Ep# 111: The Psychology of Manifesting Simple Business Success Through Reinvention for Women Entrepreneurs

Episode Summary

What if understanding the psychology behind manifesting a simple yet successful business is the key that helps you finally unlock your ability to do so? 

As a high achieving woman entrepreneur, you know the challenges of balancing business growth with personal well-being. Discover how unlocking the principles of simple success can transform your overwhelming hustle into a streamlined, fulfilling entrepreneurial journey tailored just for you.

In this episode you will: 

  1. Learn exactly what to do in which order--including the critical first step that most people miss--to give you more time to enjoy the life you’re about to build. 

  2. See what surprising revelations the latest discoveries in neuroscience reveal about your unchecked decision-making.

  3. Cultivate actionable strategies to identify and focus on the highest-leverage opportunities in your business, ensuring every effort counts toward your growth and well-being.

Transform your business today – play the episode now and begin your journey towards uncommonly successful living!

Episodes mentioned:

Episode 4. The Science of Nonconformity with Dr. Vasily Klucharev ->

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The Uncommon Way is led by business coach Jenna Harrison, who helps women entrepreneurs feel confident, find their ideal clients effortlessly and avoid overwork so they can manifest money and abundance in their business and life.

This podcast empowers female entrepreneurs to overcome imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and limiting beliefs through somatics, mindset, and spirituality, create 7-figure offers, and build an online coaching business with clarity and alignment.

Episode Transcription

Jenna Harrison: [00:00:00] What if just understanding the psychology behind manifesting a simple yet successful business is the key that helps you finally unlock your ability to do so?

You're listening to the Uncommon Way business and life coaching podcast. The podcast that helps women entrepreneurs get clear on signature offers and strategies that sell themselves. So you can lean back and stop the hustle. You will learn to maximize your mindset, messaging and strategy and step into the uncommonly successful business and life you are creating.

Here's your host, top ranked business coach and reformed over analyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison.

Welcome, welcome back to the uncommon way. I'm so happy you're here today. I'm bringing you part [00:01:00] one of a series dedicated to helping you understand and adopt the psychology behind manifesting simple success. Through business reinvention. Now, if you're like me, your brain slips into belief much faster when you understand how things work and why they work.

And I know you really want to heed the call to create a different kind of life. So I am happy to make it as believable and easy for you as possible. In this episode, you will unlock the hidden psychology behind effortless success. You'll learn the surprising science behind why we clinging to ways of acting and being that no longer serve us, and you will be able to reinvent your business without starting over.

Yes, . So how are you? How's your summer been? I've got a special shout out to the moms who've been [00:02:00] managing business and school breaks. Well done, mamas. I'm still in a bit of an emotional roller coaster with my overseas move. On the one hand, my sister in law and niece have been here visiting, so we took a day and we went for breakfast in Palma's old town.

We went to this Beautiful hotel where I actually did a photo shoot. If you've seen me on Instagram, drinking a coffee, that's the place. And then afterwards we had a beach day and we rented this paddle boat and it has a slide attached to it. So Dylan and of course me and the rest of us had just such a blast sliding down into the lovely blue water again and again and again.

It's actually something I've been dreaming about since I saw them last summer here. But he couldn't really swim then, so I was waiting, laying in wait for that slide. But on a not so good note, I'm also in a shock, a [00:03:00] bit of shock, actually a lot of shock. If you've been listening for a while, you know that we sold all of our furniture, almost all of our furniture to an estate sale auction house.

And we got the check back from them and you guys, it was 1, 800. 1, 800 for our whole house. I mean, we have like this beautiful bar that we got in Europe and it was imported and it's. Inlaid with, like, I don't know, some sort of oyster shell or something and very, very intricate and gorgeous had all these little doors that you could open up with different compartments for decanters and different glasses that would hang in there.

It was so beautiful, but it also weighed a ton and we just didn't think it would really fit over here in a house. So we decided to release it. And have [00:04:00] someone else find a good home for it. But we lived in the middle of nowhere. And one of the fears was that, you know, no one would appreciate these things that we had gathered through decades of moving around the world in the military.

So, my first thought was, well, Jenna, you know, we had an amazing, like, weight lifted off our shoulders that we didn't have to sell the things ourselves, and at least we got some money out of it, and I watched myself trying to, like, placate this surge of emotions that was going on, and then I realized, it's not the moment yet for calming.

Myself. It's the moment for feeling. And so I went through and it was like anger and then blame and regret and then guilt. And then I finally got to sadness. And so frequently, those initial emotions like anger, they really are covering [00:05:00] up much more vulnerable ones of sadness or grief or fear. And you know, I'm really glad I did that because now that I am more practiced at being okay with big emotions, they really come and go through me, that kind of roll through me rather than lingering around.

And wreaking havoc, so I'm still in the processing phase, but I have, you know, a lot of faith that I'll be able to. Take this all with a lot of calm before long. So there's your PSA, don't be afraid of feelings. They're just feelings and never, ever, ever sell to an estate sale place in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

Okay, but let's get down to business, shall we? I see a very clear progression of four key psychological steps that women need to move through in order to lean back more and hustle less in their [00:06:00] businesses and in order to create businesses that can support that. And then overall step into alignment and letting things flow and be simpler.

And the first psychological building block is what we're going to talk about today. And it comes when you can lean into the psychology of new things, creating this kind of uncommon business will be new and different. You don't get there. If you don't reinvent yourself and your business. How do I know this?

Well, if it were familiar, you'd already be doing it. The whole world would already be doing it. Nobody's going to experience the joy of a business like this, and then decide to go back to being busy or stressed out or tired or overthinking or overcomplicating or all of the above, but getting there [00:07:00] requires breaking with the past and burning some bridges.

And here's why. You have got to override an important bias that is literally wired into your biology. Here it is. The bias is that whatever is currently working is the best way and the safest way. Got it? So not just a way that you have chosen in the past, but the very best way. Now hear me out, because if you're thinking, Jenna, come on, I know that stressing myself out is not the best way.

It could probably make me sick if I don't watch out. But I can't tell you how often I have conversations with clients who say, you know, Jenna, I've just got to admit, I don't see how my business can grow if I work less. That just, it just doesn't compute for me. I don't quite believe it. You know, when I'm.

[00:08:00] Not working, then I'm not making money and if I just throw my hands up and I don't worry and I say everything's gonna be fine Then everything is for sure gonna fall apart I'm the one keeping all the balls in the air So, you can see how we've all got a bias toward past success. It's hard to even contemplate that another way might be better, and that maybe all this time you've not only been doing more than you need to, but in doing so, you've curtailed your revenue.

And you are not naturally going to see that because your brain has an imperative to keep you alive. And the only proof it has of success in aliveness is to repeat lessons learned. Any other way, Probably means death. Now, it seems like an exaggeration to say that, but it is actually true. And [00:09:00] it accounts for so much of our self sabotage.

Your brain's job is to protect you full stop. If you're trying to survive on the Savannah, it's very important that you are alert to so many things. You're. Alert to the conditions that create the greatest likelihood that you'll survive. So that could be a particular smell or a facial expression of your fellow tribe members or the direction of the wind, which means that certain animals will or won't pass this way.

There are thousands of little micro cues that you don't even have to think about, but your amazing brain has cataloged away. If you do something different or experience something different or even think about doing something different, it's your brain's job to alert you and send out enough uncomfortable feeling neurochemicals and enough logical arguments to make you reverse [00:10:00] course and go back to what is obviously best and what is already proven to work.

Hey! If you want true clarity about your secret sauce, your people, your best way of doing business, and how you talk about your offer, then I invite you to join us in the Clarity Accelerator. I'll teach you to connect all the dots, the dots that have always been there for you, so that you can show up like you were born for exactly this.

Come join us and supercharge every other tool or tactic you'll ever learn, from Facebook ads to manifestation. Just go to theuncommonway. com slash schedule and set up a time to talk. I can't wait to be your coach. There is a phenomena of the brain. called prediction error that keeps you conforming. It has been studied extensively in the prefrontal cortex, but actually prediction error signals are found in many parts of the brain.

We cannot get away from [00:11:00] them. Before you ever take action, your brain is predicting what will happen or what the right thing to do is. If that prediction turns out to be wrong, it's as if a buzzer went off in front of a large audience. Buzz! You will feel these negative sensations that will stimulate you to take the quote unquote correct action next time so that that never happens again.

That whole phenomenon, it is wildly helpful for, you know, learning arithmetic or learning to predict where the tiger will be hiding. But since we so dislike that sensation, and since that has continued in our biology to present day, we spend a lot of our brain energy avoiding that buzz. For lack of a better word, that, that concoction of, of bad feelings, bad thoughts.

It's really the [00:12:00] feeling of having done something wrong or having guessed wrong, and then it leads to things like feeling ashamed or feeling fearful or a lot of other things that we know how to articulate and describe more succinctly than the base function of prediction error. That's the way our brain interprets this phenomenon that happens.

I highly recommend checking out our podcast, episode number four, the science of nonconformity with Dr. Vassily Klucharov. We really drilled down into the neuroscience of this. And at the time I interviewed him, I was thinking about conformity with groups, like with group norms versus being willing to swim against the stream.

And Create your own uncommon way, but now I see so clearly how much we also conform to our own norms and beliefs over and [00:13:00] over and over. So prediction error keeps us repeating past behaviors and decisions, but it also. Get this, has been shown to interfere with our memory of past events, so that these past events seem to conform with our current understanding and beliefs and predictions.

So if you deep down believe that hard work and anxious overthinking is the key to your success, then you'll remember events from your past in ways that prove the theory. And the more true it feels, the more challenging, because whenever your actions deviate from that buzz, buzz, and there, oh, then comes that oh shit feeling.

My husband has anxiety and sometimes will lay awake at night, especially when we're going through a move or something where there are lots of details and he'll lay awake at night and in the morning he'll tell me, Oh, I remembered that we have to do [00:14:00] X. And he'll say, you know, that's like the upside of my anxiety is that I remember these details.

And when I try to say, maybe you don't need to lie awake all night in order to have come up with that, he says, Oh no, no, no. Cause you remember, you remember like two months ago when I was lying awake and that's how I remembered we had to do X. So, All of his memories conform to the way of thinking that he really needs to be hypervigilant.

Otherwise things will like slip through the cracks. Whereas it's also completely possible that he could have gotten a wonderful night's sleep. And then in that really restored state, maybe as he was taking a walk or in the shower, who knows, the same thought or even a better thought could have come to him.

I mean, it is possible. Now, of course, our beliefs are often a reflection of the group of people who surround us, especially if we have a really strong error signal, [00:15:00] we're more likely to adopt the wrong. Their ways of being. So my husband was surrounded by lots of detail oriented, often micromanaging military people.

And after nearly three decades, that has to have an effect. It's the same reason that all of my coaching containers offer a group component. It's so my clients can surround themselves with. other women who are doing or have done what they want to do. And it's why I always seek out group coaching myself, because I want to make prediction error work for me.

I want help proving my old predictions wrong and prove different ways can be right. I want all the hacks. All the direct routes, all the easier paths, because time I spend learning things the hard way is time I don't spend sliding down a slide into the Mediterranean with my son who will never, ever be six again.

So what [00:16:00] if, just what if, simple success is the natural order of things? That yes, due to our society, we've been raised thinking, oh, it's too good to be true, or whatever version of that you were raised with. But it actually makes perfect sense. And then reinvention doesn't have to be something scary and disruptive, but something that aids the process, the process of you aligning with a cleaner, more straightforward way of running your business.

Tactically, the phrase that you want to work with is this. Things can be simple. Things are becoming simpler for me. If, when you say that, it feels like 0. 5 percent true, then you can kind of ladder belief your way in. You can take a step away from it and say, I believe I could believe things could be simple.

And my business is becoming simpler, right? Or the things are [00:17:00] becoming simpler for me. Remember, beliefs are thoughts that you've thought over and over and have absorbed to the point that you start seeing evidence of its truth all around you. But when you're actively trying to create a new belief, you do often need to go out of your way.

Unless you have a group of people that you trust that are just helping bombard your head with it. But usually you have to go out of your way to find evidence. You're going to have to Google simple businesses or stories of people that have created very simple businesses. Or you can ask in your own groups.

There are so many ways to create evidence, but don't give up. It may not be presented to you at first because your brain is used to sourcing a different kind of information for you, but it is there. One of the main objections that I hear regarding reinvention and learning to do things differently is, ugh, I don't want to start over from [00:18:00] scratch.

I worked hard to establish all this. Funny note. I hear this from people who've been in business for 10 years and people who've been in business for six months. It's always a perception of the mind. The truth is that now is always the right time to move yourself into greater alignment with your desires.

Forget about the sunk cost of the thing in the past and look to your future. But the good news is that when you switch to things are becoming simpler, if you can really absorb that line of thinking and start to see it playing out in your life, you start to see that you are never starting from zero.

You're never starting from scratch. You're taking your vast wealth of experience and everything you've learned and channeling it into a more efficient, elegant life. It's like, of course you were learning all of [00:19:00] those things, and that's why now you can do it differently. So what if things will always become simpler if you let them, if you don't keep yourself in inefficient behaviors and ways of being?

It's kind of like when you are writing a term paper in college and all of a sudden your computer crashes or something happens and you learn, you lose the entire term paper and at first you think, Oh my God, my life is over. There's no way that I can recreate that in time. It will never be as good as it was.

This is the end of the world. But once you eat your Ben and Jerry's or whatever your college thing was and you get back on the horse, you realize that actually you are able to ride it again and it's faster and even better than the first time you end up eating the damn thing. And the same [00:20:00] is true with pivots or what I like to call upgrades in your business.

Now am I saying that there will be zero learning curve, zero road bumps? Absolutely not. I always want to be completely transparent about that, but typically what I see is that those road bumps are less acute than what your fears are leading you to believe. So now it's time to move through that first psychological building block, getting more comfortable with the psychology of new things.

And you can think about how is it true that the ways that have worked for you in the past might not be the best ways. And if you do want to move towards simplicity, how is it true that things are already becoming simpler and you are just in the flow of that progression? You can pause this episode here if you want to journal on that or reflect on that, because I'm about to share my thoughts [00:21:00] on the last question.

And I know a lot of people, they want to work through it first before they hear an idea from someone else. But if you're ready, I'm ready. You ready? Okay. When you take a look at the universe, it seems that the most fundamental guiding laws are elegantly simple. E equals MC squared, right? And the most simple, obvious solution is often the solution.

The things that seem messy and confusing are that way because we haven't yet found the The elegant thing underneath. And I believe that as our souls evolve towards greater consciousness, we are also evolving towards simplicity. If you're already curious about simplicity and about creating a different way, and you're still listening to the episode all the way to the end, then you are.

It's already caught in that gravitational pull, so to speak, [00:22:00] of that progression. It's a direction that your soul wants to go, and you can try and resist it, but that little voice will keep nudging you, keep saying that maybe it's possible. The truth is that you have the power to create what you want. So go create it, starting with what you've learned here.

To recap, you learned how behind effortless success, you will find reinvention. And behind reinvention, you'll find a break with the bias that whatever has worked for you in the past is what will continue to work best in your future. And you learned how prediction error guides us to avoid getting it wrong, and how building evidence of the phrase, things can be simple and things are becoming simpler for me, will help you unlock a new you and a new business.

All right, my friend, I will see you back here next [00:23:00] week for part two in this series as we move through the psychology of what really helps us create this elegantly simple success through reinvention.

Thanks for joining us here at the uncommon way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, including the clarity first strategy for growing and scaling your business, visit the uncommon way. com. See you next time.


Ep# 112: The Psychology of Manifesting Simple Business Success Through Reinvention for Women Entrepreneurs (Stage 2)


Ep# 110: Fail-safe Strategies for Supercharging Your Business Growth While Still Having a Life