Ep #24: Finding Your People with Geraldine Mok
I realized recently that I don’t give you enough examples of how other women have made the choice to get clear in their businesses, then gotten clear, and transformed their businesses and selves into uncommon things of beauty as a result. So I’m committing to bringing you more interviews with women who have done this to help you adopt as many tips and ideas as possible to apply in your own business, and I’m starting this week with an interview with my client Geraldine Mok.
Ep #23: How to Run a Business Without Social Media
Businesses have operated for thousands of years without social media, and all of those principles and tactics are still available to you. Social media might be an easier, cheaper way of having a storefront and shortening your client acquisition process, but it’s a choice you get to make; you are not a slave to it. So in this episode, I’m showing you how to see social media as a tool that you can choose to avail yourself of.
Ep #22: The Model: How Your Thoughts Affect Your Life
What would you say if I told you there’s a tool that can help you achieve exactly what you want in life, give insight about why you haven’t achieved it yet, explain why you feel and do the things you do, and give you clarity on your current thoughts and motivations? Well, this tool exists, and it has changed my life. So this week, I’m sharing it with you.
Ep #21: 4 Ways to Use Human Design
As you know, clarity is within, and when we can surface it, we can turn it into a smart business that we want to stick with. Through alignment, we will call in clients that we actually want to work with, and one of the tools that many of my clients choose to facilitate this is Human Design.
Ep #20: Business Sufficiency
We’ve all heard of scarcity and abundance, but what we don’t spend much time talking about is the land in the middle - sufficiency - the place where you have exactly what you need to create the results you want in your life and business. This concept has made a huge difference in my life, and I’m showing you how the same is possible for you this week.
Ep #19: Achieve Your Goals: Choosing Uncommon Actions
When we think about doing something or taking in our business, we think about actions like adding in another webinar or posting more frequently on social media. But I encourage clients to think outside of the box in terms of actions, and this week, I’m giving you a new way to think about actions, and helping you categorize your actions so you can start using them to create the results you want.
Ep #18: Choosing Uncommon Goals
What if the way you thought you should set goals and how you should be during the process and at the final result was wrong for you, and actually getting in the way of your results? Would you be open to trying something new? Well, I might just have the guidance you need this week.
Ep #17: The Power of Decisions with Ale Garnica
Right now, there is some decision in your life that you are not making. I get it, I’ve been there. But what you’re not realizing is how much you are sacrificing because of it. The act of powerfully making a decision changes things immediately, and this week, I’m welcoming my client Ale Garnica to the show to share her own experiences with making decisions, and show you the power of making them in your life and business.
Ep #16: Business Minimalism and Why We Overwork
Something I see so often in entrepreneur circles is chronic overworking. If we have more time in the day, we believe it means we should do more things to fill it. We increase the quantity of our workload rather than the quality and we end up doing far more than we should be doing because we believe there is a correlation between doing more and gaining positive business outcomes. But doing more things doesn’t actually create results, so what does?
Ep #15: Learning to Diagnose Your Client's Problem
When you lack the skill of properly moving a prospective client through to a sale, you start to become resentful towards your audience. You feel like you are giving everything, and they are taking it, and you don’t know what the next step is. But developing the skill of diagnosing your client’s problem can do wonders for your business, and I’m showing you what that entails this week.
Ep #14: The #1 Skill for Entrepreneurship
If you are ready to transform your business, you don’t want to miss this episode. What I’m teaching you this week has nothing to do with tactics or drive, yet it will open you up to the keys that will make the biggest difference and create the most dramatic results for you in all areas of your life.
Ep #13: Allowing Yourself to Receive
Allowing yourself to sit back and receive is no easy feat, especially as a woman. But we can all agree, receiving more is a good thing. So why are so many women still holding themselves back in their lives and businesses by unintentionally blocking so much of what they’re trying to achieve?
Ep #12: What to Do When Things Go Wrong in Your Business
Our brain has this interesting quirk. It thinks of something that we need to solve, or an obstacle that we are up against, then tells us that once we face it and it’s behind us, everything will be better and it’ll be full steam ahead. But this is never the case; there are always more obstacles to contend with. So what do you do about all the things that can go wrong?
Ep #11: The Birthday Cake Strategy for Getting Clients
Clients are the engines of our businesses, so why do so many people have trouble getting them? If you’re not seeing the results you want in your business and you’re not getting clients, there is a clarity gap. And this week, I’m showing you how to close that gap and start getting more clients.
Ep #10: 4 Types of Thinking That Keep You Playing Small
There are so many stories we hear about what happens when you don’t leave good enough alone, or when you strive for more. But there are also so many stories of regrets from not stretching ourselves and going after something we want. We have to question our thoughts and beliefs and start taking action from an empowered place, and this week, I’m showing you how to get started.
Ep #9: What We Get Wrong When We’re Unclear
There is a huge misunderstanding that happens every time we’re unclear about something, but perspective is powerful. With the one small perspective shift that I’m sharing with you this week, you can unlock so many of the benefits already available to you and develop the clarity you want.
Ep #8: How to Surpass What Your Brain Thinks Is Possible
When we think about what’s possible, we have a bias toward what’s happened in the past and we use this to determine our future results and possibilities. We think that evidence creates belief, but the truth is that it is the other way around: belief creates evidence. And understanding this simple fact is the key to making a change and creating the results you desire in your life and business.
Ep #7: 5 Steps to Nail Your Messaging
You might think you need the cool-girl copy, snappy language, and to present yourself as someone they want to hang out with. Or you might feel like you need persuasion copy to put the urgency on your client to buy. But the truth is you don’t need any of those things. All you have to do to nail your messaging is follow the five simple steps I’m outlining for you this week.
Ep #6: How Entrepreneurship Made Me Woo
Being willing to stand out from the crowd and even bring on some criticism is of critical importance. It’s what separates a life fully lived from a life where you show up and just do what’s expected. So this week, I’m modeling showing up unapologetically in your business by sharing a story of what led me from being fully logical, rational, and science-based to what I have become: a true believer in and practitioner of what I would have once believed to be some very woo concepts.
Ep #5: Knowing Your People 101
If you are early on in your business and can’t wait for things to finally click, you’re wanting to attract clients that are more aligned, or you simply want to create more impactful thought leadership that lands for your audience, you’re in the right place. In this episode, I’m showing you how to better connect with those amazing clients of yours.