As An Entrepreneur, The Only Glass Ceiling Is Your Own

It’s time to shatter it

Hey entrepreneur,

This isn’t a “sales page.” It’s a letter from me to you.

Because something tells me that you don’t need to be sold on anything. You have a history of taking action whenever you know it’s the next right step. 

But at the moment, things might not feel so clear. 

There are some decisions and opportunities you could be moving forward with … but you’re not.

On the one hand, there’s this pull to go big. Logically, you know you’ve got it in you to be wildly abundant and successful. It’s 100% possible. 

And you know you’ll punch yourself if you don’t at least explore that inner nudge.

On the other hand, you don’t want to mess things up. It took a lot of work to get to where things feel simple and uncomplicated! Backtracking is not an option.

(And you know you’re up against some deep fears and triggers, too. They don’t necessarily have any rhyme or reason, but they’re there.)

So you’re mulling over your options, feeling more on edge as time slips by, and it’s seriously draining your zhuzh. 

Feeling stuck is NOT your happy place. You used to be so tapped in, like you could make anything happen…. So why are you playing small now?

The worst part is, all of this is costing you the peace and freedom you say you want. (Ugh, hate irony!)

If only you could wade through all the competing opinions in your head. Get clear and get focused.

Then you could get back to following through on what you really want.

Take a breath.

We all have limits that activate us when we brush up against them. You’re being called to step into your next level, in a new way, and there’s some friction.

Your ego protests when you get too close to the ceiling it put in place to protect you.

It will offer up the usual cast of characters:

  • Imposter syndrome

  • Perfectionism

  • Distractions

  • Overwhelm

  • Doubt

  • Guilt

  • Fear

And if left unaddressed, you’ll either stay exactly where you are or slowly inch forward. (I stayed there for two decades!)

Creating exactly what you know how to create, even if that includes anxious thoughts, negative self-talk and self sabotage, and making you wonder why some things never change.

It’s because you can’t create new results with the mind that created your current problems.       

The good news is that once you’re an entrepreneur, the only glass ceiling is the one your mind creates.

And more good news: we can work with the mind. It’s malleable. (And we can work with your body and intuition, too.)

It’s time to create something new. 

Here’s what it’s going to take, in four steps:

1) We inventory where you are and uncover how that’s influencing your decisions and perceptions.

2) We question all of it, in the spirit of “let’s burn it all to the ground.” (Don’t worry; you’re always in control of the parts of you that you want to keep and the parts that you want to revamp. But we’ve got to lessen the attachment in order to see what’s possible beyond our own fishbowl.)

3) We create your new identity and goal, on purpose this time, and use that as a roadmap. How does that woman think and see the world? Where’s the disconnect between her and the current you? What is she willing to feel and risk that you aren’t … and why is she willing?

4) Finally, we build your new reality. Through action, yes, but also by building new beliefs that stick. We’ll use the latest brain science and a sprinkling of woo.

This isn’t talk therapy. It’s a step by step process for breaking down and reinventing.

It’s not about whipping you into shape or making you into something you’re not. It’s about peeling back the layers that keep you from owning and expressing your genius and gifts. 

It doesn’t have to take any more brain space than what you’re already giving to mental somersaults. 

None of this is complicated. But it will stretch you unlike anything you’ve ever done.

And once you’ve got the clarity, the roadmap, and the mindset to support your next level, you’ll be back to what you know: execution.

When you’re that dialed in, your business and life doesn’t transform incrementally. It explodes.

Afterwards, they’ll say what you’ve done is genius.

This life you’ve created is enviable, your actions were totally inspired. How did you know??

Plus it didn’t even seem that hard for you. (The effort of making it happen is always 50x more exhausting than when you’re letting it happen. It’s floating instead of trudging.)

But you know the true prize is who you’ve become.

A woman who walks through the world with attitude, leaning in instead of holding back.

Knowing herself instead of questioning herself, and trusting her intuitive nudges.

Believing she can have it all: Rest AND contribution. Ease AND growth.

Who sees herself as the powerhouse and playful creator she actually is. And who knows she can bring in even more delight than she originally thought, because once you’ve done this work your relationship with possibility is never the same. 

This is the satisfaction and freedom that’s possible when you partner with a coach who understands the mind, understands energy, and knows how to shift both for herself and her clients.

You’ll have a guiding hand from someone in your corner … and some tough love, too. 

Around the globe, women are awakening to possibility and potential. You are one of them.

The only reason this next level is calling you is because it reflects the seeds of what’s already inside you.

You already know where you’re going.

You are becoming more you.

What remains is to step into your gifts unapologetically, and receive the natural byproducts like success, wealth and impact. The universe supports you to further your impact and expansion.

But it will wait until you’re ready.

“Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.” - Marianne Williamson

Let’s hop on a call and explore what’s beyond your glass ceiling.
