Ep #17: The Power of Decisions with Ale Garnica

Episode Summary

Jenna and Ale discuss why making decisions can often feel so uncomfortable, and the power that making a decision can have upon your life and business.

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Show Notes

Right now, there is some decision in your life that you are not making. I get it, I’ve been there. But what you’re not realizing is how much you are sacrificing because of it. The act of powerfully making a decision changes things immediately, and this week, I’m welcoming my client Ale Garnica to the show to share her own experiences with making decisions, and to show you the power of making them in your life and business.

Ale works with women who are in the same place she was 10 years ago, who appear to have a perfect life yet still feel unsatisfied. She helps them create peace of mind and tap into what they are passionate about, and she joins me this week to share how she learned to make decisions, and how doing so changed the way she shows up in her business.

Join us this week and hear why you might find some discomfort after making a decision, but why this is key to understanding your purpose even further. Hear more about the work Ale has done on herself, some of the beliefs she had that were preventing her from making the decisions she needed to in her business, and some powerful questions to ask yourself to help you make a decision you’ve been putting off.


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • The relief Ale felt when she finally made a decision that was aligned with what she wanted in her business.

  • How making a decision can free you from the mental time and energy you are spending dwelling on something.

  • How to stop making decisions from a place of fear.

  • Why you don’t have to make a decision and stick to it forever.

  • How you will always be presented with opportunities until you have learned what you need to learn.

  • Where so many people get tripped up around decisions and block their abundance.

  • How to step into aligned decision for yourself and how good it can feel when you get there.


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Full Episode Transcript:

Right now, there's some decision in your life that you're not making. But what you're not fully realizing is how much you're sacrificing because of it. Just the act of powerfully making the decision changes things immediately. My client, Ale, is going to share her story with you, so you can see how this can work for you, too.

You're listening to The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast, the only podcast that helps you unlock your next level in business and life, by prioritizing your clarity and your own Uncommon Way. You will learn to maximize your mindset, mission, messaging, and strategy in order to create a true legacy. Here's your host, top ranked business coach and reformed overanalyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison.

Jenna Harrison: Hey, welcome back to The Uncommon Way. The other day, my client, Ale, and I were on a call. We got into such a great discussion that I knew immediately I needed to bring her on. So, we've been working together for over a year. And this is what happens, especially when your clients are so smart, and intuitive, and such great coaches themselves, you get into this truly co-creative space.

I was downloading, and then she was summarizing it in a way that was so spot on and brought even more clarity; it just flows so well, right? Like, we're honeybees going from flower to flower, except the flowers are ideas. I knew this episode would be richer if I had her here. I also know how important and impactful it is for you, the listener, to hear this from a client rather than from me.

I think I mentioned this in the last episode or the one before, but it's one thing when your coach says something is possible or advantageous, and another entirely when a peer says so. That's why, when I started adding in the group component, even for one-to-one clients, we saw such great results.

So, without further ado, hi, Ale. Thanks so much for being here with us today.

Ale Garnica: Thank you, Jenna, for having me. So happy to be here.

Jenna: I was hoping we could give everyone a little bit of background, quickly, about your story. So, what led you to coaching? And what kind of business do you have?

Ale: Okay, so what led me to coaching was really, it was a breakthrough in my life. Which, when I was diagnosed with cancer in that moment, I started to question everything I was going for in my life. And I realized that even when I had everything I thought I wanted, or even more than what I thought I wanted… I was living in London back then. I had a very good job. I wasn't fully satisfied. So, I knew something had to change.

I started to work on myself, on my own self-discovery. And that led me to take courses in Mexico, get certified there. And once I moved to the US, I continued with those studies, but I knew I had to get certified in the US, as well. So, that's when I decided to go for life coaching.

After that, when I decided to create my own business, is when I said okay, I believe in the power of coaching. So, I need to get a coach for myself. And that's when I started working with you.

The business I have is I work with women who are in the same place where I was ten years ago. Where they have, what in appearance, looks like the perfect life, but they still feel unsatisfied. I help them create peace of mind and tap into what they are passionate about. Tap into their purpose to live a fulfilling life.

Jenna: I love that. I have seen that in you. I've seen you transform, and you are such a product of your product. Even over the time we've worked together, I've seen all the work you've done on yourself to continue putting into practice what you preach.

Ale: Yeah, it's been a lot of fun.

Jenna: If I can just take everyone right back to a moment in time, I think it's a great place to start our story. And that's when I received a Voxer message from you about the Mexico client. So, can I just start there?

Ale: Yes, please.

Jenna: So, you sent me a Voxer message and you said that today you're going to have a consult call or a sales call with someone from Mexico. And you're a little concerned, because you noticed yourself dealing with a scarcity mindset lately. And you've noticed yourself becoming more attached to the numbers in your bank, now that you don't have income coming in from the career, the job, that you've had for so many years.

You're starting to worry about running out of money. You were sure that was going to show up on this call, right? She would be able to feel that neediness. And so, you're realizing, though, that you still have all these thoughts about people in Mexico not being able to pay you. That they make less than we do here in the US. And so, they wouldn't be able to afford the prices you usually charge.

So, I always ask my clients to tell me what they've been doing already, and to think about what they need next, for their next steps. And you, of course, are an ideal client. Whenever you ask for anything, you go full in on it. So, you told me that you'd been journaling about how paying a higher price was going to be so beneficial for her. Like, how would that really help her?

But you were still believing, even though it would be helpful for her, it was going to be really hard for her to do it, for her make it happen. And so, you were asking for some guidance on moving through that scarcity mindset, when it comes to people that are in Mexico or a country where they make less. You said you really wanted to get over that feeling whenever someone reaches out to you from one of those countries.

Ale: Yes, yeah.

Jenna: Do you remember what I suggested?

Ale: Yes, I remember very well. Because, I mean, you helped me realize that it wasn't, of course, the first time I brought this to you. And the first thing you said was, okay, this is happening because we have not made a decision. I was like, oh, no. Really, what previously I have shared this with you, and we talked about making a decision on how much I was going to charge to people that are not in the US, and probably in developing countries.

I resisted to make the decision. I didn't do it. And then, I brought it up again. And when you said that, I was like, yes, of course, I have not made the decision. So really, the way you put it was, make a decision on what is that you want. What is how much you want to charge them.

And you gave me several options there, that helped me tremendously. Not only to decide, but also to feel comfortable with the decision. Knowing that it was the best for me and for my future clients, and the person I was going to be having a consultation call with.

Jenna: That is absolutely what we do. So, I see it with all of my clients, right? They'll bring me one thing they think is the issue. But really, there's something else going on. And I know your clients, right, do that, as well. I certainly do it with my coaches. And so, you were really wanting coaching on the scarcity. Right?

But actually, there was this other thing, which was the decision that hadn't been made. And what I think I was trying to help you see, when I answered you, was that whatever, regardless of the decision you made, you're going to feel discomfort in some way about it; if you decided to charge them the same amount as your other clients; if you were going to charge them less. You'd have all sorts of thoughts.

Can you think through, like, do you remember what some of those thoughts were?

Ale: The first time I brought this up to you was with a previous prospect. I gave them a lower price and I felt really bad about it. I was feeling guilty and it was very uncomfortable. So, when you said that, when you said, okay, either you charge less or you charge more, you're gonna feel uncomfortable anyways.

So, when I remembered that I was like, oh yes of course, I remember that I felt very bad when I charged less. And I kind of created some resentment, as well, towards that client because I was not charging what I said I was going to charge. So, that realization helped me to say, okay, now is the moment for me to make the decision. And just get rid of that mind drama that I've been having for years. Because this has been happening for quite a bit of time.

So, either, charging more was going to be uncomfortable, charging less was going to be uncomfortable, so I better just set the price. And then, deciding would also help me get rid of the mind drama, but also be okay with the price, and feel okay with that price.

Jenna: Yeah, yeah. Because, right even in that Voxer message, you'd already said, “I'm worried about the numbers going down in my bank account.” So, we know that if you charge her less, that's going to come up, right? And interestingly enough, the other time, when you'd had the previous client, and you did charge her less, I remember you came to a group call. It was really with this energy of guilt. You were kind of like, Jenna, I have to tell you something. As if I’d get really upset about it.

This is how our brain works, as well. Because I remember, for sure, at the time, I said, “That's you absolutely your decision. There's no wrong or right about whether you charge them more or less.” But at that point, we had been working on helping you really step into your value and raise your prices.

And so, at that point, I don't think that really landed for you. It wasn't until I said it this time, like, there really is no right or wrong. Right? That you were really able to sink into that. So, last time, you charged someone less. But you were already, now, potentially going to replicate that. And you'd already said that your bank account was dwindling.

So, you’d know that afterwards, you'd have thoughts about, I could have been bringing in more. But if you did charge more, you'd probably have thoughts about, oh, is it too much for them? What kind of results do I have to guarantee them now, that they're giving away their card to work with me, or whatever it might be, right?

Ale: Or, maybe, if they would’ve have signed if I would have charged less? That's another thought that I would have. Like, I mean, that's the reason why they didn’t sign, is because I charged this much.

Jenna: Right. “I should have offered less, because then they would have said yes.” Rather than believing that your price is the price that your clients want to pay.

Ale: Hmm, yeah, exactly. Yeah. So, either way it is going to be uncomfortable. So, I better make the decision.

Jenna: Yes. And so, what we then moved into, and why I thought this was so important for us to bring to a podcast, was that this unleashed so much just when you made the decision. Why don’t you talk about what happened from that point on, just when you finally decided?

Ale: Well, I think that really, several things happened. I was just thinking that even before making the decision. What happened, was that when we were talking, I was having the consultation call that day, when I brought it up to you. And while we were exchanging messages, I got a message from the person that was going to have the consultation call with me. Telling me, hey, I can't make it, can we postpone the call? And I was like, oh my.

So, I told you, this is the sign from the Universe; that he has my back because he's giving me enough time for me to make the decision. That was one big thing that happened. Because I think the Universe already saw me that I was working on making the decision, doing some thought download and some work.

But also, what happened is that I felt much better. I felt lighter once I wrote it down, and I said, okay, this is going to be the price I'm going to charge them. I actually asked my intuition what was the price I wanted to charge. Something I've been practicing lately, and I listened. It was less than what I was planning to charge, actually, and that surprised me. But I went with it anyways. And then, once I wrote it down, then I said, okay, it's not changing.

You also offered me two other questions, that helped me a lot with feeling comfortable with making the decision. Because the way I was making it mean, was that the decision was going to be forever, almost. So, what you offered me helped me think, okay, this is just from now until I reevaluate if I'm going to be charging this same price.

I decided to charge that price for just a certain number of people, that were coming from those countries. I showed up in a completely different way with this person in the consultation call. I was very present. I think the way, or the value, I brought to that call would have not been there if I would have not made the decision.

Jenna: Because what would you have been doing instead?

Ale: Well, I know it had happened before. I was really paying a lot of attention into like, the price point. Like, I was thinking during the call, before the call and during the call, I was thinking, how much am I going to charge them? I was kind of looking for evidence that proved that they could pay the price I wanted to charge, or that they could not pay the price I wanted to charge.

That was keeping me absent from the call, and not really being there for them, which at the end, is the purpose of the consultation. So, it was really not a pleasant experience. What was also happening, is that I was, whenever someone reached out from Mexico for a consultation call, I didn't like it.

I was like, no, no, no, no, no. Because I didn't want to go through the uncomfortable feeling of charging them more than what I wanted to, or what I thought they could pay. So, even that was completely different after I made the decision.

Jenna: Yeah, yeah. You were blocking yourself from bringing in a whole country's worth of clients.

Ale: Yes, yes. And people that I love working with, at the end, is my people; Spanish speaking. I mean, it's a complete different approach, whenever I am coaching in my own language.

Jenna: Yeah, I can imagine. And so, I know it's probably, you mentioned those questions, and I did go back and write those down, just so I could share them. But just in case, any of you are thinking through these types of things, as well. Maybe you have a subset of your people, that you believe aren't able to pay your fee; you have so many options, right?

Like Ale and I know now, it's not just a black-and-white, and it's not forever. But you can decide that everyone will want to pay your price; all of your right clients, that are meant for you, will want to pay your price. And so, even within that subset, there are actually people that can't afford you.

So, like Ale and I, we talked about this, there are so many affluent Mexicans. So many affluent Mexicans, right? So many affluent Colombians. So many people that still need coaching, that would be happy to pay, and then even expect to pay, right?

That could be the decision, that she decides, to step into that energy of, they're absolutely out there. And believing that they're out there, finding evidence that they're out there. Everything I've talked about on the podcast, before. And she can also decide, you know what, this is basically my scholarship fund, right?

Like, I have three spots that are open, or however many spots that are my scholarship spots, specifically for people that aren't able to pay that price. And this is the price that is available for scholarship people, right? And then they're happy. They can wait, if those spots are filled, they can wait until one opens up.

Or, you could even do some, and I think this is where it came in that it doesn't have to be forever. You can decide, right now, with; because I've decided to leave my corporate job, and I really do need to replace my income, I'm not accepting scholarship clients at this time. And when I get to X-level of right income, or this many clients, or whatever parameters you decide to set, that is when I'm going to start accepting scholarship clients. So, you had so many options, and there was no right or wrong about how you decided to have your pricing.

Ale: That was super helpful for me to definitely get out of my box, because I tend to see things in black-or-white. And, that's about me.

Jenna: As we all do.

Ale: And then, yes, like create the comfort to make the decision. Also, like, even making the decision helped me own the role of the CEO and say; okay, this is my business. I get to decide what to do with my business. Whatever aligns with my values is the decision I'm gonna make.

I knew I wanted to work with these people. I also knew that I didn't want to give it for free, because I know that there's a lot of value for them whenever they pay for these types of service. But I also knew that, probably I wasn't at that point mentally, for me to charge exactly the same as I charge people in the US.

Jenna: I was gonna ask you like, why did you decide to charge less?

Ale: I think it was what I said earlier, like thinking that I wanted people from Mexico or any other country where the income is less, I wanted those people to be my clients. I didn't want to be selective or restrictive. I want to work with just anybody who feels is the right fit with me, or whoever I feel is the right fit for me.

Also, like, I knew that it was gonna be a stretch for my brain to charge them the same as the people I’d charge in the US. I wasn’t there 100%. So, I said, okay, I'm gonna meet myself wherever I am, in terms of money mindset. I'm just gonna do three spots at this price range. And I'm gonna reevaluate by the end of the year. I mean, that felt much better. As soon as I decided I was like, ooph, it was a huge relief.

Jenna: Yeah, yeah. So, the last time you charged someone less, you felt guilty. Right? What do you think happened, that this time you felt relief?

Ale: I think it was that I was kind of freed from the mind drama that I had around it. Because just thinking about that was draining my energy. And I'm very, very careful with my energy.

Jenna: So, for those of you that know human design, Ale is a Projector. And one of the things we've been working on, is really her being able to target her energy to what's most aligned for her. To really be a good guard of her energy level.

Ale: Yes. It's something I'm very conscious about. I'm really, really working a lot on making sure that I invest my energy in what brings me the most joy. So, I knew that not making the decision was draining my energy; it didn't feel good. I also needed to create some space for me to use my mind, to be more creative for my own business and for my clients, as well. I kind of forgot what you asked, but I hope this answers the question.

Jenna: Well, as I was listening to you, and I'm just trying to think through, like, what happened, right. Really so that people can replicate this for themselves, in terms of really… Because you have made such a shift and come to this true resolution. One, is really developing the body of thoughts around it. Around the “why”, which you have.

As anyone, that's listening to you answer, can hear all of your rationale for why this instead of another choice. But also, as I'm listening to you, I'm thinking you've said a couple times that it aligns to your values, and so much of what you do. You've also said, meeting yourself where you are. What you do in your own practice is so much of that self-acceptance.

What I'm thinking about, your people, they're just so hard on themselves, right? And, they're so driven. And they really don't have that sense of inner peace. And so, look at you now making this decision, and being like, oh, but I'm just going to meet myself where I am. I absolutely accept that this, right now, is where my brain is. And, this is the price that I want to charge.

Ale: Yes, I know that several months ago, I would have pushed myself to charge more. Like no, this is where your business is gonna be in a year, then this is what you're meant to charge. And, that's it. Being really tough with myself.

Jenna: “And if I don’t, if I slip up, I'm gonna feel really guilty when I tell my coach.”

Ale: Yes. I'm gonna go, “I have something to confess.” Yes. Yeah, no, but in this time, I really was very compassionate towards myself. I knew I wasn't there, yet. And I think also, knowing that I know I can get there, like this trust in myself, that I've nurtured so much, I know I'm gonna get there.

I know I'm gonna get to the point where I can charge everybody equally. But I wasn't there, just yet. So, just the combination of trust and compassion towards myself is really what helped me be totally okay with charging less, and actually get excited about working with them, even when I am charging less.

Jenna: Yes, yes. Which changes your entire coaching relationship. And I'm sure, it does have some influence on their results, as well, what they get from you. It's just so much proof of how you are a product of your product, and why you're such an amazing coach, and why your Instagram® has blown up.

You have so many people coming to watch your reels, and just loving seeing your light. It's because you truly have developed that self-acceptance and really having your own back. I mean, we keep joking about this time you came to me feeling guilty.

But I really think that would have been very different right now, if you had gone ahead and just, you know, decided to charge less, and come to the call and were reporting on a new client. I think that you would have really spoken about it in a completely different way.

Ale: Mm-hmm. I agree. I totally agree. Yes. Yeah. I think that because of that love, and patience, and understanding, I have towards myself, I would have seen it completely different.

Jenna: Yeah. Yeah. I wanted to pick up something you said earlier. You were talking about how the Universe was really looking out for you, when that client postponed the call, and it gave you that time to think through these things.

But I also think, that even bringing this client was the Universe. Again, giving you that nudge to make this decision and really step in to owning what you were going to do. And to not feel guilty, and to own it, right, unabashedly; this is absolutely what I do and why. That was also a gift. And, that was also looking out for you.

Ale: Yes, I needed to make that decision in order for me to clear that space. And also, to follow what my values are for my business. Like, working with those people, helping anybody, and not make it around the money, but make it around what I value that most. So, definitely, the Universe was telling me; hey, you forgot to make these decisions. So, here is someone that will help you with that.

Jenna: Right, exactly. And whether you think of it as the Universe, or as our own subconscious, that is drawing these things, and leading us into situations again and again, or reflecting that back to us, the truth is that you are given those “opportunities” again and again and again. Until you finally do what needs to be done. So, you can finally, whatever it is; receive more, or charge more, or trust more, or own your power more. There are always those opportunities for us.

Ale: Yes, definitely.

Jenna: Really, the trick, is once you've made the decision; yes, you are going to feel some discomfort again, at some point. Can you stick with it?

Ale: Yeah, yeah. I also think that the questions that you gave me were so powerful, that I didn't even hesitate about that. Like, am I gonna stick with the decision? Because I think the reevaluation piece is what gave me the comfort to stick with it.

Because I was like; it's just from now until the end of the year, and then I will reevaluate. It's okay. Also, thinking that decisions can change. I mean, I tend to think, I think that many people tend to think, that you're once you make a decision that's the path you have to follow. But we can always change our decision. Not to change the route or like, follow our fear. But just to know that there's another way for us to take, if things don't come out the way we expect.

Jenna: Yeah, yeah. And, that is something that's worth expanding on. Because what is that distinction between reevaluation and following your fear? That’s where so many people get tripped up, and I think, where they block their abundance in such a big way.

So, what we're doing when we're reevaluating, is we're committing to our decision for that period of time. And that's completely different than what most people do. Which is, they make a decision, they get any bit of feedback that feels uncomfortable, like a client doesn't sign or something, then they go and they change their decision.

But what that's doing, it’s showing your emotional reactivity. And then, the Universe knows that you really aren't ready yet, because you're obviously not decided. You’ve obviously haven't really embodied that or integrated that. And so, you keep making these decisions based on fear; okay, well, then you need another opportunity to trust.

Ale: Yeah, yeah. I like the way you put it once, when we were talking, that the Universe can get confused if you keep changing the decision, or you act in a way that is not aligned with the decision you took. I truly believe that. I truly believe that it's like; okay, you're telling me this, so I'm gonna give you, based on what you decided. But now, you're changing directions. What's going on?

Jenna: Right. Just know, for anyone listening, that there probably will be discomfort after a decision. And that's just an opportunity, then, to really help you know your “why” even further.

So, we just had a bootcamp call, right before this. I was speaking to one of the boot campers, and she really wanted to speak to three people, in this new niche that she was going after. She did end up speaking to five people, but only one was really an ideal client. Right? And so, there was a part of her, the reactivity, the emotional reactivity, has her thinking; should I change niches? Maybe, it's really hard to find these people.

That is really just a reflection, and giving her the opportunity to be like, no. Why, again, do I believe that so many people need this? Why, again, do I believe that there are so many people out there? Why, again, do I know this connects my dots, and this is why I have to do it?

That's all that's happening, right now. Because it's so funny, everyone else on the call, we could say, everyone and their dog needs this service. Right? Everybody needs this. But when you're in it, and you're in that fear, you're like; I don't know. It’s just another opportunity to be like; no, I do know, dammit. I do know. And once you get into that energy, watch out world.

Ale: Mm-hmm. Yes, yeah. And it's incredible, because everything changes. Like, even the way you act changes, but also, things start to align just based on that decision. And, it's shocking, really.

Jenna: So, let’s talk about that. Because you made her the offer, and then what happened?

Ale: Well, first of all, the consultation call went very well; I felt really good. And it was because I came with a very clean mind, like, not thinking about money, so that was awesome. At the end of the call, she even said, “You are my coach,” when I said, “So what do you think?” And she said, “You are my coach.” So, she said yes.

But then, she didn't pay. So, it was probably like four days after the call, she didn't pay. So, I reached out to you. The fear started to creep in, so I was kind of doubting. And then you said, I don't remember exactly how you said it, but like, who is meant to be my client is going to be there.

Jenna: Your clients won’t pass you by.

Ale: Yeah, yeah, exactly. The clients won't pass me by. Yes, exactly. And I have evidence for that. So, that was very reassuring. I felt more at peace when reading that. I was like; it's true. It's very true. So, my energy shifted in that moment.

And then, when I read this, like, probably twenty minutes later, she reached out. She sent me a screenshot with the payment. And I was like; yeay, she paid. I think I let you know that, by the way, she already paid, while we were talking.

Jenna: It was like; of course. Like, I knew that you have this ability to really bring in your people. There have been times where you're like; oh, this person, I don't know. And yet, then when you talk to them, it makes so much sense why you were brought together.

What I want people to realize is that in that moment, when you were in doubt and fear and I sent you that message, that was another decision point for you. You decided to lean in, to trust. You decided to lean into this energy of, I got this. I don't remember when you said it, Ale, but you said, even if she had not paid, you already would have gotten all of the lessons that you needed from her. Either way, it was a gift already.

Ale: Mm-hmm. Yes. I mean, there are so many gifts that that person brought to me. I think every person has brought a lot of gifts to me, but she especially. Like the fact that I took the decision, it was because of her. I mean, if she would have not come, I would have not made the decision.

But also, how I felt after the consultation call was like; oh, my God. This is how much I can be when I show up with certainty. And yeah, I mean, I think also, the fact that she said… Well, that was after she signed, but those two things were really a big gift for me, because of her.

Jenna: It helped you lean in to that cleanness and that CEO-ness. Also, it helped you to really lean into kind of this trust, that your clients won't pass you by, no matter what. And from that place of confidence, then she was very, like it somehow, potentially, reached her within a very short amount of time. From that decision point, on your end, to be like; I no longer worry about this. I know my clients are meant for me. And then, boom, here comes the client.

Ale: Yeah, yeah. And, that's another huge gift. Stepping in my role as a CEO, that makes decisions that align with the values of the business, is another big gift, that I am very grateful for. Yes.

Jenna: I do, before we go on, because believe it or not, there's even more. I do want to talk about those questions, because you've mentioned them a few times. So, these are the questions I gave you. Number one; why is it worth it to you to make this decision?

You know, because we do want to get the brain on board with even making the decision. Because it spends so much time in fear about the decision, and all the things that can go wrong by making the decision; of course, the clients won't sign. Or, I’ll offend somebody. Or, I'm going against my values, I'll feel terrible.

That we don't usually give it enough time in the positive place. So, like, why is it worth it to make the decision? What can happen? Why will it be so great? Now, in the benefit of hindsight, everyone here is getting to hear why it was so great. You weren't thinking that at the time. That wasn't your experience. So yeah, why is it worth it to you have to make that decision?

And then, yeah, when will you reevaluate the decision? And, why do you want to choose that option?

Ale: Mm hmm. Yeah. And, both of them are super important. Yeah.

Jenna: So, can you think of another time that there has been a decision point?

Ale: Yes. The first one that comes to my mind, is when I decided to work with you. That was a big decision for me, because of many reasons. But I have never had business coach. I've never made that type of investment. For me, it was huge.

That definitely changed everything, in the way I saw myself and my business. Like, I said to myself, unconsciously; okay, I am taking this seriously. This is no game now. And the actions after that, showed it. I was very serious. I was taking every assignment and every call seriously, because I mean, this is my business.

Also, the self-concept changed completely. I mean, I remember that after we finished the call, I went out to have some drinks with some friends, and everything looked very different; it looked brighter, it was warmer, sunnier, than before. Just because of that decision, and I felt so good. I was like; oh, my God, I don't know why I didn't do this earlier. So yes, that was a big one.

Jenna: When we step into aligned decisions for ourselves, how good it feels when we’re there. Right? We will never stay in unalignment, if that's a word, if we knew what it felt like when we’re in that other place. It is scary on the other side.

Ale: Yes, definitely. But also, another thing that changed a lot, is the way, I mean, I wasn't investing on myself before. I mean, I was but not in the way I am now. Because after making the decision of working with you, I started to invest in myself. I remember that I, probably two months later, I decided to hire a personal trainer, which is something I had been thinking about before, but I didn't.

I felt like I didn't deserve, unconsciously really, the investment for that. That I could do it on my own, you know. And then, I also started to pay for my facials and other things, that were huge for me; very, very significant. So, now how I see myself, in terms of investment, is completely different after that decision I made.

Jenna: I love it. I think it's so big because yeah, when you said, the first time, I'd never invested in that way before, but you'd invested in different coach trainings. Right? Or, I'm sure you've bought cars, and made house payments and things. Like, we do make big payments in our lives, but somehow it feels different when it's for us, like it’s for our betterment.

So, really, what it's about, is ‘I am worth it’. That was a decision point, when we were going to work together. You had to make the decision. Not only ‘I'm worth it’, but ‘I believe in myself’; this will pay off. Same with a personal trainer; you did this because this will pay off. I am going to go. I am going to get the results.

Ale: Yes, yeah, definitely. It’s actually the message, now that you say it, that ‘I am worth it’ is a message I am giving to myself constantly. And many times, I forget. But I know, yes, I am worth it. And, I love living by that. Then the other decision, the other big decision, is when I decided to leave my job.

I had been working in corporate for twenty-one years. I was thinking about quitting for months, but I finally decided last year. It was around this time, when I said, okay, I think I'm ready. So, that's when I decided to quit, and I for some reason, I decided to just hand in my resignation in January.

And when I did, I think it was right after we came back from holidays, when I handed in my resignation. The day after I told my boss, I signed a client. Which for me was like, okay, the Universe is telling me this is the path for you. It’s reassuring that this is the path for me. What we said earlier that, I mean, once you make the decision the Universe will provide. And, it was proof for that.

Jenna: Also, you, if we think about your power in the situation, you had been doing so much thought work and preparation beforehand. You'd been thinking about what this means for you; to leave this job, and why it's so important for you to make the decision, and how you do believe it's going to bring you, you are going to bring on clients, and how you are a coach.

And you'd been doing all of this work, so when you finally got to that place, right, of leaving, it was like you were finally unpinching the flow, you were finally allowing the abundance. And from that great energy of, I know clients are coming, a client came.

Ale: Yeah, and I knew I had to be in that place, because I liked my job, it’s not that I hated my job, that I was running away from it. I really liked it. I had a good pay, as well. But I knew that coaching was my passion. So, I just gave myself the time.

I was patient with myself, even when, sometimes I was a little bit frustrated. But I was patient with myself, in terms of taking the time I needed to be at the place emotionally and mentally where I was going to be okay with closing that chapter.

And when I did, I felt so good and I have not looked back. I don't have any regrets about leaving my job. And, I'm very grateful for it. I really, I think that's really how we all should close every chapter. Like, really being grateful for what it gave us and what we gave to it. But you definitely need to be in that space, which comes from making a decision in peace, I think.

Jenna: Oh good, good one; making a decision in peace. It’s true; arriving at that place of peace, that's when you know. We don't always get there with every decision. Right? Sometimes there's a little bit of a lag time to help us get there. And maybe a couple little more nudges, to help us really sink into it. But that's when you know it's landed, is when you're at that decision and in peace. Which is how you are now, about your Mexico clients; you’ve found your peace.

Ale: Yes, yes. Yes.

Jenna: I’m thinking, when you left your job, it wasn't just the clients. Do you remember, you got like that flood of recognition?

Ale: Yeah, I remember. Yes. It was beautiful. Because even when I had been working there for twenty-one years, and I have known people for that long, I have not received that much recognition from them. So, of course, I love being recognized. But I remember that I…

Jenna: You’re a projector.

Ale: Yes.

Jenna: Very important. Also, it was so hard for you to do for yourself. And that’s one of the things we've been working on. Whatever it is you're longing for or seeking, how are you giving it to yourself? You weren’t, remember? You were so hard on yourself. You did all of that work, Ale. You were working, you were giving yourself so much recognition, even though that felt so uncomfortable, and so wrong and different. Then, you got the feathers.

Ale: Yeah, yeah. So, it also says, like, the more you give to yourself, the more you're going to receive also, externally. But definitely, it's something that I know I look for constantly. And if I really want to get it, I know I have to create it for myself. So, even what they shared, I wrote it down because it's like a file that I go to, whenever I need to give this recognition to myself. It’s kind of my shortcut to create recognition towards myself. Like, I'm not looking for it externally, because now it's part of me. So, I use it to create that recognition for myself. Yes, I love it.

Jenna: I love it. Yes, whatever works. And it's something I encourage everyone to have, is just a swipe file like that, of testimonials, of kind things people have said, for when our brain leans towards its negativity bias.

Ale: Yes, yeah, definitely.

Jenna: Ale, I know that everyone is going to want a piece of this light, but unfortunately, they can't see you. But I know it transmits through the airwaves. And so, they'll also probably just want to see what you're doing on Instagram, right. All of this momentum there, and how you're creating your reels that people love so much. So, where can they find you?

Ale: Where I hang out the most, is on Instagram. I am @iam.alegarnica, that's how they can find me. And my website, which is, AleGarnica.com

Jenna: Great. We'll link to both of those in the notes. Definitely check her out. Is there anything else that you can think of, that you would like to say before we hop off?

Ale: No, I think we've said it all. I mean, just really, I mean decisions are very important. Decisions are… Sometimes it's very, very uncomfortable for us to make a decision. But just think about how much mental space, how much time you're gonna free, when you get to decide.

Just think, that if it doesn't work out, you can always change it. But give yourself the time to test it out. Make sure that it's really not working, so you don't have regrets later. And yeah, I mean, at the end, trust. Whenever you decide, life is going to provide for you to get the support you need, in that decision.

Jenna: Right. And then, I’d just add to that, the other thing that really opens for you is so much abundance. It's like the Universe is waiting for you to ground in to your decisions, your power, how you want things to be. And it's like; finally, she gets it. Here you go.

Ale: Yes. So beautiful.

Jenna: Thank you for coming on.

Ale: Thank you for having me, Jenna. It was so much fun.

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