Ep 133: From Survival Mode to Success: Unlocking Your Creative Genius as a Woman Entrepreneur

Episode Summary

Stepping into your next level of growth doesn’t mean doing more—it means operating differently.

Understanding the physiology of stress could be the game-changer that transforms your daily struggles into opportunities and makes achieving your big dreams lighter, simpler, and more joyful.

In this episode, you will:

  1. Learn why ongoing overwhelm is sabotaging your problem-solving abilities—and how a simple shift can help you achieve your goals faster.

  2. Discover the key neurotransmitter that fuels motivation and long-term vision—and learn how to access it more often for compounding success.

  3. Unlock the hidden power of your brain to thrive under pressure, transforming stress into clarity and creative genius.

Dive into this episode now to discover the clarity, creativity, and strategies to transform your business!

Episode mentioned 

Ep# 92: Get Through High Stress and Overwhelm Quickly, for Peak Performance, Joy and Better Results as a Service-Based Entrepreneur

Schedule a call with Jenna about joining the Clarity Accelerator--the same mastermind that we talk about in this episode--to dial in signature offers and strategies and a first-rate mindset.    


Sign up here to get on the waitlist for Power & Potency, the new mastermind for highly accomplished women entrepreneurs, and hear all new information as it's released: 


Find Jenna on Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/theuncommonway/ 

The Uncommon Way is led by business coach Jenna Harrison, who helps women entrepreneurs feel confident, find their ideal clients effortlessly and avoid overwork so they can manifest money and abundance in their business and life.

This podcast empowers female entrepreneurs to overcome imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and limiting beliefs through somatics, mindset, and spirituality, create 7-figure offers, and build an online service business with clarity and alignment.

Full Episode Transcript:

Jenna Harrison: [00:00:00] When you're in Survival Mode, you're not actually surviving well. You can survive and thrive. If you learn to operate differently,

you are listening to The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast, the podcast that helps women entrepreneurs get clear on signature offers and strategies that sell themselves so you can lean back and stop the hustle. You will learn to maximize your mindset, messaging, and strategy, and step into the uncommonly successful business and life you are creating.

Here's your host top ranked business coach and reformed over analyzer turned queen of clarity. Jenna Harrison.

Welcome. Welcome back to the uncommon way. When life piles on one too many things and stress seems to rule your [00:01:00] days, it can feel like you're in survival mode. And you are. But you're not actually surviving well. You can survive and thrive if you can learn to operate differently, in a way that gives you access to your best creative thinking and your long term vision, even when the pressure is on.

Today, we're diving into how to tap into the untapped genius that lies within so you can create greater success in your business and feel amazing while doing it, like the boss you truly are. In this episode, you will learn why ongoing overwhelm is sabotaging your problem solving abilities and how a simple shift can help you achieve your goals faster.

You'll discover the key neurotransmitter that fuels motivation and long term vision, and learn how to access it more often for compounding success. You'll unlock the hidden power of your brain to thrive under pressure, transforming stress into clarity [00:02:00] and creative genius. My friend, let's get real.

Chronic stress is actually your brain's worst enemy, especially when you need your creative and problem solving faculties the most. Here's the thing, stress isn't just an uncomfortable part of life, it actually pulls you out of the mental state that you need most as an entrepreneur. Stress locks down parts of our brains, and it diverts resources to the brain regions that are most necessary in order to run from a tiger, or whatever other prehistoric threat we used to encounter that our brains on some level think we are still encountering.

But we don't need to run from tigers today. We need to solve business problems. And stress shuts down the very faculties that make us great problem solvers. It also shuts down the faculties that make us great [00:03:00] big picture thinkers and high EQ leaders. When you're stressed, you are in survival mode rather than in the higher level thinking mode your business needs from you to thrive.

That's a very serious issue when you're trying to build something big, because you're doing things the hard way. It results in lots of extra time spent, and lots of extra aggravation felt. So, how do we get back into that high functioning state? It's called a responsive state, where we have access to our full capacity.

It starts with understanding the physiology of stress. When you are under threat, even if it's just the threat of too many emails, or a looming deadline, or a tight cash flow, You naturally switch into fight or flight mode. That is an activated state instead of a responsive state. And that's when your brain makes these familiar but unhelpful decisions about how to divert [00:04:00] resources.

But here's the key. When you calm your nervous system, you re engage those higher brain functions, giving you the clarity and insight you need. This is why, when you're feeling stressed, but then you have a great workout, or you get a good night's sleep, or even just take a shower and stop thinking about the problem, all of a sudden, a solution appears.

You say, oh wait, I could just do it this way. Or even I don't know what I was so wound up about, it's not even that big of an issue. So when you regulate your nervous system, you don't just calm down, you unlock your motivation and your clarity and your big picture vision. Some of you are listening to this thinking, oh wow, point taken, okay, I'm changing my ways.

But others of you aren't convinced. You feel like maybe what I'm saying doesn't really apply to you. Because you're still super smart even when you're stressed. [00:05:00] I see you. I used to be you. And I have so many clients just like you. But what if the 100 percent that you give under stress is only 50 percent of what you're truly capable of?

Imagine what could be possible for you. I think it's time to at least find out. Don't you? Hey, if you want true clarity about your secret sauce, your people, your best way of doing business, and how you talk about your offer, then I invite you to join us in the Clarity Accelerator. I'll teach you to connect all the dots, the dots that have always been there for you, so that you can show up like you were born for exactly this.

Come join us and supercharge every other tool or tactic you'll ever learn, from Facebook ads to manifestation. Just go to theuncommonway. com slash schedule and set up a time to talk. I can't wait to be your coach. [00:06:00] And here's something else. When your nervous system is in its responsive state, dopamine is released.

Dopamine feels great. But, did you know it's also a primary driver of your motivation and your long term goal setting? Think about it. Have you ever been really tired and stressed, and then you notice yourself thinking, ugh, why even bother? But, when you're on vacation and you've just gone on an amazing hike, you think, Oh my god, I could totally double my business this year.

I am going for it. You really feel motivated and you feel that desire to go bigger, to be more, to stretch yourself. Yep, that's dopamine, folks. So, when we allow ourselves to de stress, we're not just making ourselves feel better in the moment, we're not just facilitating the solution of whatever problem happens to be in front of us, although those are both great, [00:07:00] but we're also setting big goals and dreaming big dreams and laying the groundwork for long term success.

But how do we actually do it? How do we break the habit of being in survival mode almost around the clock? The answer is simple, but not always easy. We start by regulating your nervous system. I have a full podcast episode where I share strategies for this and more information on the topics we're covering today.

It's episode 92. And it's called Get Through High Stress and Overwhelm Quickly for Peak Performance, Joy, and Better Results as a Service Based Entrepreneur. We're going to link to it in the show notes. In that episode, you'll get tactical tips you can start using today, as well as a mindset tip, and even a tip that's a bit more woo.

But this is why I always tell my highest performing clients to prioritize rest and nervous [00:08:00] system regulation, because they are capable of so much, and I need them operating at their highest capacity. It's not about doing less, really. It's about doing smarter. And we can't work smarter with all of these old crappy legacy habits of overworking and overstressing.

So, what's next for you? Take a moment today to reflect on how you can calm your nervous system, get your dopamine flowing, and reconnect with your big picture thinking. Get out of the weeds. Because your dreams need you sooner rather than later. The more you can step into that high functioning state of responsiveness, the faster you'll see those dreams becoming your reality.

And trust me, you definitely want to check out episode 92 if you are serious about creating this kind of change. Tune in now and start shifting your decisions. Behaviors and problem solving today.[00:09:00]

Thanks for joining us here at the uncommon way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business in life, including the clarity first strategy for growing and scaling your business, visit the uncommon way. com. See you next time.


Ep 134: 15 Data-Backed Reasons Only 2% of Women-Owned Businesses Reach $1 Million in Revenue — And How to Break Through


Ep 132: Coming in 2025: new podcast focus, a Spanish villa, and other updates