say that the one thing that would really just help them so much, would be to know how to even initiate a conversation. They don't even know what to say to then start talking to the person.

So, once you know that information, you can provide guidance on that one thing, and you will instantly capture their attention. You could turn that topic into a webinar or a PDF lead magnet. Right? This is how we use these foundational pieces to grow your business so much more quickly, and take a lot of the guesswork out of the funnels that we build.

Okay, phew, that was a lot of info, but it's important so stick with me here. We did number one, suspend disbelief. And then two, ask better questions and listen actively. This next one, will aid with some top complaints, like; when I try to write, it just all comes out all jumbled. Or, I just don't know what to write. And it's also, what will keep you from sliding back into your language rather than your client’s language.

All of this beautiful information, that the three humans gifted you, now you've got to organize it. This is the only place that I really geek out with my clients. But I have you put the answers, to those questions you've asked, into a spreadsheet.

In each column, you put a different type of language. Maybe; here's how they talk about what they really want. Here's where they talk about how it feels to not have what they want, etc., etc. And, we create the spreadsheet.

Here's why I do that. One, because it will give you so many insights, when you can sit back and see it in front of you clearly like this. It's the difference between having ten to-do lists on different scraps of paper all over the house. A ton of other ideas stored in your head. And then of course, you're stuck wondering why in the world, you don't know exactly what you should be working on.

This is part of what clarity is about; it's about getting things out of your head and into the light, where everything clicks into place. It's the kind of thing you'll want to review quickly before you hop on a discovery call, just to ground into who your people are.

And it's also extremely effective. It makes creating content almost too easy. In the training, inside the Understanding Your People module of the Clarity Accelerator, I show you how to create a compelling social media post in about 60 seconds. A post that resonates, where people say, “I feel like you were in my head.” And even with just the language from three souls, you can create so many different posts, it's all plug and play.

But also, when you get used to categorizing the information, it will teach you to listen for that information. It trains your brain to listen actively, on autopilot, so that the experience of it is more effortless. And that practice, of listening actively, helps you be a better coach, too. It helps people feel respected and listened to. It helps you get to the root of the problem and distill it down to its essence.

People on discovery calls, often tell me they're impressed at the details I keep in my head, that I relay back to them later in the call. But my brain is always scanning for how people express themselves and how they think; I find it fascinating. And like I said, this is something your brain starts to do for you naturally, when you give it some structure like this.

Before we move on, I want to do a quick reality check here. Just because someone knows you get them and feel seen by what you write or say, does not necessarily mean they'll buy from you. This is not a magic bullet. You still need to create an offer, that's a no brainer, and prove that it's saleable. It's called “proof of concept”.

That's why we never spend the time to build out a course without first knowing that we can actually sell that course. And, how often has someone said, “Oh, yeah, that's such a great idea. I’d totally pay for that.” But then, do they actually pull out their credit cards? So, if you want to know more about proving viability, then let me know in the reviews, and I will absolutely create something for you.

Alright, step four, is contemplate. Up till now, this has really been the science of resonance. But here in number four, that's where the art of resonance comes in and combines with step one, know yourself. And this is the work that you want to get as close to target as you can, as quickly as you can, and then keep refining and deepening it for a lifetime.

This is where you sit back and contemplate all the information you've gathered. What really sets these people apart from those people over there? What did they think the solution is? And what can you show them about the solution that they've probably never considered? What do they need to believe in order to work with you?

For instance, if someone believes, as I myself used to believe, that clarity on your purpose is just something everyone needs to figure out for themselves, and nobody can help them. That person is never going to hire me. So, how exactly, will you explain what you need to explain to them? What would be good metaphors or stories to illustrate the point you're trying to make?

You do not need to answer all of these questions, all at once. Do the best you can. Clarity is an evolution. I am constantly doing market research. I'm constantly learning more about my people, not in the same way. I have enough people coming into discovery calls that I don't need to create the conversations, but I still have my spreadsheet that I update. And it's second nature for me now.

On every discovery call and in each coaching session, and when I hear people being coached in other venues, I'm the one nodding, “Interesting. People are saying it this way now. They have this baseline knowledge, so I don't need to explain this thing anymore, that I used to. Meaning, I can speak to this now. Oh, this is a slightly different angle that fits really well with my people and my mission. Let me try saying it this way next time. Let me see how that lands?”

So, if you get one insight, one breakthrough in a day, well done. The important thing is that you develop the habit of contemplating the minds of your future clients. They are the lifeblood of your business. They're the ones that help you fulfill your purpose, and grow so much as a human.

Truly seeing a person and meeting them where they are, is the greatest act of love and empathy that you could give. Your future clients are humans who are about to do the bravest thing in the world, which is bet on themselves from a place of complete vulnerability. Without certainty that the result is possible, because they've never experienced it for themselves.

So, whether you're a coach or a designer, this is true for your clients. And that needs to become a priority for you; understanding them and speaking to exactly where they are.

All right, step five, is to verify it by echoing it back. This is a simple one, but super important. You need to verify the data you've gathered by echoing it back and seeing if it lands. You've got to test it. You cannot paraphrase here. This is why you transcribed the language into your spreadsheet.

It may not seem like an important distinction for you, but if they're saying they want peace of mind, don't tell them that they will attain inner peace. Remember, subconscious resonance; we want them to feel at home.

Now, social media is a great place to test out your new content. And in fact, that's a great way to think of the purpose of social media for you. You're just there testing out content. It's fun to see what people like and what they engage with. But what really matters, is what resonates with your clients. What stood out in their minds, as they were getting to know you, that they tell you about later when they actually start working with you.

But the very best way to accelerate all of this and verify the information that you've gathered, and what you've been contemplating, is another in-person conversation. Yep. All of you that like to create safety through the distance of the Instagram app, I am calling you out. Because here's what you can't do in your DM’s.

You can't watch someone lean in as you're talking. You can't see their eyes light up as they laugh, “That's totally what I say to myself.” You rarely get to hear them say, “Yeah, I'm still thinking about that story that was so good. I've never thought of it in that way.”

You will not gain clarity on your people if you deprive yourself of in-person conversations. Meaning, you won't be making sales as quickly as you could, either. Fall in love with the work of knowing your people, and you will see your business transform.

And listen, if you are called to the simple truths of; know yourself, know your people speak to how the two connect. And you want guidance, support and my magic as you work through it, I'm here for you. We will work together personally, to get you clarity on your right people, the specific questions that make the most sense for them, how to interpret what they say, and really wow them in your content and on discovery calls.

Not to mention, a life-changing overhaul of how you view and own your secret sauce. I've gone through the trial and error, over two decades of it in fact, so you don't have to, and created a system for accelerating your clarity. It's called the Clarity Accelerator, and it's essential work for every coach, regardless of where you are in business.

There's no other work that you need to do first, nothing else to prioritize, because this is what amplifies everything else you'll learn or do. This is what takes you from just going through the motions of marketing and selling; second guessing everything, wondering if this is what you should be selling, if these people are even the ones you should be selling to, if you're really even the best coach for the job, if you're selling with integrity, and if you're just self-sabotaging yourself with all of these blocks.

And instead of feeling stuck, frustrated, and emotionally drained, you get on a call knowing so confidently what you do and don't do, and you articulate it so clearly, that you're certain the person will work with you if they're the right fit. And if not, that's okay. Because there are plenty who are. You feel calm, assured and unattached. After all, this is really about returning to who you are, and what has always been available to you.

Spots are limited, since everyone currently gets one-to-one calls with me. But I don't know how much longer I'll be offering that; it could be six months, it could be one month, because I rely heavily on intuition in my business. And when it's time to shift into a new offer, it's time to shift into that new offer.

So, if this is calling to you, and you want to work with me in 2022, let's hop on a call. Let's see whether or not this is a hell yes, for both of us. And if so, get your spot secured for some time in the next few months. I want to help you finally get clear on what you're offering and how to talk about it. Plus, actually believe in it.

And now I'm very excited to announce the winners of the podcast launch giveaway. Our top winner was Laura, so she gets the AirPods Pro™. Second place, was Jamie, who gets the Audible Plus™ subscription. And then, Kate gets the $50 Amazon Gift Card™. Congratulations, everyone.

And, thank you to all of you that participated and are still helping me get the word out about this podcast. I really want to let people know that it's not only okay to prioritize getting clear in your business, but it makes smart business sense to do so. And with every download, rate, review, and share. You're helping me do that.

Seriously, thank you for tuning in and for sharing these episodes. Okay, my friend. That's it for today. And remember, on a certain level, you know who you are. And every day you're stepping further into what you're here to create.

Hey, if you enjoyed today's show you do not want to miss next week's, seriously. Follow the show wherever you listen to your podcasts, so you don't miss an episode.

And would you please leave a super quick rating and review about this episode? It's how you'll let me know what you liked and what you're still curious about. So, I can create the most valuable content for you going forward. As well as, how you'll help other highly driven but slightly uncertain entrepreneurs find this show and get the tools they need. Thank you so much.

Thanks for joining us here at The Uncommon Way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, including the Clarity for Strategy for Growing and Scaling Your Business, visit See you next time.

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