What to do when you have absolutely no idea what to do
Right now you’re here in life, and what you really want is to be there.
So you plug your destination into GoogleGoals and it spits out a plan. If you speed a little, you can even arrive before scheduled. Simple, right?
If only!
In reality, we often only have vague outlines of how we’d like our life to be, and absolutely no idea how to get there.
The problem when people tell you to get started now
The problem with reading posts like Why You Need Clarity Now is that they can make you feel worse about yourself.
They tell you why you need to Seize the Day! and Get into Action! … but how are you supposed to do that if you can’t figure out what direction to take?
If you knew what to do, you’d be doing it.
Can you tell me what I’m supposed to do?
I’ve written before about the West Village fortune teller who broke my heart when she wouldn’t tell me what I should be doing with my life. (It was one of those end-of-the-rope moments. Don’t judge.)
She said that I, unfortunately, was the only one that could decide.
She was right, of course. But it wasn’t what I needed to hear. It left me more confused than before and didn’t move me even one step in the right direction.
Here’s what I wish she had said:
It’s time to follow your curiosity.
This is how it works.
I call it the Curiosity Concept.
If you’ve done your brainstorming, your journaling, your reflection, your research, and your meditation, and yet you’re still exactly where you started…
It’s time to get moving.
And in the absence of clear direction, the best way to find clarity is to follow your curiosity.
Here’s how the Curiosity Concept works in business:
If you have no idea what kind of business you should launch, but you’ve been feeling curious about whether there would be demand for that thing that comes so easily to you…
If you’re struggling to decide which social media platform to focus on, but there’s one that seems more interesting…
If you’re undecided about which provider to use, but you’re intrigued by a package offered by one of them…
…then follow your curiosity.
Ask yourself, “What would I be interested in learning about, writing about, and speaking about for the next six months or a year? What would I be curious to work on or with?”
Here’s how it works for life in general:
If you don’t know what to do with your life, but you’re feeling curious about a course at the local college…
If you know something needs to change in your life (but don’t know what), and you’re feeling curious about Toastmasters…
If you want to meet the partner of your dreams, and you’re feeling curious about rock climbing…
…it just might be the stepping stone you need.
Ask yourself, “What would I like to spend time doing? What’s something that has always seemed interesting, and keeps turning up in one way or another? What’s something I’d like to know more about, talk more about, and experience more?”
That’s way too easy!
Sound too good to be true? It’s not. Next week I’ll show you why this works.
You don’t have to quit your job, invest in an MBA, then move across the ocean in order to make your dreams happen. You just need to take one tiny step forward.
Don’t do what I did. Don't waste over a decade waiting to “know.”
During that time, I talked myself out of literally hundreds of business opportunities. (And tens of potential life partners, too.)
In the end, it took a combination of thinking AND moving for things to begin to gel.
Here’s to the power of your curiosity,
P.S. If you'd like to speak to someone personally about your specific fork-in-the-road, let’s hop on a call and see if it makes sense for us to work together.