Ep# 114: The Psychology of Manifesting Simple Business Success Through Reinvention for Women Entrepreneurs (Stage 4)

Episode Summary

Have you ever wondered why some high-achieving women entrepreneurs seem to create success with ease while others work harder but see fewer results?

If you have been pushing hard in your business but aren't seeing the results you desire, this episode is your turning point. By understanding how to recreate your mindset, you can start seeing the outcomes you want far more easily.

In this episode you will: 

  1. Unlock the secrets to easeful success that the people who “make it look so easy” already know

  2. Learn 4 simple mental exercises to rewire your brain for optimal performance and deep satisfaction

  3. Flip the switch on your biggest challenges (Hint: It’s not them, it’s you.)

    Tune in now to break free from the everyday hustle and start creating a business that aligns with ease and abundance—your success might just be a mindset shift away!

Episodes Mentioned: 

Episode 111: The Psychology of Manifesting Simple Business Success Through Reinvention for Women Entrepreneurs

Episode 112: The Psychology of Manifesting Simple Business Success Through Reinvention for Women Entrepreneurs (Stage 2)

Episode 113: The Psychology of Manifesting Simple Business Success Through Reinvention for Women Entrepreneurs (Stage 3)

Chavonne’s podcast Podcast Episode Created Realities with Dr. Chavonne Perot 

Episode 56: Finding Your Way Out of the 'Ick' with Kat Haugh

Episode 78: Meditation for Closing the Past and Creating the Future You Desire: Business Strategy For Becoming Successful

Sign up here to get on the waitlist for Power & Potency, the new mastermind for highly accomplished women entrepreneurs, and hear all new information as it's released: 


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Find Jenna on Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/theuncommonway/

The Uncommon Way is led by business coach Jenna Harrison, who helps women entrepreneurs feel confident, find their ideal clients effortlessly and avoid overwork so they can manifest money and abundance in their business and life.

This podcast empowers female entrepreneurs to overcome imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and limiting beliefs through somatics, mindset, and spirituality, create 7-figure offers, and build an online coaching business with clarity and alignment.

Episode Transcription

Jenna Harrison: [00:00:00] You're listening to the uncommon way business and life coaching podcast, the podcast that helps women entrepreneurs get clear on signature offers and strategies that sell themselves. So you can lean back and stop the hustle. You will learn to maximize your mindset, messaging, and strategy. And step into the uncommonly successful business and life you are creating.

Here's your host top ranked business coach and reformed over analyzer turned queen of clarity. Jenna Harrison.

Welcome. Welcome back to the uncommon way today. I'm bringing you part four of a series dedicated to helping you understand and adopt the psychology behind simple business success These are the stages that you absolutely must move through in order to achieve it. And we're laying those out one by one, [00:01:00] because even though it can be hard to put into practice that desire of yours to let business be simple with us, Out sacrificing success.

If you understand the psychological stages, you'll always have a roadmap for what you need to be working on. So in this episode, you will unlock the secrets to easeful success. If you've ever wondered why some people seem to reach their goals with ease while others struggle despite hard work, this is the episode where you'll discover that surprising mental shift.

That makes success feel easeful and how you can start implementing it today. No matter where you are in your journey, you will learn how to rewire your brain for optimal performance and satisfaction. Cause did you know that your brain is biologically wired towards the negative? In this episode, we explore why.

And more importantly, how you can flip the switch to activate higher brain function, [00:02:00] increase neuroplasticity, and transform obstacles into opportunities with just a few simple mental exercises. You'll also discover the key to long lasting business success, because what if the biggest barrier to your business growth isn't external challenges?

But internal limitations. This episode reveals how a simple mindset shift could be the game changer you've been missing, allowing you to set bigger goals, stay resilient, and ultimately become unstoppable in your business. It's going to be so good. How are you, my friend? How's your September going? As I talk, I am surrounded by boxes, which is a wonderful, wonderful thing.

Because it has been three months and eight days, but who's counting, since we have not had the, all of our clothes and most of our most beloved [00:03:00] household items. And finally they've arrived here. I was joking with a client of mine that about these four shirts, like I've had four shirts and four pairs of pants.

Not really, but basically, um, you know, living out of a suitcase all this time. And she's like, I'm so dying to see like these, this ensemble, you know, the pieces were, and I'm like, Oh yeah, it's very French. It's just like quality over quantity. And I have to say, now that the other things have arrived and I'm looking at them, I got rid of so many clothes before we moved and I still have way too many clothes.

So definitely helping myself try and move towards a more sustainable wardrobe mentality where I just have a few key pieces and they're really, really amazing, luxurious fabrics that I love. Anyway, I'm completely digressing here, but that is just to update you on, on how things are going and they really are moving along.

It's so lovely that every single day. Now we're able to check [00:04:00] something off our list, like the Spanish bank account check. Spanish phone. Check. Box has arrived. Check. Dog is here. So just feeling really, really good and juicy. And I've heard from a lot of my clients as well, and a lot of people around that they're also having amazing Septembers.

So I hope you're included in that. All right, let's briefly recap the previous episodes in the series. So the first psychological stage of manifesting simple business success through reinvention is the psychology of new things, opening yourself to the belief that a new way of doing things can actually be better than the way you've been successful until now, and that working less and stressing less can lead to better results.

Stage two is the psychology of letting things come easily, like money, support, and accolades without resistance, believing that that's okay, because you're never going to [00:05:00] create simple business success if deep down you're feeling safer with another way of being or guilty about this way of being. And stage three is the psychology of hard understanding that hard often comes from your thoughts and knowing how to neutralize that mental pressure.

And now, once you've understood that hard comes from your thoughts, the natural progression is to really get a handle on those thoughts and take extreme personal responsibility for what your brain is thinking and acting and actually shift those into something more personal. And that is where you finally move into the fourth stage, the one that we're talking about today.

And the fourth stage is a psychology of positive focus, which is where you relentlessly orient yourself towards the positive, or at least towards a neutral place so that success can start to feel effortless rather than so damn [00:06:00] hard, like we talked about in the last episode. When things don't feel as hard.

it will feel easier. And the beauty is that then it will actually start to become easier over time, too. It's a virtuous cycle. Now, if you're new around here and thinking, wait, is she saying if I sit on the sofa and think happy thoughts, that's all I need to do in my business? No. We love taking action. We love implementing effective strategy around here.

We love taking But your mindset comes first, and we always know that. And then the actions and results follow organically. And if you're finding a little voice saying, Oh, easy for you to stay positive, Jenna, because you're making money and you have a team. I get it. But let me tell you. I had to start reorienting myself to what was working before I could then create these kind of results.

It's [00:07:00] exactly the same as one time when I was talking about how I made an investment decision. And of course the decision was not based on the cost of the service. And someone told me, Oh, I can't wait until I can invest like that. And I told them that I started making decisions that way first, believing in the long term potential of my business before I had the actual business results to show for it and the disposable income that I now have, because your revelations come before your results.

I'll say it again. Revelations come before results. I had the revelation that, wow, this seems like a big investment now, but someday I'll make that in a year or a month or a week or a day. And then I started showing up with that seriousness and certainty, and then it came true. I've made more in a day than that Mastermind cost me.

Now, revelations come before results. [00:08:00] And I shifted my mindset significantly before I had a consistent business that I could count on. One where I consistently felt positive and easeful. And then I created the consistent, easeful business that I have. In fact, I can remember the exact moment you've had these, right?

It's like a before and after there's the switch, like. Yes, maybe you've known the thing logically, but you've never really been able to fully implement it or fully integrate it. And then some one day something lands for you suddenly in a new way. Well, that's how it was for me when it comes to positivity and really looking towards what's working in my business, because I think your business can be the trickiest area to implement this in because it's so tied to money, which is tied to survival and also your sense of worth and accomplishment.

And that's how it was for me. So I remember that area of my life kind of lagging where I wasn't [00:09:00] feeling really happy about what was going on with my business. And I remember sitting in a parking lot and I had something to do, but I just could not turn off this podcast I was listening to. So I'm going to link to it in the show notes.

It's called created realities with Dr. Siobhan Perrault. She's now a friend of mine, which is so fun, but go take a listen. You will love it. Everyone I've ever recommended it to absolutely loves it. And it's really about this topic of when you take ownership of your thoughts and just like radically reframe everything in a way that your brain is not inclined to think naturally.

So Did you know that when you are looking at the glass half empty, with the negativity, the stress, the fears, all that is, is just the amygdala taking over your brain, kind of hijacking your brain for a minute. It's a simple response to a stressor. It does not mean any of those thoughts or fears are true.[00:10:00]

You know this on a logical level, but I'm going to slow down here and say it again. Just because your brain goes down the rabbit hole of what this might mean or what might happen does not mean any of those thoughts are true. It's pure conjecture. It's like a fairy tale. Now, this type of conjecture is a survival tactic.

It's helpful for us in one level. And it even has a name. It's called a negativity bias, which means that our brains are biased towards a more negative orientation and perspective. It's wired in through evolution. And that's because if you have two humans and you're wondering which one is more likely to survive when you're on the savanna and you're facing constant threats of predators, then chances are the one who's a little more skeptical, a little more concerned about what might go wrong [00:11:00] is the one that's going to survive.

So you had some ancestors that were playing it safe and lived long enough to reproduce. And it kept amplifying. And now here you are today. But this is not the world we live in anymore. Thank God. But to your brain, the, uh, oh, when you feel, when you see a decline in likes, it's very similar to the, uh, oh, you feel when maybe that shadow is a tiger.

And so it activates. The same fight or flight response. Actually, it's fight, flight, freeze, or fawn. So let me be clear that this is not your fault, right? You're not, there's no character deficiency because you're a negative person, right? Or because you're always worrying. There's no weakness in that. This is biology.

And then those patterns have been reinforced and further wired in when you were younger, or in response to a trauma or a trying [00:12:00] circumstance, when you didn't have tools to properly deal with it, right? To keep that pattern from really setting in. You didn't know how to keep it from happening. So, uh, Now when there's a specific type of stimulus, then right away, these neurons over here in your brain turn on.

I'm like waving my hand around my head as if you can see it, but It's like a string of Christmas lights, right? And we want to redirect that and say, no, no, no, no, no. Turn on this string of lights instead when this stimulus happens. Our brains just were not built to function optimally and withstand the society in which we find ourselves, but it's okay because we, meaning the more sentient self as the executors of our internal world, can do and should do the lifting required.

of giving ourselves a reality check and getting back into a more positive frame of thought. Now you might be wondering, is this really a big deal, [00:13:00] Jenna? So I'm a little stressed and hypervigilant and I, I get worried about what could go wrong, but it keeps me on my toes. So, so what? Well, the why behind why we want to curb your inner Eeyore and shift to a more positive outlook is pretty damn compelling.

Hold onto your seats. You ready? Ready? Hey. If you want true clarity about your secret sauce, your people, your best way of doing business and how you talk about your offer, then I invite you to join us in the Clarity Accelerator. I'll teach you to connect all the dots, the dots that have always been there for you so that you can show up like you were born for exactly this.

Come join us and supercharge every other tool or tactic you'll ever learn from Facebook ads to manifestation Just go to the uncommon way comm slash schedule and set up a time to talk. I can't wait to be your coach When you're stressed you reduce your [00:14:00] IQ by as much as 40% You damage your DNA, you shrink higher brain networks, and unfortunately, wreak havoc on your results in business, your relationships, and your enjoyment of this one precious life.

It makes you see yourself as the victim of the circumstances around you, and victims don't have a lot of power when they're being victimized. Negativity and stress are the worst. are serious. They are life threateningly serious. It's not something that we wait to fix some other day. How many stories have we heard about people who look back and question why they spent so much time working?

Now here they are on their deathbed, alienated from their loved ones. No pressure. Look, I understand the thinking of, Really, this is just until X, or it's, it's just now because of Y, right? It's just because I'm getting my business off the ground and it's so hard, or it's [00:15:00] just because I'm in this scaling period to seven figures and the economy is so bad and people just aren't buying.

Right? I get it. I used to live there. I remember people talking about being positive and practicing gratitude and I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah, Pollyanna, talk to me when you have a real problem. I even had friends break up with me because of my negativity. And I thought they were the ones that had the problem.

I remember thinking, I can't focus on this now. I've got problems to solve and I'll focus on that stuff. Maybe when things aren't quite so crazy someday, right someday, then I can be happy. Then I won't have to worry. Then I won't have to overthink. Then I won't be so consumed with this right here, right now.

It's not how it works. I wish that we could just get past the thing, but the way we do something is the way we keep doing the thing. And your [00:16:00] decision to perpetuate this pattern means that it will take you longer to get to that promised land. Why would you do that to yourself when all it takes is learning a different way?

You can do this with some simple cognitive and somatic interventions. A positive mindset is not a luxury of those who have made it. It is a necessity for everyone who's interested in high performance and everyone who just doesn't believe in making things 10 times as hard for themselves and they want to get where they're going faster, better, and easier.

Positivity, appreciation, and even neutrality make you believe that the sky is the limit, that love and peace and success are here for you now, right now, and that you are bigger than and fully equipped for a variety of circumstances in the canvas that is life. People with a positive mindset are more likely to set and achieve [00:17:00] goals because their emotional cup is full.

So they're able to even consider new challenges and they'll keep going when faced with difficulties because it improves resilience, right? It's strengthening your emotional endurance. It's allowing you to approach setbacks as temporary challenges rather than Insurmountable obstacles. It increases the neuroplasticity of your brain, letting your brain reform and build, strengthen new areas.

It's turning on higher brain function. It's stimulating the growth of new neural connections. This adaptability leads to improved problem solving, learning, cognitive flexibility. It reduces the production of cortisol, so your brain's protected from the negative effects of prolonged stress, like memory loss or impaired cognitive function.

I mean, ask me how I know. Four and a half decades, stress the fuck out, now I can't remember a thing. Just kidding. [00:18:00] Sort of. It also gives you enhanced dopamine and serotonin production, so it regulates your mood, right? It contributes to feelings of happiness and well being. It improves your hormonal flow overall.

These chemicals, they improve focus, they improve memory, and they improve overall mental clarity. So, just to call it out one more time. Focusing on solutions and opportunities and appreciation creates a foundation for simple, sustainable business success. It activates parts of the brain that help with decision making and innovation and goal achievement.

So you can excel in your business in ways you are only dreaming about right now. You're challenging yourself with big goals. You keep going, you keep overcoming obstacles. Your magnificent brain is firing on all cylinders. And you're becoming an unstoppable badass. The good news is you don't even have to be [00:19:00] 100 percent positive all the time.

Just aim for 51 percent of the time and you will see your world change. You will see how vastly different it is to what you're living now and what most humans are living now. A positive mindset, you can think of it like wind, if it really feels a sail, right? And then your business can't help, but move forward and like glide through the beautiful Mediterranean ocean.

And then it can't help but glide through the beautiful Mediterranean Sea. It really harnesses that momentum, right? It pushes your company forward and towards its goals. But a negative mindset is like trying to sail against the wind, right? You keep trying to push harder and harder, but progress is slow, right?

And it's draining your energy and resources. It's resistance and stagnation rather than a natural organic [00:20:00] flow speeding you towards success. Now, there's one thing I haven't mentioned yet about the benefits of shifting your mindset in this way, and it's very, very important, right? But women tend to deprioritize this and instead focus on the needs of everyone else around them.

But this is what it is. It's a greater Life satisfaction. It's greater enjoyment, right? And happiness and emotional balance. And those are things we so often just kind of stuff under the cushions, rather than declaring like, I want this. My needs are important. I want to enjoy this life. Because this really is what you want in life, ultimately.

And all the things you're doing are trying to get you to this point, right? Whether it's like taking care of your family, and then that will make you feel happy and fulfilled, right? Or if it's having a business, and then [00:21:00] that's going to lead to the thing. And you, you want to enjoy it, you want feel good, not that shiny object, right?

That you think will give you the satisfaction, happiness. That's not what you really want because once you reach that shiny object, your brain's going to find something new to covet, which I think is a great thing. By the way, I love that humans desire and strive and seek and grow. I love that about us.

But I'm not going to delude myself into thinking that the thing outside of me is going to give me anything that I can't give myself right here and right now. All the good feels, they come from me, not from something outside of me. And likewise, the negative feels tend to come from me rather than any outside circumstance, which is what we were talking about last week.

Now, luckily, if this is you and you know your mind skews more to the negative still, the good news is that [00:22:00] brain change can happen very quickly. Sometimes it happens in a flash, just like that, like what I was talking about with the podcast. Sometimes it's, uh, like forming a new habit where it takes like four weeks.

Now, sometimes it takes years, but isn't it cool that it can happen so quickly? Like it might just be right around the corner for you. I just had a kickoff call, which is something that I do with my private clients after three months of coaching and the results that she wanted to accomplish in those three months were that seven to 80 percent of the time she would feel less shame.

And that she would be giving appropriate airtime to kind of all of the negative voices and by appropriate, meaning not letting that overtake her anymore, that she just kind of like, listen to it, be there, right. And then be on her way. Now these after three months are the results that she actually is noticing.

First of all, yes to both of those goals [00:23:00] accomplished, right? She's feeling less shame. But she also went to describe in more detail that she is. Spinning out less from thoughts on or spinning out less thinking about what's going to be happening that week. She's really able to handle big emotions, allow them to be there and not have them be a big thing and move on.

She is less left brain and more sensitive to intuition and her higher self. She is able to rest. This is so cool. big thing for this. My clients are high achievers, right? And so really allowing herself to rest and she's had like some family trips and just really being present with family and not thinking about work.

That's really new for her. She's focusing on the important things. Her self trust is growing leaps and bounds. She's allowing herself to receive recognition, which is also something that used to feel wildly uncomfortable. She's valuing herself as a thought leader and describing herself [00:24:00] that way. Now it just feels more natural.

She's getting less stuck in her head. She's like, okay, this is what I've decided to do. I'm just going to do it. And then when inspiration strikes, she's just putting it putting it out there, right? She, she hasn't really been afraid to experiment. And she's also a woman who has allowed her process to crystallize.

And now she's signing clients from that when she talks about it. And these people say, that's exactly what I need. Yes, that, that is what I need. And she also notices that when she evaluates certain results in her business that are neutral or even negative, the way she evaluates that is far more neutral.

She's doing it like a CEO. So again, these changes can happen quickly. I have another client I was talking to yesterday and she is noticing that how quickly she changes her mindset now when her mind starts to get rowdy. That's how she describes it. Right. And she's able to kind of watch herself and then think about things [00:25:00] differently.

And when she does, she just says, thanks, Jenna, having a voice in your head, right. It can help you with that. And the Transcribed The great thing is that you can do that yourself right now. Like imagine that I'm there asking you, how else could you be thinking about that? And the two of us, as we were talking about this shift, we were reflecting on how it's just a split second.

It just takes a split second to reorient your thoughts, but it changes everything. Everything can change the rest of your day. And so she has completely changed her business. She's an interior designer and she used to work with small residential jobs, and now she's doing predominantly commercial work, which are larger jobs.

She has her own office. She's raised her rates. She's charging flat fees rather than having to do all of this like hourly accounting. And she's getting referrals left and right, and they become new clients without hesitating. It's interesting because there's another interior designer [00:26:00] that she's been collaborating with, and that person was commenting to her that she doesn't hire photographers to photograph the work afterwards because she never makes enough on a project to really have room to hire a photographer.

Now, if that's true, you know that woman is focusing on the negatives and the what ifs. Right. And that's why she's not charging appropriately rather than really leaning into possibility. Of course, when you finish a commercial project, you should have enough buffer to be able to take photos of it and show that on, you know, put it on your website, put it on social, show it to the next people who might be considering working with you.

That is your product. Anyway, women, and I've been there myself, right? We, we really cut ourselves short so often. I have to tell you a funny story though about this client. We were getting clear on her priorities for the next six months and I asked her, okay, what are three emotions that you really want to lean into in these, in these next months, [00:27:00] right?

Or that you really want to carry forward. And she said, number one is like contentment. She wants to be really content in herself and that things are working out. And another is brave, right? Having faith that she can handle it. And then the other one, she couldn't exactly come up with a word for it. She's like, it's kind of like you're really rooted, but at the same time, like a tree, maybe you're growing and you're changing and adapting, but it's both things at the same time.

And so we're like, okay. Being tree like, right? We started joking. We're like, no, it's like a radish, right? You're like in the ground, you're creating movement through the soil. And so if you ever need to just adopt that word of like, what emotion do I want to be feeling right now? If you want to be feeling like a radish too, you are welcome to take that and run with it because having a good laugh is really part of this.

Whole thing that I'm talking about today, right? It is that positive mindset. [00:28:00] And if you listen to the other thing she was talking about, right? The contentment, right? The feeling brave. That's everything we've been describing in this episode. That's everything that starts to happen naturally in your brain when you do this work.

And so this is how we want to move through the world, but we've been so conditioned by the hustle culture that the emotions we think we should experience are often quite different than those. Now, to be clear, positivity is not about ignoring challenges. It's about consciously choosing thoughts that empower you rather than drain you.

It's also not about gaslighting that everything's fine. Like is, I've been going through this move. I know it's not fun. The, some of the things we've had to deal with all the appliances breaking and I know it's been challenging. So do I vent about that and pout once in a while? Hell yes. But the [00:29:00] majority of the time I'm actually kind of laughing about it, right?

I'm, I'm able to see it as like, uh, as things that are outside of me. And that I'm fully equipped to deal with and most importantly of all, I have 100 percent believe that it's going to resolve and be fine. I don't let myself get rattled by a month or 2 of craziness in my life or even a specific area of my business that I haven't figured out yet.

or whatever it is. I have the deeper, not just like the immediate positive orientation of, Oh, it's wonderful that my buzzer has stopped working in the house, you know, from the downstairs door and we're missing all of these packages that are being delivered. But the long term orientation of I am absolutely okay.

I've completely got this. This is a temporary thing that I'm working through. And that is a [00:30:00] difference that I see between myself and my clients. Very often when they're in kind of a downswing in their business, they're creating a lot of meaning about that and it's really throwing them off their game. Me, I tend to brush it off and think it's just like something that's going to pass, like a little, uh, rain shower or something, like not a big deal.

So let's talk about some tactics for you. Let's talk about some tools for this positive reorientation. It requires reinvention. This is new for you, right? But it's also new for most people around you. I had a coach that used to say showing up positive and satisfied to social interactions is a radical act, and it can often feel like an isolating.

Act. Because unfortunately, we can bond through misery and we get in the cycle of, of, and it feels good for us to vent, right? So we often get together with the people [00:31:00] we're close to or we love or even acquaintances and we all just kind of take turns venting. But have you ever noticed so often you leave feeling even more negative than when you started?

If you are in a cycle of negativity with someone, invite them into a change. Why not try? Right? You could share this podcast with them and then ask them to point it out to you when you are veering towards the negative so that you can catch yourself. Catching yourself may be a little challenging at first and all the help you can have, whether it's a support group, a friend, a loved one, a coach, a mentor, that is going to be wildly helpful.

Our attitudes and beliefs, they tend to reflect the people around us. And that is why The programs here at The Uncommon Way, we all have a group component built in because so much of this gets absorbed by like osmosis and you don't have to work at it [00:32:00] as hard if everyone around you is in this same kind of mindset or at least journey into this different way of being.

Thank you. So you must start to catch yourself in the moment and then redirect your thoughts. It's funny, Dylan now, my son, he's like, I just can't do that, mama. I can't think of something else. My thoughts just bounce straight back to that thing. At this particular moment, he is quite afraid of rodents of unusual size.

from the movie, The Princess Bride, poor little guy. And he keeps thinking about these rodents of unusual size. And I try to help him think about other ways he could think about it. And he's like, I can't think about it that way. My brain goes back to this way, but a lot of adults. Two, get really fatalistic about the fact that they can't control their thoughts, right?

They can't change the way they are, but I promise you, you can. In fact, you are the [00:33:00] only one who can control your thoughts or let your thoughts be controlled. I had a client who was like trying to do this work and she was saying it, it isn't working. Like, can you give me another tactic because this, this one just, it's really not working for me.

And I'm like, is it not working? Or are you just not doing it? There's a difference there. And by the way, this is one of the same clients I mentioned earlier whose brain now shifts quickly into new thinking. So I promise you, this can be you. You just need to keep going back to What is another way that I could be thinking about this?

And so in the podcast that I liked so much, one of the, the ways that she was talking that I loved was when, for instance, we get into a period where we don't see as many whatever sales calls coming in or haven't signed as many clients. We can tend to spiral out in that negativity, but Siobhan was saying, Oh, wow.

No, like here's, [00:34:00] um, you know, a friend called me. Well, that's a sign that clients are coming. Well, here's a billboard saying something positive, right? That's a sign. Things are turning up, right? And she was just showing us in real time. This radical practice. Of thinking about things a different way, of looking for the positive, looking for the signs, rather than looking for the negative.

I've had clients say, I just don't feel clear enough. I'm not as clear as I want to be. And I'm always bringing them back to what are you clear about though? What have you become more clear on? Like, where are you going each day? Or I'll have clients that are in a somatic cycle, which is like a body led cycle of, of hustle of busyness.

And it's because it's not really anything where they think they should be doing it or believe that they're a better person if they need to do it. It's just that their body is so conditioned to that stress response [00:35:00] that it moves itself back in. It tries, it feels uncomfortable. You feel uncomfortable when you're not.

In busy work, right? And so as they've been trying to break that cycle or been trying to think about it, they're like, I just don't, I don't see this changing. And I am always bringing them back to what is a one thing that you did differently today, right? Where's one place that you've changed? How is it true that in fact you are already changing?

I remember when I first had coaches to be completely real with you. I remember them saying things like that to me. And I remember thinking in my skeptical way that they were really just trying to prove to me that their coaching was working. But now I see that it is not about that at all. Coaches, especially successful coaches could really care less if you know that you believe that the coaching is working because they are able to see so clearly right from the perspective what's working and what's not.

And really their job is to [00:36:00] help you start seeing it and start understanding it. Living into it and embodying it so that you can accelerate your progress even further, right? Rather than like an anchor, actually, since we talked about sales earlier, really an anchor that keeps pulling you back into the negative, even though the boat has drifted forward, right?

It's your mindset. That's like, no, but I'm not there yet. No, but I'm not clear enough yet. Oh, the rodents of unusual size. And so, I just really want you to know that within your brain, the voice with the most conviction always wins. So if you are dead set to like, this is not working, it's not working in my business, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know how to scale to this level, I don't, right, and you're so, have so much conviction around that, that is where you will stay.

But when you can shift forward, even if you just start with like, maybe it's possible that I have grown, maybe it's possible [00:37:00] that I'm working through this every day and that I'm closer than I think. I remember once when I was feeling like something wasn't working, a coach described this beautiful metaphor to me, which was that a pot is a boiling and when you first put the fire onto, you really don't see anything happening, but that doesn't mean that nothing's happening.

It's absolutely happening and it just needs to reach the boiling point before you will actually be able to see it. So, remember, when this negativity comes up for you That it's not you, right? That negativity is not you. Your higher self does not want you to think terrible thoughts about yourself and to really come to terms with the fact that you're never going to be able to create your dreams.

That is a different part, right? So the negativity, it's in me, but it's not me. And you can just, you can listen to positive [00:38:00] podcasts like this one, or, or you can even record them for yourself and listen to them over and over and over. You kind of want to brainwash yourself because when you are listening to an input, uh, you like this, it's hard for you at the same time to be thinking really negative thoughts if you indeed are focused on this audio.

So you can even create it for yourself about why things are going your way, right? Why things are absolutely positive. You can listen to positive podcasts. You can, uh, have, you know, your support groups around you. With others who are really serious about changing their mindset, you can be journaling on it, redirecting your brain to it.

And you can also just turn your mind. Like if you start feeling negative, or is this really working? Maybe I shouldn't be hustling less because what if my business falls apart? You can just take that opportunity to just think about something else. So for instance, just think about [00:39:00] CEOs. That have really used this type of thinking, right?

To create really amazing business success. So I'll give you some examples. Now, read Hastings. He was the CEO of Netflix, you know, in the early 2000s. Netflix was all DVDs, and you would rent them by mail. And there was another store, a physical store called Blockbuster, that was their main competition. But all of a sudden, things went digital, and you really didn't need a physical CD to be mailed to you anymore.

And so this seemed like the death of both Blockbuster and Netflix. But what do we know to be true? Blockbuster is not here anymore. But Netflix has soared. And so even though it seemed like an existential moment, I mean, I guess it was an existential moment, but it seemed like something that could lead to their demise.

Hastings really saw this [00:40:00] as an opportunity for change, right? And he transitioned the entire business to align with the future rather than the past. And being able to pivot boldly like that and see it as an opportunity has created billions of dollars. I'm looking it up right now. Netflix has a market cap of 292 billion, just from staying positive.

Here's another one. Howard Schultz at Starbucks during the financial crisis in 2008, All of a sudden, nobody wanted to buy expensive coffee. And so they were really seeing just plummeting sales and profit margins. He stepped back in as CEO and really envisioned this crisis as an opportunity to reinvent.

Starbucks, and he started improving the customer experience in stores, and he was retraining baristas to make their coffee [00:41:00] better. And he embraced digital innovation, right? He made mobile ordering really easy and payment systems really easy. And he just really turned it very customer focused. And as we know, it's also a thriving company.

I'm sure we could look it up, but I'm just not going to do it right now. And then there's Steve Jobs, right? He was actually ousted from the company that he founded. Imagine that he could have gone and curled up under a rock and we never would have heard about him again. But instead he went on, he founded a new company and he was able to spearhead like such innovative software that that when Apple acquired that company, it brought him back on as CEO.

And of course that's when with that real like fire under him and that confidence having gone through that, that he started bringing out the iPod, the iPhone, the iPad. So instead of drowning in negativity, [00:42:00] he really went towards possibility, reoriented his thoughts and the rest is history, most profitable company in the world.

Are you seeing a trend here every single time it's the CEOs having this military grade mindset who can be like, Oh, here's a challenge. Great. Let's turn this to our advantage. Where is the opportunity? So I encourage you to practice these methods and really start reflecting on the results they are bringing you.

You don't have to take my word for it. You can become very empirical about this and you can spend one month in positive and just see what results start changing in your business. Right? Catching and redirecting thoughts, right? Remembering the negativity is not you. It doesn't mean it's true. Surrounding yourself with positive minded people and turning your focus to external role models or [00:43:00] other things you can think about until the day when you become the role model in this regard for others.

All right. Now let's talk energetics, because I always like to throw a little something in for the people that love this stuff, like I do. When you are in a negative place, you can also ask yourself, Is this even mine, right? Or is this unhelpful, fearful energy coming from maybe someone around me, or my ancestors, or something else?

That alone, just realizing that energy is something that we absorb, but also something we can give back, can be wildly helpful in you making this shift. And secondly, when what's around you does feel less than optimal, because of course it will at times, and you're following your desire into something else that maybe hasn't materialized yet, you just need to be able to [00:44:00] hold the vibration long enough for your reality to catch up with that energy.

As soon as you spin off into it's not working, you create. It's not working. It's a very chaotic energy that brings back chaotic results. And it's okay if there's a lag time, right? Once you refocus and you get back on track, whenever you make a change, you're setting new wheels in motion. A new type of client has to find you now, or a new set of happy coincidences needs to be created.

That doesn't mean it's not working. Right? It's like the pot boiling. There's a lot going on behind the scenes that you can't see. And the quickest way for you to manifest what you want is to stay in alignment and hold that energy, hold that positive energy of what you're creating. This is a big difference that I noticed between myself and my clients, or at least my earlier clients when they first come on with me, right?

If they go through maybe a period of [00:45:00] declined sales or not selling. It means a lot to them. It's a big deal. Everything has to be re examined, right? There's a big, big problem. Me? I just don't even think about it. I was on the phone with a client of mine and I heard this drip, drip, and then drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip.

And I was like, can you just hold on a second? I think I hear dripping water. I need to go check. And I looked outside the door and sure enough, there was like this torrent of water coming down from the ceiling, which is where the air conditioning unit is for, for my office. And I'm like, hold on, hold on, I just need to get a towel.

And I'm like, running around getting a towel. And I came back in and I was telling her the story of how we've had issues with this, these air conditioning units. And now this new one has broken. And she was just shaking her head. She's like, and yet you're talking about letting it be easy. All of these upsets going on in your life.

And the [00:46:00] thing is, you can still let it be easy in the face of turmoil, but you don't have to, right? You can say that this is not optimal. You can say that things are realigning, right? They're not manifested yet. They haven't materialized yet, right? Like this, this very beautiful life of easeful living for me in Spain, to be honest, has not materialized yet, but It will absolutely.

And this isn't just me thinking positively. It's through experience that I say this over and over. And when I didn't have the experience, I just practice saying it right. Just practice leaning into the belief. But now I have lived this in my life over and over and over, whether it's a pivot in my business, Whether it's a move, right?

Whether it's a little chaotic time, I don't know, Mercury retrograde. Who knows when these periods like pass and maybe it's Saturn coming back in and shaking things up, right? So that I can [00:47:00] reorient. Who knows? The point is that what I do know is Is that I'm going to be fine. This is definitely coming to pass because that is the power of my mind and soul as creative entities in this universe.

So hold the vibration, my friend, hold it long enough. And let the materialization happen, right? Let it come into this 3D space and then keep desiring, keep allowing yourself to just hold the next layer and the next level as you create this life that is yours, right? That you love that doesn't necessarily look like anyone else's.

But it's your uncommon way. All right, let's summarize the key takeaways for this episode. You have learned how shifting your mindset towards positivity, even just 51 percent of the time, activates higher [00:48:00] brain function. It vastly improved your life and allow success to flow more effortlessly in your business.

So you're really mastering the power now of this positive focus. We explored how your brain is wired with a negativity bias and how you can rewire it for success by focusing on solutions. You're increasing neuroplasticity and you're reducing the impact of stress hormones like So you've really understood the biological science behind Mindset.

And you've learned to apply simple, actionable strategies for transformation. You have tools now to catch and redirect negative thoughts, to lean into optimism, and to surround yourself with positive influences, laying the groundwork for lasting success, both personally and professionally. So remember, positivity isn't just about feeling good.

Although feeling good should be one of our main goals. But [00:49:00] it's about optimizing performance and creating the life and business that you truly want. Thank you so much for tuning in. It's been a pleasure having you here as always. This episode now concludes this four part series. Next week, I've got something completely new for you.

See you then.

Thanks for joining us here at the uncommon way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business in life, including the clarity first strategy for growing and scaling your business, visit the uncommon way. com. See you next time.


Ep# 113: The Psychology of Manifesting Simple Business Success Through Reinvention for Women Entrepreneurs (Stage 3)