Ep #12: What to Do When Things Go Wrong in Your Business

As you probably already know, entrepreneurship is quite a different animal from anything you’ve excelled at before. It frequently feels difficult and uncomfortable, and as a result we tend to try and stay in our comfort zones as much as possible. But when you don’t take the risk and move through them, you don’t see what’s possible in your business. It is so easy to forget that experiencing discomfort will be worth it.

Our brain has this interesting quirk. It thinks of something that we need to solve, or an obstacle that we are up against, then tells us that once we face it and it’s behind us, everything will be better and it’ll be full steam ahead. But this is never the case; there are always more obstacles to contend with.

So what do you do about all the things that can go wrong? And how do you get in front of obstacles when you’ve never built a business before so don’t know what to anticipate?

In this episode, I’m sharing why so many of us aren’t even scratching the surface of what we could really be doing in our businesses and showing you how to move through obstacles so you can gain a bigger perspective. Find out what can go wrong as you’re building your business and how I move my clients through these stages so they can get back to taking powerful action and creating the amazing businesses that they’re here to create.

If you would like help getting clear on what you are offering and how to talk about it, you have to join us in The Clarity Accelerator. It’s 60 of the best-spent days you’ll ever have, and you’ll get my eyes on your business and your messaging helping you dial all this in. Click here to schedule a call with me as soon as possible to learn more.

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Why entrepreneurship is the greatest personal development journey on the planet.

  • Some states and scenarios that can lead to us feeling stuck, quitting, or getting sub-optimal results.

  • Why earning money in your own business is much harder than earning money in a job.

  • The problem with being unclear when it comes to your business.

  • Why if something is meant for you, it will not pass you by.

  • How to create the future your inner visionary sees for you.

  • A simple tool you can use in your business when things go wrong.


Listen to the Full Episode:


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  • Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!

  • Click here to sign up for my newsletter and find out how the Connect The Dots Method has helped clients in all stages of their business.

  • Follow me on Instagram for behind-the-scenes content from my trip to Italy as well as my daily value bombs!


Full Episode Transcript:

Our brain has this interesting quirk, it tends to think that whatever we need to solve will make everything better. So, as soon as we solve whatever obstacle is coming up for us right now, whatever we perceive to be the source of our problems, then we'll look around as if we had rose colored glasses on. Unfortunately, that's not the case.

Today, we're going to talk about what can go wrong as you're building your business. And I'll let you in on how I move my clients through the stages, so that they can minimize their downtime, and get back to taking really powerful action, and creating the amazing businesses they're here to create.

You're listening to The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast, the only podcast that helps you unlock your next level in business and life, by prioritizing your clarity and your own Uncommon Way. You will learn to maximize your mindset, mission, messaging, and strategy in order to create a true legacy. Here's your host, top ranked business coach and reformed overanalyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison.

Hey, welcome back to The Uncommon Way, everyone. I have been getting so much interest about the Clarity Accelerator, thank you so much. I'm glad that it's resonating with you. The best way to find out all of the details at this moment, is to go ahead and book a call with me. I meet with people on Mondays and Fridays, usually just two on each day. So, you do want to snap up one of those spots. And yes, I'm doing that now, even while I'm in Italy.

If you want to start 2023 lightyears ahead, in terms of your clarity, now is the time to join this 60-day program, which is going to radically change, not just the way you think about your business, but the way you think about building business, in general. Your business won't be the same, and you won't be the same, either.

So, if you'd like to talk about it, hop on a call with me, I will be able to tell you if this is the right move for what is going on in your business. And if you are a great fit for the program, and will be able to benefit from what's available inside.

Okay, so you might notice that the sound is a little bit different. I am in Italy; I'm still recording in a closet, but it's not a walk-in closet. I'm just sort of smushed into my clothes here. And, you may hear my son, Dylan, in the background. I have an amazing podcast editorial team, but there's only so much Dylan that you can edit out. So, we'll see how it goes.

So, I have to tell you, this trip has been a little bit of a Murphy's Law situation. Our red-eye had a flight delay, which entailed keeping the four-year-old up much later than expected, or much later than he ever has stayed up before. And when we got to Italy, it turns out there is a new law, which says that Americans need an international driver's license to rent a car, which I don't have.

We were in Greece just a few months ago, and rented without a problem. And really the funny thing, is that an international driver's license; you don't even take a test. You go down to AAA (American Automobile Association) and you pay some money, and they give you this certificate. But they were adamant they were not going to rent to me.

So, I called rentalcars.com They tried to help me, they tried to find another company, and it was looking pretty bleak. Oh. Meanwhile, we're staying about an hour from the airport, in the middle of a nature reserve. And I'm trying to think; even if I take a taxi out there, we need a car. How would we get food?

Meanwhile, my son is just so sleep deprived, and in desperation, I started going agency to agency, there in the airport, asking if they would help me. And, guess what? Someone said, “That's not a problem for me.” After everyone else, we're talking about six, seven other agencies had said no, so he rented me the car. And then, we drove out to this location ,by now it was nighttime, and it took twice as long. On the map it's 28 miles, this took an hour and a half, driving on the tiniest little roads. My poor mom was so carsick.

Italians are flying past us on these one lane roads, basically, in the middle of the night, no streetlights. And our first few days were pretty rocky just trying to find supermarkets, trying to find times when they were actually open. I've been bribing my son with pizza and ice cream. When he comes to Italy with me, he's going to get so much pizza and ice cream.

I know, don't judge. And would you believe the tourist season is shutting down in this little remote area, and all of the pizza places are not serving pizza. They literally say, “Pizzeria, no. We don't serve…” Oh, and by the way, nobody is speaking English, which is so unusual. I kind of love it nowadays, but Spanish is close enough. I speak Spanish so we're managing.

Finally, last night we found a pizza place that, yes, at dinnertime has pizza. And, we had just such a nice day. We had then, stocked the house with food… And, oh my gosh, I didn't even tell you all about the ant infestation. And the water, the hot water went out in the master bedroom. But all of that was behind us.

We had this amazing meal, it’s just pizza to die for. Friendliest family, friendliest people, our children were playing together. Sardinian wine is to die for. And I woke up this morning, the winds had calmed down. Of course, the coastline is unbelievably rugged and gorgeous. And we're right on the beach. This vivid, vivid, turquoise and blue, and these amazing rock formations.

I drove to the supermarket, thinking it's all past us, now our vacation really begins. I popped into the market for a couple necessities, and as I pulled back out, next to this little rock wall, the fender of the car clipped the rock wall.

I heard a little bit of a scratch, just the tiniest little thing, and I thought, shit. But I'll look at it when I get home. There's nothing I can do now. So, I drove home, got out of the car, looked at it, said, “Hmm, I don't see anything. This is fantastic.” Started walking around the car... This is the moment when I wish podcasts were a visual forum, you would not believe what I saw.

The rock wall had clipped the area in between the fender and the wheel. And it had bent the entire front of the fender back like, you know, these little Italian cars, it just like compressed the whole thing. It looked like an accordion. And the bottle, that the carries the water for the windshield wiper, it was like falling off, basically dragging along the ground.

And I'm thinking; what am I going to do? We're in the middle of nowhere. How are we going to get a tow truck out here to fix this car? Are the police gonna pull me over for not being street legal? They can't pull me over because I don't have a valid driver's license.

Would you believe that we had an electrician at the house, at that moment, and I begged him for help. And he was able to not only contact my rental car company for me, and explain what was going on, so that they can switch out the car for me when I go back in two days to pick up Ben from the airport.

Oh, yeah, by the way, I'm literally telling you this before I've even told Ben, because of the time zone difference. And just using the strength of his arm, he was able to unbend the fender. Used zip ties to secure the fender back in place, I can't even make this up, so that I can drive the car again.

I know, why am I telling you this whole story? It's because just recently, in the episode about the four types of thinking that hold us back, I mentioned that when I was back home, I was feeling like; things are pretty good here, why are we going to transplant ourselves to Italy? It's going to be difficult. And, how I knew that it would still be worth it.

And, this is exactly what happens to us in business. We hold ourselves back from going through discomfort, forgetting that it is still going to be worth it. In the lessons that I've learned, just in the last few days, the humanity and generosity of people helping me and really moving mountains, has been such a gift.

And the resilience that I'm seeing my son develop, will be a lifelong benefit. But so often, what happens in business is that we do hit those rough patches, and it makes us wonder if we should just quit. It really makes us question everything, rather than leaning into what's actually available for us on the other side.

I mean, I, in the past, might have made so much meaning about this; that I was obviously not meant to be here. That we should all just pack up and go home. That for some reason, I was bringing this bad luck upon myself. I needed to do some sort of mindset work to figure out why I keep making things so difficult for myself. Or, just that God hates me, you know, the universe hates me. Or, that there's something wrong with me, that I have this cloud of chaos that follows me around.

But I'm not choosing that line of thinking. And I don't choose that line of thinking in business anymore, either. But it's so natural to feel that way in business, and there are several occurrences and states that can lead to quitting, or stuckness, or sub-optimal results.

Maybe you're cruising along on a high. And then, a client says no, and you feel plunged into the depths of doubt. Or, at a different point in your business, you have a launch that didn't do as well. And then, you're plunged into the depths of doubt.

So, I wanted to take this moment to talk about what can go wrong. Not only so that you can move through those periods and have a bigger perspective. But because so often, when we do see some sort of obstacle in our path, we slip into the thinking that once that obstacle is over and passed, it will be full steam ahead. But that is never the case.

There's another, and then there's another, and then there's another, and then there's another. And that is why entrepreneurship is the greatest personal development journey on the planet. I would give up all the money, just for who I've become over these last years.

And, I know that my suffering would have been greatly decreased, if I'd had somebody to say, “Hey, these are the things that tend to happen. And then, these are the things that tend to happen. And then, these are the things that tend to happen.”

Because with that sense of expectation, just like in an earlier episode, how I mentioned soldiers do so well in battle, because they have the expectation that they're going to be shot at. And, they have the muscle memory of having practiced that situation beforehand, over and over. And then, they can deal with it and move through it, in a way that you and I can hardly even fathom.

This is what's possible for us if we have someone saying, “Here are some things that can tend to happen next. Don't worry, we're going to move through them. Here are just a few ways that can happen.”

Now, I'm speaking about this because I was this person. In the beginning, I thought once I got clear on my business, watch out world. And I realized later, that's what so many high performers think. It's because we have a pattern of climbing the ladder, and making things happen, and excelling. And I would see this, when I would offer to help people to get clear, so that they would be in a better position to consider hiring me as their business coach.

And in the beginning, what people were saying was, “Oh, thank you, this has been amazing. Now I got it, I'm good.” Now, me being years ahead of them, knew that they had so much still, that they didn't even know they didn't know. But they had no way of knowing that, because they've never lived through it.

So, I had to change the delivery of my conversation to include that, so that then, they would also see the value of having a business coach throughout the next steps. Because entrepreneurship is quite a different animal than anything you've excelled at before.

And this is so important when you're bringing in your own clients, whether that's one-on-one or group, is to really understand their psychology, what they think the problem and solution is. So, for instance, me and the people I was then helping later, thought the solution was to get clear, and then they'd be able to build their business.

Later, I needed to understand that that's what they think the solution is, so that I could help them understand the full solution, and then see how my offer was perfect value add for that. So, as I mentioned, there's unclear, right? When you're unclear, then you're not going to be moving forward in your business.

And usually, people breeze through this in my program, in the Clarity Accelerator, the phase one of know yourself, because when you get to the point of committing to clarity, and you put down your money and time, and you're obviously going through a proven system that's designed to reveal what's been there for you anyway, your brain will be like; Okay, here you go.

But before entering the Clarity Accelerator, people can stay unclear for a long time; I certainly did. And it is possible to continue being unclear as you go forward in your business, which happened with me. And even in the beginning stages of the Clarity Accelerator, because your brain has a habit of being unclear.

So, I had a client that was trying to get clear on her niche and we'd have an amazing conversation ,and she would be like; yes, this connects the dots. I get it. I'm so excited. And then, when I talked to her a week later, she again would say, “I just don't know. I don't know what I'm doing. I want to talk about this again.”

And the first time, I assumed that she had changed her mind, that she did not want to work with those people, and I was willing to go with it. But the next week it happened again. And so finally I said, “Is it that you've changed your mind? Or, do you not remember what we talked about on that other call?”

And she honestly didn't remember, I had to have her go back and watch the replay. And this is what our brains do, they will obscure the clarity from us. And so, that brain pattern led to two to three weeks of inaction until we were finally able to resolve what was going on.

Now, once people do get clear, they can get into the quitting and stuckness type energy, when they really don't want to talk to potential clients. Which is so ironic, because time after time, this is what shifts everything. When you're in the phase two, ‘know your people’, of work in the Clarity Accelerator, this is when people naturally become so lit up.

Then, I was just talking to someone yesterday on a Clarity Collective call, who said, “Once I finally did that, now, I've just been like on fire revamping my website. It's such a different energy. I'm so much more happy with it, just by having that connection with those people, and really understanding who my people really are, and how they really think.”

Another, I remember I had a client that really was having trouble taking action. It was like a complete nervous system shutdown. And yet, as soon as she started speaking to her people, she was so excited. And she started telling me, I couldn't even believe week after week, she was telling me all of the things that she had accomplished in that week.

Because now it seemed so real to her. Now, she knew she could help them. Now, she had that clarity, and was just getting the things done in order to make it happen, rather than believing that it really wasn't ever going to happen for her.

But later, maybe you have that clarity, and you just don't want to post, you really don't want to be visible. Later on, maybe you don't want to make offers. You don't really want sales calls, you're really afraid of conducting a sales call. Or, you're okay with a sales call itself, but you don't really want clients, because then you feel like you have to deliver results. And it's so much stress, that deep down, you just don't want to deal with it.

Like I said, there can be these times where you're just not feeling motivated or inspired to take action. Or, you're taking tons of action, but it's the easy actions for you that don't bring discomfort. Like, I adore learning, so I used to consume webinars like I was popping candy, in this stage. Or, you are taking some scary actions, but really fueled from a place of desperation. And so, you end up just feeling so burnt out.

And then, of course, there are life events. I've seen it time and time again, that so often, when people decide to take a definitive leap forward in their business, something happens in their life that makes them question whether now is really the time to be doing that, after all. All of these are very normal, very common, most people go through them.

Then, there are also the situations that bring sub-optimal performance. It's interesting, I think it was on Netflix®, I was watching Serena Williams’ coach talk about coaching her, and how the first time they had a meeting he told her that he thought she was playing sub-optimally, or below her potential, something like that.

And, she was already like the top player in the world. Her mouth just dropped open. But he could see what she was really capable of. And this is what happens with so many of us. We're not even scratching the surface of what we could really be doing, how quickly we could really be growing our business. And, we do it in the subtle ways.

Like, we don't really want to bring on too many clients, it's just going to be too overwhelming, we're going to burn out. Or, we're not going to be able to give them the personal attention that they need, in order to get the results. And then, we'll feel terrible about ourselves.

We don't want to earn too much money. Yeah, it's true; this is a big thing. When you're starting out, you can say, I can't wait to make six figures. But do you know how many people really have issues about making that kind of money, or even more money? Earning any money in your own business is actually much harder than earning money in a job. Because in a job you don't always love it, it's expected of you, and you feel like you're earning that money.

But then, all of a sudden, you don't have a boss. You're not putting up with all of the office politics. You're not even commuting. You're doing work that you love, and you're bringing in money? It just seems too good. It really messes with our nervous system; something just doesn't feel right. Sometimes we don't want things to be too easy. Maybe we have stories about the kinds of people for whom things come easily; that they're entitled, that they lose touch with reality, I had tons of those. But there can also be a work addiction or a work set-point, where it just feels very uncomfortable to take time off.

I've been doing this work myself in a mastermind, where we have a goal of creating a 15-hour workweek. And, it is very uncomfortable to slow down. Your brain wants to be doing, to create the illusion of control.

So, a great analogy is; when you're used to driving a stick shift car, and you're doing things all the time. And then, you switch to an automatic, and you're really just sitting there, it feels so uncomfortable. Like, unsafe to be in that car because you're not doing enough. Some of you might have experienced this, too. If you're sitting in the passenger seat, or you're sitting in the back, it just feels like if you're driving, then you have the control.

So, we really don't want things to be too easy. And, in doing that we hold back our business. Easy, really is where creativity comes from; moments of ease, and rest, and/or healthy stress as opposed to debilitating stress and long-term, chronic work.

Sometimes we get into places where we don't want to make changes. Things are going so well in our business, we're worried that maybe it was a fluke, or we don't want to break anything. I had that with Google® for a while, I was doing so well with my SEO on Google, that even though my copy wasn't really speaking to where I had evolved to, with the people that I wanted to bring in, I was afraid to change that copy.

And when you're carrying that level of insecurity and fearfulness, you're always holding yourself back, just by not taking the risk and pushing yourself, you're not seeing what's possible.

Now, there are times where we do change. And then, we have to relearn selling to maybe that group of people. Or, you have to learn some aspect of how to make that new type of business successful, and there is a lag in your results. And then, you get into this energy of; maybe I should just go back to what I was doing.

It's happened so frequently with people that try to raise their prices, and they don't like the results they're seeing in the beginning, so then they go back to their old pricing. They're really undermining their revenue potential. Or, they're moving into group launches, and they're not seeing the results that they want. And so, they slide back into one-to-one, not from the cleanest place and therefore, those sales can also suffer.

And just to let you know, all of the things I've just talked about, present with very clever reasons; our brains are very smart. Only the most self-aware people can say, “I realize I don't want more clients. And, I'm not bringing on clients.” Normally, how they'll see it, is; it's not working, I'm doing all the things and it's not working.

Because if your brain can convince you to go buy a different program, or move to a different coach, or learn some new miracle tactic, what happens? You move back into your comfort zone, where you're learning again, where you're taking your time to figure that out. You start thinking thoughts that make you feel hopeful, but not doing the scary thing.

I remember, very clearly, there was a time I was feeling so burned out. And this offer floated across my feed; to learn to create really small offers for people, that would then, create so much revenue for your business. Be so easy. You wouldn't be interacting with people; you'd just be running ads. And it would naturally, bring people through a funnel, that would then sign up for very premium one-to-one coaching.

And, I invested $10,000, which at the time was the most I had spent for just a couple months of coaching, in order to learn how to do this. Even though I had a coach at the time, who was able to tell me why that wasn't a good idea. Why it really didn't work for people at my stage in business. And guess what? It didn't work for me at that stage.

But if your brain can convince you to do this enough, ultimately, you've blown so much time and money without results, that maybe it can get you to quit. Or, maybe it can get you used to that status quo, and get you thinking; well, I guess this is just how things are. And never really go make the splash, and own your worth, and create the massively successful business that you are here to create.

So, what do you do about all of those things that can go wrong? I could list out each one and say, here's what we do in this situation, here's what we do in this one. But hold tight; are you ready? None of these are about the specific situation. It's actually very simple.

These are all manifestations of some aspect of the same thing. A clarity gap, of course, right? There's a gap in clarity between the reality of what's possible, and that brain tick, or that brain pattern, or that brain malfunction, that is keeping you from it.

There's some lack of clarity between what seems like is happening, and what's really happening. And that's why my coaching philosophy is always to start with the simplest solutions, and then move up the ladder of complexity. Because we're interested in the quickest results. But sometimes we need the most profound results.

And I just watch my clients to see what they do with the coaching; if it really landed, how that actually affects their results. And then, I use my intuition to move into the next stage, if necessary. So, what is the very simplest form of creating mental change? It's the thought reversal. It's what they call “reframing”, in cognitive behavioral therapy.

So, I will often just tell my clients what they don't yet know, and how they might want to choose to view the situation, rather than leading them through a series of questions that I hope will bring them to the answer I want them to see as possible for them.

And there are so many lines of coaching, where they believe that you should really only ever ask questions, and do very minimal teaching. And I know, that really used to annoy the hell out of me when I was starting in business. I really wanted somebody to just give it to me straight, so that I could expedite my growth. And, I've always had this bias.

My father was famous for using the Socratic method with me. And it used to drive me crazy. I remember once, I was on a road trip with him, and I was five or six. And, we had maybe a three-hour road trip. And I very innocently asked, “Daddy, why is it hotter inside the car when we get into it, after we've been stopped, than it is outside the car?”

And would you believe this dude made me spend the next three hours trying to figure out the greenhouse effect, when I was six? You can hear this unresolved trauma, right? The point is, a good thought reversal can get you to where you're going so beautifully, in so many situations.

So, you've been thinking of it this way. But actually, it could be this. And here's why. So, you may be thinking that a sales call is salesy, and horrible, and manipulative. But you could also think that it is a win-win, regardless of what happens at the end of the call. That just by asking them these questions, they are going to learn so much more about themselves, and see their situation so much more clearly, than they ever have.

And you, in turn, will learn so much about your people, and how they think and talk. And it's such a divine appointment between two souls, that regardless of what happens, you're both so much better for it. And, that you would never need to convince the right person to work with you. If it's meant for you, it will not pass you by.

Now, I could tell someone that, or I could try and ask them their way into that type of thinking. Let me give you another example of starting with something very, very simple. So, once I had a client who was really feeling a lot of stuck energy and low motivation, and really didn't want to take action.

And you know, the first thing I suggested for her? Was to get into her body. Was, as soon as she felt that energy, to get up; stand up from her desk and go for a walk or move her body. Because she's a lot like me. She's the kind of person that just has incredible willpower, and will just sit there and try and brute force her way through something, rather than allowing and receiving what she needs in that moment.

Now, sometimes, those aren't going to be effective. Those simple solutions aren't going to be effective. Why? Because there's some thought or belief in the way, that’s far more entrenched and hidden. That's when we have to move up the ladder, and really start talking about unaddressed fears.

But sometimes, you realize, you get to the point where you realize what that fear is, and really, nothing’s seeming to clear it. And that's when we need to go back, often to childhood, and really start to heal that inner child. And learn how to process and integrate those feelings, so that they release their power over us.

This is the most beautiful and life affirming work that you can do, is when you can really start to understand that not only are your thoughts not you, necessarily, they're just thoughts. But guess what? Your feelings aren't really you, they're your feelings. And there is a higher-self version of you, that is free from those and that you can align with.

And all of those feelings and thoughts can come along with you, and should come along with you, because they're there to keep you safe. But they don't have to be in the driver's seat. And sometimes, all it takes is one time, getting clear on that initial childhood event that started to spark that defense mechanism, and to really see it for what it is, from the perspective you have now. And, it instantly clears up the problem you've been having.

I remember when I was having difficulty with sales calls. And I do remember thinking that it felt like such a power play. It felt like, when I sat down with a person, they had all the power; they could make or break, whether or not I was going to receive the revenue. And, I was just powerless to whatever they were going to say.

And then, once the money was exchanged, I became the one with all the power. Then, I was the coach with all the knowledge and was sort of, I don't know, magnanimously doing this favor for them. When I really worked back, to the first time that I remembered feeling this way, the whole idea about power and the extreme vulnerability of not having power, and the drive to have power came from childhood events.

And once I saw that, and saw that that was not the reality now, it changed everything. I removed the power play completely from the equation of sales conversations, and really started to believe it and just see it as a co-creative experience.

When I get onto a call with somebody. ever since then, I don't know what we're going to create together. I don't know what they're going to learn from me. And I don't know what I'm going to learn from them. There are times when I am coaching, and also on sales calls, where I am so tuned in to helping that person, that I don't even know where I download this information from.

And I find it so profound for myself, for whatever I'm going through in that moment. And I'm so grateful to the person sitting in front of me, who helped me bring forth that information. That whole process would have taken so much longer if I were trying to think my way into better thoughts, rather than having that revelation about my childhood, that just made everything disintegrate in a snap.

But sometimes we do need to do the work of building belief and thinking our way into better thoughts. And I will know, as a coach, that that's necessary, when the other things that I've just talked about have not proved to work. That's when I know that there's a habit, a repeated thought or repeated way of thinking and moving through, that simply needs reprogramming.

And luckily, I am an expert in building new beliefs. And I think it is the most important skill for any human to learn. I think it's what we should be teaching in elementary school, because this is how we shape our reality. This is how we get outside of our primal brains, and create that future that our inner visionary sees for us.

So, for all the times in your business, that will happen so many times, up to 100,000 and beyond 100,000. If you're feeling in a negative slump, or you just have the feeling that you're performing sub-optimally, just knowing that that is completely normal and is going to happen, will help you move through it.

And you have other tools now, such as finding those thought reversals for yourself; how else could I think of this? Going out and asking people that have gone before you how they think of it. Thinking through what you really need in that moment, maybe it is moving your body.

Understanding your beliefs and your thoughts. See what's really going on. Thinking back to times where you first felt that way, that might illuminate why you're thinking that way now. And just doing the work of building new beliefs.

All of these tools are available to you, and you should avail yourself of them. Because you will have very successful business, if you just don't quit. And you will get there sooner rather than later, if you minimize these periods, these lulls.

Luckily, if you have a coach, you don't always have to be thinking about which method you should be using for yourself. Although, of course, you can; self-coaching is a beautiful thing. But so is relying on your coach for their perspective.

I believe, so profoundly, that nobody should have to do this alone. That there is no glory in doing it without support. Case in point; how long it would have taken me to figure out this car situation, rather than relying on the kindness of a stranger? Who got the problem solved for me in less than 30 minutes.

So often, as women, we've become so attached to doing something on our own and not needing to rely on anyone, because we don't want to be that. We want to be independent; we want to be strong. We want to not take up too much of the family's resources. And yet, there's something truly beautiful about women helping women.

And that interaction of; you're giving me a hand up, and I'm giving you a hand up, and together, we have this rising tide.

All right, my friends. I wish you a wonderful week. And remember deep down, you know who you are. And, every day you're getting closer to what you're here to create.

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Thanks for joining us here at The Uncommon Way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, including the Clarity for Strategy for Growing and Scaling Your Business, visit TheUncommonWay.com. See you next time.

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