Ep# 113: The Psychology of Manifesting Simple Business Success Through Reinvention for Women Entrepreneurs (Stage 3)

Episode Summary

What if mastering the psychology of manifesting a simple and effective business is the key to unlocking the success you’ve always envisioned?

Many high-achieving women entrepreneurs believe that success means constantly overworking and pushing themselves to the brink. However, by making a key psychological shift, you can redefine your entrepreneurial journey, achieving your highest effectiveness and success with far less hustle.

In this episode you will: 

  1. Find out the surprising and often overlooked source of your stress and exhaustion, and how addressing it can transform your entrepreneurial experience.

  2. Learn the secret behind how some CEOs stay calm and focused under pressure, enabling you to lead your business more peacefully and productively.

  3. Understand why working less isn't always the solution, and gain clarity on the essential step to take before reducing your hours or making changes in your business.

Tune in now to transform your approach and elevate your business to one of ease, efficiency and growth!

Episodes Mentioned: 

Episode 46. Mental Toughness (it's a girl thing)

Episode 112. The Psychology of Manifesting Simple Business Success Through Reinvention for Women Entrepreneurs (Stage 2)

Sign up here to get on the waitlist for Power & Potency, the new mastermind for highly accomplished women entrepreneurs, and hear all new information as it's released: 


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Find Jenna on Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/theuncommonway/

The Uncommon Way is led by business coach Jenna Harrison, who helps women entrepreneurs feel confident, find their ideal clients effortlessly and avoid overwork so they can manifest money and abundance in their business and life.

This podcast empowers female entrepreneurs to overcome imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and limiting beliefs through somatics, mindset, and spirituality, create 7-figure offers, and build an online coaching business with clarity and alignment.

Episode Transcription

Jenna Harrison: [00:00:00] You're listening to the Uncommon Way business and life coaching podcast. The podcast that helps women entrepreneurs get clear on signature offers and strategies that sell themselves so you can lean back and stop the hustle. You will learn to maximize your mindset, messaging, and strategy. And step into the uncommonly successful business and life you are creating.

Here's your host top ranked business coach and reformed over analyzer turned queen of clarity. Jenna Harrison

Welcome welcome back to the uncommon way today I am bringing you part three of a series dedicated to helping you understand and adapt Dubbed the psychology buying simple business success. There are stages that you absolutely must move through in [00:01:00] order to achieve that. And we're laying those out one by one because we all want to lean back more and hustle less in our business.

We don't want all that stressing or striving or overworking. We want to feel like all the dots connect for us very meaningfully and things actually click and bring revenue. But trying to put that into practice is a whole different beast. But the good news is that if you really understand these psychological stages that you absolutely must move through in order to accomplish this type of life, you will always have a roadmap for what you need to be working on.

And you will know that if you do work on it, then you will reach your destination. If you are called to this, it is because you are here to usher in a new way of being and working in the world. And I hope you take it really seriously that you have the [00:02:00] opportunity to do so. And you don't just keep white knuckling and pushing through.

Generations before you shrugged their shoulders and said, well, That's just the way it is. And they waited for the gold watch at retirement, or they waited to relax on vacation once a year, but not you. I am here to help you make your transition into this new way of living and working faster, better, and easier.

Now, in this episode, you are going to find out the surprising truth about the relentless stress and exhaustion you're feeling. And discover the true source of “hard” in your business. It's something you're likely completely overlooking and will transform your experience of entrepreneurship. You'll also learn the secret of how some CEOs remain calm and clear headed, even in the face of constant pressure so that you [00:03:00] can lead your business in a more peaceful and productive way.

And you'll come to see why working less isn't always the answer, even though I talk about it a lot in this podcast. And you will know what to do first before you cut back hours or make other changes to your business. I can't wait to dive into that with you, but first, how are you? How's your September starting off?

Mine is going smashingly well. The biggest best news is that we have been awarded Spanish residency, which has been quite an emotional rollercoaster. But it all worked out and I, I just feel really proud actually, that, that, um, my company and I were able to do this, you know, the Spanish government didn't consider any other assets or income or employment situation.

Other [00:04:00] than my companies to really grant this visa. So I'm just giving my business a huge hug for taking care of me in this way, and really showing this, this government just how secure and established it is. But sometimes things aren't so rosy and things don't feel so safe and resolved. And that is what we're going to talk about today.

Now to quickly recap the first parts of this series, in order to create simple business success, you need to pass through four key psychological stages. The first is opening yourself to the belief that a new way of doing things can actually be better than the way you did it. been successful until now.

So working less stressing less might actually bring you better business results than you're currently experiencing. Not that you can't work hard or shouldn't work hard temporarily when you want to, [00:05:00] but you don't need that as a status quo in order to be successful. The second stage is letting things come easily.

Things like money, support, accolades. Most of us actually resist that. We have a conscious or subconscious attachment to suffering or to things being hard or to things taking a long time or to controlling everything and worrying about everything. So you're never going to create simple business success if deep down you're feeling safer with another way of being.

And the third stage, the one that we are talking about today is the psychology of hard. It's where you come into full understanding about what really, really, really truly makes things hard. It's where you know. Um, where hard most often comes from and where it most often does not [00:06:00] come from. And when you really absorb this, you will be adopting a key aspect of the military grade mindset that I've spoken about before, which is what will help you be the calm, clear headed CEO who doesn't get ruffled.

Even when it feels like there's incoming fire from your three o'clock and you're butted up against some obstacle at your nine o'clock, you still know what you have to do. So you can go back and listen to episode 46 on mental toughness for more on that subject if you're interested. Okay, let's get into this.

I was on a call with a client the other day who's having a really stressful time in her business at the moment. And she told me that something has got to change because she's spending about 80 percent of her energy on her business. It feels relentless and that makes it so draining and she notices herself feeling down and unhappy and that is not who she is.

[00:07:00] She's afraid it's going to affect her health. If she continues, so the way our brain usually tries to solve a situation like this, well, if you're an action taker, anyway, of course there are people who will just sit and complain about it. But if you are in problem solving mode, then you're going to be like, okay, I am going to need to work less.

Or, I need to talk to these other people and get them to do more, or I need to hire better team members, or as my client was saying, I just need to set aside my dreams and my ambition for a bit. I can't work more, so I need to stop here. But what the brain is doing is blaming all different circumstances in case that's where the heart is coming from.

Right. It's trying to problem solve to remove discomfort via the hours you work or the people you're working with or the industry you're in. But unfortunately, because your mind is [00:08:00] having the subjective experience of being your mind, what it won't naturally see and consider Is its own way of thinking and how its beliefs and biases play into the situation and actually make it so much worse.

What I pointed out to my client is that we have 112 wakeful hours in the week. If you're getting eight hours of sleep per night and of those, she works about 30 to 32. So about 27 percent of that time. So why is that consuming 80 percent of her energy? Hey, if you want true clarity about your secret sauce, your people, your best way of doing business and how you talk about your offer, then I invite you to join us in the Clarity Accelerator.

I'll teach you to connect all the dots, the dots that have always been there for you so that you can show up like you [00:09:00] were born for exactly this. Come join us and supercharge every other tool or tactic you'll ever learn from Facebook ads to manifestation. Just go to the uncommon way. com slash schedule and set up a time to talk.

I can't wait to be your coach. What we discovered is that she's been thinking, It's all on me. And I have to prove myself. And if this doesn't go well, I won't get rehired and make money. And this, my friend, is where hard really comes from. It comes from the pressure you put on yourself, from your fears, from your worry, all the overthinking, all the mental should I, shouldn't I, all the complaining and bemoaning the situation, all the anxiety, making sure you remember the things and are keeping out ahead of situations, all the judgment you feel about yourself, about the situation, about [00:10:00] life.

All the things you don't say or don't do because you want to be liked. This makes things hard. Creating offers and sales isn't that hard, but this stuff, this is hard. It feels hard to us and it's a very draining and in a nutshell, hard comes from your thoughts. I'll say that again. The majority of the time, hard comes from your thoughts, and those thoughts drive all sorts of behaviors that aren't really serving you.

And so things become even harder. This is why, if you don't really get to the point where you understand in your brain, Bones that hard is usually coming from you. Then you won't create simple, useful business success because you keep trying to solve for the wrong thing, and in fact, you make matters worse.

You won't ever be [00:11:00] solving for the root of the problem and recording a reel for Instagram this week where I'm just kind of sitting there lounging, and then the caption's gonna say. This is how entrepreneurs relax, or this is how small business owners relax. And then it's like, tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk, all the things that are going through your mind.

And it's tongue in cheek. It's fun. But this is what makes entrepreneurship hard. The brain. You feel tired when you've been using your brain in a way that you don't when you've been using your body. In fact, intense extended thinking causes byproducts to build up in the prefrontal cortex. We now know, and this alters your decision making as cognitive fatigue sets in.

It causes a shift towards actions that require less effort. So all of a sudden you don't feel like doing that workshop, you decide you'll postpone your launch. You decide you're going to [00:12:00] work less from now on, or you'll turn down that speaking invitation. This is why when I'm working with a client and I tell her to go rest or go do something extremely pleasurable, and she's like, I can't rest yet.

I have class. This goal I'm working on, or I have this thing I have to accomplish first. I'm just way too busy. I don't even have a spare moment. I'm like, Oh, you think I'm telling you to rest? Cause I feel bad for you or because I'm running some sort of crazy town fantasy land thing here. No, no, I'm telling you this because I want you performing at maximum and right now you can't.

Working 32 hours in your zone of genius is not taxing. Often it even gives you energy, but working 32 hours with a brain that's going a mile a minute with an ongoing activated stress response, that's a whole other story. It is [00:13:00] exhausting. It is soul sucking. I've spoken to many women who wonder, maybe I'm not cut out for this type of business or this big of a business or being a mom and having a business or, or, or, and it breaks my heart because their own internal landscape is exhausting them.

Not so much the industry or the volume or what's going on in their day. Those things can all be solved for easily and even completely reframed. Once you're in a different mental state, and I'm on a mission to bring this mental toughness training to every single woman so that she can accomplish all that she's capable of.

Now, I do want to pause here and say that what I'm describing demands a lot of personal responsibility from you. And while that's an amazing stance for growth, it can also be triggering with good reason. [00:14:00] If I'm saying maybe this hard thing doesn't need to feel so hard, and maybe you are making it harder, that can be very dismissive of your circumstances, right?

Of your experience. And so often women and girls as they're growing up are told, Oh, you are, you're being hysterical. It's no big thing. And then we start to question our view. And we start to question our experience, and that is amplified if there's any intersectionality. For instance, if you're also a person of color, and then here I am as a white woman in a position of privilege as the sole voice on this podcast, telling you to get over it.

Now, I'm not actually going to say that, but you can feel attacked or shamed as if I had. And I am aware of this to the extent that I can be aware of it, but I am still going to speak what I believe will serve you [00:15:00] because I've seen how effective and powerful it is when women can learn to manage their minds and control their thoughts while acknowledging, of course, that not all of us have the same circumstances.

And in the last episode, too, where I was talking about ease. It's easier for some of us to let things be easy than it is for others. But I do believe in entrepreneurship ease is possible for all of us women, as is a military grade mindset. However, if you do feel triggered and you want some help integrating what you hear here worldview, Or if you have any questions come up or anything that you want to say to me and reflect back to me, then I invite you to contact me directly.

You can either reply to one of my emails or DM me through Instagram. Okay. Resuming. Look, you are an adult. You are the CEO of your business. And if you want to [00:16:00] react and change things, when you feel discomfort, rather than examining your thoughts about the situation that might be driving the discomfort, you are fully in your right to do so.

I change things sometimes if they're an easy fix, right? Sometimes I don't want to work on new beliefs, but if you are seeing patterns that keep cropping up for you, you As is the case with my client, or if you find yourself thinking, oh, when I finally reach the specific revenue goal, then I won't have the story or when I finally have a team, or when I finally have the right team, then that's when things won't be like this anymore.

Then you are. Chances are misleading yourself when you earn seven figures, you are still going to have your brain and the way it tends to think inside your head. You're not going to be able to get rid of it. You will always get into situations where your thoughts are your main problem, where [00:17:00] you. And there's no shame in that it's just part of how our brains work, and we are all overcoming our conditioning and our negativity biases and all the wiring survival wiring in our brain.

Our brains are just trying to keep us safe and be anxious, just in case, and make sure we don't burn out, just in case, and make sure we look good to people, just in case, and make sure we don't fail, just in case. And when you are deep in a pattern, you probably won't even see it because you're so used to that lens, you'll tell yourself, you're just a high performer, or that it just kills you to have typos, or that you got burned once and never again, or whatever.

And you've subconsciously gathered so much evidence for that specific lens and that perspective that you take it as a given, like it's just a fact, [00:18:00] which is why we all need someone outside our brain to help us see what we're not seeing. Even a brain surgeon can't do surgery on herself. And the good news is that as you do this.

As you clean up your thinking and learn the mental agility of examining situations from various angles and neutralizing those charged emotions, you also build your capacity so that things that would have gotten you all exhausted and seemed so hard before You just don't know my very simple business, a business that so many other entrepreneurs would kill for would have completely stressed me out just a few years ago.

But it doesn't seem hard to me because of how I manage my mind and how I've set up my business. Now, you know, you know, I'm in favor of helping women work less. And [00:19:00] dial in the pieces of their business so that sales come easier and they're working with people that are deliciously simple to work with. We need to reinvent our businesses when we're on this path.

We do need to make some changes. Because the business was likely built in some misaligned ways and it isn't showcasing your true superpowers to your true super fans. But you also need clarity on how you are perpetuating the behaviors and patterns that aren't working for you. If you're ever truly going to create change, you have got to understand that usually hard comes from your thoughts.

Sometimes you might have a health issue that creates fatigue or a past trauma that gets triggered every time you encounter a specific situation. But most of the time hard comes from your thoughts. And so whenever you're feeling discomfort before changing anything like cutting back on hours or [00:20:00] whatever, first examine the thoughts and behaviors driving the hard, uncomfortable status quo.

All right. You ready to talk tactics? Let's do it. One of the most helpful things you can do when you are in a situation is to have a conversation with yourself where you say, okay, brain, I recognize that you think it's the circumstance, but really it's this thought I'm thinking that's driving all of this discomfort.

So for instance, I felt this now in Spain. I've just had so much to do with the settling in and researching different things that, you know, it really is like, imagine you have to start your life all over again from scratch. So every time you've researched, like, which bank to use, or what kind of car to get, or what kind of TV to get, or like, [00:21:00] All the thing, all your vitamins, everything.

You have to do that all again. Most of those brands don't exist. And so you're starting like brand new with everything. Plus trying to figure out the legal system and the financial system and, and all the things. So there's a lot to do. But when I noticed myself go to the hard, right, to the tired, the exhausted and the thoughts that this is relentless, or I just don't have enough time.

I can see that I have all of these behaviors and actions that would stem from that. Cause of course I've seen this and I've done this work on myself and with others so frequently that, you know, I'm feeling hopeless and then it's leading to rushing through things and maybe making mistakes and then having to redo the work.

And then I may be, you know, You know, staying up too late and all the different things that leads to and this hopeless [00:22:00] feeling. And I can be in that and stop myself and say, Oh, I get it. Like my brain thinks it's because of moving to Spain that all of this is happening. But really it's my thought that I just don't have enough time.

to do it all, right? Or that it's just so overwhelming or whatever I'm thinking that's then driving this sensation of spinning, spinning and hopelessness and relentlessness. So the next time you notice that for yourself, how can you just pause and just be like, Oh yeah, okay, interesting. What are all the ways?

Like when I'm thinking this, what do I tend to do? How do I feel? And then how do I act? Even just doing that can change so much for you. It can kind of break that pattern and disassociate from those strong feelings and get into a more neutral [00:23:00] cerebral place. But if you want to, you can take it a step further and say, Okay.

And now what else is available in terms of the way I would think about this situation? And sometimes it's helpful to say, how would someone else think about it? It could be someone, you know, someone you look up to, you know, when people used to say like, what would Jesus do? Or I guess some people still say, what would Jesus do?

It's just this process, right? It's just helping you adopt new thoughts that your own brain wouldn't normally think, right? And help you move into a different way of being. And it really helps land in the understanding that, okay, this is my subjective experience, but it's not the only way that I could be experiencing it.

All right, now let's talk energetics, since I always make sure to include a little something about this in every show. Now, energetically, what you focus on grows and what you resist [00:24:00] persists. Now, that is an energetic concept, but it's also just psychology 101. If you're focusing on the negative, thinking about the negative, your brain is naturally going to find more evidence for the negative.

You're going to be in a, everything we just described and in a less positive feeling state, and it's going to affect your actions. And even your decisions, as we talked about earlier. So, if you really truly don't want the thing that's hard in your business, then you've got to stop giving it so much of your attention.

If you keep thinking, I'm not making enough, I'm not making enough, it leads to you not making enough. Your resistance to what is, is making your brain totally stuck on the topic. So here's something you can do. I just learned this the other day and I wanted to bring it to you right away. I'll Alright, think about all of these things that are feeling hard that are coming at [00:25:00] you, right?

And feel that sensation in your body as if you were in the ocean and it was, and these waves were coming at you and you were kind of bracing against them, right? You're trying to be strong. You're trying to keep moving forward or whatever it is, right? You're just getting hit by this. Feel that in your body.

Okay, now imagine that instead, the waves are just like rolling over you. You are in the water and floating and these things are passing, right? You're in it, but you have a different relationship to them. You're not fighting them. Now feel already in your body how that changes things. It's just that acceptance and flow.

And then if you want to kick it up a notch, you can even imagine yourself on a [00:26:00] surfboard, right? And everything is just the next wave and you're good. It's all bringing you to shore. It's all okay. In fact, it's even kind of fun to be able to manage these waves and let them go. All right. I hope that was helpful for you.

I, I just really liked it. I thought it's a really quick way to just move into a completely different energy. So my friend, if you would like to develop the military grade mindset that lets you really reach the heights you're going after, then come join us in the Clarity Accelerator because you'll come out a different person and these lessons will serve you in every aspect of your life for decades to come.

Plus, we'll dial in the pieces of your business, right? We'll create those signature offers and strategies that showcase your superpower. There's a link in the show notes to schedule a call with me and [00:27:00] answer all of your questions. All right. In this episode, you got the lowdown on the third psychological stage of creating simple business success.

You discover that most often the true source of hard situations in your business are your thoughts, your worries, and your beliefs. And now you know why some CEOs can remain calm and clear headed, even with more constant pressure than you are currently facing. And you've learned why just working less isn't always the answer, nor is just changing your clients or just changing your offer.

Or just doing anything that you think will somehow move you from discomfort to comfort without taking into account that you're bringing your brain with you. That's it for today. I can't wait to talk to you next week when we talk about the fourth stage. I hope you have [00:28:00] a great week. Bye.

Thanks for joining us here at the uncommon way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business in life, including the clarity first strategy for growing and scaling your business, visit the uncommon way. com. See you next time.


Ep# 114: The Psychology of Manifesting Simple Business Success Through Reinvention for Women Entrepreneurs (Stage 4)


Ep# 112: The Psychology of Manifesting Simple Business Success Through Reinvention for Women Entrepreneurs (Stage 2)