Ep #24: Finding Your People with Geraldine Mok

Episode Summary

Jenna and Geraldine Mok dive deeper into what it really takes to find your people in your business.

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Show Notes

Have you ever felt called out by some of my earlier episodes around knowing your people? Have you realized that you don’t actually know yours and find yourself hiding, lurking, and observing versus asking the tough questions to make them tick? You’re in luck, as that’s exactly what today’s guest found herself experiencing before she joined The Clarity Accelerator and learned to figure out her people.

I realized recently that I don’t give you enough examples of how other women have made the choice to get clear in their businesses, then gotten clear, and transformed their businesses and selves into uncommon things of beauty as a result. So I’m committing to bringing you more interviews with women who have done this to help you adopt as many tips and ideas as possible to apply in your own business, and I’m starting this week with an interview with my client Geraldine Mok.

Join us this week and hear where Geraldine was at in her life and business before she joined The Clarity Accelerator and why she decided to take the next step and join. Geraldine shares how she learned to find her people and start bringing clients in, her experience of pivoting her niche and getting to know her ideal client, and how the shifts that Geraldine experienced are also available to you.


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • The best gift I could give you this holiday period.

  • How Geraldine has created clarity out of uncertainty.

  • What being so connected to our phones and technology is truly costing us.

  • Some of the subtleties you need to go to in order to find your people.

  • Why I know Geraldine is going to be such a successful entrepreneur.

  • What the “Connect the Dots” method is and how you can use it in your business.

  • The reservations Geraldine had about working with me and how she made the decision to proceed anyway.


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Full Episode Transcript:

Woman to woman, no shame. Have you felt a little called out by some of my earlier episodes that have to do with knowing your people? Have you been realizing that you really don't know yours? And maybe, you've even been hiding from them a little, kind of lurking and observing, rather than asking those tough questions to really see what makes them tick?

Or, maybe you've been listening to and talking to people that are less than ideal, because you're in this more passive energy of, “Well, that's what we got. That's who's coming to me. I don't believe those people are really out there.”

That's exactly what was going on with today's guest. And she's here to tell her story about her decision to get clear on her people, and how to communicate with them. And how quickly she has turned things around in her business, based on the strength of that decision and commitment.

You're listening to The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast, the only podcast that helps you unlock your next level in business and life, by prioritizing your clarity and your own Uncommon Way. You will learn to maximize your mindset, mission, messaging, and strategy in order to create a true legacy. Here's your host, top ranked business coach and reformed overanalyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison.

Jenna Harrison: Hey, welcome back to The Uncommon Way. For those of you who celebrate Christmas, Happy Christmas Eve. I've been gearing up for a few weeks now, by making myself eggnog lattes and half decorating the house, as is my custom. I get about halfway through, and then I'm like, “Bleh, boring,” and stop.

I'm starting to think about a destination for my next summer trip to Europe, which is something I do this time of year. I have this fear that everyone starts booking Airbnb’s right after the New Year. So, you know, I want to jump on the Airbnbs; it's like I have total Airbnb scarcity. Kidding, not kidding.

Oh, okay. And I can't resist sharing what my five-year-old, Dylan, wants for Christmas. You ready for this? An amethyst crystal. Yes. So, I am not someone that has been into crystals or has used crystals. But I had a coach this last year who really was. And so, I thought, “What the heck, I'll give it a try.” I went to the local crystal shop; yes, believe it or not, even here in cow country Pennsylvania, where we are stationed, there is a local crystal shop. I love it.

And so, I went there and I picked out some crystals that, you know, caught my attention. And one of them was… Do you know when they take a rock and they break it open, and there's that crystalline structure, that jagged edge? This was an amethyst. So, I got one of those. And Dylan, has fallen in love with it. It is so funny; he sneaks into my office to take it.

I'll be like, “Alright, who took the crystal? Dylan put the crystal down. Put it back in the office.” He loves it. And so, finally he said to me, “Mama, can I have a crystal for Christmas? Can you get me one?” And I mean, how am I going to say no to that little face and that super cute request? So, I was like, “Okay, of course, I'll get you a crystal.” I think I'm gonna run out, after I do this, and get that for him. So, fun.

But I have also been thinking about you a lot, recently. And, how you don't want to keep muddling around. Right? Wondering if you're really locked into what you should be helping people with? If you should be talking to a different type of person? If what you're saying is even connecting? You definitely don't want that for 2023.

And a couple of you I've talked to you recently, are like, “I want to know, that when January's here, I already have that coaching call with you scheduled. That change is happening.” It's that sense of wanting more depth in your offer, more certainty about your direction. You want to know your messaging is tight; tight and in integrity. You deserve that sense of peace, and the focus and the confidence that brings; I know this about you.

I know you know that you have so much potential, you're so capable. You just need to straighten out some things in your mind about what you're doing, and also about in what ways you're getting in your way. So, thinking through all this, that's what I did on my plane ride home from seeing my dad a few days ago. That, and I rewatched Crazy Rich Asians and Girl with a Pearl Earring, also.

But as I was thinking through all this… And the highest value way, is to help you move into those results you want. I realized, that sharing client stories is the best gift that I could give you for this holiday period. I don't do it enough. I don't give you enough examples of how other women have made the choice to get clear and then gotten clear. And how they've transformed their businesses and themselves into such cool, uncommon things of beauty.

I don't do it because I always get these brain flashes of ideas that I want to share with you, and then I act swiftly on that right? I put it out while I'm still all lit up. But I know that stories serve, right? This is how humans are wired. And I felt it myself, over and over. I can remember so many interview-style podcasts where I felt like, “Wow, it never occurred to me to think of it in that way.”

So, I am committing to sharing more stories with you. I'll be bringing on some clients, and they're at different stages in their businesses, wildly different revenue points, so that you can see how clarity gaps affect us at different stages. And also, so you can adopt as many of the thoughts and ideas, of these women, as you can.

This is why the community aspect of the Accelerator is so key, in my opinion, right? Because it's collaboration, and it's amplification of that energy. Right? That energy transfers. You know the saying, “That you become who you surround yourself with.” It's support, it's camaraderie, it's motivation.

When you're surrounded by these smart, ambitious people who raise the bar, then you rise to the occasion. And it is exclusive, quite honestly. Not everyone is building a business like this, prioritizing things like clarity and alignment and satisfaction, and walking your own uncommon way. Plus, I've been interviewing potential clients for so long, that I know who's capable of hitting the ground running and who might not be. And, that's a win for the group.

It's also a win for the individual, because they're not going to invest in a mastermind and then ghost it. I am so excited about what's to come for the collective, over the next months. It's funny, because I can remember so many times in my business being like, “I brought in the best clients.” But right now, better than ever; I am so thrilled about the talent and heart and brains. And just, I don't know, high caliber go-getter-ness. Is that a thing? Of this newest crop; it's gonna be crazy.

I'm just thrilled that we're creating something that's never been done before. This group of women, this legacy of women, who know and are acting out their meta theme, their unique mission in the world. And all the decisions they make and actions they take are aligned to that true sense of self and sense of mission. Where every bit of the business is intentional and in full integrity.

And, it makes sense. It's such a thrill to see it coming to life every day. Like, I just got a note from Geraldine, whom you'll hear from today, and she was saying, “I just had this brain flash.” Like, this process that she had created, she was calling it “Reset,” a reset process. But she realized that if she just changed that to “respect”, it would be so much more aligned with her theme.

And, this is what we want to do. We want to make every part of our business just like, live and breathe us and our truth, and what we're really here to express. It's such a thing of beauty. So, that is really our work, right? Becoming further and further aligned in our true work in the world. Doing it our way, rather than someone else's way. Because that's what the world needs more of. And also, that shit’s magnetic, let's just say.

So yes, I'll be bringing on all different clients for you to meet and learn from. It's going to be fantastic for you to have some of that group energy extend out to you as well, which I know it will. And today, we are talking to Geraldine Mok, who hasn't even completed her first round of the Accelerator yet, but has already used it so well to reinvent her business, really.

And if she can create this clarity, out of uncertainty, in just two months, it's absolutely available to you, too. And listen in next week, because Carrie Coffin is coming on and she was in the very first round of the Accelerator, when it started in, I guess, February of 2022. So, you'll see how her business has grown since then; she's had a longer time to do it.

But back to Geraldine. I'd love for you to take away any and all insights about the action she was taking, the thought she was having, the shifts that were happening. Like I said, I can't think of a better year-end gift to give you. I'll let you know we had some audio issues with Zoom. It sounds kind of like a vibration now and then, but they are minimal.

Geraldine’s story, and just the way she so matter of factly moves through her own resistance, and keeps honing her messaging again and again, I really think you'll enjoy this. So, without further ado, let's dive in. Hi, Geraldine.

Geraldine Mok: Hi, Jenna. Thanks for having me here.

Jenna: Yeah, absolutely. So, I thought we could just go back, like rewind the clock, and just think about, really what was going on with you, in your life at that time, that made you decide to get on a call and talk to me about the Clarity Accelerator?

Geraldine: Sure. So, when I first reached out to you, I had been on this entrepreneurship journey for about five to six months. I started off by buying a pretty well-established course. I went through everything, but very quickly, I realized that if I want to be serious about getting this business up, I need to get one-on-one support.

Interestingly, from where I am right now, I did go back to look at the course, and a lot of things really make sense to me now. Just because I've been on this journey for a couple of months now. But at that point in time, when I look at it, yes, the steps are clear. It makes sense. I know that the strategy, it's all well tested, right? So, a lot of people benefit from that. But now, on hindsight, I realize that the mindset piece was the biggest part, was not available from the course. Right.

And now that, you know, like, having worked with you, and having worked with another coach previously, I realize that mindset, is probably like 80% to 90% of this entrepreneurship journey. So, that is something that you cannot get equally from a course. That's what I realized.

Jenna: Yeah, absolutely. So, what was going on with your business at that time, then? You'd taken a course. You decided to get some one-to-one support. And, you started working with another coach.

Geraldine: Yeah. So, after two months into that course, on my own, I didn't do anything. I didn't take action. Yeah. So, that was the time when I realized that if I want to get serious about building a business, I needed one-on-one support. So, I reached out to a coach whom I resonated with. It was a lot of action taking, but now, I remember that when I first reached out to her, the first thing I told her was that, can we all meet market research?

So, from the course, I learned that, or rather, what I heard was that, you know, like, you can do online research and in-person market research, that sounded like something optional. Yeah. So, give yourself two weeks to do that, to not get stuck. Right. I think the whole aim was to just move through this very quickly. Yeah, so that you can start building your business very quickly.

And I remember the coach, one of her copy, I remember very clearly is that, you know, like, let's assess if anything is causing you overwhelm; we will take that off your plate. And when I read that, that felt very comforting to me. Like, “Okay, if I don't have to do market research, I can totally omit that.” So, I remember that was the first thing I told her. And she was like, “Okay, cool. Well, let's skip that.”

Jenna: Yes. So, what was going on in your business when we were talking? Like, what actions were you taking? What kind of clients were you bringing in or not bringing in? Just paint the picture there.

Geraldine: Yeah, so definitely no clients. In fact, I didn't speak to a single, real person at all, by the time I met with you. So, when I first reached out to you, I have been with my coach for about four months. And we were trying out different ways to get visibility, like on Facebook groups. I even started an Instagram account, to just you know, explore. And that's where I met you, actually.

And I also reached out for podcasting and guest blogging opportunities. I even created a lead magnet.

Jenna: Tell us about that.

Geraldine: Yeah, so the strategy was to, you know, have a landing page. And, you know, like, everything on a lead magnet was just, you know, thoughts and ideas that came out from my head, which I thought would resonate with people I wanted to reach out to. But obviously, after going through the Clarity Accelerator, I realized that that was not the right way to do it.

Jenna: Yes. Did you have many people on your list?

Geraldine: Eight people.

Jenna: Yeah. And, you hadn’t actually spoken to a person. And you were trying all sorts of things, to give us a bone. Which I think, is something we can all relate to, in the beginning. And so, how were you feeling about that?

Geraldine: Yeah, I felt very uncertain that if I were to continue with what I was doing, I would ever get to sign client, or ever get to have someone reach out to me to say, “Let's hop on a call.” Right? Yeah, so I think there's a lot of action taking, but I just felt very uncertain that I'm going in the right direction.

Jenna: Were you thinking that maybe, that isn't possible in this industry? Or, were you thinking, maybe it's something with me, that I'm not cut out to be an entrepreneur? How did that show up for you?

Geraldine: It felt like a chore to put out posts on Facebook groups and on Instagram. Yeah. So, being someone who is focused and determined, and you know, like really wanting to get this, you know, off the ground, I thought to myself that, “Okay, I'm gonna commit to posting three times a week.” And it became more of like, an obligation that I have, towards building this business, than coming from a place of fun, curiosity, or just being like exploratory.

I think like, I just got pretty drained by all these activities. And I had thoughts around, whether I chose the right niche, and am I speaking to the right people? Am I making sense to them? So, it was a lot of like, yeah,…

Jenna: I remember it so well. And, that does sound so frustrating. But I think it's interesting that we all take a slightly different take on it. Right? And some of us will think, “Oh, well, it's the industry that doesn't work.” Some of us think, “Maybe it's just not the fit for me.”

So, at this point, were you thinking, “I'm doing so much. It must be really hard, and I'm not going to enjoy that in my life. So therefore, it probably won't work. I'd have to work so much harder to actually, you know, make the business successful.” What were you fearing about the future when you were at that point?

Geraldine: Well, the first fear, was that am I wasting my money. Am I wasting money to pursue this? And, is it even possible to ever sign a client? Much less, you know, like, replacing my corporate salary?

Jenna: Yeah, I think so many people can relate to that. And just to let everybody know, Geraldine is in Singapore, she has a young daughter, she has a full-time job. And so, there's a lot going on. I mean, even to make our calls you were getting up at midnight, right? Or, you were staying up until 11 or midnight, in order to do it.

And I really think that speaks to why you'll be such a successful entrepreneur. Is that level of, even when I'm having all these thoughts and concerns and worries, I'm still willing to completely show up and just keep trying one more thing.

In your mind, I don't know, in your mind, you might have been thinking, “I'm just going to try the Clarity Accelerator; that's my last thing.” But I have a feeling that even if that hadn't worked, you would have tried one more thing? I don't know. I think that's part of your mindset and your personality. What do you think, though?

Geraldine: Yeah, I think that is really spot on. So, instead of like, thinking that, you know, this whole thing doesn't work. I was just thinking about, “What else have I not tried? What else do I not know? What have I missed?” And obviously, by now, I know that I missed out on the market research. Which is such an important piece, right at the start of the business.

Jenna: Yes. It's like, you look around and you're like, “Wait a minute, if they all can do it, why can't I do it, too? I've got to be able to figure this out.” Did you ever have those thoughts?

Geraldine: To some extent, yes. But it's more of like, you know, like, I see this as a personal development journey, as well. So, I'm just thinking like, you know, like, “What else am I missing out? What else could I have learned? What else can I still learn?” And you know, that's how I found you.

Jenna: So, let's talk about that, then. So, you found me and you started listening to the podcast, which had just begun; this was a brand-new podcast. What was resonating, in those topics, with you? Were there any episodes that you want to direct people to, if this is the first time they've ever listened to the podcast?

Geraldine: Yeah. So, if anyone is in the same place where I was a few months ago, I would definitely recommend the first episode, “The Clarity Gap”, “Knowing Your People 101”, “5 Steps to Nailing Your Messaging” and also, the podcast on “Birthday Cake Strategy”

Jenna: Okay, great. Thanks. So, it's so interesting, because obviously I have this three-step process, right? It's know yourself, know your people, and then speak to how those two connect. And some people really come to me from the first part, from the clarity angle. They really want to know, “I could earn money, but I want to know what my thing is,” right? Where's my edge? And, what am I really here to do? It's really about the clarity.

And then, some people, like you, come to me because you're thinking like, “Who is my niche? Who are my people? And how do I articulate the value to those people?” Right? How do I, then bring on clients? So, you were in that second camp. And so, it's so interesting that most of the episodes you're pointing out, are on that topic.

Geraldine: Yeah, definitely. I didn't know how to do any of those three.

Jenna: Yeah, and we have definitely incorporated all of them. And we'll tell people about that; how your business has developed and changed. But I just want to get really real first, and just ask if there were any reservations you had about working with me or taking this step, that others can relate to? And, how do you work through them?

Geraldine: Yeah, sure. So, when I first met with you, right, like what I mentioned, I was really working with a coach on a one-on-one basis. And we have been working together for about four months, by then. So definitely, there was a really long relationship. Right? So, my thought was that, “Am I betraying my coach?”

Jenna: That’s a good point.

Geraldine: Approaching another coach.

Jenna: Yeah, I didn’t think about that. Because I've always had this mentality, I've always worked with different coaches at once and found that really successful for me. So, that wouldn't come to mind. But I can absolutely understand.

Geraldine: Yes, so I struggled a bit, about, you know, should I get her advice? Should I let her know that I'm going to join this group program? So, I had a bit of like, mental drama. I was also able to, like, talk myself out of it. Because, you know, in this industry, they always say that we are the CEO of our business, of our own life, so I was just putting myself in that position, and just thinking, “You know, if I feel so uncertain, and I'm not sure whether what I'm doing is correct. And you know, like, it looks like there is a solution out there for me; which Jenna has that solution. So, as the CEO, wouldn't I then do the best thing for myself, and try out that solution?”

Jenna: You decided to make a business decision. I think that's a really important thing for us to highlight; you chose to make a business decision.

Geraldine: Yes, definitely. So, what I did, was that we hopped on that call, and I agreed, on the call, to join the Clarity Accelerator. And at my next call with my coach, because our coaching package still happen, and we had another six weeks to go. I remember at the next call, I just told my coach that, “By the way, I joined this group coaching program,” because, you know, I feel so good and called towards that program, I just sign up. And by the way, what we did, you know, like what I've learned from them, and I'm going to pick up my niche.

Jenna: I love that, by within just a week or two, you're like, “And, I'm pivoting.”

Geraldine: Yes. Yes. Correct. And interestingly, she saw the shift in me as well, after I pivoted.

Jenna: So, she was all for it. Do you think that that conversation went well? Was she like, “Okay, let's do it. Let's keep going.”

Geraldine: Yeah, she was supportive. There was no like, adverse reaction from her, which I really appreciate. Like, she respects my position. And when I told her about, you know, the clarity thoughts method… I distilled down to this theme, and I'm moving forward with this niche. She was like, “Okay, that is a good decision.” And she really saw the shift, as well.

Jenna: I love it. And, I think this is so fun. Because another thing going on in your life, that we haven't mentioned yet, is that you were in hiding from your company, right? You didn't want to be on LinkedIn, you didn't want to be out in the open about your business. And so, you were living this double life, and you also felt guilt.

So, we're seeing this theme, right? Because you were feeling potential guilt about the coach you were working with, and then you were feeling some guilt about the company, as well, and building your business on the side. But then, you now have declared to your company what you're doing and you've actually filed the legal framework for your business, right? Yeay.

Geraldine: Yes. Thank you.

Jenna: They were okay with it, right?

Geraldine: Yeah, they are. My boss is okay. And we just went through that declaration process, and it was just approved; no drama. All the drama is in my own head.

Jenna: Yes. It's so fun how much time and bandwidth… It's not fun, of course. But it's fun to look back on the time and the bandwidth and the worry that we put ourselves through. And in the end, people are just like, “Okay, no problem.”

I see that too, with clients, for instance. They're going to raise a price, or they're maybe going to tell current clients that they're raising their prices for the next round. And then, so often, it's just non-issue. And yet, they spent all this time worrying about it. And it was really their worry that was projected, it had nothing to do with reality.

Geraldine: Yeah, that is so true.

Jenna: So, what were the things then, that you were most excited about, for yourself, with beginning this journey? Like, what would you have, for instance, told your husband about you doing this course? Were you like, “I'm so excited, because I'm going to learn X and Y. It's going to teach me A and B.”

Geraldine: I think everything. So, I was really excited to know myself, know my people. And also, you know, like, speak to how those two connect, which is your tagline. Because firstly, I had doubts about whether it was I in the right niche. So, I started off wanting to help working moms get balance in their lives. Because that was what I helped myself with, in the last couple of years.

And, you know, like, through that course, it’s always like, you know, just help an older version of yourself. That came very naturally to me. But with [inaudible], Facebook posts, as you post over those few months, I really had doubts about whether is this the right niche for me.

And also, know your people; I felt very called out when I listened to your podcast episodes on like, “Knowing Your People 101”, “5 Steps to Knowing Your Messaging”. Because, in my head, is that I really don't know. And I'm also the person who is sitting behind the computer and not talking to real humans.

Jenna: Yes. And I mean, it's just so universal. Every single person I've worked with has been like, “Can I just put it in a Facebook group? Can I just post this in a Facebook group, and see what people answer?” It’s so universal for us to do everything we can to keep ourselves in comfort, because it feels so uncomfortable.

And I think that what I've really tried to do, over my years now of trying to help people through this phase, is to really reframe how we think about that conversation so that it doesn't feel weird that we're having a conversation with a true human; it doesn't feel awkward. But I definitely want to, I know people want to hear about that in the journey, but quickly, let's talk about your niche, and the pivoting.

That really came through the connect the dots, right? So basically, when… For those of you listening for the first time, that connect the dots method is based on this philosophy that you, in hindsight, can easily connect the dots that led you up to where you are. But I believe that the dots are always there; we're in the middle of it, we're too close to it, it's hard for us to see it.

And so, if we can connect those dots, however, if we take a minute and we take a step back, and we look through the themes, then we're able to actually see what was not clear to us before. And that when we do that, and we really know what we're here to do, what our mission is, what our themes are, we can absolutely turn that into a business that we want to create.

So, for Geraldine, when we worked through your themes, we were really starting to see a really strong theme in your life. Right? So, do you want to talk about that, and about your first thoughts about that niche?

Geraldine: A large part of it has to do with like, digital mindfulness. So, I'm someone who actually deleted my, or rather deactivated my Facebook account, in 2017. And, it's only this year that I reactivated the account. Just for the sake of, you know, like building my business and doing market research.

Jenna: You're someone that had already practiced digital mindfulness in your own life. And what we mean by digital mindfulness, is you had shortened the amount of time that you're on your phone; you'd broken that phone addiction.

And, you were really using your phone as a tool; You weren't a slave to your phone. And that freed up so much in your life, to actually be enjoying and mindful of what you really wanted in life, and what you are grateful for in your own life.

Geraldine: Yes, exactly. Exactly.

Jenna: I think what’s so important to point out, Geraldine, because when people tell us, “Oh, just coach what you're passionate about. Follow your passion or follow your bliss.” I remember I did that with travel blogging, and it took what was my bliss and it turned it into something that was just so difficult. And it took all the joy out of traveling for me, because I was constantly doing all the work stuff on my travel trips.

And when people say, “Just teach something that you've experienced in your own life, or that you've been good at.” Well, the truth is, there are lots of things that we've overcome and that we've experienced, but that doesn't necessarily mean that that's your thing. Right?

Like, I always use the example; I overcame being in debt, but I don't want to be a financial counselor. And I think you had established a really good relationship with your daughter, but that doesn't mean you want to be a parenting coach.

Geraldine: Yeah, exactly. So, that was one thing. And then, I also remembered that when I travel, you know, like, even before I had a kid, I didn't want any data, I don't want to be connected, when I'm traveling. So, I think that's pretty unusual, as well. For, you know, like people of this generation, right?

One of my favorite holidays was to Tanzania; that was for my honeymoon. And I really loved it, because even Wi-Fi is so hard to get. You can only get it at the hotel, or, you know, wherever you were staying at. And, we could connect so much in person and with nature. And I really, really loved that. So, I was just thinking, “If only we could bring more of that into our life, in our day-to-day lives, that will be so great.”

Jenna: Yeah, and those were some of the more recent memories that were standing out for you, as you were going through this connect the dots process. But I remember, the most charged memory you had, well, kind of two, both of them, but things that really, really got you charged were, you know, some childhood memories about the parenting dynamic. And also, flash forward to nowadays, being on a train and seeing parents that were not paying attention to their children because they were on their phone.

Geraldine: Yes, yes. So, no judgment, but if we were to look around, I think it's not hard to see, you know, like parents with their children having a meal or traveling on public transport, and then the parent is just like looking at a phone scrolling, scrolling. And sometimes, like when the kid just wants a moment to get the parent’s attention, they might not get it. Right?

So, I was just trying to put myself in the shoes of a child. Because I think we grew up this issue, because there weren't smartphones when we were children. I was just imagining myself in the shoes of that child, who was trying to get his or her parent’s attention, and then the parent is like, looks like they're more interested in the phone than in them. Yeah, was just, you know, like, wondering how would that feel for the child?

Jenna: Yes. And that's why I think this process is so helpful for us. Because anyone could look back on memories, like you're talking about right now, but to get from that memory to now; your niche of helping people with controlling their phone habits and their life through that. That's not necessarily a clear connection.

It's so amazing, because another person would look at that, and think it was all about parenting coaching, right? And they wouldn't have gone deeper, deeper, deeper to finally get to this question of connection, respect, and what really facilitates that in the world. And your belief, is that, what? I mean, what would happen in the world? Well, I'll let you describe it. Tell us about what's possible.

Geraldine: Yeah. So, I think it's really possible for people to be more mindful how, when, and what they use their phones. I know that there can be a lot of FOMO, or fear of missing out, in the online world. But sometimes, you know, like, you could also be missing out on what's happening for you, in your real life, that is playing out right in front of your eyes, as well, if you're too absorbed into the online world.

Jenna: Yes, yes. We know that the online world is designed to be addictive. So, breaking that is not something that comes naturally to our brains, at all. Let's now, with that clarity that you had, let's… Well, first of all, I do want to point out that you didn't just go, “This is it,” and then ride off into the sunset. You were concerned that nobody would actually be interested in that. Right?

Geraldine: Yes.

Jenna: So, you put out a message to your people. Talk us through that, because that's when the market research began. And then, let's move through this, because it's going to be so helpful for people.

Geraldine: Yeah. So, I remember, I first started out with my network. Interestingly, um, the thing that I didn't think about doing when I bought the course, and when I was with my previous coach, right, I didn't even want to tap into my network.

But obviously, you know, like, everyone is using the phone these days. So, definitely, anyone could be my potential market research, as an event. I remember that, you know, like, once I got clear on this niche, that I want to investigate further on, I reached out to my network. And I, you know, I put some descriptors and asked, like, “Hey, is this you? Or, do you know going through that?”

And through that, I got about seven market research opportunities, just through my network. And yeah, I got on a call with all of them; I recorded the calls. But I remember that there was only one person with, you know, like, more pained by the smartphone, whereas everyone else was actually quite okay. Like, the thing that there's no big issue, or this is just the way the world is, right now. There's nothing much we can do.

Jenna: Huge distinction. So, notice, everyone, notice the subtleties that we need to go to, in order to find our people. And, those are not our people. And so many people spend time selling to those people, and trying to convince them why it is a problem, or how their lives could be better. But you didn't do that. What happened after that?

Geraldine: Yeah. So, what happened after that, was that I came to a group call. And then, like, I started having doubts about whether this niche would ever work out. And then, I remember that I got the support from yourself, and also like, the other members. You guys reassured me that, “I'm sure you will be able to get more market research opportunities from people who are pained by this.”

So, what I did next, was that I posted in Facebook groups. I was just guessing, you know, like the descriptors; my best guess, I just posted out to the Facebook group, and immediately I got responses. So, I had five responses, and I managed to have two people get on a call with me. And I remember that one of them seemed so ideal. And the other one, you know, I was like, “Okay, she's pained,” but there are some things that she said that made me realize that, “Okay, maybe she's not my people.”

Jenna: Yes. And that is the work, that level of subtlety. Because so many people, in the beginning are like, “Oh, that person would pay me. That person wants it.” But we kept going deeper and deeper and deeper. And I'm so impressed you did this, because not everyone does. Right? But you kept going with it. So, then what happened next?

Geraldine: Yes. So, I used the voice of the market research participant who came across as super ideal, right? I used her exact words and managed to call in even more people, who are more like my people.

Jenna: Yes. And I don't know if you want to share her name, but I have to tell you, like now, it has become a thing in our group; where we talk about calling in more, Jenna's, I'll just say, or more Geraldine’; we won't say her name. But because this has worked so well for Geraldine, we're like “Nope, just gotta call in more Geraldine’s.” Named after this woman who was so ideal. And so, you went ahead, and then what happened?

Geraldine: Yeah, and interestingly, the responses, I felt that the responses, from the Facebook audience, also shifted. So, in my work, I suppose when it was just like generic descriptors, which we guessed… That these other pain points and this is what they want… What I got, was that, “Yes, this is me, This is me.” And there were a few of them who, even after I reached out via DMs, they didn't respond to hop on a call, which is totally fine.

And when I used like, Geraldine, the name of the lady who was so ideal, then I got like stronger responses from the Facebook audience. It was like, “Oh, this is me. I really want to break this habit.” [Crosstalk].

Jenna: Yeah. And then, they're saying to you, “I've been thinking about this. I've been feeling bad about this. This is something I definitely want to prioritize.” Those are the people that you want to speak to.

Geraldine: Yes, exactly.

Jenna: So, what would you say… I know you're not done with the program. I wanted to bring you on right in the middle, so we have access to all of these details and memory, that make it so juicy for people to see how close they really are. But just now, in these couple of months, it's just kind of a big question, but what is different in your business? What has shifted for you now?

Geraldine: I definitely have grown a lot in just two months, in the Clarity, since I started, than in my first five months before I started on this program. It's a lot easier telling people what I'm doing in my business, because it is something that is so aligned with my identity, right? Like, everyone who knows me, knows that I'm not a social media person. And I'm someone very mindful about how I use my phone.

So. that comes, you know, very naturally, when I tell people that, “Hey, this is what I'm doing for my business,” it's totally aligned with my identity. And like what you mentioned, I'm now able to register and declare my business with my employer.

And that is just so helpful, because this is something that I was struggling with for many months. Even with the previous coach, this was one of the first blocks that I wanted to clear off. But you know, like, we never got to, you know, like getting that cleared. Because, yeah, I hadn't signed on any clients. So, the strategy, that was dead. The only thing about declaring, after you get your first client, because by then that will feel like a real thing.

Jenna: Yes, yes. Whereas, I see it as when you're declared, right, when you are declared, your energy as the CEO shifts, and you show up differently, and you bring on the clients.

Geraldine: Yes. So, now even if, you know, like someone at the workplace knows that I have this side business or coaching business, I think that's totally fine, because I've already declared it with the employer. I'm not afraid.

Jenna: Yes. I love that. So, how are you different now, as a person?

Geraldine: A lot more certainty, a lot more clarity. And now, if someone hops on a call with me, I think within to 10 minutes, I'll be able to tell if this is my people or not. So, I think that is very powerful.

Jenna: Oh, good one. Yes. How does that make you feel then, as a business owner?

Geraldine: A lot more certain, a lot more aligned.

Jenna: Very in control.

Geraldine: Yes. And that confidence is also different once you know, “This is my people. And that person over there, is not, because of some differences in things that they say,” even though they might have the same challenges or pain points.

Jenna: I love it. So, where do you see yourself going forward?

Geraldine: I see myself signing on ideal clients, people whom I would love to work with. And then building a website, a blog, and just feeling really lit up to help people to get back precious time, focus and attention, from their smartphones.

Jenna: And when you're in that space, that's what you end up creating; which is the beautiful thing, right? When you're just in that, “Well, this would be so natural. Of course, there are so many people that want this. Of course, I'm the perfect person to help them.” Of course, now, we're using this language, where you're already speaking to people every day, almost, that are resonating with your message, you're testing your messaging with them.

And so, you know now, that they like what you're saying. You know that they're interested in like, “Okay, well, how can I work with you?” And now, you're at the place where you're like, “Hold on, I'll get in touch.” So nice. So nice. So, let's talk, first of all, where can people find out more about you? Where can they find you, at this stage?

Geraldine: The best place to find me will be through email.

Jenna: Okay, great. We'll put your email in the show notes.

Geraldine: Yeah, just drop me an email, say “Hi”. And then, you know, we can get the conversation going, if that is something that you want solved in your life, as well.

Jenna: Love it. I think you're such an example, to so many people, that you're willing to offer your services right now, without us having built out a website. Like, you have no doubt that you can help the people. You already have a process in place for how you move people through this. And you're just out there serving and ready to help. And, that's a big deal, Geraldine, for a lot of people that aren't willing to do that.

Honor Geraldine for a minute, she doesn't always see it in herself. But it's the same sort of thing about getting up at midnight, being willing to keep going and figure it out. Right? All the ways that you are the achiever that you are, allows the things, that usually are obstacles for people, to just not be obstacles.

Geraldine: Thank you, Jenna.

Jenna: Yes, of course. What do you think is going on for your ideal clients, right now? Let's let people into your world. What do you know about your people and their lives?

Geraldine: My ideal people, they are people who are checking and scrolling on their phones a lot. But deep down, they really wish that they could put it down more often, so that they get to enjoy the calm and the routine of their daily life. Like, just, you know, making coffee. Just enjoying that process without still checking and scrolling on their phone, as they do that.

Jenna: Yeah, it's kind of like knowing this is not what life's about. Right? I’m not really meant to be here on this earth, checking my phone obsessively. Why is it so hard for us?

Geraldine: It's so hard because everything is right there in the phone. Right? So, I was just joking with my husband the other day, that I think a phone, it's not really a phone these days; it’s a lot more than a phone. In fact, we use it for a lot more things than using it as a phone, these days. So, it's really because everything is right there in the phone, and it's just so super accessible.

Jenna: Yeah. What do you think it's costing us to be in this relationship with the online world, with technology? What's it costing us in our lives?

Geraldine: Potentially, memories that you can create in real life, with the person who is right in front of you.

Jenna: Yeah. I feel that, for sure. What else? Can you think of anything else?

Geraldine: Definitely the downtime that you really deserve. Because there's a lot of things going on in the phone, in the online world, and it's just impossible to keep up with everything, all the time. There's always something to do in there. And yeah, but again, downtime is very important for us to rest and recuperate.

So, I think, really setting boundaries and giving yourself that space and time to enjoy your downtime. And just, you know, feel like everything slows down; like in Tanzania, for example. I think this the kind of feeling that I hope to give back to my people more often.

Jenna: And from what you've told me about your people, a lot of them are working, corporate career people, as well. And they feel a lot of pressure from their companies to be on their phone all the time. Right? And so, to always be available, to always be the one to answer quickly, to be the most dedicated and devoted. And you worked through that yourself, for yourself, in your career. And so, I imagine, you tell me though, in terms of what it's costing them, it's costing them a lot of worry and anxiety all the time, being in that space. Yes, or no? You tell me.

Geraldine: Yeah, definitely. Yep. So, I remember there was this person whom I did the market research with. She was telling me she just wished to put on the busy signal; she wants to bring back that busy signal. Like, even when she goes on holiday, she's still telling people that, “You know, you can still reach me through my phone, if you really need to.” But then, she was telling me, that deep down, she really doesn’t want to do that. She doesn't want to do that.

Jenna: So, she’s having to live this like, dual personality, dual life, where she's pleasing everybody. And, she's never really fully happy, or in the moment. It's so good. Well, you are doing very important work in the world. I know there are so many… I'm sure, every person listening to this knows somebody that needs your help, if not them needing your help.

Everyone spread the word, Geraldine’s business is definitely going to take off. And I'm so excited to keep working with you, because we're going to continue doing that one-to-one. So, there are exciting times ahead. Thank you so much for coming on and sharing your story about how this shift is possible, and just in a couple of weeks.

Everyone, of course, you're welcome to come into the Clarity Accelerator. And also, these are principles that anyone can implement. Right? And so, I will help you fine tune them. I'll help you ask the right questions of yourself. I'll help you go deeper. And also, the information is there for you. It's nothing exclusive that we have, that would keep you from continuing to do this work until you're ready to join the Clarity Accelerator.

Okay, Geraldine, thank you so much for coming on.

Geraldine: Thank you, Jenna, for having me.

Jenna: Hey, if you're a coach who wants true clarity about your secret sauce, your people, your best way of doing business, and how you talk about your offer, then I invite you to join us in the Clarity Accelerator. I'll teach you to connect all the dots, the dots that have always been there for you, so that you can show up like you were born for exactly this.

Come join us and supercharge every other tool or tactic you'll ever learn, from Facebook ads to manifestation. Just go to TheUncommonWay.com/schedule and set up a time to talk. I can't wait to be your coach.

Thanks for joining us here at The Uncommon Way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, including the Clarity First Strategy for growing and scaling your business, visit TheUncommonWay.com. See you next time.

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