Ep# 121: 3 Uncommon Tips to Choose Your Niche for Women Entrepreneurs at All Stages of Business

Episode Summary

What if your ideal niche was hiding in plain sight, just waiting to launch you into abundance?

For women entrepreneurs, finding the right niche can feel impossible when traditional advice falls flat—this episode unveils a fresh approach to align with your purpose and unlock success.

In this episode, you will:

  1. Learn how to recognize and attract people who align with your purpose and energize your business, rather than drain your resources.

  2. Discover the untapped layers of your ideal audience, so you’re not just speaking into the void but connecting directly with those who truly resonate with your message.

  3. Explore ways to move into a space where you set the rules, creating a business that allows you to stay true to yourself without compromising for financial gain.

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Complimentary Episodes:

Ep #24: Finding Your People with Geraldine Mok

Ep #26: Becoming the 7-Figure CEO with Kat Haugh

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The Uncommon Way is led by business coach Jenna Harrison, who helps women entrepreneurs feel confident, find their ideal clients effortlessly and avoid overwork so they can manifest money and abundance in their business and life.

This podcast empowers female entrepreneurs to overcome imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and limiting beliefs through somatics, mindset, and spirituality, create 7-figure offers, and build an online coaching business with clarity and alignment.

Episode Transcription

Jenna Harrison: [00:00:00] What if your ideal niche was right under your nose, and dialing into it set you up for abundance? Perhaps immediately,

you're listening to the uncommon way business and life coaching podcast, the podcast that helps women entrepreneurs get clear on signature offers and strategies that sell themselves. So you can lean back and stop the hustle. You will learn to maximize your mindset, messaging, and strategy, and step into the uncommonly successful business.

and life you are creating. Here's your host, top ranked business coach and reformed overanalyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison.

Welcome. Welcome back to the uncommon way. This episode is about choosing your niche. But not in the way where you have to [00:01:00] figure out what kinds of magazines she reads, and definitely not in the way where you narrow down her profession and zip code. Oh my god, I used to hate that stuff when I was in business programs.

You too? Well, don't worry. Today, you'll be getting some uncommon tips that you definitely won't hear elsewhere, but these concepts are responsible for the success of my business and my client's successes. These bits of wisdom hold true for entrepreneurs at every stage. Because just because you choose the niche when you first begin does not mean that later on, you don't need to refine that niche or even pivot that niche as you evolve and your business evolves.

Most of my clients had no idea just how murky or flat or Or wrong, their niches were before we started working together. And [00:02:00] if you are talking to the wrong person, all of the work that you're putting into your marketing and your offers is like at half power. It's as if you are on the highest gear of your bike.

Spinning and spinning, and it's the source of so, so much overwork and under earning. So we will be moving away from our common format where we share one tactical tip, one mindset tip, and one energetic tip. And just give you straight up the three, my three top tips for choosing a niche in order to make this episode as concise as possible.

And you can move into action as soon as possible, but what you will get out of this episode is learning how to recognize and attract. The people who align with your purpose and amplify your business rather than depleting your energy, and you'll discover [00:03:00] the untapped layers of your ideal audience. So you're not just speaking out into the void, but talking directly to those who get your message and are eager to respond.

And we'll talk about how you can move into a space where you set the rules and no longer have to compromise who you are or how you are for money. But first, how are you? How have you been? Can you even believe that it's November already? Hopefully your business is booming and 2024 is turning into a record year over here.

We're having so much fun getting things together for a. Big surprise at the end of the month, something new at a very accessible price point. That's going to be very quick for you to implement. I've received so many requests over the years for offers like these, with these two characteristics, [00:04:00] shorter and lower priced.

And until now, I didn't see how to do that with integrity because I know the results that my people want are big, which is why we devote six months minimum to them in the Clarity Accelerator, but I've had these flashes of insight over the last few months, and I, I just can't keep it to myself. I'm so excited.

I can't give you the details just yet, but I am going to share this. so much. If you head to TheUncommonWay. com forward slash Black Friday, that's one word and you get on the wait list and then end up making a purchase, you will get a free gift valued at 197 that is only for you. Really just a thank you for sharing my excitement and for tuning in to this.

So, if you're curious, don't miss out, head over to the [00:05:00] link, we'll link to it in the show notes, and sign up to hear all the details. Okay, today's episode is short and sweet. We are hopping up to Italy for a few days tomorrow for Dylan's October school break. I mean, how cool is that, that we can hop up? The one and a half hour plane trip to Milan, it's longer than the two hour drive to Lake Garda, which is where we're going.

We're taking Dylan to an amusement park there for Halloween. Cause it's, it's really the first holiday that we've celebrated here. That's just going to be very, very different from what he's used to back in the States. And we've been wanting to ease the transition for him. So, and I mean, come on, of course, twist my arm going up there.

There's a lot in it for me. And then too, we get the amazing food and the scenery and wineries. So it's going to be really fun. And I've been reflecting on how you do not get here [00:06:00] by playing small. And so for any of you out there that are kind of facing something that feels like a little, like a stretch, you know, I just, I'm just, I'm just.

Really rooting you on because I'm so thankful to the earlier me who kept betting on herself, despite derision from certain in laws and many, many of my own doubts. Still, I kept leaning in and I'm, I'm really, really enjoying where I am today and how my earlier self set me up for this. And one of the things to which I credit my success and the success of my client's businesses.

It's the alignment we've created between ourselves, our superpowers, and ourselves. And our people, our niche, really. So this episode may be short and sweet, but these concepts alone will completely change your business if you [00:07:00] implement them and really allow yourself to lean into them. Because it's there for all of us.

It's just that a lot of us don't do it. So the first tip is this. Go deeper. Skip the superficial stuff. We spend so much of our energy thinking about the age or the profession of our person rather than the psychographic commonalities of what connects our ideal clients. Now, that was just a mouthful, so I'm going to break it down with you.

When I was working in fashion, we'd hire top Madison Avenue consulting and advertising agencies to advise us on brand direction. And part of that was always getting clear on who your customer is. I clearly remember sitting in a conference room in New York City when I first learned the term psychographics.

And it was like the heavens opened for me. It's what I had always believed to be [00:08:00] true in my heart of hearts, too. Because you, like me, were probably more familiar with demographics, which is the age, the race, the sex, the zip code, the profession. The word demographics is literally how we record people, how we drill down to their most obvious cursory statistics.

Psychographics, on the other hand, is about a person's psychology. So here's a story about what happens when you stop focusing on the data, and you go deeper, and you think about what they care about, and what drives them, and what their attitudes are, and their perceptions. I had a client who was helping people lose weight.

And when we first met and I asked her about her people, she described them to me totally in terms of demographics. They were a certain age, certain professions, whether or not they had kids, all the details. And that was going so poorly for [00:09:00] her that she actually came to me for clarity help on switching to a totally different kind of business.

She no longer wanted to be a health coach. It got her to open up her vision of what was possible, and then she started actually talking to the people she would want to work with and getting more precise. She found out that when they thought about it, it just hadn't been a priority for them. Lose weight.

They'd been busy with careers and other things in life. But now it was. And so they wanted to do it. Before she'd been talking to them about why they could do it, why they should do it, and she was really thinking about the person who had the biggest pain point that she could possibly imagine because she was told that that's the way to make the most money.

But these people were also a little burnt out from trying things. And many of them had deep underlying [00:10:00] issues of why they hadn't been able to lose weight. Now, when you think about who Crystal ended up working with, and by the way, she ended up selling out her group program right away when she changed to talk to these people.

But you see how it didn't matter if her person was a 29 year old investment banker who was just been living on junk food and had put a on some pounds or a 55 year old empty nester who'd been so busy raising kids that she hadn't prioritized her health. It didn't matter what the demographics were because they had a similar psychographic profile, right?

In a nutshell, they perceived the same kind of problem and imagined the same kind of solution. So I'll say that again. They perceived the same kind of problem. Like that it hadn't been a priority and so that's why they'd packed on these extra pounds and now they wanted to get rid of it and they imagine the same kind of solution, someone they trusted who could cut through the noise and all the different [00:11:00] conflicting advice out there and give them an action plan to just get it done.

They knew that they were the kind of people that when they set their mind to something, they just get it done. So they just wanted someone to walk them through it. And obviously they shared other similarities, like how they were willing to spend money on themselves and they valued their time rather than trying to DIY it all alone.

I have such a keen understanding of my people and how they think and talk that it drives my contractors crazy sometimes. Like my social media team. I'm always the one who's like, no, no, that's not how they'd say it or they'd be so bored with that or no, we really need to do this angle because that one's going to bring out their fears that blah, blah, blah, and they'll just tune out.

So they love that. I know who I'm talking to, but it does make their job a little more difficult. So if you want more on this on being able [00:12:00] to really know your person in this way. Check out my podcast with a client named Geraldine. We'll link to it in the show notes. Hey. If you want true clarity about your secret sauce, your people, your best way of doing business and how you talk about your offer, then I invite you to join us in the Clarity Accelerator.

I'll teach you to connect all the dots, the dots that have always been there for you so that you can show up like you were born for exactly this. Come join us and supercharge every other tool or tactic you'll ever learn from Facebook ads to manifestation Just go to the uncommon way comm slash schedule and set up a time to talk.

I can't wait to be your coach Okay tip number two sell to people who if they join forces with you are Most likely to help with what you are here to create in the world A lot of the women entrepreneurs I work with, when we [00:13:00] really get down to it and they actually think about how they came to be targeting the people they're currently targeting, they see that the choice might have been conscious, but it wasn't very intentional.

Maybe they're focused on who really needs them. Or What the smart thing to do is, because these people have more disposable income, or the people that someone told them to focus on, or whatever people were willing to hire them, and they figured, hey, at least I'm getting paid. But here at The Uncommon Way, we believe that our businesses are most successful when we find alignment.

When we're working with the people we're meant to work with, The ones who not only recognize and value our specific superpowers, but the ones who help us step into our purpose in the same way we help them step into theirs. Again, not how we'd ever be taught to think about this in business school. So [00:14:00] I think it's fitting that I dropped out of business school long before I settled into any of this.

So let me give you an example of how this works. If I am here to help women live uncommon lives of their choosing, it makes sense that I work with entrepreneurs rather than people in corporate who are tied to just two weeks of vacation and a capped salary. People could make a really strong case for how people in corporate have consistent disposable income and maybe how they really need me.

Maybe how LinkedIn is one of the most. Favorable algorithms, and that's where they hang out. So I could focus my efforts there, but I wouldn't have been as fulfilled or successful. Alignment brings abundance. I've recorded an interview with my client cat, which I'll link to. She had a very successful multiple six figure business, but was having such a difficult time [00:15:00] deciding who to say yes to and who to say no to before we dialed in her niche.

She had tons of clients who were really only scratching the surface of the value she could have been bringing to them. And now she has a handful of quality clients and earns many times what she used to, and they appreciate her deeply and they want to keep working with her and tapping into more of her superpower.

And there's another client. She's a business coach who. Also earning multiple six figures, but was working from eight until five, sometimes 30 sessions a week. Maybe she'd get a 15 minute break here and there because she wanted to be there for her people. So she gave everything of herself. She was totally exhausted.

She had zero time for herself or her family. And when we pivoted her niche, she was able to bring in ideal clients who felt amazing to work with. And she was able to raise her price and work with [00:16:00] fewer people as well. And she had some resistance to this at first. She was like, anybody can do that thing that we're saying is my superpower, Jenna, like nobody's going to pay for that.

But as soon as she connected with these people, they said yes to her new price without blinking. She was like, what just happened? Okay, third tip and most important one. Get out of the passive energy where you're trying to fit yourself into someone else's box where you're trying to be everything to everybody, or you're having to hide who you are or what you truly desire because, for instance, they'd never pay for that, or these are the people you have to work with instead, move into an active, creative energy where you call the shots.

You can create a business around whatever and whomever you want. You're a rock star, deep down you know it. And as long as you shy [00:17:00] away from that, as long as you're staying in a more passive energy, you will block yourself from seeing just how good your life can get. So I ask, what would it take for you to believe that there are people, whom you are dying to work with, that are also dying to work with you?

That your superpowers are valuable enough to them to pay you abundantly, that you can call the shots and not only create what you desire, but something that fulfills the purpose that you've been tapped for, the thing that you are called to do. What would it be like to say, unashamed, I am here to create more of this in the world.

And even if I weren't getting paid, I couldn't not do it because it's just who I am. But interestingly enough, when I am aligned with this and not rejecting it, I don't seem to have money problems. This is all available to you. You [00:18:00] just need to dial in your niche, which is so much simpler once you understand what you're really here to do and your highest leverage superpower.

Luckily, I am very gifted at helping people connect these dots. That's my superpower. And we can get started on this make over for your business once you take the step of joining me in the Clarity Accelerator. It really is that simple. The link is in the show notes. It is all there for you, my friend. Okay.

In this episode, you learned that choosing the right niche isn't about demographics. It's about finding the people who resonate with your purpose and amplify your impact. Your business thrives when you stop trying to fit into others boxes and start creating from your own vision. We want you setting the rules and never again compromising who you are, how you [00:19:00] are, or what you do for money.

And the right clients don't just need your work. They align with your mission, deep down, even if they would never express it in that way. They are Call to it as well as you are, and they elevate your success. Thanks so much for tuning into this episode. I've got a really fun one coming for you next week as well, and I can't wait to talk to you then.

Thanks for joining us here at the uncommon way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, including the clarity first strategy for growing and scaling your business, visit the uncommon way. com. See you next time.


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