Ep #54: How to Feel Totally Prepared to Start Your Business with Amanda Popovski

Episode Summary

Jenna and Amanda discuss how to feel prepared to launch or grow your business.

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Show Notes

Sometimes it takes bravery, time, and experience to take your business to the next level. Alternatively, you might be a ready-to-launch leader but haven't yet honed in on your offering. No matter which camp you fall into, today’s discussion will show you how being prepared will allow you to step into your greatest entrepreneurial self.

I’m joined by a member of my Clarity Accelerator, Amanda Popovski. Amanda is a coach who helps people who are ready to climb the ladder in their careers find out if their current ladder, their current line of work, is leaning against the wrong wall. Her time in the Clarity Accelerator has shown her the power of preparation as she grows her business.

Together, we unpack Amanda’s experience and how she discovered her true desires in business and life. Amanda shares how she has prepared herself to achieve her dream of coaching, and how she trusted her intuition and committed to her next-level life. Learn why coaching is a partnership, how to go big, and methods for building support into your growth.


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Why things that are meant for you come back around.

  • Why coaching is a partnership.

  • How Human Design is woven into the Clarity Accelerator.

  • Why you’re not so weird after all.

  • What the Clarity Accelerator can do for you.

  • When pressure can be helpful.


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Full Episode Transcript:

Do you feel prepared to create the kind of business you’re going after? If you were about to scale a mountain, are you ready? Or are you more like, “Hmm, wait. I should probably bring some food and water. But I’m not sure exactly what kind. There are probably a lot more things I’ll need that I don’t even know about. Also, am I a good enough hiker? Which trail should I even take to get to the top?” Today, we’re talking about what goes into creating the feeling of readiness for yourself. You ready to get ready? Let’s do it.

You're listening to The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast, the only podcast that helps you unlock your next level in business and life by prioritizing your clarity and your own Uncommon Way. You will learn to maximize your mindset, mission, messaging, and strategy in order to create a true legacy. Here's your host, top-ranked business coach, and reformed over-analyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison.

Welcome to The Uncommon Way. I have my friend and client, Amanda Popovski, here with me today to share her secrets and advice about what it takes to create a situation where you feel fully prepared to launch or grow your business. Amanda is a coach. She helps people who are very driven and ready to climb the ladder, but they suspect that their current ladder, their current line of work, is leaning against the wrong wall.

She helps them figure out what they're truly about and supports them to create that different life. But a few months ago, Amanda didn't know if she wanted to start a business or if she just needed some objective help to find a better fit career, in the way she was able to help other people do for themselves.

She certainly wasn't feeling prepared to start and then succeed at creating her own uncommon business. So, I wanted to have her on because by retracing her clarity journey, between there and where she is now, which is feeling fully prepared, and by letting her share the insights that she now has about that transformation, I know this is going to be wildly helpful for those of you who are also toying with starting a business.

But it will also be helpful for those of you that have a business, and yet, still feel a bit like you're winging it most of the time. Because not everyone gets to start off their business dialing all of these core pieces in at the very beginning, like Amanda has.

I know because I was one of them. This is definitely the perspective that I would have loved earlier rather than later in my business. So, let's dive in, and go ahead and welcome Amanda.

Jenna Harrison: Okay, Amanda, thank you so much for coming on.

Amanda Popovski: I'm so happy to be here. Thanks for having me.

Jenna: The reason that I wanted to have you on is because of something you said in a recent call. It was a while ago, maybe a month ago. You said, “I just feel so well prepared now after going through the Clarity Accelerator to start my coaching business.” What does that mean to you? What does prepared mean to you?

Amanda: Prepared, to me, means, and I think of this analogy of like a backpack and a trail. So, me having the success that I want, that I see for myself, and that I know I'm meant for it's kind of like the top of this mountain, right? I feel like for the past year and a half, or since I learned about coaching and knew I wanted to be a coach deep, deep down, I've been kind of walking the base of the mountain not sure where to start.

ut the Clarity Accelerator gave me all of the things that I need in my backpack. I got my granola bars, I got my extra socks, I have everything that I need to get up the mountain. Now, it's okay, so now I'm building the trail. It's the most prepared than I've ever been to really let myself make this a profitable business.

Jenna: Oh my gosh, I love your metaphors, so much. That was so good. Just the way you speak is always so colorful. You always bring in such fun ways of saying things that it just humanizes you immediately. Which is what I want everyone to experience when they're listening to you. Because for other people in this position, I want them to know they're not alone.

I also think that so often, when we are at the base of the mountain, we're like, “I just don't even know where to start. It's going to take me so long. There are all these things.” Or they'll think, “Oh, yeah, this will be a breeze,” and then they get into the real time aspects of it and they're like, “Oh, what just happened?”

I really want to help people see that for you this has just been a matter of a couple months to get you from ‘I'm not sure. I'm not even sure if coaching is for me’ to ‘now I feel completely prepared for a coaching business.’ So, let's go back in time. Let's rewind a bit.

When we spoke on our discovery call, you weren't 100% sure that you even wanted to start a business. You just wanted some help with clarity, right? So, tell us about that.

Amanda: Yeah, I had spent, at that point, almost a year and a half in corporate, coming from owning my own digital marketing business. I was like, “Okay, something is not working here. Maybe I want to jump into the startup life. Or maybe I just need a different full-time position, or something like that.” Owning my own business, I kind of shoved it in the back of my head, because I didn't think that that was possible for me, or that I would be “successful.”

Then, when we actually came onto the call, you would ask some really insightful questions about, “Well, if we take it to the grand scheme of things, are you going to actually be happy if you're in a full-time job working for someone else?” And I was like, “No, absolutely, not. Definitely not.” Then, you said something along the lines of, “Okay, let's keep going with the mindset that you maybe do want to own your business.”

That was really helpful for me, because it allowed me to unlock the permission within myself to be like, “Oh, yeah, I do want to own a business. I just don't know quite what it is yet.” Over time, when I came into the Clarity Accelerator, I was like, “Yeah, I really want to build out my digital marketing business.” But something, still deep inside, was like, “Not want you to do.”

I remember specifically posting in the Facebook group about this. This realization that I had of… I'm sure a lot of your audience can relate to trying to make something feel right, or trying to want to want something, and that was what I wanted to want. It was this massively successful digital marketing agency. I knew that I was capable of it, and I knew that I could charge top dollar because that was so experienced.

But every time that I tried to give it a full body yes, it just was a full body no. So, I started to play with and entertain the idea of, okay, if I was totally honest, if I was #SorryNotSorry, which is something that you taught me, what would I actually do? It was 100%, integrated, full body, life coaching. And, that was it.

There was no other information. My intuition just gave me that little nugget. I was like, “Jeez, if I only live once, and the first 25 years have flown by, then this is something that I definitely have to do.”

Jenna: Yes. Oh, my gosh. Thank you for sharing that, that fear that ‘maybe I just won't even be successful at my own business.’ I remember having that, as well. I remember being like, “Maybe I'm not one of the chosen ones. Maybe you have to be super savvy at marketing,” which you are, but those were my thoughts.

“Maybe you have to be super savvy at marketing. Or maybe you have to be really, really lucky. Or maybe there's some secret thing that I don't have, that would keep me from this ever been buyable. So, I'll just spin my wheels for a few years and waste my time, and then wish that I had just not been such a dreamer. I don't know,” that thought. So, I love that.

I also think it's important for us to go back even a little further and say that you had thought about a coaching business and really gotten burned. I think a lot of people can relate to that. Like, “I did hire a coach before, right? I have had this experience, and it really was negative. So, I'm really gun shy about taking that leap again.” Can you talk about that?

Amanda: For sure. Yeah. I first got interested in coaching after receiving a self-help book in college. After I read that self-help book, and I started to see more coaches on social media and everything, I was like, “Oh, my gosh, this is amazing. This is what I want to do. I feel really called toward it.”

The first coach that I hired was more of, I guess, what you would call a “talk therapy” kind of thing. Where we would meet and talk about my goals, but there wasn't necessarily this actionable-ness behind it that I've seen in the Clarity Accelerator. But I didn't know what I didn't know. Right? I didn't know that there were other options out there. I thought that life coaching was just talking one on one with your people.

So, I got burned, in the sense that I felt so ashamed of the decision that I had made to invest in coaching without the result, that I was like, “I am never going to hire a coach again. It's just something that I won't even consider again, because I feel like I made a huge mistake.”

But as these things often do, if you're meant for something, it's going to come back around. So, when I met with you the first time, we actually had our first discovery call about a year and a half ago, or two years ago, and I was still kind of one foot in, one foot out with coaching. I was like, “Okay, this is something that I really want to do. But I'm,” like you said, “Still gun shy. I feel so like burned by this experience.”

You were really great in just saying, “Hey, you can take your time with this. This doesn't have to be something that you decide on right now. If you want to be a coach, you can. If you want to do marketing, and then it kind of leads into coaching, that's okay.” I kept that in mind, and a year and a half later, here we are. I signed up for the Clarity Accelerator.

Jenna: Yeah, yeah. What do you think shifted between then…? What are your thoughts about that year and a half? Just for anyone else that also, not necessarily has had a discovery call with me, but with a coach. They're considering it, but they're still feeling gun shy. Was that helpful for you to take that year and a half? Would there have been different thoughts that would have helped you move forward?

Amanda: I honestly think that it was helpful for me to take that year and a half. Because the person that I was then, was still thinking in a very small-minded way, I guess. I didn't have the self-belief that I have, and I didn't have the experience of the antithesis yet, which would be corporate work or a full-time job. I didn't have that experience, yet.

So, I didn't have that fuel, that motivation, that sense of ‘Oh, my God, I don't want this for myself. I don't want this for my kids, I don't want this for the people I care about.’ That year and a half, what I really did was, I started to be okay with who I was as a person, and not necessarily relying on an external source, which is what I had done a lot during my coaching years.

It was like, “Okay, my coach is my idol, I want to be them. I want everything that they have. I want to escape my life right now.” I think that's a really unhealthy mindset for anybody to go into with a big decision.

So, the next year and a half was about really working on my mindset, my self-love, and respecting myself enough to know that a coach is a guide, and a helper and a mentor. I couldn't imagine my life without a coach. But it's also really a two-way street. It's a partnership. It's really up to me to make those decisions and to utilize every single resource that I can.

Jenna: That is so, so, so good. As I'm listening back to you, I'm like, “What might I have been able to help Amanda with if we'd work together sooner?” And, “What wouldn't I have been able to help you with?”

There's one thing you didn't mention, which is, when you had invested the first time and made a go of a coaching business, there were some people around you also saying, “See? You shouldn't have done that. That wasn't a wise decision. We kind of told you.” So, I think there was also healing that occurred in that year and a half, from that experience, in order to then be able to make the decisions that you've made now.

That might have been something I could have helped you accelerate, those feelings. Those thoughts and beliefs about what had happened, why it had happened, what that means about you, what your future could be. But that part that you said, about really tasting the other side, in order to give you this fuel, to then make sure that you can make it work, and the certainty that this is the right decision for you, that I couldn't not have helped with.

I could have sat here, and all the Clarity Accelerator members that had worked in corporate could have told you this is the best, but until you experience it and feel it in your bones, and make the decision for yourself… Because for some people, that is the right way to go, staying in corporate.

Amanda: That's something that I learned that was bolstered by Human Design, which is something that we work with in the program. It’s that the person that I am, I just can't take people's word for it. I just have to experience the thing myself. That Human Design piece is one of the most helpful things that I've found. It's not even a central part of the Clarity Accelerator. It's just a really nice cherry on top to validate everything that we do in the program.

Jenna: Yes, yes. I love that self-understanding. It's exactly that thing that helps you just drop in and give yourself permission to be like, “Yep, that's exactly how I have to do things. I have to find out for myself,” which is ,oh my gosh, so, so, so good.

So, we talked again a year and a half later. Two things. One, is that I think sometimes when people aren't used to speaking to coaches and aren't used to making really powerful decisions for themselves and investment decisions for themselves, there can be a little bit of fear getting on the phone with somebody. Like, “Oh, they're going to twist my arm and make me do this thing.” That is the last thing in the world I want.

I want people to be chomping at the bit and longing and yearning to join this program. I remember you even said to me, at the end of the call, “This is amazing value. Thank you so much, Jenna.” That's how I want my new clients to feel, like this is so win-win. So, there's that thing.

The second thing is that I did have a little bit of an ace in my back pocket, because I remembered you so clearly. You were one of those people that I always kept thinking about in my mind. “I wonder how she's doing? I wonder what she's up to?” So, when you reached out to me again, I had all of our notes from our first call.

On your intake form, you said, “I'm not sure that I want to start a business. I just want some clarity.” It was actually the VIP Mindset Coaching page that had really intrigued you. It was about just absolutely knowing you were meant for more, and knowing that there was this thing inside of you, but you weren't quite sure what that was or how it would be expressed in the world. That really called to you.

I brought the old notes from our first call, and on those notes you were so clearly talking about what you wanted, and what you wanted your life to be. I did approach it from a place of curiosity. I thought, “I wonder if her thoughts have changed? Or if this is what was deep down and then it's just the adulting and the fear and everything, that's covering up that truth?”

I sent you all those notes to kind of prep you for our call, so we could take it from there, which was so fun.

Amanda: Reflecting on those notes was such a great way for me to prepare for the call, as well. Because I had all these things in the back of my mind, and I guess we often just forget, in the hustle and bustle of life, who we are at certain points. It was so great for me to take a look at what I had been thinking the first time that I reached out to you because it was so similar.

It was really a gotcha moment from the universe. Like, “Yeah, you think you're going to move into this one thing, but Amanda, it's been talking to you your entire life. You do want to own this business. You do want to do coaching.”

Even at the time at our second discovery call, the most recent one, where I was like, “I don't know what I want to do,” rereading those notes that you had taken was like, you kind of do know what you want to do.

Jenna: I was open to it. I remember when you first got on the call, I was like, “I have no idea where this will go. Let's just talk.” In fact, I was thinking of referring you to a different person, perhaps, if you didn't want to start a business. Because now I'm only working with people that want to start a business. But I was more than happy to refer you to somebody else.

Luckily, it just all gelled in that conversation, and we both got to a ‘hell yes.’ We were like, “Yes, let's do it.” Which is so fun. I love it. Okay, I think that really sets the scene, because there's so many parts of that story that different people can relate to and can feel within themselves.

Now, let's talk about what happened over the next couple of months, and how it is that you feel like you have the granola bars and the water bottle, all the things you need.

Amanda: Okay, so when I got into the program, I felt so excited. Something great that you have us do is write down 10 reasons why we’re super excited when we signed on. That has been a great life lesson for me because as we both know, the brain does not like change, and it'll try to throw all kinds of things towards you. So, to have that buoy of, ‘these are the things that you were really excited about when you signed on Amanda, they're still true.’ That was great.

When I first got into the program, like we had established, I kind of had coaching in the back of my mind, but I was more like, “I think I want to do digital marketing. Digital marketing is going to make me really successful,” those kinds of things. All in all, I just knew that I wanted more, and I knew that I wanted to be a business owner.

So, I very distinctly remember the moment, and I talked about this at the top of the interview, but I very distinctly remember the moment of being just completely accepting of the fact that I wanted to be a coach. It was kind of an awesome moment for me, because instead of seeing my life purpose as a burden, it started to become an ‘oh my god, I’m really meant for this? That’s so amazing.”

As we've discussed in this interview, there was a lot of baggage around that word “coaching.” There was a lot of stuff that I had to get through; some shame and guilt.

Jenna: You're right. I remember, once, in the Facebook group, you posted and you're like, “I'm just having these thoughts of, why did I have to choose such a weirdo profession?” I'm like, “Actually, it's the number five top-growing industry, according to LinkedIn. It's not so weird. Lots of people are doing it.”

Amanda: Exactly. You followed up on that with this awesome story, or analogy, about farm fresh eggs. I don't know if you remember this.

Jenna: You want to share it?

Amanda: Yes, please, I'd love to. You had said something along the lines of, “Okay, let's say that you're just living in your town, doing your thing. For some reason, you just really want to start eating farm fresh eggs. You don't want to have the regular eggs, they’re not good enough. You just want to have the farm fresh eggs. Everyone around you is like, ‘Why are you doing that? That's so weird. Just eat the regular eggs. What are you doing? You’re crazy.’

Then, let's say that you fly or travel to a different city and everybody loves farm fresh eggs. It’s all that they use. They use organic, whole grain, all that kind of stuff. If you move to that city, or you were in that city, you would feel like, ‘Oh my god, I'm totally normal. This is totally awesome.’ So, the moral of that story was that even though you're in an environment where what you do may not be acceptable or normal, it's where you are, it's not who you are.” Did I get that story right?

Jenna: Yes, absolutely. It’s so funny that that popped into my brain, the eggs, but that's actually a true story of mine. I remember, when I was younger I was feeling that way. Then, I went to my yoga teacher training, in Venice, California. This was, I don't know, 15, 20 years ago. All of a sudden, every single restaurant that I went into was serving cage free, organic eggs. It was just a little note on their menu. Like, of course, these are all cage free, organic eggs.

I remember being blown away. Here's an entire city of people with the same value. But I had never experienced that. I was always the weirdo. As we get into these worlds, where we think that the thing we're thinking about is so strange, until we get into programs like the Clarity Accelerator.

We see that other women also want to have a multiple six-figure or seven-figure business, right? That this is also important to them, to define something that's completely unique to them, and create their way in the world and blaze the trail. Then, they talk about all the other people they know that are doing the same thing.

Then, you start thinking, “Maybe I've just been in the wrong community, or a different community. Maybe there are tons of people out there doing that.”

Amanda: Exactly. Like we've talked about many, many times with the mindset and the brain function, the brain doesn't like it when you're the only person in the room, when you're the lone wolf, because of the whole being on the savanna thing that you always talk about. So, it totally makes sense that I would feel that way.

That's also something that I've been learning from you, and learned from you in the Clarity Accelerator, is the idea to just have compassion and say, “Of course,” when your brain is feeling a certain sort of way. Just like, “Of course, you're going to think that way. That's the water that we swim in. That's the conditioning that we have. That's the brain’s tendency towards negativity bias.” That's been really helpful, too.

Jenna: I love it. Okay, so the first bit that goes in the backpack, of course, is feeling completely grounded, certain, and clear about exactly what you are doing, and why and who. Then, what are some of the other things that you think your brain needed to feel prepared?

Amanda: The coaching that I did before, kind of felt like throwing spaghetti at the wall. It was coming from a place of following trends and giving my power to external sources. The best of Clarity Accelerator, the thing that I absolutely love about it and was so blown away by, is not only the breadth of content that you cover, but also the fact that you build, piece by piece by piece, a strategy that is based on me, based on science, based on marketing, based on business best practice.

We take this amorphous blob that is my soul and my spirit, and what I want to do, and I have all of these abstract thoughts in my head, and I know that I want to do something, but I don't know exactly what it is. Then, we put it down on paper, step by step, week by week, and we build the foundation of this business strategy, that is based entirely on this shining diamond crystal within.

So, we've taken all of that stress off, we've pressurized them into a diamond, and now I'm standing so much in integrity and calling in my people. Because it's not just the feminine, it's the masculine action that supports the feminine.

That is now giving me the tools to be like “Okay, I know exactly what I want to post on social media. I know exactly what my next steps are in my business. I know how to launch this puppy. I know what my people are thinking and what my people want.”

That was absolutely huge. Because before, when I started my coaching business, like I said, I was kind of just posting random stuff and reacting to random things. But now I feel like I have a really thoughtful strategy that's going to call in the right people.

Jenna: Huge. There you go with your amazing metaphors, again. The diamond, I won't be able to get that out of my head. But I love that idea. I love the idea of we're taking all these little, almost like carbon, floating through the universe, and then somehow it comes together on this planet, in this way. There's the right conditions of pressure and heat, and then, wow, there's the diamond. The components were there all along. We just couldn't put them together.

Amanda: Yeah, exactly. You showed me how to apply the right pressure in the right places, and just get this beautiful, sparkling thing out of it.

Jenna: Oh, I love that. Yeah. It's interesting, because there's always room for us to ease off the pressure and give ourselves a little bit longer. But I did build the container specifically so that there was a certain amount of constraint, i.e., pressure, that helps our brains make the decisions that they normally wouldn't make.

The only way that I've seen that come is when you finally lock into this inner knowing. You get down to the wire, and you're like, what is it Jenna? Or what is it Amanda? Then, you're like, “Obviously, it's this. Shit, that's going to be really hard.”

Amanda: Right. Stealing thoughts out of my own head. Yeah.

Jenna: So nice. So, is there anything we've left off? Is there any other bits of advice that you would give now that you're on this side, that you'd give to kind of the earlier you about, I don’t know, anything?

Amanda: I would say that in my previous coaching experiences, the packages were longer. So, I'd find a nine-month coaching experience, and it was great. I learned so much from it, of course. But I have to agree with you, that that reduced time, with the Clarity Accelerator being the 12 weeks that it is, it really forced me to make really big decisions.

That very first decision was born from getting on the phone with you again, even though I was shaking in my boots. Even though I was terrified. The part of me that I was shedding was really scared and like, “Oh my god, if I go into coaching again, I'm going to be seen as a freak, super vulnerable, just this total weirdo.”

But the part of me that we both, you and I, Jenna, knew was inside of me was like, “Now it's time to play the game. This is it.” So, I would say to my earlier self, to just really keep trusting. Even though I was so nervous to get on the phone with you, I'm so glad that I trusted my intuition over any doubts or fears that I had. Because I wouldn't be here three months later, starting what I really want to do.

Jenna: Yes. Just to clarify, when you're talking about the 12-week container of the Clarity Accelerator, that's actually the curriculum portion where we're making these decisions. It's a six-month container now, where people can really come in to the mastermind and start to apply the work.

Which is so wonderful, because that's yet another reason I don't want to bring people into the program who are like, “Oh, I'm not sure. Okay, great, I'll do it. I need to prove this to myself,” by paying this money. It's because the women in here are so committed and so amazing, and I just want to make sure that we keep bringing in that energy of people who are like, “I am here to win it! We are going all in.”

None of this, “Maybe I don't even want to be doing it anyway.” Even though that's a human thought. It's not a big deal to have the thought, right? But we don't want to be in that space all the time, and bringing that uncertain energy.

We want to create this beautiful home, I think, which is really hard to find in the real world. Where all of these women are joining together, and just give full permission to each other to live the biggest versions of themselves, and create the biggest dreams for themselves, and not have to hold that and not feel weird about it.

Amanda: That’s 150% right. That's such a great point. Very similar to the cage free egg story that we talked about, nobody in my community, or where I live, is really digging into this work. Or is really thinking about, “I want to live the best, most massive life.” I'm surrounded by a bunch of normal, adorable, amazing people, and I love them.

Also, I wanted to respect myself and say, “Okay, I want to do this, and I also want to be surrounded by other women who have this on their mind too. So that I can take the initiative to normalize it, and not rely on just the people in my community to make it normal for me.”

I have to say that being in the Clarity Accelerator with these other women has been such an unexpected gift. Because I'm a very, get it done, do it yourself kind of person, but to kind of relax into the sisterhood and be like, “Okay, I have something to offer you. You have some amazing insights to offer to me,” that's been a beautiful deconstructing of the shell of a tense, anxious, get it done person.

Jenna: Oh, yeah. I love hearing you all say, “Oh, I was on the call and Gabby helped me see that. Amanda helped me see that.” I just love that there's that ability to pool resources. We all get so much higher together than if we were just working in isolation, really.

Another thing occurred to me to ask you. You're now thinking about moving forward and continuing the work even deeper. Like you said, you have everything in your backpack, and you're going to go up the mountain now. Yet, you're still here to be part of the sisterhood, you're continuing with us, and we still get to be with each other as we're building the business.

So, tell me about that way of thinking. Because a lot of people think… I mean, not a lot, but I've definitely seen people. Actually, I was one of these people whose like, “Okay, I got my clarity. I'm good. That was the hurdle I needed to get over, and now I'm good to go.”

You have a different way of thinking about it. I don't know, I don't want to put words in your mouth. Let me hear what are your thoughts?

Amanda: I think it's really tempting to think that way. I certainly felt that way, at first, when I first received that clarity is coming to a close email. Like, “Oh, this has been awesome. Now what?” I was kind of thinking, “Oh, okay, well, what do I want to do?” Then, I started thinking, “Well, do I want to focus on my Instagram strategy with this newfound clarity?” Which is totally something that I could have done.

But a bigger part of me was, in order to hold myself accountable, I need to stop hip-hopping from one place to another place to another place. I just want to see if I can build this business to six figures within this container. I had a very playful and inquisitive kind of energy with it. I just want to see what I can do.

More importantly than that, it just felt like the next right step. Like we talked about before, there wasn't any part of me that was, in order to build a six-figure business, I need to work with Jenna again. There was no need. There was no attachment. I knew that I was perfectly capable of doing that over time.

But I knew that to accelerate my timeline, and to give myself that real edge of being like, “Well, what if I did do it again? What kind of results could I create?” I knew that this was the right next step, and that I just wanted to keep following my intuition and taking great action.

Jenna: I love it. Love it so much. I'm so glad that we'll get your presence for another six months in the group. Amanda, thank you so much for coming on, for just being vulnerable, and being able to share the thoughts and the ups and the downs. I really think a lot of people will be able to relate to your story.

Amanda: I'm so happy to hear that. I'm just beyond proud and grateful to be on the other side. So, if I can help someone make that decision for themselves, I'm happy to do it.

Jenna: So good. Okay, I'm sure people will want to find you and hear more of your amazing metaphors and wisdom that you dropped left and right as if it's nothing, all the time. You're just so fun. It's so fun to be in your presence and your energy and see the fun ways that you talk about things and describe things. So, where can they find you?

Amanda: Of course. My Instagram is @AmandaPopovski. Kind of a mouthful, so you can check the title for my full name.

Jenna: Yeah, absolutely. We'll link to you, directly to your Instagram in the show notes too.

Amanda: Perfect.

Jenna: All right, Amanda, thank you so much. Bye.

Hey, if you want true clarity about your secret sauce, your people, your best way of doing business, and how you talk about your offer, then I invite you to join us in the Clarity Accelerator. I'll teach you to connect all the dots, the dots that have always been there for you so that you can show up like you were born for exactly this.

Come join us and supercharge every other tool or tactic you'll ever learn, from Facebook ads to manifestation. Just go to TheUncommonWay.com/schedule and set up a time to talk. I can't wait to be your coach.

Thanks for joining us here at The Uncommon Way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, including the Clarity First Strategy for growing and scaling your business, visit TheUncommonWay.com. See you next time.

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Ep #55: Setting Uncommon Goals and Taking Uncommon Actions


Ep #53: My Uncommon Story: Getting Off Autopilot, Outsider Insecurities and Spreading My Wings